Datenextraktion in bestimmten Bereichen

Mizue Aizeki, Geoffrey Boyce, Todd Miller, Joseph Nevins u. Miriam Ticktin, »Smart Borders or a Humane World?«, The Immigrant Defense Project’s Surveillance, Tech & Immigration Policing Project, and the Transnational Institute (Oktober 2021),

Sarah Brayne, Predict and Surveil: Data, Discretion and the Future of Policing (Oxford University Press, 2020).

Kelly Bronson, The Immaculate Conception of Data: Agribusiness, Activists and Their Shared Vision of the Future (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022).

Kelly Gates, Our Biometric Future: Facial Recognition Technology and the Culture of Surveillance (Oxford University Press, 2011).

Ilona Kickbusch, Anurag Agrawal, Andrew Jack, Naomi Lee u. Richard Horton, »Governing health futures 2030: Growing up in a digital world – a joint The Lancet and Financial Times Commission«, The Lancet 394, Nr. 10206 (20. September 2019),–6736(19)32181–6/fulltext.

Joseph Turow, The Voice Catchers (Yale University Press, 2021).

Ben Williamson, Big Data in Education (Sage, 2017).