Abyssinia, 64

Adams, John Quincy, 101

Aden, 112–13, 127, 133

adornment, 25, 73, 149

Adulis, 45

advertisements, 91, 179–80

Aegean, 32–33

Afghanistan, 42

Africa, 40. See also specific countries

postcolonial, 159

African Elephant Conservation Act, 180, 202

African elephants, 18, 50, 174. See also specific topics

never threatened, 66

population, 174

African ivory, 113, 159. See also specific topics

market for, 49–52, 64

African Society in London, 133

African Wildlife Foundation (AWF), 177–80, 251

Africans and elephants, 66–69

Afro-Portuguese ivories, 68–69

Ahab, 29–30

Aksum, 45

Alexander, Shana, 91–92

Alexander the Great, 36–38

Alice (elephant), 92

Alpers, Edward A., 26–27, 120, 172

Amboseli, 178

American Museum of Natural History, 17

Amin, Idi, 171

Angola, 171–72

animal welfare and animal rights groups, 179, 216, 218–19, 239, 251–52, 254, 256

Arab traders, 120, 125, 126, 131, 137

Arnold, Cheney and Company, 3, 108, 109, 112, 113, 124–27

Arnold, Hines and Company, 124

art, 6, 11–13, 200. See also painting; sculpture

artistic use of ivory, 61–62

Egyptian, 26

in Late Bronze Age, 28–29

religious, 52, 70, 71

Arthasastra, 41

Ashurnasirpal II, 30–32

Asian elephant, 18, 50

Assyrians, 30–32

Athena, 34, 36

Athi Plains, 181

Australia, 181

Ayerst, Peter, 168, 170

Baghdad, caliph of, 60

Baker, Samuel, 138, 142

Bangui, 176

Barbier, Edward, 186

Barnes, T. A., 131

Barnes Circus, 147

Barnum, P. T., 91

baroque, 75

battues, 31–32

Beachey, R. W., 120

beads, 9–10

Beard, Peter, 167

Beauty Revealed (Goodridge), 94

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 96

Begram, 42

Beilenson, Anthony, 180

Belgians, 137, 138

Bell, Walter Dalrymple Maitland, 136, 138, 140–44

Benci, Ginevra de’, 62

Benin, 68

Bertram, John, 122, 123

Bible, 55

billiard balls, 100, 102–6, 134

billiards, 100–102

Birmingham, England, 65

birth control, 216–17

“blitzkrieg” hypothesis, 20–23

boar. See also pigs

ivory, 87

teeth, 4, 87

boar, wild (Sus scrofa scrofa), 33

bone, 53–54

Bonner, Raymond, 160, 173, 178, 179

Born Free Foundation, 252, 254

Botswana, 157, 174, 188–90, 192, 215, 220, 246, 253, 255, 256

bracelets, ivory, 9

Brazil, 70

Britain, 94–96, 127. See also London; United Kingdom British colonialists, 159, 160

British East Africa Protectorate, 159

British East India Company, 70

British Museum, 42, 52, 69, 130. See also Natural History Museum

Britner, George C., 102

Broadfoot, W., 103–4

Broadwood, Thomas, 96

Broadwood and Sons, 96

Bronze Age, 28, 41

Late, 28–29, 32, 33

Browne, Thomas, 59

Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama), 41

Buddhism, 71, 72

elephants in, 41

“buffer zones,” 231

Bunyoro, Uganda, 138

Burma, 190, 227

Burroughes, James, 106

Burton, Richard, 3, 111, 118

Burundi, 176, 189, 190

Bush, George H. W., 180

Buss, Irven, 161

Byzantine empire, 53

Byzantine world, 48

Byzantium, 52

cachalots, teeth of, 87–88

Caldwell, Keith, 160, 161

Caligula, emperor, 44

camel caravans, 51

cameras, 129

Cameron, V. L., 118

Canada, 181

Caribbean, 65

Carthage, 40, 45

Carthaginians, 39

carving, ivory, 10, 15, 52–53, 68

Chinese, 72

“Egyptianizing” style of, 29

Gothic, 57

in India, 41–42

revival in Europe, 75–76

tools for, 15, 53

Catullus, 44

Cellini, Benvenuto, 62

celluloid, 105, 151–52

“cemeteries,” elephant, 133, 143

Central African Republic, 176

Chad, 255

Chagga, 1, 143

chain saws, 172

chair, ivory, 44

Champu Bhanjie, 128

Charles the Bold, 59

Charles V, 61

Chen Mei, 72

Cheney, George Arthur, 85, 86, 123, 124

Cheney, George L., 112

Cheney and Company, Arnold. See

Arnold, Cheney and Company Chickering, Jonas, 97, 98

Childs and Company, 115

China, 42–43, 71–72, 76, 169, 208

carvings exported to Japan, 72–73

ivory ban and, 197–99, 245–46, 254

Japan and, 197, 198, 254

tusks in, 63, 64

Chinese in Africa, 70–71

Chinese ivory carving, 72

chinoiserie, 90

Chobe National Park, 242

chopsticks, 193, 194

Christian art, 52, 70, 71

Christie, Agatha, 30, 31

Christofori, Bartolomeo, 96

chryselephantine sculpture, 34–35

Chu, prince of, 43

circuses, elephants in, 91, 147, 158

CITES. See Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

Civil War, 126

Claudian, 47

Cleland, John, 74

Cleopatra, 75–76


British, 159, 160

in East Africa, 159–60

German, 159

combs, 73, 74, 83–85, 90, 106

Comstock, Cheney and Company, 86, 98, 110, 112, 123, 124, 127, 128, 151

Comstock, Samuel Merritt, 85–86, 123, 127, 128

Comstock and Company, S.M., 85, 86

Congo, 132, 137, 138, 168, 169, 204, 206

Congo Basin, 118, 137, 203–4

Congo River, 66

Connecticut River, 84

Connecticut River Valley, 151

Conniff, Richard, 97, 123

Conrad, Joseph, 138

conservation, 224. See also elephants, legislation protecting

conservation organizations, 177, 180, 196, 251

conservation treaty, first, 160

Constantinpole, 52

container, duck-shaped, 29

contraception, 216–17

“control” schemes, 163

Convention for the Preservation of Animals, Birds and Fish in Africa, 160

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), 176, 220, 249, 254

“appendix approach,” 173, 182, 186, 188–91, 205–6, 246, 250

China and, 198, 199, 254


1989, 178

2007, 249

1994 and 1997, 189–90

Fourteenth Conference of the Parties, 249–52

export permits, 175, 176

hippopotamus and, 205

illegal trade and, 187, 252

Japan and, 190–92, 197

logo, 249–50

Martin on, 245

MIKE (Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants) program, 203, 220

Nigel Hunter on, 247

overview, 173

as public relations forum, 189

“resting period,” 256

Seventh Meeting, 181–82

South Africa and, 184, 188, 189, 255–57

Standing Committee, 254, 256

United States and, 202, 209

Córdoba, 51

Córdoba, caliph of, 51

corruption, 5, 172. See also under Kenya

Cosimo III de’ Medici, 76

Cosway, Richard, 93

covers. See veneers craft trade, 90–91

Crete, 32

cross-hatching, 23–24

Crusades, 56

culling, 164–67, 170, 181, 225, 227. See also elephant killings

in South Africa, 183–84, 213–14, 219–20

Cunard, Nancy, 149

customs seal, 175

Cutler, Anthony, 45, 48, 53

Darius III, 36, 37

David, King, 55

David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, 221

de Servière, Nicholas Grollier, 78–79

Death of Cleopatra, The (Elhafen), 75

Deep River, 86–87, 98, 122, 123, 127, 132

Deep River Historical Society, 89–90

Deinotherium, 18

dentibus Indis (Indian teeth), 44

dentin, 15–16, 24, 26, 54–56, 205

sources, 87

“devil’s-work balls,” 72

Diocletian, 45

diptychs, 46–47, 55

DNA analysis, 204–5

Dodoma, 107

Domansky, Ernst R. See Moore, Ernst D.

domestic objects, 73

Douglas-Hamilton, Iain, 162, 174, 181, 236, 256

Drummond, Henry, 159

Dubai, 176, 179

duck-shaped ivory container, 29

Dutch, 65, 66

Dyer, Tony, 236–37

East Africa, 5, 64, 85, 118. See also Mombasa; Zanzibar

colonialists in, 159–60

soft ivory from, 88–89, 113, 127, 128. See also Zanzibar

East African Professional Hunter’s Association, 236

East India Company, 70

East-West fusions, 70

Edict of Maximum Prices, 45

Edo, 68, 73

Egypt, 25–31

“Egyptianizing” style of ivory carving, 29

Elephant Hall, 210–12

“elephant holocaust,” 179

elephant killings, 106, 133, 134, 137, 179, 203. See also culling; hunting

in Africa, 174, 175

in Mediterranean world, 31–32

in Nigeria, 68

not necessary to obtain ivory, 184

punishment for, 41

record levels in East Africa, 5

spectacle of, 48

Elephant Protection Bill, 180

elephants, 164, 238

capturing wild, 38

dangers faced from, 229–34

dangers of eradication, 47

as diplomatic gifts, 60

domestication, 40

Edward Topsell on, 74–75

as endangered species, 5

entertainment/performing, 47–48, 75, 147. See also circuses Greeks and, 36

identification with, 48

legislation protecting, 41, 159–60, 179, 180, 182. See also poaching; specific legislation

in literature and film, 146

observed in nature, 157–58, 161–62

populations, 164

reconciling dreams and realities for, 244

research on, 161–63, 216–18

species, 18, 26, 50

starving to death, 166–67

as symbolic, 41, 146

teeth, 34, 65

traditional migration, 215

vocalizations, 162

war, 37–41, 47

Elephas maximus, 40

Elhafen, Ignaz, 75–76

Elizabeth I, 59

endangered species, elephants as, 5

Endangered Species Act, 202

Ethiopia, 45, 133, 169. See also Abyssinia Ethiopians, 38


revival of ivory carving, 75–76

secular use of ivory after 1400, 61–65

European Community, 180

Europeans’ arrival in Africa, 69

factories, 83–88, 99. See also industrial revolution; specific factories

Connecticut, 87, 98, 108, 122, 127

Japanese, 193–95

modern, 198

Faro, André de, 65–66

fence posts, 125

fences, electric, 234

Fez, 51

figurines, 4, 11, 12, 15, 63, 74, 151, 202, 205

Finch Hatton, Denys, 145

fossils, 17–18, 63

France, 75, 179, 203, 209, 226

Frere, Bartle, 124

Friedel, Robert, 102, 105, 148

Fujian Province, 71

furniture, 35, 92

Ango-Indian, 69

wooden, 30

Furuyashiki, Kumi, 192

gazettement, 165

George Read and Company, 98

Georgiadis, Nick, 238–41, 243

German colonialists, 159

Germany, 75, 126, 129, 203

southwest, 11

Gesner, Conrad, 60

Gold Coast, 65

gold combined with ivory. See chryselephantine sculpture

Golden Palace of Nero, 44

Gomes, A. C., 129

Gomphotherium, 18

Gonarezhou, 214

Goodridge, Sarah, 93–94

Gospels, 55

Gothic ivory carving, 57

Grace, Edward, 199–202

Graffman, Gary, 208

Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Park, 214

Greece, 33–38

Greene, Rufus, 123–24

Greenland, 54

Guangdong Province, 71

Guangxi Province, 71

Guinea, 66

Gujarat, 41

hammer stone, 15

Han Dynasty, 43

hanko (name seals), 177, 192–95

Hannibal, 39–40

Hansing and Company, 126

Harland, David, 189

Hashimoto, Ryutaro, 192

HEC (“human-elephant conflict”), 230, 232, 233. See also elephants, dangers faced from

Heiden, Marcus, 78

helmets, 33, 34

Henry III, king of England, 60

Hickok, Wild Bill, 149

Hinduism, 50

elephants in, 41

hippopotamus, 25–26

ivory, 4, 25, 26, 33, 87, 205–6

limitations of, 55, 87

population, 206

teeth, 4, 25, 26, 205

Hiram of Tyre, King, 29

Hochschild, Adam, 137

Hohle Fels, 11

Homer, 32–33

Hong Kong, 169, 176–77, 179, 181, 186, 202, 206

Horace, 44

Horn of Windsor, 59

“horns” and unicorns, 58–59

Hume, David, 101

humidity, 31

Hunan Province, 71

Hunter, John A., 145–46, 152, 153

Hunter, Nigel, 203, 244–47

hunters, ivory, 139–40, 144

hunting, 144, 145

elephants, 67–68, 140–41, 144–45. See also specific topics

dangers of, 140

weapons for, 38, 67, 140–42, 171, 172, 245

mammoths, 19–23

Hyatt, John Wesley, 105

hybridization, 204

Iliad (Homer), 33

India, 64, 70, 169

Alexander the Great’s invasion of, 36–37

elephants in, 41. See also elephants

ivory carving in, 41–42

purchasing ivory from East Africa, 118–19

Indian culture, ivory objects in, 50

Indian firms and Zanzibar, 126

Indian ivory traders, 114

Indian Ocean coast, 64

Indus Valley, 40, 41

industrial revolution, 77, 79. See also factories; machines

International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), 251, 256

Islam, 50–51, 121

Italy, 39

IUCN (World Conservation Union), 180, 251

Ivan the Terrible, 4

ivory. See also specific topics

availability, 27, 51–52, 60

bartering for, 120

color, 150, 207

composition, 15–17

connotations and symbolic meanings, 4–6, 25, 27, 29–30, 56, 60, 74, 149–50

cost, 115, 161, 171, 182, 186

cutting, 15, 34, 52–53, 151. See also carving

discovery, 10

“don’t buy ivory” message, 178–79, 189

efficiency of extraction, 45

and familiarity with elephants, 60–61

fascination with, 10, 14, 208

first attempts to work, 10

“found” (recovered from elephants that died of natural causes), 133

as hydroscopic, 31

insatiable appetite for, 5, 134

in literature, 74

oldest found, 10–11

permanence, 14

power, 4, 9–10, 208

sensuousness, 3, 4, 30, 57–58

sources, 33, 204. See also specific animals

stacking raw, 184

stockpiled, 187

story of, 4–6, 49, 248

synthetic substitutes for, 105, 151–52, 208–9. See also plastic substitutes for ivory

tactile qualities, 98, 134, 149–50, 208

terminology, 44

thinly splitting, 35

transport, 4, 26, 120

as treasure/luxury item, 25, 27

types of, 24

“lesser ivories” vs. “true” ivory, 16

soft vs. hard, 113

uses, 25, 113. See also specific uses

universal, 74

Ivory: General Information (Lewis and Peat), 133

Ivory: Scourge of Africa (Moore), 110, 131, 132

Ivory Coast, 65

“ivory fever,” 138

Ivory Floor of Port of London Authority, 94–95

“Ivory House.” See Nyumba Pembi

Ivory Matching Room, 99

ivory objects/items. See also specific objects

advertising, 91

mass-production, 83

with smallest divisions, 41–42

types of, 25, 44, 50, 61, 76–77, 87, 90, 169, 193

“ivory problem,” 104, 106

ivory trade, 114. See also specific topics

geographical origins/ports, 113

ivory trade bans, 5. See also Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; specific topics

distinguishing objects from pre- vs.

post-ban ivory, 204

Ivory Trade Review Group, 186

ivory turning machine, 76

Ivoryton, Connecticut, 85–87, 98, 127

Japan, 72–74, 177, 208

Asian ivory market and, 169–70

China and, 197, 198, 254

CITES and, 190–92, 197

ivory trade regulations, 190–97, 254, 256, 257

Japan Wildlife Conservation Society (JWCS), 196

Japanese factories, 193–95

Jesus Christ, 57

Jones, Joseph A., 112

Joseph Rodgers and Sons, 95, 130

Julius Ceasar, 44

Jumbo (elephant), 91

“junking” machine, 89

Kalahari Desert, 157

Kangxi, Emperor, 63, 76

Karamojo, 140

Keftiu, 32

Keita, Oumar, 201

Kenya, 142–43, 152, 169. See also British East Africa Protectorate; Laikipia; Nairobi; Tsavo National Park

abandoned ivory catches in, 186

CITES and, 254–55

corruption and smuggling, 172–73, 181, 186

dangers from elephants in, 229–34

elephant losses, 186

elephant population, 171, 226

history, 224–26

hunting ban, 224, 236

lifted, 239

John Frederick Walker in, 221–47

Northern Frontier District, 172

poaching in, 172, 173, 228, 255

tourism, 187

trade ban, 226

Tsavo National Park, 165–68, 172, 235

wildlife department, 160. See also Kenya Wildlife Service

Kenya Game Department, 145, 161, 170

Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), 181, 226, 233, 236, 241, 253, 256. See also Kenya, wildlife department

Kenyatta, Jomo, 172

Khartoum, 127, 176, 198

Kilimanjaro, 165

Kilimanjaro tusks, 2, 129–30, 143, 247

Kilwa district, 163

kimonos, 73

King, Anthony, 233–35

Kipng’etich, Julius, 253, 256

knife, stone, 15

Knight, Charles R., 19

Knossos, 32

Konjore, Willem, 255

Kruger, 183–85, 209–10, 212–16, 218–19, 245, 257

Kunz, George F., 93, 130

Kuya, Ittensai, 194

labor, 9–10

Lacey Act, 202

Lado Enclave, 136, 138–40, 144, 237, 238

Laikipia, 231, 233–35

Laikipia Wildlife Forum, 233

lance, 9

Lapatin, Kenneth, 35

Late Bronze Age, 28–29, 32, 33

lathes, 77, 79

Laws, Richard, 161–62, 164, 166

Layard, Austen Henry, 30

Le Marchand, David, 75

Leakey, Richard, 181, 186

Leonardo da Vinci, 62

Leopold II, king of the Belgians, 137–38

Lepidoptera, 139

Letaba, 213. See also Elephant Hall

Lewis and Peat, Ltd., 133

Lewis chessmen, 56

Lieberman, Susan, 254

Limpopo National Park, 214

Limpopo Valley, 64

Livingstone, David, 3, 118, 121, 123, 125, 131

Liwale district, 163

Loango, 66

London, 94–95, 127, 130, 133, 168, 203

mammoth ivory shipped to, 62

Lothal, 41

Louis IX, 60

Lucian, 35

machines, 78–79, 83–84, 92. See also factories

MacPhee, Ross, 21–23, 206

maharajas, 152

Mainka, Sue, 251

Malawi, 205

Mali, 254–55

Mallowan, Max, 30, 31

mammoth ivory, 64

from Siberia, 62–63

from Soviet Union, 152

mammoth tusks, 9, 15, 19, 22, 63–64, 206

mammoths, 19–22. See also woolly mammoth

extinction, 20–23

hunting, 19–21

number of buried, 206–7

Mammuthus jeffersonii, 19

Mani-mani, 143

Marine Mammal Protection Act, 202

Marks, Stuart, 163

Marrakesh, 51

Martial, 44

Martin, Esmond Bradley, 195, 197

background and overview, 244

on ivory trading, 176–77, 203

John Frederick Walker and, 244–46

on number of elephants killed, 134, 203

Mary, mother of Jesus, 56–57

Masatoshi (Nakamura Tokisada), 193–94

Masudi, al-, 49–50

Maurice, Klaus, 77, 78

Maxamilian, Duke of Bavaria, 78

Maximum Prices, Edict of, 45

Maya, Queen, 41

Mbewe, Edward, 253

Mbinga district, 229

medical devices, 91

Mediterranean, 33. See also specific countries and regions

megafauna, 227

Meiji period, 195

Menelik, King of Ethiopia, 133

Meredith, Martin, 161, 176

Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, 69

Meyer, H. A., 126

Michelet, Raymond, 149

Milliken, Tom, 203

Ming Dynasty, 71

miniature painting, 92–94

Minoan civilization, 32

Mnazi Moja, 128

Moi, Daniel arap, 181

Mombasa, 112–16, 123, 128, 130, 168–69

warehouse raided in, 170

Mombasa Ivory Rooms, 168, 170

Moore, Dwight, 108–9, 111

Moore, Ernst D., 110, 120, 125, 144

in Aden, 127–28, 131, 133

on alternatives to ivory, 207

on appetite for ivory, 134

background and life history, 109, 111, 130–31

in Chester, Connecticut, 130–31

death, 135

on determining ivory’s origin, 175

diary, 108–10, 131, 132

on elephant extermination, 134, 244

on elephant slaughter and poaching, 133–37

Ivory, 110, 131, 132

in Mombasa, 130–33

participation in ivory trade, 108–9, 111–17, 127–28, 130, 134–35

return to United States, 130

on tactile qualities of ivory, 98

Zanzibar and, 116–17, 125, 127–31, 133, 135

Moore, Richard, 109–10

Moscow, mammoth ivory shipped to, 62

Moss, Cynthia, 162, 178

Mozambique, 212, 215

Mozambique island, 118

Mpala, 240–41

Mpala Research Center, 237

Mugabe, Robert, 256

Muhammad bin Khalfan, 127

Muhammad el Marjebi, Hamedi bin. See Tippu Tip

Murchison Falls National Park, 164, 166, 171

Muruthi, Philip, 251

musical instruments, 98. See also piano keys

Mycenaean period, 32, 33

mythological creatures, 58–60

mzigi-zigi, 129–30

Nabokov, Vladimir, 149–50

Nairobi, 173, 176, 223, 227, 229, 231–32, 244

Nairobi National Park, 181, 221–22

Namibia, 188–90, 192, 215, 220, 253, 255, 256

Namory, Bayo, 201

Nartov, Andrei K., 76

narwhal (Monodon monoceros), 58–59

“native gardens”/“native settlements,” 163

Natural History Museum (London), 130, 247–48. See also British Museum

Nchunga, Mushanana, 182

Ndunguru, Lazaro, 229

Nebraska, 18

neck rest, carved, 25

Neolithic rock paintings, 26

netsuke, 73, 90

Neumann, Arthur H., 139

New England, 84, 85

New England firms, 5

New York, 127, 132, 138

Nicomachorum, 46

Nigeria, 68

Nile, 27

Nimrud, 30, 31

Niskanen, Leo, 232

nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 182. See also specific organizations

Norris, Christopher, 16–19

Norse society, 54

Northwest Palace of Ashurnasirpal II, 30

Norway, 54

Nubia, 27

Nujoma, Sam, 192

Nyasa, Lake, 118

Nyumba Pembi (“Ivory House”), 3, 125, 127, 129

Odyssey (Homer), 32–33

Okavango Delta, 157

okimono (finely carved ornaments), 194

Oliphants, 209–10, 214

“oliphants,” 51–52

Omduman, 198

Omondi, Patrick, 255

Osaka, 256

ivory arts and crafts association, 191

Osmond, Patrick, 253

O’Swald and Company, Wm., 126, 129

Outer Hebrides, 56

“overkill” hypothesis, 20–23

Ovid, 44

Owen, Richard, 24

paganism, 46

painting. See also art

on ivory, 92–94

palaces, 29–30

Paleolithic sites, 9

panels, 30

Paris, Matthew, 60

Park, Mungo, 67–68

Parker, Ian, 174–77, 223–29

parks. See also Tsavo National Park

elephants confined to, 164

Parthenon, 33–34

Parthians, 45

Patton, George S., 149

Pausanias, 34

Payne, Katherine, 162

Perry, John, 161

Persian wars, 52

Peter the Great, 76

pharoahs, 28

Pheidias, 34, 35

Phelan, Michael, 101

Philippines, 71

Phoenicians, 29, 31

photography, 129

Physeter macroephalus, 87–88

pianists, 208, 209

piano keys, 5, 84, 98–100, 208

pianos, 96–97, 151

“pick-up ivory,” 168, 225

pièces excentriques, 79

pigs, 33. See also boar

Pilgram, Tom, 174, 175, 178

pins, ivory, 9

plastic substitutes for ivory, 100, 148–51, 207, 208. See also ivory, synthetic substitutes for

Pleistocene overkill, 21–23

Pliny the Elder, 47–48

Plumier, Charles, 79

poaching, 160, 171, 177–79. See also elephants, legislation protecting

corruption and, 5

and elephant population, 174

emergence of large-scale organized, 170

increasing demand and, 171

ivory ban and, 186, 187, 193, 197, 198, 231

John A. Hunter and, 146

in Kenya, 172, 173, 228, 255

Moore on, 135–37

poor wildlife management and, 255

in Tanzania, 228

war and, 245

weapons used in, 171, 172

poaching gangs, 172

Polybius, 39

Poole, Joyce, 162

Port of London Authority, 94–95

Portugal, 65

Portuguese, 68–70, 118

Porus, 36, 37

Pratt, Julius, 87, 92, 122, 127

Pratt, Phineas, 83–87

Pratt, Read, and Company, 86, 98, 110–12, 122, 127, 151, 152

Pratt, Read Player Action Company, 110

Pratt II, Phineas, 84, 85

priestesses, 46, 47

Proboscidea, 18

proboscideans, 18, 24

Proclus of Naucratis, 45

Providence, Rhode Island, 121, 123

Ptolemais Theron, 38

Ptolemy, 38, 39

Ptolemy II, 38, 39

Pueschel, Peter, 254

Punic Wars, 39, 45

Pursuit of Pleasure in the Course of the Seasons, The (Chen Mei), 72

Pygmalion, 44

pyxis, 51, 53

Qianlong, Emperor, 72

Qing Dynasty, 71–72

Raphia, Battle of, 39

Read, George, 84, 98, 122, 123, 127

Reagan, Ronald, 180

Red Sea, 27–28, 38, 45, 52

Rekhmire, Tomb of, 27, 32

religious art, 52, 70, 71

religious meanings of ivory, 56–57

Renaissance art, 59, 62, 75

Rensberger, Boyce, 166–67

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), 209

Rhine, lower, 56

Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey Circus, 147

Rodgers, Joseph, 130

Rodgers and Sons, Joseph, 95

Rokugocho, 196

Roman empire, 43–48

elephants and, 45–48

ivory, elephant population, and, 47

Roman poets and writers, 44–45


fall of, 53

Punic Wars against, 39–40

Roosevelt, Theodore, 116, 144

royalty, 25, 29, 44, 68, 72, 75–78

Ruhehe, 229

Ruhlmann, Émile-Jacques, 151

Russia, 9, 63, 76–77. See also Siberia; Soviet Union

Rwanda, 225

Sabie Game Reserve, 213

Sabie River, 209

Sahara, 26

Said, Sultan Seyyid, 118, 123

sailing vessels, 84

Sainte Chapelle Virgin, 57

Salem, Massachusetts, 121

Sayyid Ali bin Hamud Al-Busaidi, 128

scepter, ivory, 44

Schreger pattern, 23–24

science, development of, 60

Scipio Asiaticus, 40, 44

sculpture, 25, 34–35, 55–56, 62

Sebald, William, 194

Seereiter, John, 101

Seleucids, 39

Self-Portrait (Goodridge), 93–94

Selous, Frederick Courteney, 139

Seneca of Younger, 43–44

sex toys, 15

Shakespeare, William, 74, 101

Shang Dynasty, 42

Shayt, David, 95

Sheldrick, Daphne, 168, 221

Sheldrick, David, 165, 166, 173, 221

Sheriff, Abdul, 50, 119

Shundi, 1, 2, 143

Siberia, 25, 62–64, 207

signature seals, 177

silk, 43–44

Silk Road, 42, 43

Singapore, 169, 176, 205

skeletons, 9

slavery, 65

ending of, 124, 127, 136–37

ivory trade and, 4–5, 65, 107–8, 119, 131, 132

in Tanzania, 119

in Zanzibar, 118, 119, 124, 127

smuggling, 172–73, 181, 188–89

Snake River, 18

Solomon, King, 4, 29, 55

Somalia, 176

Song of Solomon, 29

South Africa, 177–78. See also Kruger; Limpopo Valley

CITES and, 184, 188, 189, 255–57

culling, 183–84, 213–14, 219–20

elephant population, 174, 177–78

export permits proposed by, 255–57

flagship national park, 183–84

hippo ivory from, 206

tusks shipped to, 205

Soviet Union, 152. See also Russia; Siberia

Spain, 71

Islamic, 51

Speke, John, 3, 118

Sri Lanka, 70

Stanley, Henry Morton, 3, 118, 123, 124, 126, 131

Steinway and Sons, 97, 98, 100, 208, 209

Steinweg, Heinrich, 97

sterilization, 216–17

Stiles, Dan, 203, 245

subfossils, 17–18

Sudan, 127, 169, 189, 198

Anglo-Egyptian, 138

Sudan-Uganda border, 136, 138

sundials, 61

Sungir, 9

“sustainable use” elephant policy, 191–92

Swahili, 116, 119, 121, 132, 143, 168

Swann, Alfred J., 107–8, 121–22

Switzerland, 181

Symmachi panel (art), 46, 47

Syria, 45

Syrian elephants, 30, 31. See also Phoenicians

Tabora. See Unyanyembe

Tana River, 165

Tanganyika, Lake, 118

Tanzania, 107, 119–20, 163, 169, 186, 206, 228, 229

Taoism, 71, 72

tauga, 149

taxes, ivory collected as, 133

teeth, 4, 15–16

boar, 4, 87

elephant, 34, 65

hippopotamus, 4, 25, 26, 205

Indian, 44

of marine animals, 206

whale, 87–88

Tenggren, Gustaf, 222

Thailand, 169

Thebes, 27

Themistius of Constantinople, 47

thrones, 4, 29, 74

Thutmose III, 27

Tiffany and Company, 130

Timbuktu, 51

Tippoo, 108

Tippu Tip, 3, 108, 121, 125, 127

toilet seats, 134

Tokyo Bay, 190

Tokyo ivory arts and crafts association, 191

Tomb of Rekhmire, 27, 32

tombs of Egypt, royal, 25, 76

tools for carving, 15, 53

“tops.” See veneers

Topsell, Edward, 74–75

Tsavo National Park, 165–68, 172, 235

Tusko, 147–48

Tusko (elephant), 147–48

tusks. See under Kilimanjaro tusks

elephant, 205

CITES permits required export of, 175, 176

pattern in cross-section of, 23–24

“prime,” 134

weight, 177

mammoth, 9, 15, 19, 22, 63–64, 206

of marine animals, 206

Uganda, 140, 143, 169, 173, 206, 225

elephant population, 163–64, 171

wildlife department, 160

Uganda Protectorate, 159

Uganda Railway, 116

Uganda-Sudan border, 136, 138

Ujiji, 107, 120

unicorns and horns, 58, 59

United Arab Emirates, 176. See also Dubai

United Kingdom (UK), 179, 203. See also Britain; London

United States, 83, 87–88, 90–91. See also specific topics

billiards, 100–106

circuses, 91–92

Fish and Wildlife Service, 174, 199–200, 209, 225

ivory ban and, 199–203

painting, 92–94

pianos, 97–100

wildlife laws dealing with ivory, 202

Zanzibar and, 122–27. See also Zanzibar

Unyanyembe, 119–20

vadrangis, 70

Van Couvering, John, 66

van Rooyen, Karen, 183–84

“vegetable ivory,” 149

veneers, 35, 86, 92, 93, 98–99, 195, 209

Venus figures, 14

Verdoom, Gerhard, 255

Victoria and Albert Museum, 45–46

Victorian England, 95–96. See also Britain

Viking traders, 54

Vili, 66

Vining, Frank W., 117

Virgin Mary, 56–57

Visram, Ali, 115

Vladimir, 9

Vogelherd cave, 11

Volga Bulgars, 54

Wadleigh, T. B., 106

wagons, 88

Waliangulu, 165

walrus ivory, 54–56

limitations, 55, 87

walrus teeth, 4

walrus tusk, 54

Wanyamwezi, 119

war. See also specific wars

poaching and, 245

Wasser, Samuel, 204–5

water, absorbed by ivory, 31


containing ivory, 149

for elephant hunting, 38, 67, 140–42, 171, 172, 245

Webster, Daniel, 94

Western, David, 174, 175, 178

whales, sperm, 87–88

White, Randall, 9–10

Whyte, Ian, 213–20

Wijnstekers, Willem, 250, 257

wildlife departments, 160

Williams, Ezra, 84

Williams, J. H., 227

Williamson, Paul, 56, 57

Wilson, Derek, 168, 170

Wit, Frederick de, 49

Witsen, Nicolaas, 63–64

Wm. O’Swald and Company, 126, 129

woman forms, 14

woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius), 10–11, 18–19. See also mammoths

World Conservation Union (IUCN), 180, 251

World War II, 151

World Wildlife Fund (WWF), 177, 179, 180, 251

Wurm, Ole, 59

Yakuts, 63

Yermak Timofeyevich, 62

Yerushalmi, Ophra, 209

Yunnan Province, 71

Zahra, Madinat al-, 51

Zambezi, 64, 118

Zambia, 205, 255

Zanj, 49–50


Americans and Europeans in, 126. See also under Zanzibar ivory trade

clove plantations, 119

Moore in, 116–17, 125, 127–28, 130, 131, 133, 135

political changes in, 128–29

slavery and slave trade, 118–22, 124, 127

Zanzibar ivory

abundance of, 126

characteristics, 128

stolen, 175

Zanzibar ivory trade, 2, 85, 108, 113, 117, 118, 127, 128

Germany and, 126

overtaken by Mombasa, 129

United States and, 122–27

Zhangzhou, 71

Zhejiang Province, 42

Zheng He, 70, 71

Zimbabwe, 174, 177, 188–90, 192, 206, 225, 253, 255, 256

Zôgei Bukai (Ivory Importers’ Group), 191

zoos, elephants in, 146–47, 158, 162

Zuo Zhuan, 43