10:4 Heavenly Secrets Even in Revelation, there are parts of John’s vision which remain secret. Amid unrolling scrolls, John has to seal up his scroll in order to keep secret what the seven thunders said. Similarly, we are not granted total comprehension of our own circumstances. In the face of each uncertainty, we are called to trust God no matter how difficult it may be.

10:9 Sweet and Sour The Old Testament depiction of God’s Word being sweet as honey in the prophet’s mouth (Ezek 3:1-3; see also Pss 19:10; 119:103) takes a vivid turn here, turning sour in John’s stomach. In Revelation, preaching the Word comes with personal cost: The real blessing of prophecy is intrinsically linked with a painful experience of delivering the message. Hardship is part of the price of participating in God’s redemptive plan.