Thurvishar’s story

Grizzst’s Tower, Rainbow Lake, Eamithon

Later that afternoon

One of the gems on the wall of Grizzst’s Tower began blinking.

It was, in fact, precisely the same wall that used to monitor the status of Vol Karoth’s prison, but that particular use was no longer necessary, since the status of Vol Karoth’s prison was known: broken. Instead, the stonework had been covered with new glyphs and new gems, all of which glowed like faint candles in the dim light.

One of the lights began to blink, and a chiming sound filled the tower.

Senera reached the room first, with Thurvishar just a few steps behind her.

“Who is it?” Thurvishar asked before he’d closed the distance between them.

“Qown,” Senera said. “Why did we think blocking tracking was a good idea?” She immediately checked the other gems, but that was the only one blinking, the only one in distress. Sheloran and Galen seemed to be fine.

A spot of darkness in the corner became animate, re-forming in a column next to Thurvishar, topped with a ceramic white face mask.

“Nice timing, Jarith,” Thurvishar said. “Would you please do me a favor? Check in on Qown. There’s a problem.”

The demon nodded once and then vanished.

Senera watched the blinking gem against the wall and bit the side of her thumb. “You think it’s started?”

Thurvishar sighed. “It started when we couldn’t find Urthaenriel. And I’m afraid of what it means.”

“He needs the sword,” Senera said.

Thurvishar knew she wasn’t talking about Kihrin. She meant Relos Var. He needed the sword, for whatever it was he was going to do next. Something a little more final than killing a few gods.

“I never thought we’d be able to keep it from him,” Thurvishar admitted. “Not permanently. I’ll send out the danger warning.”

“We should ask everyone to check their baskets,” Senera added. She began writing out multiple notes on small cards.

Not long thereafter, Sheloran’s and Galen’s gems began to blink too.