Book Club

1. Looking from the beginning to the end, do you feel that Sarah needed more fleshing out as a character? If yes, why? If not, how do you think her character developed?

2. Was there a good emotional impact regarding the situation with Paige and Pip? If so, in what ways? If not, what do you wish would have occurred?

3. How was Kairen a help to Paige?

4. Do you feel that Kairen is a character who is worth seeing more of? Why or why not?

5. How do you feel about Xerx not wanting to involve his cousins in this vendetta?

6. In what way was Neela right to be worried about Xerx’s involvement in this vendetta against Dr. Hayashibara? If you don’t think she was, why not?

7. Do you believe that the reasons for Xerx to pursue his vendetta were enough to make the reader(s) emotionally involved? Why or why not?

8. Did the Gestalt battles seem enjoyable and interesting to you? Why or why not?

9. Would you like to see more Gestalt battles added to the story? How would you make them more interesting?

10. Is there anything that you would like to add to the Gestalt battles?

11. How does the location of Tophanavar appear?

12. Did Tophanavar seem like a real, living place? Why or why not?

13. Detail the Felyans and hybrids as a species. Are they well-defined?

14. What else would you like to explore with Felyans as a species?

15. Which member of the Shadow Star crew did you think was the most interesting and why?

16. Which member(s) of the Shadow Star crew would you like to see explored in further books and why?

17. Did the interactions between Pepper and Mobola appear important to the story? Do they convey strong romantic tension between the two? Is there any more that you would like to see that would flesh it out better?

18. Does Dr. Hayashibara feel like a compelling villain that you would like to see come around time and time again in the series? Why or why not?

19. How do the chapters of the story seem to form a uniform tale?

20. In what way is Xerx’s cause in pursuing the Doctor is a worthy one or not?