

Back in the Batcave, Batman analyzed Man-Bat’s blood. He concluded that the creature was Dr. Langstrom, transformed due to an experiment gone wrong, and also under the Penguin’s control! Batman synthesized an antidote and restored Langstrom to human form, but it was only temporary. Still, Dr. Langstrom was grateful and agreed to help Batman.

Langstrom explained the mechanics of the Cyber Animals. With his help, the heroes repaired and reassembled the robots to learn more about them. But Langstrom couldn’t tell the super heroes much about the Penguin’s plan. He only knew about the role the Cyber Animals would play.

Suddenly, the clues connected for Batman! He realized that the Animilitia had left receivers at each of the fake robbery sites. Together, these receivers would form a force field around the Aviary Building. But why would the Penguin need a force field?


“The Midas Heart!” Batman realized. “The Penguin is going to crash the asteroid into Gotham City. He’s going to use the Cyber Animals to sort through the rubble and retrieve the gold at the center of it.” The rest of Gotham City would be wiped out from the asteroid, and the Penguin—along with his Animilitia—would survive, with all the riches they could ever want!


Before they left to stop the Penguin, Batman and his team of super heroes locked Dr. Langstrom back in his chamber. The antidote wore off, and with a shriek, Dr. Langstrom transformed back into the ferocious creature.


In the penthouse of the Aviary Building, the Penguin and the Animilitia set the master plan into motion. The force field deployed around the building and a tractor beam shot into the sky. It grabbed the Midas Heart asteroid and pulled it from orbit—right toward Gotham City!


But Batman had his own plan. He arrived at the base of the force field wearing an unusual Batsuit. Police Commissioner Gordon and the Gotham City Police Department (G.C.P.D.) had already thrown explosives at the shield and could not penetrate it. Now it was Batman’s turn to try.

Batman powered up the suit and walked right through the force field! The Penguin was astonished. He ordered his Cyber Animals to take out his foe. An army of Cyber Wolves, Cyber Tigers, and Cyber Bats swarmed out onto the street. Batman stared down the threat and spoke a single command.


“Ace, come.”

A Cyber Wolf leaped out of the pack and transformed into a motorcycle. Batman had hacked the robot to follow his commands—not the Penguin’s! He jumped onto the vehicle and zoomed down the street. The horde of Cyber Animals took off after the Dark Knight.


Meanwhile, The Flash used his super speed to get past the force field too. Once he was inside, he raced to take out a receiver that was planted at one of the fake robbery sites. If he destroyed just one receiver, the whole force field would fail.

Cyber Tigers chased The Flash all the way to the Gotham National Bank. They used their robotic tails to snag his legs and his body. The Flash was almost stopped in his tracks. But then a hacked Cyber Tiger attacked the other robots! The Flash was able to find the Penguin’s receiver in the bank vault—right where Silverback had planted it.


“Here, boy!” The Flash called to the friendly Cyber Tiger. The robot crushed the receiver in its jaws. It worked! The link to the force field failed. The force field around the Aviary Building deactivated.


In the penthouse, the Penguin’s control console went out. But the tractor beam that was pulling the giant asteroid down toward Gotham City was still operational. The asteroid was coming closer and closer, but there wasn’t a force field to protect the Penguin anymore! Lucky for him, he had a backup plan. He jumped into an escape pod and launched into the sky, abandoning his Animilitia allies—and everyone else in Gotham City—to their fate.


With the force field down, Red Robin was able to start a special upload from the Batcomputer in the Batcave. But behind him, Man-Bat broke out of his cell and screeched like a wild animal.


“Dr. Langstrom, please. I know you can hear me. We’re trying to help you,” Red Robin pleaded.

Man-Bat shook his head as if trying to clear his mind. Then he flapped his wings and took off, but not before Red Robin jumped onto his back and hung on for dear life! Behind them, the upload reached completion.

Suddenly, the Cyber Animals chasing Batman stopped in their tracks. Red Robin’s upload contained a computer virus, and it worked! Batman called Red Robin on the radio to congratulate him on a successful upload, but the young crime fighter was busy trying to hold on to Man-Bat and appeal to the mind trapped inside the monster.


“Dr. Langstrom, please! Your body has changed, but not your mind. Concentrate,” Red Robin urged.

Man-Bat’s face contorted and then his eyes widened as if waking up from a nightmare. He still looked like Man-Bat, but Dr. Langstrom was back!

“I knew you could do it! Let’s get to the others,” Red Robin said.

Meanwhile, in the Aviary Building, Batman, Nightwing, Green Arrow, and The Flash confronted the Animilitia. The hacked Cyber Tiger and Cyber Wolf stood beside the super heroes. Batman gave a simple order to the robots.

“Take them.”


The Cyber Beasts leaped toward the Animilitia. BONK! BAM! THUMP! The robots defeated the super-villains.

“So, the bad guys are down, but what about the giant flaming rock?” Green Arrow said as the heroes examined the Penguin’s destroyed control console.


The super heroes may have defeated the Penguin and his Animilitia, but they still had to save Gotham City!