- Source of maps: Columbia-map.png and regions_2006.png
- World Health Organization. “North American and European consulting groups: WHO Report On Health Promotion and Birth.” Geneva, 1986.
- Ibid.
- Eva Abraham-Van der Mark, Successful Home Birth and Midwifery: The Dutch Model (Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey, 1993), quoted in “Statement on Home Birth,” California College of Midwives, last modified March 1999,
- Wen dy Stueck, “Home Birth: A Labour of Love Few Canadian Parents are Pursuing,” The Globe and Mail, Dec. 18, 2013, canadian-parents-are-taking/article16050641/.
- “Facts & Figures,” Midwives Association of British Columbia, [last modified 2009]
- National Aboriginal Health Organization. Celebrating Birth: Aboriginal Midwifery in Canada. Ottowa: National Aboriginal Health Organization, 2008,
- National Aboriginal Health Organization, “Midwifery and Aborginal Midwifery in Canada,” May 28, 2004,
- British Columbia First Nations Leadership Council, “First Nations Health Blueprint for British Columbia,” June 15, 2005,
- Dena Carroll and Cecilia Benoit, “Aboriginal Midwifery in Canada: Blending Traditional and Modern Forms,” Canadian Women’s Health Network 4, no. 3 (Jul 31, 2001):6. Reprinted with Permission.
- Reprinted with permission from Libby Roderick and Turtle Island Records.
- Photograph of “Stacey, Baby Ruby, and Maureen” taken by Mary Jane Howland:
- Reprinted with permission from Kirsty Elliot and Leaf Press, True (Lantzville, BC: Leaf Press, 2011), [page 55].
- Reprinted with permission from Doula Services Association,
- Image courtesy of WikiCommons,
- Photograph of “Christopher, Melissa and Tessa Star” taken by Elisha Manson.
- Reprinted with permission from Kirsty Elliot and Leaf Press, True (Lantzville, BC: Leaf Press, 2011), [page 52].
- Previously published in The Similkameen News Leader (2010) the Trumpeter: Journal of Ecosophy (2011), and Performing Motherhood (2014).
- Reprinted with permission from the Native American Encyclopedia, Map-showing-traditional-territory-of-the-Klahoose-people.png.
- L. Righard and M. O. Alade, “Effect of Delivery Room Routines on Success of First Breast-feed,” Lancet 336, no. 8,723 (1990): 1105-07; L. Righard and K. Frantz, “Baby Self-Attaches,” Delivery Self-Attachment (Los Angeles: Geddes Productions, 2005), DVD.
- Suzanne D. Colson, Judith H. Meek, and Jane M. Hawdon, “Optimal Positions for the Release of Primitive Neonatal Reflexes Stimulating Breastfeeding,” Early Human Development 84, no. 7 (2008): 441-49.
- Albrecht Peiper, Cerebral Function in Infancy and Childhood (New York: Consultants Bureau).
- Image courtesy Wikicommons,
- Image courtesy Wikicommons,
- “Nutrition: Exclusive Breastfeeding,” World Health Organization, [last modified 2014] breastfeeding/en/.
- Photograph of “Cleo and Dad” taken and reprinted with the permission of the photographer, Alicia Elliott: