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“I hate you. I will always hate you. You can take my body, but you’ll never be able to take my heart.”
The words were spat out at the brooding Puerto Rican as if he really gave a shit. I knew better. I was intimately in sync with a man of his power.
And dominance.
Every aspect of his being was infuriating, demanding.
I closed my eyes, crushing down my libido. Miguel honestly believed that he could simply own me, a possession. I laughed bitterly, even though I knew the possibilities were real. Men like Miguel Garcia took what they wanted without hesitation.
Men like Miguel left haunting memories, scattered fears.
Endless desires.
When Miguel had closed the car door with a hard thud, I’d jumped, glaring at him as he walked away, ever so suave in his actions, cool as a cucumber. He exuded danger as well as sex appeal, every girl’s fantasy.
Precious minutes had ticked by, my mind reeling. Did my father really not care enough about his own daughter to allow this to happen?
I folded my arms across my chest, the feel of my aroused nipples scraping the thin material of my dress another reminder how my own body had betrayed me on several occasions. How had Miguel found me?
More important, what was he planning on doing?
My father wasn’t a stupid man. He was always prudent about travel plans, making certain that every detail was organized, security in place at every location. Several of his own men had taken the trip with us, the soldiers well trained killers.
Two of them had been assigned to the fashion show, both capable men.
Although I hadn’t seen them.
I shuddered at the thought, the realization that I could have been brought here as payment for a deal gone bad.
Should I be afraid of Miguel? I knew his reputation. I’d followed various news reports after his departure, finding every scrap of information about him on the internet. He was ruthless in every aspect, a man to be feared by men and women alike.
He was also well educated and highly intelligent, earning a full scholarship to Harvard. In my mind, that made him even more dangerous.
He and his family had been connected to several murders but no one in the illustrious Garcia family had ever been convicted or spent a day behind bars. They were notorious in every manner, ruling their kingdom with the kind of muscle and power that terrified politicians and law enforcement alike. While they had their share of enemies, no one had been capable of moving in on their turf at any time.
They were also brutal in their acts of retaliation.
Who does that sound like?
I closed my eyes, hating the inner voice but she was right.
I’d been taken against my will, likely to be chained in some cage like an animal. I glared out the window, studying the two men who’d been assigned to guard me. They were huge monsters, no doubt all brawn and no brain. I allowed my eyes to sweep the garage, daring to look behind me. There wasn’t a single soul in sight.
The arrogant bastard thought he was bigger than the law or my father. Miguel was nothing but a lowlife asshole. Nothing more.
Although I knew in my heart that wasn’t entirely the case.
“Jesus,” I whispered, dampness pooling between my legs.
I’d caught a glimpse of him at the concert, although I hadn’t been certain until he sat down beside me only an hour before. Why did he bother coming to the event? I rolled my eyes. As if Miguel could care about anything other than himself.
I pressed my fingers across my mouth, remembering the passionate kiss. The scent of him remained dancing across my skin, just like it had after he left weeks before. I had honestly never thought I’d see him again and I’d been happy to assume that would be the case.
I’d also hated him.
Then I’d hungered for him, fantasizing about our time together every night. My collection of vibrators hadn’t been enough to satisfy my needs. Only the man with the hard edge could do that.
I was shocked and embarrassed I’d allowed him to get under my skin once again. He was a crime lord, nothing better than a common thief.
Just like my father.
I wanted to leave the lifestyle, to hide away in some foreign country, living like a normal girl. Instead, I’d been captured by the enemy.
To use.
To train.
To discipline.
To fuck.
His words remained in the forefront of my mind. Over my dead body. I would find a way to escape.
I’d overheard my father cursing Miguel’s name, ordering his soldiers to shoot him on sight should he ever attempt to come into our country again. But my father had made a deal, using me as collateral in case he failed to honor the conditions.
I realized that he’d had no intention of honoring anything, including his relationship with his only daughter. I was nothing to him but a possession, just like my mother or his beloved cars and boats.
I sat back, contemplating what if anything I could do. I had girlfriends in this country. I knew that they would do anything for me. All I had to do was get access to a phone. That should be easy enough.
A single tear slipped past my lashes, further infuriating me. I certainly wasn’t going to allow Miguel to break me. Not now. Not ever.
I turned my head, watching the two men as they bantered, their bodies animated. And they were paying absolutely no attention to me. I crawled into the driver’s seat, darting my head in their direction again before slowly opening the door. I was able to slip out and latch the door without any noise. I remained crouched next to the car for a few seconds as I studied the area around me, hugging my purse close to my chest.
All I had to do was get to a phone then hide, waiting for my BFF to take me the hell away from here.
And the man who held my leash.
Anger surfaced once again, fury at not only Miguel’s actions but being forced to accept I was simply a prized possession on every front. My father. My... lover.
I held my breath, taking another glance at the beefy soldiers, saying a silent prayer before darting around the vehicles next to me. The slight sound of my heels clipping against the concrete was enough to give me heart palpitations. When I heard the loud voice of one of the men, I struggled forward another few feet before yanking the shoes into my hands. I took off running toward the bank of elevators located at the far end of the garage. I just needed to get inside.
Come on. You can do it.
The little voice bolstered my speed, my legs pumping as I weaved in and out of several of the parked cars. This was my only option and even then, the outcome wasn’t in my favor. A man like Miguel no doubt had soldiers positioned on every street within close proximity. I hiked up my dress, the damn material hindering my speed. They were right behind me. Jesus.
I shot a look over my shoulder, horrified to see they were within twenty feet, both shouting, cursing at me as if I was nothing but a runaway child.
I loathed the predicament I was in, hated everything including myself. I was within thirty feet of the elevator. Elation swept through me, a heightened level of adrenaline kicking in. I was confident. I was strong. I was ready to do anything I took to get away.
The slight pinging sound of the elevator was like sweet music, forcing me to concentrate on the task. I shot into another aisle. Headlights approached at a rapid rate of speed, a vehicle coming. My instinct screamed that they were racing toward me. I heard the screech of tires, as the driver raced around the corner, the car swerving from the momentum. Then everything happened in slow motion.
“Stop!” one of Miguel’s men screamed.
“Gun. The asshole has a gun!” the other yelled, the sound echoing even in the open space.
My feet skipped along the broken surface, catching me off guard. I was propelled forward, stumbling, my body teetering, ready to pitch me toward the ground. No. No! Flashes occurred in my periphery of vision, a window being rolled down, my eyes able to focus on the barrel of a gun.
Pain roared through me as I attempted to catch myself, the action only shoving me hard against a metal surface.
I fell against the back of an SUV, stunned, my ankle screaming in pain.
And there was nowhere to hide, no way to get away from the approaching car.
I threw out my hands, a harried yelp pushing past my pursed lips. Please, God. Help me. Help... me!
Pop! Pop!
I went down with a brutal thud, everything in my body riddled with intense pain, a heavy weight shoved on top. I could no longer breathe, my lungs suffocated by the mass above me, my shoes flying out of my hand.
“Let me go. Please.”
“Quiet. It’s me. Stop struggling.”
I’d know his sultry voice anywhere.
He wasted no time, gathering me into his arms, jerking me onto my wobbly legs and grabbing my heels, his body covering mine.
I heard another round of shots being fired, tires screeching once again and only seconds later, I was tossed into the open elevator, slammed against the back wall.
“Fuck. Fuck!” Miguel hissed, moving away from me long enough to smack his hands on the buttons on the console.
I took gulping breaths, the terror paralyzing. I closed my eyes, woozy from the pain, cowering in the corner. I had difficulty focusing but I could see the man, my captor moving to his full height, rage encompassing every inch of his face. When he slammed his hand against the side wall, I grimaced, jumping involuntarily.
His breathing remained ragged, the sounds of the metal box shifting the only thing I could concentrate on. He slapped his hand on the console again, the elevator jerking to a stop, the slight thud reverberating in my ears.
Miguel finally turned toward me, crowding my space, dropping my shoes and wrapping his hands around my wrists. When he yanked me into a standing position, I gasped at the vehemence. “What the fuck did you think you were doing? I told you to wait in the car. I made certain you understood that there were dangerous people who considered you a threat to their way of life. You were a stupid little girl. You almost died. If I hadn’t been there, if my men hadn’t been keeping watch over you then... Then you. Would. Have. Been. Killed.”
I heard what he was saying. I could feel the anger surrounding his tense body and even understood the meaning.
Only my mind had difficulty processing anything. I was lost. I was sick. I was alone.
I was his prisoner.
He took gulping breaths before pulling me into his arms, placing his hand on the back of my head. The warmth of his body and his rapidly beating heart were enough to calm the fear, the ragged edge of my nerves.
“That was stupid, Valencia. That was... You’re never going to do that again. Jesus.”
I clung to him like some wayward child, catching my breath as the realization set in that there was someone else out there determined to kill me.
I could only imagine.
He took a series of deep breaths before easing me against the elevator wall, cupping and lifting my chin with one hand. His gaze was full of admonishment but also something else.
I’d never seen that kind of emotion in him. He was always in control, a dark and dangerous man. Today, he’d taken a misstep of his own, something I doubted would ever happen again.
“I’m... sorry,” I managed. The way his fingers dug into my skin was invigorating, yet a distinct reminder of the demanding man he was. I clenched my jaw, every nerve standing on end, the electricity almost blinding in its effect. When he lowered his head, his lips almost touching mine, I realized I’d moved to standing on my tiptoes, forcing our mouths now a mere centimeter away. I drank in not only his rich and exotic scent but the rage encompassing everything about him.
As he’d told me before.
He never lost.
The attempt on my life had thrown him.
I reached down, rubbing my hand against my ankle, wincing. At least it wasn’t broken.
“Are you? Are you really?” He laughed softly, taking a step back and raking his hand through his hair. He gazed down the length of me, visibly cringing. “I’m not certain you really are, but you are going to listen to me and by God, you are going to follow my orders. Do you understand?’
“I didn’t hear you.”
Once again, he closed the distance between us, his eyes mere dark pools of the man inside. “I will ask you one. More. Time. Do you understand?”
What the hell did the man want from me? Respect. He thought he could garner respect from threatening me. From protecting me.
From saving my life.
“Yes. Sir.”
His features softened and he issued a slight nod. “Better. You will learn. Period.” He turned toward the metal console, his index finger pressing one of the buttons. “How is your ankle?”
He slammed his hand against the cold metal, his frustration clawing to the surface once again. “We’ll put ice on it.”
“I told you, it’s fine. Really.” As the elevator shifted into rising once again, I continued to shiver.
From what had almost occurred.
From what would happen in the future.
From the emotions rolling through me.
He shifted his gaze in my direction, his shoulders heaving. “Do you understand that your father offered you to me, that he was willing to do this to his own daughter for a drug deal?”
I was actually supposed to answer the damning question? I certainly wasn’t going to allow him to see a hint of doubt regarding my father. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. My father is merely using you, nothing more. I am his princess.”
The words seemed to amuse him, a smile curling across his mouth. “Believe what you want. I know the truth. When you’re ready to learn, you can let me know. Until then, I am your master.”
Master? I clenched my fist, wanting nothing more than to beat him to a bloody pulp. Instead, I fisted my mouth, biting back nasty words and angry shouts. I knew that wouldn’t do me any favors.
Somehow, I managed to slide the heels onto my feet, my ankle throbbing, yet I refused to give in to my weakness. I swayed back and forth from the hard chill, quivering all over. I was sick inside, more apprehensive than I’d been in such a long time.
Since Miguel had been in Cuba.
Since he’d taken me for one amazing night.
Since he’d reminded me that I was little more than property.
“My father won’t tolerate this,” I said almost in jest, the slight laugh that rumbled up from my chest almost as ridiculous as the words I’d issued.
He didn’t bother turning around or acknowledging me in any way. He simply stood with his hands in front of him, his muscular body guarding the door’s entrance. I’d seen the gun. I knew what he was capable of.
And he had every intention of killing anyone who crossed our path.
The doors finally opened to a beautiful lobby of what appeared to be a posh hotel. When he reached back, taking my hand, I didn’t bother struggling. I knew better.
The same two men who’d been commanded to protect me were heading in our direction. Miguel remained agitated, merely pulling us out of the elevator and into the marble tiled corridor. Waiting.
I could almost see the wheels in his mind spinning, plotting an attack on the perpetrator.
“Sorry, boss. She got away from us.” The tallest man was also the most muscular, his arms covered in tattoos. He had a sheepish look on his face, as if their actions would be cause for retribution.
“We are going to talk about this later. Failure I will not tolerate,” Miguel said in an offhanded manner, although I heard the tinge of anger laced through the dark tone.
The other soldier darted a look in both directions, clearing his throat before he spoke. “They got away.”
Miguel inhaled, his body tensing. “Any information that might be useful?”
“A dark SUV, tinted windows. I got a partial on the license plate,” the first soldier stated, looking even more uncomfortable.
“Trust me, the plate is stolen,” Miguel huffed. “But I am well aware of who is responsible.” He gave me a sideways glance before pulling one of his men to the side, whispering.
No doubt instructions were being issued.
I was still shaken, unable to calm my breathing. Could what Miguel said be true? I refused to believe it.
Another full minute passed by before he took slow steps in my direction. I’d never seen his eyes so cold, so dangerous.
“Cordero, I need my car. Make certain the others know what happened and give them a description of the vehicle as well as what you could see of the two assailants. You’re going to follow us to my penthouse where you will remain on duty all night. Is that clear?” Miguel stated in his usual demanding tone.
The two soldiers nodded. Miguel’s command was even more powerful than I originally thought.
“We will be in the bar. I doubt the asshole will try again so soon.” Miguel tossed the keys toward the one called Cordero. “Give us fifteen minutes.”
“Yes, boss.” Cordero nodded, glancing in the direction of the other soldier. “You remain here.”
“You got it.” The second soldier scanned the perimeter as he remained close.
Cordero finally backed away, taking long strides toward the revolving door.
Miguel took another deep breath before shifting his attention entirely toward me. Once again, he was within inches away and when he spoke, chills ran down my spine. “We are going to have a single drink and we will talk. I want to know every scrap of information you have on your father’s business and his enemies.”
I opened my mouth, hissing before pursing my lips.
He slipped his hand around the back of my neck, his grip firmer than before. “Don’t fuck with me, Valencia. Your father has already attempted to destroy a portion of my business as well as allowing his enemies access to his only daughter. This kind of shit isn’t going to happen again. You’re in my territory now. You follow my rules. There is no question and there is no room for error.”
“Who were the men who tried to kill me?”
“That’s exactly what you’re going to tell me.”
“Fine. Okay.” I could tell with certainty that he had a gut feeling about the identities of the assassins.
He growled in his usual dominating fashion and brushed his hand down the length of my arm, intertwining our fingers together.
I was required to lean on him, trying my best not to hobble, the brute of a man following closely behind. I couldn’t help but scan the dozens of people roaming the expansive lobby. Were they killers? Were they determined to end my life? The thoughts were volatile, yet another reminder that my life meant little or nothing in the world of the mafia.
The bar was crowded, the sounds almost overwhelming. I’d never felt so small, so useless. I was in a country that I knew little about, questions regarding my father and his reason for even bringing me here in the forefront of my mind. There was no one I could trust.
Including myself.
Miguel planted me on a barstool in the corner of the room with my back to the wall. The location allowed him full view of anyone coming and going. He remained standing, leaning over the bar for only three seconds before the bartender approached. I could see obvious recognition, only a few words exchanged.
“The usual plus a bucket of ice and a cloth.” Miguel exhaled, darting another series of angry glares throughout the bar before finally easing onto the plush leather seat. At first, he didn’t bother turning in my direction, merely taking a moment to unbutton his jacket.
I huddled in the shadows, my eyes darting constantly in all directions. Yes, the men in the SUV had terrified me, shoving me into the various moments of darkness I’d experienced the majority of my life, except for the last few years. The last time an assassination attempt had occurred was on my twenty-first birthday, the festive event held at one of my favorite restaurants.
While my father had taken great pains in making certain the entire space was ours only for the night, his monstrous soldiers positioned everywhere, somehow an uninvited guest had nearly turned the festivities into a tragedy.
One dead. Several injured.
So much bloodshed.
My father screaming retaliation.
I’d heard days later that my father had rounded up at least two dozen individuals, interrogating as well as brutalizing them in methods that churned in my stomach. Even years later, I was unable to comprehend the horrors the various men had faced. And the assassin had never been located.
“You went to see my father,” I said quietly.
“I did. I appreciate fairness in business practices and I finalized the updated terms of our deal.” Miguel’s words were practiced, eloquent, even professional.
About a human life.
About abduction.
As the bartender approached, never bothering to look me in the eyes, I realized that Miguel had connections everywhere in every walk of life. His power and influence were obviously substantial.
“And what did he say? Did he laugh in your face and tell you that he would hunt you down like the dog you truly are?”
“There was nothing for him to say, Valencia. As I told you, a deal had been struck, terms falling through. You are only partial payment.”
The cool arrogance in the man was still shocking. “That’s bullshit! He will come after you. Trust me. He will cut out your heart and feed it to the alligators.”
“Lower your voice, Valencia. You already have a harsh punishment coming. I don’t think you want the circumstances to be any more... difficult.” Miguel’s words were followed by the prick wrapping one hand around the towel, the other cupping my chin.
I tried to pull back but the look he gave me was enough to keep me motionless. I shivered again. His features softened as he dipped the cloth in the bucket of ice, sighing before brushing it against my face, removing dirt smudges. The gentle manner in which he performed the action couldn’t have been more surprising.
“That’s better,” he said in a low and husky voice. When he lifted my leg, I didn’t resist. When he removed my shoe, I merely held my breath. “Your ankle is swelling.”
“I... I really will be all right.”
He lifted his eyebrow as he filled the towel with ice, folding the material over in such a careful manner. As he pressed the bundle against my leg, he studied my expression. After a few minutes, he took a sip of his drink, still looking sexy as hell and unruffled.
“Thank you. I can do this.” I reached down and the moment our fingers touched, the electricity was stunning, catching my breath.
Miguel’s nostrils flared, the tips of his fingers sliding down to my foot before pulling back completely. “Now, let’s begin again. We are going to talk about your father. No bullshit. No lies.”
I was floored, my heart racing as the anger resurfaced. “Here I thought you actually had a heart. You know what? You’re a real pig.”
“You’ve told me that once before, Valencia. I’ll accept that, although I would think those thoughts would be directed toward your father and the significant risk he took.”
I opened my mouth twice before speaking. “You were at the concert. Weren’t you?”
He seemed surprised, even impressed. “Yes, I was. I was curious and definitely not disappointed. As I said before, you are an amazing musician.”
I was surprised, even excited that a man like Miguel would take the time to come hear me play. I couldn’t lie to myself. I’d actually hoped that he would come. “Well, thank you for your attendance. At least someone was there to support me.”
“Your father was there, Valencia.”
Huffing, I stared at him, able to tell he wasn’t lying. “Now you’re defending my father? What kind of game is this? I can’t tell if you want me to hate him or attempt to sway you regarding his amazing qualities. Neither is going to happen.”
“I don’t play games, but I do believe in being fair when appropriate. He was very proud of you last night.”
I honestly didn’t know whether I could believe him. “What the hell did he do to you?” I threw out, my defiance rearing its ugly head. I didn’t care if he spanked me. I didn’t give a shit if he locked me away, shoving me into a cage. I wasn’t going to be taken easily.
“You mean the deal that he threw in my face, the fact that he betrayed my family on several levels?” There was such anger in his voice, darkness in his eyes. I could feel the rage emitted from every pore as he snarled, twirling his glass back and forth.
I shrank back, looking away. “You don’t understand what real betrayal means, Miguel.”
He exhaled, pushing my drink closer. “That may be true. Now, why is your father in Miami?”
“You mean other than the concert?” I laughed, knowing my father couldn’t care less. Miguel’s eyes were just as intense. “I honestly don’t know.”
He gripped my elbow, leaning in closer. “As you might imagine, I’m not in the mood for deceit. Using your concert as an excuse is child’s play. While I realize that a man of your father’s... stature wouldn’t allow his own daughter access to his business dealings, you’re a highly intelligent woman. What is he doing here?”
His fingers dug into my skin. Whatever action of betrayal that had occurred against Miguel and his family wasn’t being taken lightly. “He merely said he had to meet a client, one that was vital to his operation. I knew better than to press my father further. What you may not realize is that he is as brutal as you are. Whether or not he betrayed you, he would not sell off his daughter like cattle. I am not property. I am flesh and blood, his princess as you’ve pointed out more than once.” My words were laced with venom. I purposely pushed the drink aside, although I wanted nothing more than to toss it into his face.
The comment brought a slight smile, his upper lip curling. “You are certainly flesh and blood, a woman to be treated with utmost respect. I’ve seen every inch of you, sweet Valencia, and I am aware of your cravings, dark desires that fuel every ounce of the beautiful but caged woman you’ve become. What some would call heinous proclivities that carry you into your dreams. Pleasure. Pain. Submission. You hunger for them all. I’m the only man capable of giving that to you.”
“You know nothing about me.”
“I know much more than you realize,” he said in a dark and devious tone, sending shivers skating down the length of my spine.
“You’re absolutely insane and trust me, I would never submit to you. I crave nothing but to see you dead.” I raised my hand in reflex, ready to smack him across the face.
He snapped his wrist as if already anticipating my actions, his grip firm as he pulled my arm into my lap, twisting until I yelped once in pain. He leaned closer in until his luscious lips were able to brush against my earlobe. “With every action, every act of disobedience there will be consequences. You’ve already crossed the line more than once, earning yourself a round of harsh discipline. I suggest you learn your place. I am exactly the kind of man you’ve hungered for. I will shower you with raw ecstasy, taking your body to entirely new heights of pleasure, but only when you learn to obey me without question.”
“Fuck you,” I managed, my pussy tingling from his words alone, my breath skipping. I was hot and wet, furious I couldn’t manage to push him out of my mind.
“That’s exactly what I intend to do later. Now, you’re going to remain a very good little girl and finish your drink. Then we will walk out of here like adults. I realize that you will try and cross me again, but I am a brutal man, the kind of man who doesn’t take no for an answer. There is nowhere for you to run and your father will not be coming after you.”
I struggled, trying to get out of his grasp, tears forming in my eyes. How could I have allowed my guard to fall all those weeks ago? How could I have permitted him to see a portion of the real girl inside? I would find a way to escape and one day, I would come back seeking revenge, whether my father participated or not. “I hate you. God, I hate you.”
I also hated my heritage.
And my father.
And the deal that would send me straight to hell.
Mostly... I hated myself.
“You can hate me. You can fear me. But you will surrender to me. Your body. Your soul. And your heart.”