Have you observed how a shadow is simply

A giant’s hair, swooping to and fro through time?

Sure, you could have a picnic there. There’s a hulse

In the garden, back bare to the weeds and grackles.

I feel agitated, a cornucopia of stars with a snake

Inside. The snake’s been having recurring dreams

Where it turns into a black branch and must grow

Very, very slowly. Like my beard growing long

And swaddling me, the dumpling, deep within.

Day after day I expect things to stay the same,

Have I learned nothing? I reject this land of small

Buckets never filled. My hummingbird companion

Lives here somewhere, which is a kind of comfort.

I must remember that money is not watching me,

Blind in its shifting burrow and never to be seen.

But my consciousness is looking, it has bundled

Itself into a filth pocket. What the drowned, honest

Rat says, I say, too. The black towel hides my horrible

Face. It is much irritable, how we are speaking now.

Last time we went to the well, my soul jumped

In, I watched. Then I pulled up the pail and drank.

My neck ajar, I poured my soul back in.