3:1 Submit to Government Some ancient writings indicate that the Cretans were fretting and fuming under Roman rule. Perhaps this is why Titus was to teach them to submit to their government. The same applies to all of us today. Laws affecting those with disabilities are not always kind, and we should certainly work peacefully to improve them. But simply complaining or outright disobedience are not biblical options.

3:3 Remember Our Past It is easy to get discouraged and start to lose hope when life keeps throwing more pain our way. But reflecting on our past helps us to see how much worse it would be without Christ leading us. It is good to reflect on our former condition, when we were without Christ, because we can empathize with those who may be in that condition now and need someone to treat them with the gentleness and humility of Christ.

3:4-7 Transformed by Grace The fact that we are saved by grace from the old horrible life and now live in Christ should motivate us to do everything we can to see that grace is extended to those around us. Regardless of our suffering, this is Good News that has no equal!

3:8 Remember the Mission Our task on earth is to make disciples of all the nations (Matt 28:18-20). We are to actively pursue the kind of character that Paul describes in this letter so that others may see Jesus in us. Our godly conduct will bring light to a very dark world.