Nicole Brossard is a poet, novelist and essayist who has published more than forty books since 1965, including many that have been translated into English: These Our Mothers, Lovhers, Mauve Desert, Museum of Bone and Water, Notebook of Roses and Civilization, Fences in Breathing and Selections: The Poetry of Nicole Brossard, among others. She co-founded La Barre du Jour and La Nouvelle Barre du Jour, two important literary journals in Québec. She has won two Governor General’s Awards for poetry, as well as le Prix Athanase-David and the Canada Council’s Molson Prize. In 2010, she was made an Officer of the Order of Canada and in 2013 chevalière de l’Ordre national du Québec. In 2013, she received le Prix international de littérature francophone Benjamin Fon-dane. She lives in Montréal.

Angela Carr is a poet and translator. Her most recent book is Here in There. Originally from Montréal, she currently lives in New York City.