Dad helped me get the bone over to Henry’s house.
We thought Henry’s dad might be able to help us figure out exactly what it was we’d found in our garage.
‘Well, I’m no expert in fossils,’ he said, ‘but I think you have yourself a dinosaur bone.’
‘Where did it come from?’ Mr O’Henry asked.
Dad explained how a funny old uncle of his had given it to him years ago.
‘But he also gave me a button he said was a time machine and a cleaning brush he said would make your hair grow … so I didn’t think much of it!’
‘I had no idea it really could have been a dino bone!’ said Dad.
‘Well, I don’t know for sure,’ said Mr O’Henry, ‘but I’ll take it to the museum tomorrow and have an expert look at it.’
‘Wow!’ said Henry. ‘I wonder what dinosaur it belonged to!’
‘Or what about a ’ I suggested.
‘It’s said like Ter-o-dactyl,’ explained Dad, like the word began with a ‘t’ not a ‘p’.
That made me think up a great joke.