As a tenth-generation Texan, I love writing fiction that weaves in the history of my home state. I want to thank the teachers who keep Texas history alive in the minds of children like me. What a wonderful legacy you are leaving. Thank you!
To the lovely ladies of the New and Improved Girls Loop, thank you for your support, your listening ears (or on a text loop I guess that should be eyes), and your encouragement as I raced to the deadline on this novel. I appreciate you!
To my husband who did laundry, cooked meals, and offered his support during the writing of this book, I love you, sweetheart. Oh, who am I kidding? He does that all the time, not just when I’m on deadline.
To my ultimate inspiration, my Father in heaven. This has been a year of trust, even in the face of great pain. Thank You for not giving up on me.