by Kalilah Rampanen
My name is Kalilah Rampanen. I have five brothers and two sisters. The first birth I attended was my brother Nikosis’ birth. I was four years old. I got to see the belly button be cut the very first time. It was very neat. The second birth I attended was my cousin Coda’s in Nanaimo. I was five years old. I took my drum and I sang for my Aunty for one hour straight. He was born on her bed with all the family. The third birth was my brother Tseeqwatin. He was born in the hospital. I dislike hospital births because my mother looked uncomfortable because she had a needle in her arm. I was six years old. The fourth birth I attended was my sister Chyyah’s. I was eight at the time. It was a waterbirth. I think that’s why she loves the water so much. When she came out I said a prayer in Nuu-chah-nulth and placed eagle down on her head. My fifth birth was at our house just last month and I am ten. At this birth I was busy filming for my mom and my younger sister was on my shoulders for a while because she wanted to be with me. My sister Chyyah wanted to watch and so she got right up close there and was helping my mom and holding her hands. She got so close I thought she was going to get placenta all over her! The whole time she was waiting till she came and we were all happy when she was born. My mom wanted to know what it was and my dad said to me, “Is it a boy or girl, Kalilah?” but I couldn`t tell cause it was all puffy. Yah for girls! All the experience I have with my brothers and sisters and all the births I have attended have inspired me to be a midwife and work with babies.
Almost the entire gang!