God split me and fried a snake down my middle,
In plain view of me which gasped, in oil. He
Tore the serpent tongue, boiled and chewed it,
Littered the cup, drunk walking, the dew closed
Its eyes when God yelled. Meanwhile, the snake
Digested dragonflies and moths. He aged
Jealous as a river. Wanting coins, wanting sleep.
He jawed my kneecap and sucked my marrow
Until a grass patch grew up his brain and pierced
The skull. His eyes famished & ants ate of him.
At this point I was two days old. Itch of insects
Inside cleaning the corpse. For a year I drank
Sugar water with strenuous love. A pig carried
Me to the next clearing. A green taste in my mouth.
Tongue green, blood green. I saw everything
Is a sheep standing in pasture, sunwarm and rank.
Straw. The good grass people. Whirrings in wood.
In my cupboard, I took out the good pitcher.