
Chapter Nine



I was going to kill the asshole and I would enjoy every moment of making him suffer. No one ever hurt a woman, not for any fucking reason and the fact that she was my woman? Unacceptable on any level. I was thankful that Cordero drove. I knew that I wouldn’t mind running down a single person who got in my way.

I’d promised her protection, that she’d be safe with me. The conviction had been real, the truth might be something else altogether. I knew she would have a target on her back from several sources. My quick response would at least send out a direct warning.

Yeah, just like I thought would occur with Danton. Evidently, Santiago had a set of balls the size of cantaloupes. Or he was simply fucking arrogant and stupid.

Just the fact she’d limped into the kitchen and remembering the pained look on her face was enough. Realizing that she could have died by the bastard’s hands put me over the edge. I had to believe her that she knew little about her father’s enemies. Learning there had been attempts before brought even more complexity around the possibilities.

“You know I’d never try and tell you what to do, boss.”

I slowly turned my head in Cordero’s direction. “Go ahead.”

“Do you think killing Castillo is in our best interest? I mean, he does have connections and it might seem like you’re running scared.”

He’d never questioned me before, but he was right in doing so. This time. “Interesting thought, Cordero. We will see what Mr. Martinez has to say before I make my final decision.” Using Castillo could be in my best interest.

“Yes, boss. I’m just... I’m sorry.”

“You’re right to question.” There was something going on in the background, an attempt to take over more than just our shipments of party favors. I could smell blood in the water.

The SUV was barely stopped when I jumped out, taking long strides across the parking lot, never even acknowledging the bouncers standing guard at the club’s entrance. Sylvie had earned her weight in gold tonight, hunting down and securing the asshole without backup.

Then again, she was one kick-ass woman.

The heady drumbeats of the salsa music vibrated hard against the floor, swirling colors of the expansive lighting system jazzing the massive crowd. Everyone was in the mood to party.

My partying would be of an entirely different nature.

I was forced to push my way through, heading toward the bank of stairs leading to the offices on the second floor. What very few people knew is that I was part owner of the club, affording me various perks otherwise forbidden to the normal patron. No one was going to fuck with me tonight. They’d been warned.

I burst into the room, giving Sylvie a respectful nod. She’d called in reinforcements only after she had Castillo locked down. Cordero closed the door, remaining just inside the doorway. I took several deep breaths, pacing the floor with my hands on my hips.

Castillo remained quiet, although I could almost taste his fear. He’d been placed on his knees as I’d requested, his hands tied behind his back. He should have known better than to cross me. There were certain unwritten rules regarding poaching. While he was a hired gun, he’d developed his stellar reputation by being politically correct. The entire situation was... unnerving.

I allowed a few minutes to pass by as I contemplated how I wanted to handle this. Killing him would mean questions asked, putting our enemies on notice that I’d become unraveled. That wasn’t in my family’s best interest, but what the fuck did I really care?

“Miguel, I don’t know what you think I did,” Castillo finally said, arrogant as usual.

I held out my palm, refusing to answer him, the rage building even more.

“I wouldn’t cross you. I think you know that.” Castillo’s voice held no hint of discord, no acceptance of what he’d done.

My reaction was swift, my backhand hitting him square in the jaw, blood spewing from his mouth. I flexed my hand as two of the soldiers righted him, realizing he hadn’t made a sound from the direct blow.

“What I know you attempted to do was eliminate a life. What I will find out is on whose orders.” My words were sharp and laced with anger. I shot my head in his direction, studying his reaction.

Castillo looked from soldier to soldier before bothering to acknowledge my statement. “I don’t know what you are talking about. I swear to God.”

“Don’t tell me bullshit, Castillo. I’m not in the mood.”

“Seriously, what the hell are you talking about?” This time, he had a lilt in his voice, as if I was the stupid one.

I smacked him again, nodding at my soldiers to get him on his feet. “We’re going to try this one more time. If you don’t answer my question directly, then everything that occurs to you in the next several hours is going to be painful. By the end, you’ll beg to die. And you know what? That isn’t going to happen. I’m going to keep you alive and on ice for one hell of a long time.”

Swallowing, he blinked several times, finally nodding to give me a sign of respect. “I’ll answer you if I know what you’re talking about.”

There was a damn ring of sincerity in his voice. “Why were you at the fashion show?”

“I had a mark.”

“Yeah, that much I know.”

His quizzical look wasn’t contrived. The man had zero idea what I was talking about.

“It was an enemy of a client of mine.”

“An enemy,” I said, laughing. “We all have them.”

“The dude didn’t show. I’m still on the hunt. He’s South American scum who killed my client’s mistress. Satisfied?” Castillo glanced around the room, no doubt intent on escaping. “Who the hell are you talking about?”

I debated telling him anything; however, the easiest way to find out the truth was throwing out a bone. “The innocent daughter of a very prominent businessman. What I want to know is the name of the man who hired you.”

“What the fuck?” he exclaimed. When I remained quiet, he swallowed again. “And you know I can’t divulge my client, Miguel,” he said, flinching in anticipation of my retaliation. “Look, I’ve killed women before. You know that, but only the kind who deserved to die. Killing innocent women is not something I’m going to sink to the level of doing.”

I sucked in my breath, playing the evidence through in my mind. “You actually expect me to buy that it was coincidence that you were at the fashion show?”

“So help me God on my daughter’s life,” he half whispered. This time, he was exasperated.

I pulled out my Beretta, merely holding it in my hand. “Your daughter. Ah, yes, you have an eight-year-old little girl. If I remember correctly, she attends a very posh private school.”

“You bastard. If you dare try and lay a finger on my daughter!” he snarked.

I held up my hand, shaking my head. “Like you, I’m not into violence against women or children; however, I’m certain that Ashley would like to see her father again.”

“Fuck, Miguel. Fine. Whatever is going on, I’ll find out information. There has to be some shit on the street about a hit. You know the players.”

Castillo was right on certain levels, although there were always new players attempting to take a piece of the pie. I walked away, rubbing my forehead. “Then this is what we’re going to do. It’s your lucky day. I will allow you to live at least for the moment but given my kindness, you’re going to do something for me.”

He eyed me warily. “All right.”

“Put word out on the street that I’m pissed. Then you’re going to find the two motherfuckers who attempted to assassinate Valencia Rivera.”

He narrowed his eyes. “The daughter of Santiago Rivera?”


“That’s right. She was at the show. Fascinating, Miguel. Isn’t she the lovely young lady you spent time with during your visit to Cuba?” Castillo’s eyes twinkled. “Yes, I’ve paid attention to your... career.”

As I knew he would. “So it would seem,” I stated without any emotion.

“Whoever the asshole is has balls attempting to take out the daughter. Rivera is a powerful man with very influential friends. Anyone fool enough to attack one of his family members has a death wish.”

“So it would seem.” I kept my tone even. “If you didn’t attempt to assassinate her, someone else has moved in on your turf, my friend. My guess is that you’re not pleased that shit is happening.”

“What do you want me to do with that information if I find out this asshole’s identity?” he asked.

Either he was a better liar than I knew him to be or he had no idea who she was.

“You come to me. If you do that, your daughter will get to enjoy her father’s next birthday. If not, I will hunt you down.” I gave him another hard glare, inching even closer. “And Castillo? You know my reputation. You fuck with me, you die. You attempt to run, you die. You as much as lay a hand on Valencia’s beautiful body, I will cut you to ribbons.” The ring of a cell phone drew my attention as Cordero yanked his phone into his hand.

“Yeah, okay. I can do that. What’s this girl to you? Develop feelings for her, Miguel? You know that’s a dangerous path,” Castillo stated.

He knew better than to ask or insinuate anything. “She means nothing other than leverage. I want this information in twenty-four hours. Enrique, let him go.”

Enrique half smiled before moving to untie him.

Castillo shifted and I shoved the barrel of my weapon under his chin. “Shit, Miguel. I’m not your enemy here.”

“I’m not fucking with you on this, Castillo.”

“Boss, we have another problem,” Cordero said, grumbling under his breath.

I backed away, finally turning toward my soldier. “What now?”

“Another shipment has been hijacked.”

* * *


There were two things I couldn’t handle in life: lying sacks of shit and those attempting to cut into my business. At this point, I had no way of knowing whether the hijack had anything to do with Santiago, but in my mind, I knew the asshole was fucking with me.

Granted, taking his daughter certainly held a high probability of revenge, but destruction on this level seemed beneath the man. Then again, what lengths would a father go to in order to free his little girl? Maybe I’d underestimated the man. If so, other decisions would need to be made, including helping Santiago understand that enraging me wasn’t in his best interest. That would mean an escalation of other business practices.

Two could play at his game.

I stood on the docks, staring at what remained of the boat, the debris strewn less than one hundred yards from shore. What little fire remained would disappear within minutes. While the Coast Guard had been notified, the various men who were on my payroll had put a cease and desist to any unwanted questions or a full-scale investigation. However, the fact two of the best runners I’d used had perished in the attack left my mouth dry and my need for retaliation at the forefront of my mind. Almost two million street dollars’ worth of product had been lost, unacceptable on every level.

There was no calling card of the individual who performed the deed and I doubted there would be. At least not yet. This was a game, a flexing of muscles. Fuck this shit.

“What now, boss?” Cordero asked as he flanked my side.

“Find out if Santiago has left the country yet. I also want you to put a hold on any further operations for now. Make certain this remains as quiet as possible and I want to know any shit coming from the streets.”

“Yes, sir, boss.”

I noticed headlights in the distance and bristled, realizing that while this particular visitor was unexpected, his arrival in town meant whatever information he’d been able to ascertain had disturbing implications. I remained in position, taking several deep breaths. My next call would need to be to my father. Seeing Aleksei walking in my direction was both welcome in certain regards as well as disconcerting.

Aleksei moved beside me, shaking his head as he followed my gaze. “It seems your luck is bad, my friend.” His Russian accent seemed heavier than usual. “I suspect you’ve been sent a warning.”

“The second in mere days.”

“You have damaging enemies.”

A few seconds passed by until I couldn’t stand the sight of the wreckage any longer, turning to stare at the various dilapidated offices fronting the entire dock area. “What are you doing here, Aleksei? Aren’t you a little far from home?”

“I do enjoy the sights and sounds of Miami.” Aleksei glanced from right to left, no doubt checking for the possibility of being overheard.

“The location is secure. I take it that you’ve been able to find Kostya?”

“He was brazen in his actions, coming home almost immediately. My men were able to track him easily. For Bratva, the behavior is unusual.”

“That certainly doesn’t sound like the Kostya I know.” Something was off. Kostya wasn’t a stupid man nor did he take the need for precautions lightly. “Is there some operation coming out of Russia that I should be concerned about?”

“Not that I’ve been made aware of and as you know, I have several connections remaining in Russia. Kostya’s activities since his arrival spoke of a man with no fear.”

“Interesting,” I said half under my breath.

He shrugged, glancing toward the dock. “Yes. Either Kostya felt safe or there was a distinct reason he found it necessary to return to Philadelphia. While he has some family, they were not on speaking terms.”

“And you had a discussion with him?”

He moved until he could look into my eyes. “Unfortunately, I didn’t have the opportunity. However, Kostya will not be an issue for you any longer.”

“And why is that?”

“He was gunned down yesterday in a restaurant just outside the city. My sources tell me that he anticipated meeting with someone. The assassination was clean, a silencer used.”

“So the asshole knew his assailant.”

“It would seem that way. Then again, from what my soldiers mentioned, Kostya had no intention of hiding, even purchasing a Maserati upon arrival in town. I will say, the timing is interesting, the scuttlebutt on the street far too quiet. That doesn’t bode well for my business operations.”

I shoved my hands into my pockets, taking several deep breaths. “If I were to venture a guess, your theory was correct. It would seem that someone is attempting to muscle in on the entire East Coast. We may need to put Dominick on high alert.” Whoever had taken out Kostya was tidying up loose ends. Working together might be the only way to eradicate a combined enemy.

Whoever the hell that turned out to be.

“Trust me, my friend. Dominick is aware of every activity,” he said, chuckling. “He has his soldiers combing New York and New Jersey for any additional information. My people are checking DC and the surrounding cities as well. Eventually, someone will talk. Nature of the beast. I also suspect that we’ll both hear of drugs in our streets that didn’t come from our supplies.”

Eventually. Those odds I could barely stomach.

I tilted my head, the slender light from the moon as well as the few lights on the dock allowing me to see the gleam in his eyes. “Yes, I agree. You know, you could have told me this over the phone, my friend.”

“I could have but I needed a couple days off. The lure of such a magnificent city.”

“How is your lovely bride?” I asked in passing.

He grinned, an unusual sight for such a hard and brutal man. “A beautiful yet very disobedient woman.”

“Exactly what you need.”

“As she continues to tell me.” His face clouded over as he took a deep breath. “Besides, I wanted to bring you some information that should be important to you and in truth, security should be of the utmost importance within your organization.” Aleksei pulled an envelope from his jacket, cursing in Russian under his breath.

“What is this?” I asked, peering down at the thick package.

“Call it insurance, which you may need. I took the opportunity of doing some research on Mr. Rivera. It seems that he’s ruthless in various endeavors, leaving behind a trail of... what I would call stupidity.”

“Interesting choice of words.”

“Mr. Rivera has many sides. I’d be very careful in how you handle him.”

I took a deep breath before nodding. My friendship with the Russian was proving to have several uses. “Duly noted.”

“Also, it would seem you have a traitor in your operation.”

“What does that mean?” I bristled once again.

“Information that Kostya threw around about your business techniques. I would imagine it came from your inner circle. From what I’ve been able to tell, whoever is attempting to muscle in on your organization, and as you say perhaps the entire East Coast, has had a plan in place for some time using valuable resources in order to gain a significant position in order to strike. I believe, my friend, that the sights are set on your operations first. I would watch your back.”

“Rivera,” I hissed. I trusted almost no one, including the majority of the people my father continued to do business with. With my father retiring, I had to take into consideration that the leak was coming from a supposedly trusted source. Another reason for a conversation with my father.

“While there is absolutely no indication of his involvement that I was able to detect, I wouldn’t put playing a game past him. Whoever is responsible does have powerful connections. That much is obvious. I feel an electricity in the air I haven’t since taking over the operations.”

“Yes, I feel that same. Unfortunately, you don’t know Santiago very well,” I retorted. “He’s cunning and has enough connections that a level of caution is needed.”

“Then you should take extreme precautions. How is that... package? Were you able to secure your prize?”

I chuckled again, my thoughts drifting to Valencia. “I was successful, although there was an attempt on her life.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Her life holds another meaning.”


“Be careful, Miguel.”

“Yeah, I plan on it,” I snarled, my anger further riled, and fingered the envelope before shoving it into my pocket. This was no place to air dirty laundry. Given the crisis with the shipment, certain other enemies would be on high alert, even attempting to cut in on other operations. That shit just wasn’t going to happen. What had occurred with Danton hadn’t been enough of a warning. Perhaps it was time to clean house. “I appreciate your care with this particular matter. What do I owe you?”

Aleksei laughed, turning to study the last of the flames just seconds before they faded into the water. “You owe me nothing. However, there may come a day that I need a favor.”

“And you will have it,” I said with sincerity. What our fathers could never understand is that while we were the privileged princes of the underworld, all brutal and ruthless men, we also had honor and respect.

“You are a formidable man, Miguel, and anyone who opposes you will learn a hard lesson.”

“Why do I feel like you have more to say?”

Ne der’mo, gde ty yesh’.” The Russian flowed off his lips.

I lifted a single eyebrow, amused given his gruff demeanor.

“Don’t shit where you eat. Very wise words.”

This time I laughed. “Why do I have the distinct feeling that the proverb is for my benefit?”

His eyes flashed again. “Be careful. When things are too quiet, that usually means a powerful operation. Someone is out to destroy you and your family.”

“Tell me something I don’t already know.” I took one last look out at the darkened ocean, my mind reeling with my own thoughts of revenge. If Santiago actually believed that he was going to best me, he would see find out that I would become his worst nightmare.

* * *


I’d talked to a few sources, runners whose livelihood would be affected by the shipments’ destruction. While they all seemed scared, there was no indication of further betrayal, at least as of yet. My personal warning to each and every one of them should buy me some time.

The penthouse was entirely too quiet when I walked in, barely acknowledging Enrique other than to tell him to go home for the night. With Castillo on ice and Kostya in some Philadelphia morgue, I doubted there would be any attempt of a hit for the rest of the night.

However, I’d remained prepared for anything.

I didn’t like the way things were occurring, as if someone held a grudge against my family first and was using my family’s business almost like a ransom without any demands made. As. Of. Yet.

I tugged the envelope from my pocket, rubbing my thumb back and forth. Whatever information was inside, I had no doubt the details would further increase the rage furrowing in my mind. I merely tossed it on the coffee table, along with my keys. I held the Beretta in my hand for a full minute before easing it beside the envelope.

Exhaling, I tossed my jacket and yanked the shirt from my trousers before heading toward the bar. Tonight was all about an aged scotch in order to calm my anger. After pouring a hefty amount, I held the glass to my head before walking toward the bank of windows. Even the ocean seemed tumultuous tonight, waves crashing against the shore. I leaned against the glass, able to see my reflection, albeit a mere half of my face. Everything seemed distorted, my features misshapen.

Even I’d always thought of myself as a monster, a truly evil man hiding behind a façade of wealth. My head was pounding, the necessity for making alternative decisions absolutely vital. What they were going to be I wasn’t certain of.

I moved back toward the table, easing down onto the couch. While I was curious about what information that Aleksei had provided, exhaustion was settling in and I had the distinct feeling difficult days were ahead of me. I took another gulp before putting the glass on the table and opening the envelope.

A series of explicit photographs was nestled inside.

The images were horrific, bloody, and brutal, the kind of murders that even made my skin crawl. And what was worse? They included women and children. As I shifted from one to the other, I began to get a vital picture of Santiago in my mind. The manner in which he discarded of his enemies was reprehensible. He had no honor.

I shoved the photographs back into the envelope then grabbed my jacket, sliding the entire shit storm into one of the pockets. I rubbed my jaw, thinking about the next steps. Yes, the information could prove useful, placing a stranglehold on his operations, but at what price? Valencia could never know just how much of a monster her father truly was.

I’d yet to hear whether or not Santiago was still in the country. I could only assume that he’d remain, hiding until he finalized whatever plan of revenge he intended. I would make certain to remain a step ahead of him.

After a few seconds, I walked down the set of rear stairs, slowly moving toward her partially closed door. Using just the tip of my index finger, I pushed it open, peering inside, able to see the rise and fall of her shoulder given she was turned on her side. At least she’d been able to rest.

I took another sip, realizing my hand was shaking from the high level of toxic adrenaline. As I headed toward the bed, I held my breath. Perhaps my decision in taking her had been impetuous, starting a chain reaction that would lead to more violence, even additional deaths.

But I didn’t give a shit.

Her presence at least gave additional meaning to my life. I stood over her, gazing down at her unblemished skin, her back lithe yet so strong. Reaching out, I kept my index finger a few centimeters from her skin, tracing the line of her spine before disappearing into the silk gown she’d selected to wear. Sighing, I resisted waking her, merely easing the sheet up to her shoulders.

She certainly deserved a night of peace. Just before I closed her door, I heard her stir in her sleep, soft murmurs slipping past her lips. The sound was like sweet music, a lilting purr that sent a shower of sensations through every cell and muscle, engorging my cock. The woman made me so damn hard.

As I walked up the stairs, a moment of utter disgust filled my mind. While I’d been born into this world, the ramifications for certain decisions had never been this painful. She’d been right. I’d ceremoniously destroyed her life. Or was I actually saving her from another even more damaging situation? Maybe I needed to tell myself that in order to abate the guilt.

Only when I’d moved to the top of the stairs did I notice a light remained on in the kitchen. The warm glow was a reminder of something my mother had done when I was a teenager. She’d always left a light on for my return. As I walked into the room, the place setting for one on the island caught my attention immediately. A bottle of wine was open, a fresh crystal glass ready for my arrival. As I inched closer, I realized there was a note positioned in the middle of the plate.

I thought you might be hungry.

There are leftovers in the refrigerator.

There were no flowery words, just a kindness that in all truthfulness, I wasn’t accustomed to. I could require people to service me no matter what I asked, but a sweet token of this nature hadn’t occurred since my childhood. There was no reason for the oddness pooling into my stomach but when I opened the refrigerator door, I was more than just surprised. Valencia had positioned various meats and cheeses, fruit and vegetables on a beautiful crystal platter, everything done in an artistic fashion. There was even a bowl of what appeared to be some type of cream.

The myriad emotions were difficult to bear, my thoughts drifting once again to all the vile and nasty things I craved doing to her. With her.

Dominating her.

Training her.

Using her.

The laugh escaping my mouth had no meaning, other than the surprise more pleasing than I wanted to admit even to myself. I felt a level of warmth inside that I’d hadn’t experienced in years. All because of cheese and fruit? Jesus.

But I eased the platter onto the counter, running my fingers over the carefully placed plastic wrap, tingling inside. I gulped the entire remainder of the scotch, my taste having changed. The red wine. There was nothing better than a bold cabernet with specially selected cheeses. I popped the cork, pouring with enough aggression that beads of the rich liquid slipped past the rim.

I was suddenly ravenous, ripping away the plastic as if I hadn’t had a meal in a solid week. The first bite of blue cheese was incredible, the swig of wine more intense than ever before. I powered through several pieces, unable to fill my mouth fast enough. The flavors were exquisite, so rich and bold, satisfying at least a portion of my palate.

The wineglass still in my hand, I walked toward the stereo system. While my tastes in music were eclectic, there was only one CD that would be acceptable. After grabbing the remote and pressing the switch, I took careful steps backwards, my chest heaving as I waited for the first few chords of the passionate concerto.

The moment I heard the cello, I closed my eyes, envisioning the concert once again. Valencia was extraordinarily accomplished, her talent remarkable. With every note, every amazing chord, I fell into a magical journey that only something so beautiful could accomplish. The darkness, the magic wrapped around the intense passage literally took my breath away.

I found myself stumbling backwards, self-loathing pushing the ache in my head to a dull roar. I could feel the level of anger releasing, a moment of raw sadness interrupting my thoughts, dragging on my synapses.

“Turn that off!”

Her demand managed to filter over the music, her voice shaking from her own heightened anger.

I took a deep breath before opening my eyes. She stood like a beacon of hope, her long hair cascading down her shoulders and arms in a halo effect. I found it difficult to respond and when I didn’t, she moved toward the stereo, slapping her hands against the CD player in an effort to stop the music.

“I said, turn it off! I don’t want to hear that crap,” she spewed, finally finding the remote. Within seconds, she had the CD in her fingers, smashing it several times against the bookshelf until there was nothing left but shards. “You took that away from me. You are selfish and intolerable. You don’t care if you hurt me. Do you? Do. You?”

I half tossed the wineglass onto the counter, taking long strides until I was able to take her wrists into my hands. “Of course I care whether you’re hurt. Answer me this question. Why? Why don’t you want to hear some of the most beautiful music in the world, a moment that you created? Why?”

“Because,” she spit out, struggling to free herself from my rock-solid hold. “Why does it matter to you? You don’t really give a shit about me and I know better than to think you’re going to allow me to have my cello. You don’t care about my needs or wants, whether or not I deserve to be happy. You only care about yourself and your vicious world of criminals. Monsters. You’re evil. You’re truly evil!”

“Don’t you understand how much I do care about you? All of you? And yes, I want you to be happy.”

“Prove it, Miguel. Prove to me that you actually give a damn about anything other than yourself.”

I was ripped apart inside, the longing moving into a level that I couldn’t control. “I don’t have to prove anything to you. You belong to me. Period.”

“I’m not your possession. I don’t deserve this life.”

“This is the only life you’re going to have, Valencia. I suggest you get used to it.” I crushed my mouth over hers, my fingers digging into her wrists. Light flashed in my field of vision as the passionate moment became a roar, a predator taking his mate, a monster capturing his prey. I’d never felt so damn alive, so animalistic.

I dominated her tongue as she continued to fight me, trying to pummel her fists against my chest, half screaming into the kiss. I let go of one of her wrists, raking my fingers down her back, cupping her buttocks and forcing her hips against mine. I gathered a whiff of her feminine wiles, her own desire that she refused to acknowledge. I’d seen the hardness of her nipples poking through the thin material of her gown.

She was mine. All mine.

I was wild in my actions, dark and husky growls rushing up from my chest, the beast within me clawing its way to the surface. The taste of her, the heat of her body against mine was too much to bear. I slid my hand under her gown, caressing her bottom.

She wiggled again, slamming her fist against my shoulder then raking her nails down my face. The shock was just enough I lost my grip. When she reared back, ready to strike me with her open hand, I fisted her hair with one hand, her arm with the other.

“This is my house, Valencia, and I require respect. Never forget that. Never forget who owns you.”

“You may own my body, Miguel, but you’ll never own my heart. I will be free of you one day. I will find a place where you’ll never be able to find me. My father will become the hunter, and trust me, you will be killed. He is a man of honor.”

“Honor? You obviously don’t know your father very well. Do you know what he does to his enemies, Valencia? Do you know what happens to their families? They are murdered.” In my insane anger, I’d spouted off the one thing I never wanted to inflict on the woman I was falling hard for. Fuck. Me. I realized my entire body was shaking from the ridiculous amount of rage coursing through my system.

“No! My father isn’t like that. How dare you. He’s a consummate businessman even though everyone calls him ruthless.”

“How fascinating. Yank off those rose-colored glasses, sweetheart, because your father has little esteem for human life.” Snarling, I locked my eyes with hers, my thoughts shifting toward the envelope. I tamped back my hatred of the man, refusing to fall to his brutal tactics. Perhaps the man I needed to protect her from was her own father. “He is merciless in how he handles his operations, Valencia. Never think otherwise.”

“And what makes you any less coldblooded, Miguel? Did you murder that assassin you went after? Did you cut out his heart for sheer entertainment?” When I didn’t answer right away, she laughed in a disgusted manner. “Oh, wait. Did he get away from you?”

She was pulling out all the stops, trying her best to goad me. “I am very careful in who I choose to make an enemy.”

“My God, riddles. Secrets. No doubt lies,” she huffed. “While I appreciate your concern about me, I’ll be fine.”

I exhaled, only partially surprised at her tantrum. Every time I allowed her to get close to me I pulled away, either by choice or by profession. Tonight had been no different. However, I was required to make some hard choices. “You forget your place.”

“And you have no problem reminding me.” She held her head high in an act of defiance. “My father may be difficult as well as heartless at times, but he is man with a conscience and family means more to him than anything, including the lives of women and children. He will destroy you piece by piece then rescue me.”

“That’s not going to happen, sweetheart.”

“And why is that?”

“Because, Valencia,” I said as I towered over her, my hunger off the charts. “You’re going to become my wife, preventing your father from doing one. Damn. Thing. Then no one can take you away from me or I will have no problem killing them.”