1. Source of maps: Columbia-map.png and regions_2006.png
  2. World Health Organization. “North American and European consulting groups: WHO Report On Health Promotion and Birth.” Geneva, 1986.
  3. Ibid.
  4. Eva Abraham-Van der Mark, Successful Home Birth and Midwifery: The Dutch Model (Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey, 1993), quoted in “Statement on Home Birth,” California College of Midwives, last modified March 1999,
  5. Wen dy Stueck, “Home Birth: A Labour of Love Few Canadian Parents are Pursuing,” The Globe and Mail, Dec. 18, 2013, canadian-parents-are-taking/article16050641/.
  6. “Facts & Figures,” Midwives Association of British Columbia, [last modified 2009]
  7. National Aboriginal Health Organization. Celebrating Birth: Aboriginal Midwifery in Canada. Ottowa: National Aboriginal Health Organization, 2008,
  8. National Aboriginal Health Organization, “Midwifery and Aborginal Midwifery in Canada,” May 28, 2004,
  9. British Columbia First Nations Leadership Council, “First Nations Health Blueprint for British Columbia,” June 15, 2005,
  10. Dena Carroll and Cecilia Benoit, “Aboriginal Midwifery in Canada: Blending Traditional and Modern Forms,” Canadian Women’s Health Network 4, no. 3 (Jul 31, 2001):6. Reprinted with Permission.
  11. Reprinted with permission from Libby Roderick and Turtle Island Records.
  12. Photograph of “Stacey, Baby Ruby, and Maureen” taken by Mary Jane Howland:
  13. Reprinted with permission from Kirsty Elliot and Leaf Press, True (Lantzville, BC: Leaf Press, 2011), [page 55].
  15. Reprinted with permission from Doula Services Association,
  16. Image courtesy of WikiCommons,
  17. Photograph of “Christopher, Melissa and Tessa Star” taken by Elisha Manson.
  18. Reprinted with permission from Kirsty Elliot and Leaf Press, True (Lantzville, BC: Leaf Press, 2011), [page 52].
  19. Previously published in The Similkameen News Leader (2010) the Trumpeter: Journal of Ecosophy (2011), and Performing Motherhood (2014).
  20. Reprinted with permission from the Native American Encyclopedia, Map-showing-traditional-territory-of-the-Klahoose-people.png.
  21. L. Righard and M. O. Alade, “Effect of Delivery Room Routines on Success of First Breast-feed,” Lancet 336, no. 8,723 (1990): 1105-07; L. Righard and K. Frantz, “Baby Self-Attaches,” Delivery Self-Attachment (Los Angeles: Geddes Productions, 2005), DVD.
  22. Suzanne D. Colson, Judith H. Meek, and Jane M. Hawdon, “Optimal Positions for the Release of Primitive Neonatal Reflexes Stimulating Breastfeeding,” Early Human Development 84, no. 7 (2008): 441-49.
  23. Albrecht Peiper, Cerebral Function in Infancy and Childhood (New York: Consultants Bureau).
  24. Image courtesy Wikicommons,
  25. Image courtesy Wikicommons,
  26. “Nutrition: Exclusive Breastfeeding,” World Health Organization, [last modified 2014] breastfeeding/en/.
  27. Photograph of “Cleo and Dad” taken and reprinted with the permission of the photographer, Alicia Elliott: