4:1 Victorious Living Jesus understands our suffering at its deepest level. When we suffer with the same attitude he had, we identify with him. As he triumphed over sin and suffering in his death and resurrection, he secured the victory for us over our own hardships and sin.

4:10 Gifts for Everyone God gives every believer a spiritual gift to be used to serve others. Disability does not negate that truth. Even gifts that seem less noteworthy demonstrate God’s character. The church needs to make a special effort to provide opportunities for people with disabilities to use their gifts and talents. When we do so, God is glorified, and the body of believers is edified.

4:12-13 A Blaze of Glory We often fail to realize that true partnership with Christ includes suffering. We shouldn’t react in shock when troubles knock on our door. Rather, we can welcome a trial as a friend and face the fiery ordeal knowing that as we share in Christ’s suffering, we also share in his glory (Rom 8:18-30).