Brandon Hill is a native of Louisiana and an avid and frequent reader of science fiction and fantasy, who began writing in the eleventh grade. Of himself, he says, “I am a ‘classic nerd’ and prolific writer who has had dreams of authorship since childhood. I sketch perhaps even more prolifically than I write and have drawings of just about every character my warped imagination has come up with. I hope to continue sharing these ideas, characters, and stories with others for years to come.”
Terence Pegasus is a native of Northampton, Northamptonshire in the United Kingdom. Sharing the same love of science fiction and fantasy, he enjoys making kitbashes of various Warhammer 40K parts. Sharing the same love of sci-fi and fantasy and having forged a friendship with Brandon that began in the mid-90s with a mutual interest in 80s cartoons and sci-fi series, he and Brandon began their work on Wild Space Saga, eventually sharing his unique characters and integrating them into the story and providing his concept and technical work to its ever-expanding universe.