1:2 Called to Speak John was commissioned to faithfully report his vision for the sake of the church and to uphold the faithful ones in the midst of persecution. He refers to his message as “the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.” He used the same phrase in 1:9 to describe why he was exiled to Patmos. Faithful preaching can come with painful consequences, but prophets are simply called to speak—the reception of the message is not within their control.

1:16-17 Touched by the Lord’s Right Hand Overcome by his vision of the resurrected Christ, John fell at Jesus’ feet, frightened nearly to death. The Lord took his right hand—the hand still holding the seven stars (he doesn’t let them go or set them down)—and gently bends down to touch and comfort John. Just as he did with John, our Savior stoops low to comfort us at our deepest moment of need.

1:20 The Angels of the Churches In Scripture, the number seven symbolizes completion or perfection. Jesus addressed seven specific churches, but his words apply to the entire church throughout history. He spoke to the angels of the church (not just individuals). This might mean that each church has a guardian angel but more likely refers to what we might call the personality or “spirit” of a church, which needs both encouragement and correction.