Tabitha... who?


There was a loud ringing sound, but I didn't want to move. It was warm here, snuggled against Will, and I was not about to budge. It felt wonderful pressed up against him like this and I wanted to soak it up for as long as possible.

The ringing stopped and I slowly drifted back to sleep.

It wasn’t to be so, though, when that annoying ringing started up again.

"Make it stop," I moaned, tugging on Will's shirt.

He grumbled, mumbling sleepily, and reached over me. "Hullo?" he asked groggily, his body practically on top of me, twisting towards the nightstand.

"Wrong number. I don't know a Tabitha," he muttered grumpily and hung up, flopping back down to cuddle back up with me in the bed.

A few minutes passed before I jolted, then froze, going bug-eyed.

Oh shi- The phone rang again and I sprang up, almost knocking Will in the face in my haste to answer it. "Hello?" I squeaked out, gripping the receiver.

"Bit?" Toby asked from the other end, sounding upset.

"Uh, yeah?" I mumbled in answer, laughing a little.

There was silence for a solid minute. "Who just answered your phone?"

"What do you mean? I did?" I responded quickly, playing dumb

"Bit?" Toby barked, instantly irritated with me, not buying my shit for a minute. "Not now, a minute ago. The man. Who is he?"

"Man...? I, uh, had a frog in my throat?" The words croaked out, sounding more like a question than a statement.

"You do not sound like a man on the phone. So, try again," he grumbled blandly. I could just picture his wheels turning as he tried to puzzle it out.

"He didn't talk long enough for me to recognize it..." he said thoughtfully, thinking aloud, probably realizing I wasn’t going to be very forthcoming.

"What did you call for, Tobes?" Attempting to change the subject, possibly hurry him off the phone, I put some grump behind it.

Hands smoothed up my ribs and I felt Will come up behind me, his warmth pressing into mine. His head dipped, his hair falling to tickle my nape as he leant in to nibble on my neck.

Delightful shivers trickling down my spine, I looked over my shoulder and motioned for him to quit it, but he wouldn't be deterred, blazing a trail of hot, nipping kisses along my neck and down my shoulder.

"I was just seeing if the preppy was still going to work with me today," Tobes said curtly.

"He'll be there,” I choked out as Will started to slide the strap of my nightgown off of my shoulder. “What, uh... What- Erm... What t-t-time?"

"Four. It's a late job I need him for today. He's actually not a bad worker, when he isn't bitching."

"That's good, Tobe. Real...Ah-uh... good," I muttered distractedly.

Squirming, I started slapping at Will's hands, trying to hold the phone to my ear and keep him at bay at the same time.

"You sound distracted," Toby observed, picking up on my hushed shooing.

"Distracted? Wha-uht? Nooo. I'm fine,” I said flippantly, following it up with a carefree laugh. I couldn’t be certain he was buying it or not, but a woman could hope.

"Is it Elliot?" Toby tried again.

That drew me up short. "Elliot!" I practically shouted.

Lowering my voice, careful not to yell into the mouthpiece, I asked, "Why would you think it was Elliot?”

Will growled behind me, not liking where the convo led, and slapped my ass hard.

"Ouch! Quit it!” I burst out, slapping at Will’s grumbling ass wildly. “I'm on the damn phone!"

Fancy Pants leaned forward, grinning suddenly, and winked, happy with my outburst. A smug look about his smarmy ass, he bussed my cheek and rolled, hopping up off the bed with a pep in his sexy step, and sauntered into the bathroom.

Damn. It just wasn’t fair. He looked so... yummy, all rumpled and wrinkled in the morning. He looked like he’d just been in a tussle, the good kind, which sent my thoughts in a very eager direction they really shouldn’t be. Not before coffee, or at least tea.

"Who the hell is over there, Tabitha, and what the heck is he doing to you?" my elder sibling demanded hotly.

Yes, just what I needed, two belligerent block heads trying to dictate to me. "I'm old enough that questions like that are none of your business, big brother. I'll see you later, okay?"

"Tabs..." Toby sighed worriedly.

"Toby...” I sighed right back. “You worry too much."

"Someone has to worry about you," he muttered.

I couldn’t help it, hearing that note of worry lacing his tone, and softened at that. "Well, don't. I'm a big girl."

There were semi grumblings of agreement, but I could feel a but coming on. "At least tell me this?"

"What?" I barked at him.

"It is only one guy, right?"

"Toby!" I shrieked. Falling back against the blankets, gaping up at the ceiling, I made a promise to bean him over his fat head later—at a time of my convenience, of course.

"Okay! Okay! Just checking!" he rushed on hurriedly.

I didn't hear what else he had to say, I was too busy hanging up on his ass to care.




Wielding a spatula like a pro, I hummed as I flipped pancakes in a pan, fixing us a late brunch. Apparently, we'd slept in until eleven, so brunch it would be.

There was a knock at the door, interrupting our little cozy safe place away from everything, and Will paused in front of the fridge, orange juice bottle in hand.

Glancing from him to the hall, I couldn’t deny the tension in my frame, riding me, waiting for him at any moment to try and duck out or slide under the table to hide, lest he be seen with me.

"I'll get it,” I told Will, setting my spatula next to the pan. “Can you watch the food so it doesn't burn?"

I was just turning from the stove, setting the pot holder I liked to use to maneuver the cast iron skillet’s handle onto the counter, when someone called from the door.

"Hey, Bit, you home?" We both heard Elliot call out from the front porch.

Will scowled and shut the fridge door. Giving the hallway a dirty look, he set the juice down at the table and, pausing as if to compose himself, then turned to smiled over at me sweetly. "I'll get it. You stay here," he said, stalking towards the door.

What the...?

Staring after him, I couldn’t help but follow, watching as Will pulled his shirt off in the living room, exposing a well-muscled chest with tight blonde curls covering most of it, to abandon the balled up material, chucking it towards the loveseat.

He had a veritable mat across his pecks that trailed down, disappearing as it dipped below the band of his pants and who the hell knew how much farther. I wanted to know how much farther, I thought, then mentally gave my stunned mug a slap.

I gaped at him, slack jawed, entranced as he unbuttoned his jeans, scrubbing a hand up his chest and rumpling his hair.

Oh my... lawd. Drool. I might’ve drooled, just a little. "What in the world are you doing?" I asked distractedly, ogling his magnificent form.

Give him a tan and he'd be, well... perfect.

Smiling dismissively, barely sparing me a short glance, Will opened the door, peering up, and scowled at Elliot. Then, leaning out the doorway, he began saying something to him in low, hushed tones.

Walking back to the kitchen, I turned off the stove and put the last of the pancakes onto a plate, because fire safety before eye-gasms, and with a skidding sprint, hurried over to the door.

Will had the door opened a little, so it was blocking Elliot's view into the house.

"I don't believe you," Elliot told Will resolutely, "I want to see it for myself."

"Fine," Will huffed back, matching Elliot’s disbelieving tone, shrugging nonchalantly, "let me go get her." With his snobbish smirk firmly in place, he slammed the door on Elliot and turned around, spotting me coming up behind him, to pull me close and kiss the ever-loving shit out of me.

His lips were hot and hard, demanding, biting and nipping at my mine as he ran his hands through my hair, messing it up terribly, but I was beyond caring at this point.

I moaned into his mouth, and went for broke. Grabbing at naked flesh, my hands roamed over his chest, my fingers brushing across his nipples, enjoying the feel of the tickly hairs on his chest beneath my fingertips.

Will pulled away then and cupped my face. He made a happy noise, the sound rumbling in his throat, vibrating his chest, giving me a big, heart stopping, dimpled grin. Those pretty eyes roamed, taking in my swollen lips, wild hair, and flushed face. That impossibly wide smile grew as he surveyed his handy work.

He licked his lips and I wanted to bite that thick, full lip, wondering how he’d react if I did. As if he could read my mind, his lips brushed mine and he smiled against them. I was sure, could I actually see it, he’d look like the cat that go the canary.

"Go answer the door, short shit," he murmured huskily, nipping my lip exactly as I’d wanted to attack him. A throaty moan on my lips that had Will’s skin pebbling at the sound, he pulled away.

Gently, he steered me ‘round, despite my protests, nudging me towards the door. When I’d turned, about to do just that, too numb on love drunk happiness to fully comprehend I’d essentially been acting like a puppet, he slapped my ass to get me going.

"Quit slapping my ass!" I bellowed over at him, rubbing my rump as it stung from his rough handling. Well, that was one way to wake the hell up, I thought caustically, glaring over my shoulder at him.

A string of cuss words on my lips, I opened the door, ignoring his chuckles, and looked up into Elliot's shocked face.

Brunch,” Will called after me. “I’ll just go check on it!”

Blinking, I turned to watch Will go. God, did I ever. Someone have mercy on me, I thought, goggling at a fine, pert set of buns sauntering away from me. I’d had my hands on those buns, I reminded myself, stifling a longing whimper. And I was going to smack the shit out of it later, in retaliation.

"You know you like it, my little kumquat!" Will bellowed back from the kitchen, a laugh in his voice.

It was like the dick was psychic or something. He knew. That, or he was just that dammed cocky.

"Kumquat?" I mumbled, at a loss. "Man has lost his damn mind," I muttered, turning to face our sudden visitor. "Kumquat, my ass..."

"So, it's true then," Elliot stated quietly, his expression pinched tight, eyes squinting in a half-glare aimed somewhere over my head and just beyond—the kitchen, to be more precise.

What had Will told him? I needn’t wait long.

"You're sleeping with him."

Shock, like Elliot had just flicked my forehead, had me gawping, sputtering up at him. "I, uh... well... I'm not, uh... sleeping with him... but..."

Elliot's jaw tightened and he nodded. Without anther word he bounded down the steps, his movements jerky and uncoordinated, stiff, as he walked away.

"Elliot, wait!" I called and ran after him

It was then, as I started after him, that I noticed a fancy car pulling into Will's drive, but I was more worried about my friend at the moment than some overdone Barbie car.

"Why did you say you'd go with me, if you were having sex with him, Bit?" Elliot asked, hurt. His cheeks were pink and growing bolder, a deep rouge tingeing his high cheeks bones.

"I didn't know that's what you were asking and you know it," I argued. And we both knew he knew exactly what I was referring to.

With grimace, Elliot sighed and his shoulders slumped. "Yeah... I know... I just-"

"And we aren't having sex," I continued. "That was just him being an ass. He was putting on a show. I think he's jealous of you," I hurried to explain, muttering the last part under my breath.

Elliot perked up at that and looked over at me, his eyes wide. "Really?"

Hold ya horses there, cowboy, I thought, about to set everyone and everything straight, but a squeaking ruckus had us both jerking in place.

We both glanced up as a leggy blonde hopped out of the fancy car, slammed her door, careful to check her nails, then check them again, another squeak noise, and look around, grimacing.

Fish out of water, I thought, but didn’t let my thoughts drift any further than that. She came from money, or knew someone who had it—Daddy, perhaps—though I could’ve thought up at least twenty better ways she coulda spent it than that glittermobile blinding us from the drive, or her crazy getup. The ‘young lady’ in question had on a short mini dress and six inch heels. Her nail polish matched the car’s paint job.

She teetered around as she pursed her lips, this dainty, squealing newcomer, eyeing Will's house.

"How long have you two been seeing each other, then?" Elliot asked after a moment, his gaze darting from my face to the leggy bimbo.

"We aren't seeing each other, exactly...” I turned to offer Elliot my undivided attention. “It's...” My hand lifted in and I really don’t know what to tell you kind of gesture. “It’s, uh, complicated," I finished lamely.

Will came out and we watched, watching him as he glanced towards us by the sidewalk, then farther off to his right, his glaring grimace turning to a squint as the fancy car’s paint job attempt to blind him as well. And then, he finally spotted the blonde in his drive.

He'd put his shirt back on and buttoned his pants back up, thank god for small favors, and now all he needed to do was tell Legs to take a hike.

"Oh, William!" the blonde tittered upon spotting my makeout buddy, and then she was off, taking little running baby steps—so she didn't trip and fall flat on her plastic face in her hooker heels—towards him.

Agog, I stiffened when she threw herself at him, her gangly arms wrapping around his neck to squeeze, and kissed him passionately on the mouth. Hopping up, forcing him to catch her lest they both go tumbling to the ground, his hands clapping to her nonexistent hips reflexively, she wrapped her legs around his waist, her dress hiking up indecently as she moaned loudly against his mouth.

Sucking in a sharp breath, I spun around, turning my back on them, shocked, heart lurching, unable to watch as Will swapped spit with another woman.

Wobbling where I stood, I was beginning to feel light headed and kinda dizzy, realizing almost too late it was because I'd momentarily completely forgotten to breathe.

My expression tinged with disbelief, I glanced up at Elliot, blinking up at him stupidly for a few minutes, unable to digest what I'd just seen, what all had just happened, feeling a little numb and dazed.

The anger would come later, I knew, because that's how I usually worked, my anger building up at a slow boil.

Elliot glared at the pair, nothing short of pity in his eyes as he glanced down at me and hugged me to him. "Just hug me back, Bit," he bent down to whisper near my ear. "He's watching now. Don't let him see he's hurt you."

Stupid lip trembling, I hugged Elliot back, accepting the comfort he offered, burying my face in his shirt.

"What are they doing now?" I whispered, when a minute or two had passed.

"I don't know,” he admitted reluctantly. “She followed him inside.”

Dying—maybe I’m dying? Because that was kind of what this felt like. But nope, just my wee little heart and quivering guts getting smooshed, nothing more. Numbness took over, on the heels of this sudden sense of hopelessness invading me, and I let my arms sag to my sides, but Elliot still held onto me tight.

"I'm sorry, Elliot, and thanks for... you know," I murmured awkwardly, pulling away from him, ready to go hide out in my cave and paint, let my emotions roll over onto the canvas.

"Do you still want to go to the fundraiser with me?" he asked gently, glaring over at Will's house.

"You still want to take me?" I blinked, frowning, and glance up at him, surprised.

"Yes, but I want to do things right this time, so there aren't any misunderstandings. I want a proper date first," he admitted, offering me a soft smile full of warmth.

"Y-y-you do?"

"Tomorrow," he said agreeably, grasping my hand in his, squeezing it gently.

But he must have seen the reluctance in my expression. "Give me a chance, Bit. That's all I'm asking. You won't get anywhere with him.” His chin jerked to the yard next door and he gave a disdainful sniff. “He won't care about you the way he should."

And ain’t that the truth, I thought miserably. Letting out a long breath, I squeezed his hand back.

"Alright." I sighed, at a loss, conceding. “Sure. Yeah. Let’s do this.” Try as I might though, I couldn’t muster up a true smile or any real enthusiasm for the idea. I wanted the stupid idiot next door who wouldn’t treat me right, making us both effing morons. We should have it tattooed across our foreheads, I thought darkly, a hint of anger starting to prick.

"One o’ clock for lunch, I'll pick you up," Elliot said happily, either ignoring my mood completely, or not sensing it.

I nodded, and we turned to trek back up the walk. Elliot’s hand slid to the small of my back, a gesture that now seemed kind of more than it would have before, almost intimate in its placement, but I didn’t fight it, allowing him to walk me to my front door.

Once I’d reached the top step he paused. Fearing he might try and nab himself a smooch I wasn’t ready to offer, nor receive, I practically scrambled for my front door.

With the door opened, more than half of me already behind it, I turned and waved him off, a sweet, fake smile plastered to my face, waiting until he disappeared behind a neighboring hedge to pop inside and slam the door shut, locking it to turn and rest against the cool, heavy wood.

Groaning inside and out, I wanted to slide down to the floor and wallow, but it wasn’t exactly my thing—not for extended periods, at any rate.

Noises from outside caught my attention, and I couldn't help myself, dropping down to scoot across the floor like a kinked worm, my eyebrows shooting up as I watched, entranced. Not two seconds later I saw the blonde, Legs, emerge from Will’s house, stomping out. She sounded hysterical, red faced and cussing a blue streak, shrieking unintelligibly as she practically ran to her car, throwing the door open clumsily, and hopped inside. Engine revving, tires screeching, she hauled ass out of the drive, stomping hard on the gas. Ear bleeding girl power music suddenly blaring from the glitter mobile from Hell, Legs took off like a rocket down the street.




"You can't be mad at me when she's the one that latched herself onto me, not the other way around," Will argued, trying to reason with me.

Did he know nothing? There is no arguing with a woman burned. I ignored him and turned on my blinker, making the turn as we headed to Toby's house later that day.

"I should be mad at you! You were the one who hugged Elliot. I- I saw," he grumbled, leaning against his door.

Oh, good, we can both be unreasonable assholes now. Perfect. What a pair we make. Huffing out a short grunt of a breath, I turned on the radio, keeping my eyes on the road.

"Are you going to be mad at me forever, Bit?" Fancy Pants asked hotly, reaching over and turning the volume down.

Eyes flashing, I glared at him and slapped his hand off the dial. "What do you think?" I snapped, biting his head off.

Will’s scowl deepened. "I didn't do anything wrong! She kissed me! Why am I the one being punished here?"

Because murdering perfect strangers is frowned upon. Jaw clenching, I tightened my grip on the steering wheel and jerked it a little, satisfied when my truck passenger yelped, his head smacked the window lightly.

"Ow! Watch where you're driving, you crazy female!"

"Pot hole!" I called cheerfully, while he rubbed the side of his head.

"You did that on purpose," he accused. The look on his face said he refused to be persuaded otherwise.

That’s alright, I thought, I wasn’t in a persuasive mood at the moment. With a sniff, I pursed my lips, but didn't offer anything else.

Eyeing me uncertainly suddenly, Will ran his hands through his hair, frustrated, making it stick up in a messy mass around his head when his fingers slipped free.

"Are you going to be mad at me all day?" he griped not two minutes later, slumping in his seat to glare out the window.

We pulled into Toby's driveway two turns later and I shut off my truck, unclipping and tossing my seatbelt to the side, not bothering to look at him, and hurried out.

Toby was walking out then, as I rushed off like my ass was on fire, all ready to go.

"Hurry up, Ass-hat, I don't got all day," Toby grumbled.

"I'm coming, you abominable lumberjack!" Will barked at Toby, shutting my truck passenger side door with a jarring thud that rattled the whole damned thing, and started to make his way towards Toby’s work truck. "Don't get your plaid panties in a twist!" Stopping as I rounded my truck, intent to march straight up to the house, no hellos or goodbyes, damned everybody right this moment, when Will stopped and looked at me over his shoulder. "We'll discuss this later," Will promised darkly.

I rolled my eyes at him, despite the way his words had my skin prickly and my stomach flip-flopping, and headed into the house. I needed to have a serious girl chat with Rita. This was long overdue, in my opinion.