by Jaylene Scheible, Apothecary
For the following recipes, try to access organic herbs and ingredients, if possible.
This information is shared with the understanding that you accept complete responsibility for your health and well-being!
Mama Love Belly Balm
This balm can be used on belly and breasts during pregnancy and postnatally. It is excellent for helping to prevent stretch marks, moisturizing dry tight skin, and soothing cracked nipples.
Use any or all of these herbs:
Rose petals
Start by mixing a basic oil infusion using:
1 cup of fresh or ½ cup of dried herbs
2 cups of a carrier oil such as sweet almond, sunflower, jojoba, or hemp
About ¼ tsp. of vitamin E oil (which acts as a preservative)
1. Break herbs into a clean and dry glass jar.
2. Pour the carrier oil over the herbs. If using dry herbs, cover with a tight-fitting lid. If using fresh herbs, cover with a cheesecloth, which will allow moisture from the plants to evaporate.
3. Label with the date and ingredients, and store out of direct sunlight.
4. Allow the mixture to infuse for two to four weeks. Gently stir or shake every day or as often as you remember. Watch for signs and smells that indicate mold.
5. Strain plant material from oil using cheesecloth or a strainer.
6. Add vitamin E oil.
Use oil as is or make a salve/balm using:
1 cup of infused herbal oil
2 tbsp. of cocoa or shea butter
1 tbsp. of beeswax
1/4 tsp. vitamin E oil
Follow these steps:
1. Melt butters and beeswax in the top of a double boiler.
2. Add infused herbal oil and stir.
3. Add vitamin E oil and stir.
4. Pour into clean sterilized jars.
5. Allow the salve to fully cool before putting on the lid.
Herbal Teas
• Pregnancy Tea
A nourishing tonic rich with vitamins and minerals.
1 part raspberry leaf
1 part nettles
Add a pinch of peppermint for taste, if required
—Use approximately 1 oz. of dried herbs to 1 quart of water.
—Pour hot water over herbs and cover with a lid.
—Can be prepared as a tea (steep for twenty minutes) or prepared as an infusion (leave to steep overnight).
—Drink 1—4 cups per day.
—Store in fridge. Will keep up to two days.
• Breastfeeding Tea
2 parts oatstraw
1 part blessed thistle and/or hops
1 part chamomile
1 part fennel or fenugreek
—Use 1 oz. of dried herbs to 1 quart of water.
—Brew for ten to twenty minutes and strain.
• Postpartum Mama Love Tea/Infusion
2 parts nettle
1 part motherwort
1 part rose
1 part hawthorn flowers, leaves and berries
—Use 1 oz. of dried herbs to 1 quart of water.
—Brew as a tea or longer to make an infusion; however, motherwort is a very bitter tea. Gauge the length of steepage according to taste.
Jaylene is a Gulf Island apothecary, radical tree woman, DIY mother of two, and kitchen wench.