The Nu-chah-nulth People believe that the spirit’s journey is birthed down through the Milky Way . . . and is considered to be a rite of passage . . .
by Sacheen Seitcham/Xhopakelxhit
I’m only human
I’m only new to this earth
I’m struggling I’m hurting
I’m making mistakes in this life
my path is unclear
beset by obstacles
I’m lost alone and afraid
I don’t know where to turn
I have my cubs to rear
we are learning together
I make mistakes
we all learn from them
united together my cubs I
we are strong and loving
apart we grow weak and suffer
our lives are forever entwined
nothing is stronger than our bond
nothing is more than our birth story
no one can love them as deeply
our hearts beat together our bodies one
I was not taught to be a mother
I made my way own with them
my issues and choices have hurt
I own that I own my fear I hurt too
we jumped in the river together
learning to swim finding our path
getting stronger we swam faster
one cub still on the bank
come with us we pleaded
we love u we cried
unsure her pain so large
my cub is lost in the woods
wanting us and fearful
her cries so loud
my heart breaks
the distance so wide
balky and angry she lashes out
refusing to swim losing her own way
I love u I love u I love u
is the message my heart flashes
I am strong in love
I am open armed and vulnerable
I am waiting for you to learn
I am waiting for you to swim with me my cub
I too am learning
learn with me
take the leap
I will catch you
I love you and miss you we can do this together
Mama and Baby Bear!
Sacheen lives in the remote community of Ahousaht, on Vargas Island in Clayoquot Sound off the west coast of Vancouver Island. Sacheen is a member of the Hupacasath band. She is a traditional midwife in her community. It is Sacheen’s dream to establish a thriving Nuuchah- nulth birth center on the west coast in the coming years, bringing the birthing practice back to the community and back to home. Sacheen also carries the name Xhopakelxhit. It means “killer of the soul-eaters of human beings,” and is the female version of the male name Xhopekltun, which means the same thing.