Now that she’d had a few minutes’ peace and relative quiet after the whirlwind of everything that had happened in the aftermath of being pulled from the water, exhaustion hit Rowan hard. Lying on the hospital Emergency room bed, she shut her eyes and tried to make her mind go blank.
The flurry of agency and other law enforcement personnel had finished interviewing and questioning her. The nurse had just left, the doctors were done with their tests and exams. Now she was just waiting for clearance so they would release her.
The pale blue curtain acting as a privacy screen around her bed parted. She looked up as her parents stepped through it. Her mother appeared on the verge of tears and her father’s face was pale, his deep blue eyes haunted.
“Oh, sweetheart,” her mother said, and grabbed Rowan in a fierce hug.
“Ow,” she whispered, pushing her mom away a little when she squeezed the bruises on Rowan’s ribs.
“Sorry.” Her mom eased the pressure but didn’t let go, her cheek pressed to Rowan’s hair. “Oh my God, we were so scared.”
“They wouldn’t tell us anything,” her father added, coming around the other side of the bed to take Rowan’s hand, as though he needed the contact with her. “You were already at the hospital by the time we got any more news.”
“I’m okay,” Rowan said, patting her mom’s back and squeezing her father’s hand. “Just a little banged up.” And traumatized. Let’s not forget that part. “All my tests came back fine, so they’re sending me home.”
Her mom leaned back to search her face, a worried frown puckering her brow. “Are you sure? You’re so pale, and…”
“Physically I’m fine. I just want out of here.” She looked between her parents. “How’s Kevin?”
“He’s worried sick,” her mother answered.
“Does he know I’m okay?” Of course he didn’t. Rowan sighed. “Mom, you’d better go up there right now and tell him I’m fine before he makes Nick put him in a wheelchair and bring him down here.” When her mother hesitated, Rowan raised her eyebrows. “You know he’ll do it.”
“Yes. You’re right.” Her mom kissed the top of her head and got up. “I’ll be back—without your brother.”
“Tell him I’m fine and that I love him. I want to see him, but not right now. I’ll call him once I get some sleep.”
As her mother left, the curtain swishing shut behind her, Rowan’s dad sank down on the edge of the bed, his fingers still locked around hers. “How are you, really?” he asked, the concern in his eyes filling her with warmth.
“I’m lucky to be alive.”
He nodded once and glanced away, clamped his lips together as though he was fighting for control over his emotions. Except Aiden Stewart never displayed that sort of emotion.
And yet when he looked back at her a moment later, his eyes were wet with tears. “I couldn’t stand that I couldn’t do anything,” he choked out, and Rowan’s heart cracked open.
“Ah, Dad…” Leaning forward, she pulled him into a tight hug, not caring if it hurt her bruises. Although it was a little weird that she was the one comforting him after all she’d been through.
“I love you,” he whispered fiercely into her hair. “So much.”
She smiled, that piece inside her that would always be the little girl desperate for his approval blooming like a wilted flower denied water and sunlight for so long. “I love you too.”
He held her close for a long moment, then squeezed her and took an unsteady breath, clearing his throat. “You must be tired.”
“So tired,” she agreed. “Have you seen Malcolm?” He’d been with her on the ride here in the ambulance, had stayed with her through some of the questioning before he’d been pulled away by his commander over an hour ago.
“He was out in the hall talking with some agency people when we came down,” he said.
“Could you go see if you can drag him away for me? As soon as I get the okay, I want out of here.”
Her dad smiled at her, brushed his knuckles over her cheek. “Sure.”
A few minutes later he reappeared through the curtains. “Look who I brought.”
Malcolm stepped through, giving her a little smile as he ran an assessing gaze over her. “Just got the official word. You’re free to go.”
Thank God. She cast him a desperate look. “Get me out of here.” All she wanted was to be alone with him.
He grinned. “Yes, ma’am.”
Her father went and got a wheelchair. Over her protests, she consented to sitting in the thing and allowing her dad to push her out to the side entrance where Malcolm pulled his truck around.
Two armed agents stood guard as they transferred her into the front seat—they weren’t taking any chances with Montoya still at large. God, she couldn’t believe that he’d found Oceane with a tracker that Nieto had ordered implanted into her freaking filling. Rowan was never complaining about her father ever again.
With a wave at him and a promise to call her parents later on, she breathed a sigh of relief and leaned her head back against the headrest as Malcolm drove off. She couldn’t remember ever being this tired.
“Do you want to go home?” he asked her as he turned out of the parking lot. “FBI’s got a security team ready for you if you do.”
“No.” God, look how that had turned out last time. The only person she felt truly safe with right now was Malcolm. “Your place, if you don’t mind.” Until Montoya was in custody, she wasn’t going home. She needed time to start sorting through everything that had happened, and after a day or two of rest, she had a case to prepare for.
“My place it is.” He sounded relieved. Reaching over, he took her hand and laced their fingers together. “You warm enough?” Stopping at a light, he reached over to adjust the dash vents so warm air blew directly on her.
“Getting there,” Rowan answered, just glad to be alone with him finally. All she wanted now was to curl up in Malcolm’s arms and sleep for about a week.
She must have dozed on the last part of the drive to his place because next thing she knew he was waking her gently. “We’re here,” he murmured.
She groaned and straightened in her seat, every ache and pain letting themselves be known. “I feel like I’ve been in another car accident,” she muttered.
“No surprise,” he said, and jumped out to come around and lift her from the truck.
“I can walk,” she told him, even as she looped her arms around his neck.
“Don’t care if you can run. I’m carrying you.” Using his hip to slam the door shut, he strode for the elevators.
“Hey, good timing.”
At the male voice Malcolm turned her around to find a truck pulling up next to them. Kai Maka slid out. “Hamilton said you guys just left the hospital. Glad I caught you.” The huge, good-looking Hawaiian leaned into the back of the cab and emerged with a big box in his arms. “Brought you guys some food.”
Aww. Rowan offered him a smile. “That’s so sweet of you.”
He shrugged. “Wasn’t just me. Colebrook brought over some stuff too. Piper’s got some baking in here.” He reached into the box to shift things around. “Looks like a fruit pie and some of her famous brownies.” He frowned down at them. “She’s never made me a pan of brownies.”
“Piper?” Rowan asked.
“Colebrook’s better half,” Malcolm answered. “And Colebrook’s sister is Rodriguez’s better half.” At her confused look, he laughed. “You’ll meet everyone and get their names and connections sorted out soon enough.” Then to Kai he said, “Thanks, man.”
“No worries. I’ll bring it up for you. Being that you’ve got your hands full right now.” He winked at Rowan.
Rowan laid her head on Malcolm’s shoulder and closed her eyes, enjoying the sense of security it brought her to have him take care of her this way. She’d been so much luckier than Anya or Victoria, and the other women in the container had been saved from fates worse than death.
Three Veneno thugs were dead. Even if Juan Montoya was still alive and at large, some positive things had happened today. And he couldn’t evade justice forever. She and the others involved with this case would see to that. Right after she helped hand Ruiz a life sentence without the chance of parole.
They reached Malcolm’s condo and he continued to hold her as he fished the key from his pocket. “You really can put me down for a minute.”
“Nope.” He shifted her, stubbornly held her to him as he unlocked the door and walked inside.
Kai followed them in. “So, you guys hungry? I’ve got one of Abby’s lasagnas in here. I can pop it in the oven for you.”
Malcolm looked at her, raised his eyebrows. She shook her head slightly, hoping he understood. “Thanks, man, but I think we’ll wait on dinner for now.”
“Yeah, no worries, brah,” Kai said. “I’ll put everything in the fridge.”
Malcolm carried her into the living room and set her on the couch, wrapped in the blanket. By then Kai was finished putting the last of the food away and Malcolm walked him to the door. “You guys just call if you need anything, yeah?” Kai said, his gaze shifting between Malcolm and her.
“We will. Thanks, brother.” Malcolm held out a hand.
“Anytime.” Kai looked down at the hand, gave Mal a you’re kidding me look then gathered him up in a manly back-clapping hug instead, and left.
After locking the door, Malcolm turned back to her with a smile and sighed. “Alone at last.”
He crossed back to her, put his hands on his hips. “What do you want right now?”
“A shower.” Oh, God, she’d kill for one. “Then bed.”
“Perfect.” Without pause he scooped her up and headed straight for the master bedroom, carrying her into the en suite.
Setting her on the granite counter with the blanket still wrapped around her, he turned on the shower before coming back for her. He ran a hand over the top of her head, smoothed it down her hair, his warm, chocolate-brown eyes searching hers. “You know how much I love you, right?”
Startled, a smile broke over her face. “I was hoping you did.”
One side of his mouth tipped up, that ridiculously charming dimple appearing in his cheek. “Well I do.”
She put her hand on the side of his face. “I love you too.”
He inhaled what seemed like a relieved breath, curled his fingers around the back of her neck. “Good,” he muttered, and leaned in to kiss her.
Rowan sank into him, her breasts flattened against his chest, her free arm banding around his back. The kiss was deep but slow, almost reverent. As though he wanted to worship her, reassure himself she was here in front of him.
She barely noticed when he pulled the blanket from her shoulders and began taking her clothes off, too intent on maintaining the connection of their kiss. With a few twists of her spine and an arch of her hips, she was naked and reaching for the waistband of his tactical pants.
Malcolm reached behind him to fist the back of his shirt and peeled it over his head, revealing his sculpted chest and shoulders in all their naked glory. While she explored them with her mouth and hands, he shucked his pants and underwear and lifted her, bringing her legs around his waist as he stepped into the shower.
Rowan sighed at the feel of the hot water rushing over her skin, the sensation of being pressed to his hard, warm body, those strong arms cradling her so protectively it made her throat tighten. “I’m never letting anything bad happen to you ever again,” he vowed against her temple, hugging her tight. “You’re mine now, Rowan, and I protect and take care of what’s mine.”
His words melted her insides. She sought his mouth once more, got lost in the feel and taste of him, letting time drift while they stroked and caressed each other, gliding soap over sensitive skin, shivered when those strong fingers massaged shampoo into her hair and rubbed over her scalp.
By the time he’d cleaned her and set her down on the built-in bench along the back wall she felt drugged with arousal, a languid, syrupy warmth rather than the blazing fire of before, yet every bit as intense.
She flexed into his hold, rubbing her achy breasts along his slick chest, telling him without words that she needed more than tenderness right now. Malcolm’s eyes darkened and he cupped both mounds in his large hands, bending to tease the hard centers with his lips and tongue.
Pleasure streaked through her, arching her spine, her hands holding his head close. Demanding more. Offering everything she was to him: heart, body and soul, nothing held back. She made a soft sound in the back of her throat, this level of vulnerability with another human being completely new, thrilling and frightening at the same time.
“I got you, sweetness,” he murmured against her hot flesh, one hand sliding down to curl around her hip in a possessive grip. He tugged her forward a little, his palm pressing at the small of her back as he sank to his knees before her and used his other hand to ease her knees apart. “Remember what I said I would do to you next time?” he asked against her stomach.
The next time I get you naked, I’m gonna take my time and kiss you everywhere. Especially here, he’d said, rocking his erection between her thighs. Until you melt all over my tongue.
Her muscles tensed once, a quiver rippling through her, turning the melting heat between her thighs into a liquid pool of need. “I remember,” she whispered back, running her hand over the back of his head, watching his every move as he made good on his vow.
His lips worshipped her naked skin, pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses to her face, neck, breasts. Her shoulders. Breasts again, then her ribs, belly, and the tops of her thighs. He kissed every mark and bruise, kissed every bit of her he could reach, ending with the soles of her feet before slowly working his way back up the inside of one leg.
Rowan bit her lip and waited, dying a little, the pulse of arousal between her thighs overtaking everything else.
Settling his hands on her inner thighs to keep them apart, he lowered his face and nuzzled the soft, flushed folds there. She tightened her hold on his head and moaned a little, arching her hips to press against his hot mouth.
His lips were so incredibly soft, the stroke of his tongue over her clit making her shudder. She widened her thighs and gasped out his name, her head falling back, each soft swirl of his tongue sending her closer to the edge.
He didn’t rush her, took his time licking and caressing, building the pleasure before sinking into her core. Tasting the arousal he’d created before coming back to give her swollen clit more of that same loving attention.
“Malcolm,” she groaned, shuddering. It didn’t take long before she was panting, eyes closed, lost to the rising tide of sensation, craving the release that glowed just on the edge of the horizon.
Then he stopped.
Her eyes popped open in shock. “No, I’m—”
“Gonna make you come while I’m inside you,” he said in a dark, possessive voice that shot another thrill through her, and hauled her upright, setting her on her feet before turning her to face the wall.
She planted her palms flat against the wet tile and looked over her shoulder at him, waiting. Water sluiced over his beautiful brown skin, his erection standing thick and proud from his body as he rolled a condom down his length.
Settling behind her, he pulled her hips back, arching her spine so he could ease his cock into position, a hot, heavy brand against her super-sensitive flesh. She moaned and dropped her forehead against the wall when he slid it along her folds, the slick caress against her clit sizzling along her nerve endings, and yet not nearly enough.
“I love the way you wrap around me when I slide inside,” he whispered against her neck as he did just that, pushing the thick, hard head of his cock into her.
Rowan hummed in her throat and pushed back to meet him, but he stilled her with a solid grip on her hip. Once she obeyed he slid that same hand up to cradle her breast, his thumb and forefinger playing with the nipple, and reached his other hand up and to the right.
A moment later a stream of warm sluiced over her thighs. It moved up her folds to stimulate her swollen nub.
Her whimper turned into a throaty moan as he hit just the right spot.
“Right there?” he whispered, nipping gently at her skin.
She could only nod and brace herself against the wall, unable to form a single coherent thought, much less a word.
“Oh, sweetness, you have no idea how goddamn good you feel,” he ground out, and flexed his hips, burying his cock inside her.
Rowan mewled and fought to hold still, needing the stream of water exactly where it was but dying for more of the internal friction he gave her. “Oh God, just fuck me,” she gasped out, unable to help herself.
Malcolm let out a low, erotic growl and eased back to thrust forward once more. Slow, steady strokes that hit her inner sweet spot while the warm water caressed her clit and he teased her sensitive nipple. Her body tightened, gathered in on itself, preparing for the coming explosion. She gave herself to it, crying out her pleasure, writhing in his arms.
He released her breast and put the shower head back in place, both muscled arms coming around her to cradle her to him, careful of her tender ribs, and thrust deeper. Rougher, his teeth scraping along the tender skin where her neck and shoulder joined.
Rowan reached one hand back to grasp the back of his head and braced herself with her free arm, reveling in his need for her. His arms held her fiercely, a strangled roar coming from him when he buried himself deep and started coming.
Slowly they both relaxed, Rowan leaning both forearms against the wall as their panting breaths mingled with the rush of the water.
With a soft kiss on her shoulder Malcolm withdrew gently and rinsed them both off. He even dried her off, spending extra time on her hair, dropping tender kisses all over her face. But the best part was when he gathered her close once more and carried her to his bed, where he drew her into his arms and pulled the covers over them both.
Boneless, utterly relaxed, she draped herself over him, her body all but melting into his. She yawned, head on his solid shoulder, his heart beating inches below her cheek. Today had been a nightmare in so many ways. She was so damn lucky it had ended this way.
“I knew you’d come for me,” she whispered in the darkness, breathing in the scent of soap and the man she loved more than anything.
Even in the bleakest hour when all seemed lost, she’d known that whether she was alive or dead, Malcolm would find her. That he would take care of her, no matter what. It had given her courage, and also a measure of peace that had startled her.
His arms tightened around her and he kissed the top of her head. “Always, sweetness. I’ll always be there for you.”
She smiled against his skin, the vow reverberating deep inside her, like the pitch of an internal tuning fork. “I love you.”
He made a gruff sound that might have been a groan of gratitude. “God, I love you too.”
He was finally hers again. But the best part was, this time she was his in return.
All of her, body and soul.