Call the Hobbler, that crude hive, spilked

Large in hoard and deed, heath hoared

And shoveled, hair bathed in gravel, mead.

Hobbler, will you bake in your mind

A speechcake? The beginning of life

Palpitates in you, milds. The Hobbler

Frightens children; she is hungry as grass.

But she bears treats for us, her maw-sighs

Make a stinging symphony. The Hobbler

Is a princess, too: her cats, the Minkles,

Commune with trash, and she watches

TV through their aluminum antennae.

How joyous it is to be the Hobbler!

She rides a moose into the garden and thinks,

And everything she watches thinks, too.

When night comes, she is cold and blue.

Every morning, she lives again. Her true

Wonder, though, is this: No one made her.

Neither in space nor sky nor soil was she born

To mother or father. She boiled from her own brain

Onceā€”and spoke, and then spoke again.