3:1-6 Sardis We often judge on the basis of external appearances, but God is not fooled. This call to the angel of the wealthy and respected church in Sardis is a warning to wake up before it is too late. Returning to the truth of the gospel is the recipe for revival, not following formulas designed to generate popularity.

3:7-13 Philadelphia In contrast to Sardis, the church in Philadelphia was poor and seemed weak. Jesus holds the key that opens all doors, and he has nothing but encouraging words for the apparently weakened angel of a church that has simply been faithful to persevere. For these believers who look like the least, Jesus promises protection from the great time of testing that will engulf the world.

3:14-22 Laodicea Forebodingly, there is nothing positive in this last letter, where the church is so wretched it has become useless, like lukewarm water. The contrast is to the extremely useful water supplies of two nearby cities: Hierapolis’s famous hot springs and Colosse’s refreshingly cool river. But Jesus disciplines out of relentless love in order to bring his children back to right relationship with God.