Picture credits for the colour sections
Abril Imagens: 6. 8b, c. 9b. 11b, c. 13c. 22. 24a
Agência Estado: 9c
Agência O Globo: 21a
Aldyr Garcia Schlee: 4
Agência Lance! 14b
Alex Bellos: la, b, c. 3a, b. 5. 7a, b, c, d. 9a. 10a, b, c. 11a. 12a, b. 15a, b, c, d. 17c. 18. 19a, b. 21b. 24b, c
Claudio Ribeiro Personal Archive: 8a
Eduardo Santana Personal Archive: 14a
Michael Ende: 16a, b, c. 17a, b
M Klein/The Guardian: 13a
Rogério Reis/Tyba: 11d
EC Vitória: 13b
Picture credits for the black-and-white images
Abril Imagens:
Agência Estado:
Agência O Globo:
Agência Lance!:
Aidan Hamilton Archive:
Alex Bellos:
Fon-Fon, National Library, Rio de Janeiro:
Franco Cosimo Panini: Gazeta Press:
Leônidas da Silva Archive:
O Malho, National Library, Rio de Janeiro:
Manchete: Nelson Rodrigues Archive:
Pedro Martinelli:
Ricardo Azevedo, Armazém do Folclóre:
Roberto Porto Archive:
Colour sections and maps designed by Richard Home
Every reasonable effort has been made to trace copyright holders of material reproduced in this book, but if any have inadvertantly been overlooked the publishers would be glad to hear from them.