I. Primary sources
Longer works and novels:
Treasure Island (1883); Prince Otto (1885); Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886); Kidnapped (1886); The Black Arrow (1888); The Master of Ballantrae (1889); David Balfour (1893); St. Ives (1897); Weir of Hermiston (1896). With Lloyd Osbourne: The Wrong Box (1889); The Ebb-Tide (1894).
Shorter works and stories:
New Arabian Nights (1882); More New Arabian Nights: The Dynamiter (with Fanny Van de Grift Stevenson, 1885); The Merry Men and Other Tales and Fables (1887); Island Nights' Entertainments (1893).
Criticism and autobiographical material:
Virginibus Puerisque and Other Papers (1881); Familiar Studies of Men and Books (1882); Memories and Portraits (1887); Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin (1887); A Footnote to History: Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa (1892); Father Damien: An Open Letter to the Reverend Dr. Hyde of Honolulu (1890).
Travel and descriptive books:
An Inland Voyage (1878); Travels with a Donkey in the Cèvennes (1879); Picturesque Notes on Edinburgh (1878–79); The Silverado Squatters (1883); Across the Plains (1892); In the South Seas (1896).
A Child's Garden of Verses (1885); Underwoods (1887); Ballads (1890); Songs of Travel and Other Verses (1896).
II. Secondary Sources
Aldington, Richard, Portrait of a Rebel, 1957.
Balfour, Graham, The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson, 1901.
Bermann, Richard A., Home from the Sea: Robert Louis Stevenson in Samoa (translated by Elizabeth R. Hapgood), 1935.
Caldwell, Elsie Noble, Last Witness for Robert Louis Stevenson, 1960.
Chesterton, G. K., Robert Louis Stevenson, 1928.
Colvin, Sidney (ed.), The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson to his Family and Friends, 1899. (Amplified in four volumes) 1911.
Commins, Saxe, Introduction to Selected Writings of Robert Louis Stevenson, 1947.
Cooper, Lettice, Robert Louis Stevenson, 1948.
Daiches, David, Robert Louis Stevenson, 1947.
——, Stevenson and the Art of Fiction, 1951.
——, Introduction to Robert Louis Stevenson (selected writings), 1959.
Dalglish, Doris, Presbyterian Pirate, 1937.
Ellison, Joseph W., Tusitala of the South Seas: The Story of Robert Louis Stevenson's Life in the South Seas, 1953.
Elwin, Malcolm The Strange Case of Robert Louis Stevenson, 1950.
Ferguson, DeLancey, and Marshall Waingrow (eds.), Robert Louis Stevenson's Letters to Charles Baxter, 1956.
Fiedler, Leslie, Introduction to The Master of Ballantrae, 1954.
Furnas, J. C., Voyage to Windward, 1951.
Greene, Graham, “From Feathers to Iron,” in The Lost Childhood and Other Essays, 1951.
Gwynn, Stephen, Robert Louis Stevenson, 1939.
Hellman, George S., The True Stevenson: A Study in Clarification, 1925.
James, Henry, “Robert Louis Stevenson,” The Century Magazine, April, 1888; also included in Partial Portraits, 1888.
——, “The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson,” in The North American Review, January, 1900; also included in Notes on Novelists, 1914.
——, Henry James and Robert Louis Stevenson: A Record of Friendship and Criticism (Janet Adam Smith, ed.), 1948.
Kanzer, Mark, “The Self-Analytic Literature of Robert Louis Stevenson,” in Psychoanalysis and Culture, 1951.
Masson, Rosaline, A Life of Robert Louis Stevenson, 1923.
McKay, George L., Some Notes on Robert Louis Stevenson, 1958.
Moorman, Lewis J., Tuberculosis and Genius, 1940.
Moors, Harry Jay, With Stevenson in Samoa, 1910.
Muir, Edwin, “Robert Louis Stevenson,” in The Modern Scot, Autumn 1931.
——, Scott and Scotland: The Predicament of the Scottish Writer, 1936.
Osbourne, Lloyd, An Intimate Portrait of R.L.S., 1924.
——, and Field, Isobel, Memories of Vailima, 1902.
Pritchett, V. S., “Books in General,” The New Statesman and Nation (London), XXVII, pp. 127–8 (February 19, 1944).
——, “Books in General,” The New Statesman and Nation (London), XXIX, pp. 193–4 (March 24, 1945).
——, Introduction to Novels and Stories by Robert Louis Stevenson, 1945.
Proudfit, Isobel, “The Big Round World,” in Psychoanalytic Review, April, 1936.
Smith, Janet Adam, R. L. Stevenson, 1937.
Stephen, Leslie, “Robert Louis Stevenson,” in Studies of a Biographer, 1898.
Steuart, John A., Robert Louis Stevenson: A Critical Biography, 1924.
Stevenson, Robert Louis, and Stevenson, Fanny, Our Samoan Adventure (edited with introduction and notes by Charles Neider), 1955.
Swinnerton, Frank, R. L. Stevenson; A Critical Study, 1914.
Zabel, Morton Dauwen, Introduction to The Two Major Novels by Robert Louis Stevenson, 1960.