necessary, for fear of my own life.


Whatever that thing is, I don’t want it to see me moving around because what if it injects me with a second drug to ensure that this time, I don’t move or talk ever again?


To tell you the truth, I don’t have any idea why I’m even writing this letter in the first place because I know deep down inside that I’m never going to make it out of here alive. It feels like I’ve been transported into another universe. Wherever this is, it’s nowhere in Newryst unless the city has harbored some horrifying underground facility I’ve never heard of before.


I guess the reason why I’m writing this letter is for two reasons: one, to help me feel better about the situation I’m in. Of course, I’m absolutely terrified here and I have no way of getting out, so I will never be truly comfortable again. But I find that writing this letter has lifted a weight off my shoulders in a way.


The second reason: to warn anybody who does read this letter. If anybody reads this letter. If you somehow managed to get a hold of this, please listen to me: Get out of Newryst. Right. Fucking. Now. This city is not at all what it seems. It only continues to grow like a plague each and every day, and I fear for everybody who is currently living there.


I don’t care what kind of fancy job you have. I don’t care if you’ve paid off a house in Newryst and have settled down. Get out. Because if they can find me in the comfort of my own home, I promise that they will find you.