1:1-2 God’s Choice In a world that values physical perfection and intellectual superiority, a disability can make us feel like outcasts. It is a welcome reminder to hear that we are God’s chosen people. God knew you, including your abilities and your disabilities, long ago. He decided to handpick you as a chosen and precious member of his family without regard for any worldly standard.
1:4-7 More Precious than Gold Our earthly bodies change and decay, but we can still look forward to a priceless inheritance. In heaven, we will be free from disease and the deterioration of age—free from limitations placed on us by our earthly bodies. In the meantime, living in a godly manner despite our suffering showcases genuine faith. Disability is a hard thing, but it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It can be the very thing that refines our faith and attracts others to the family of God.
1:15-16 The Better Choice Jesus knew suffering like no one else ever has or ever will. His suffering, death, and resurrection made it possible for humankind to become holy. As we follow and imitate Christ, we can choose to allow suffering to usher us into a place of holiness. Instead of choosing between happiness and holiness, we can find both in Christ.