2:3-4 Enduring Suffering Paul encouraged Timothy to be prepared to endure hardship and suffering like a soldier, willing to put his very life on the line. Soldiers don’t expect ease and comfort—they train for indescribable trials and suffering. They seek to please their superior officers and accomplish the mission. Are we prepared to answer this same battle cry from our Commander?
2:9-10 Anything for Jesus Paul’s passion to save the lost was so strong that he was willing to endure anything—including being chained like a criminal—so that unbelievers might hear the Good News. He trusted that his patience in suffering would bring glory to God.
2:15 Handle with Care When it comes to the Word, believers need to develop the habits of a skilled craftsman, handling it carefully and accurately. A craftsman is not ashamed of his work when he has taken the time and care to produce an excellent product. We should also make the effort to diligently study God’s Word so we can apply it to our lives and live in a manner worthy of our calling from God.
2:24-25 Kindness Can Win the Day It can be hard to communicate with quarrelsome people because their hearts can be hard, defiant, and closed. But Timothy is encouraged to be kind, patient, and gentle with these people in the hopes that “God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth.” Pain, loss, and tough circumstances can leave people embittered. Difficult people need the Lord too, and they often find him through kindhearted servants who are willing to persevere with them.