Thank you to everyone at Henery Press—Art Molinares, Kendel Lynn, Christina Rogers, and especially my fabulous editors, Maria Edwards and Rachel Jackson.


A world of gratitude to Samantha Stroh Bailey and Natalie Aaron, the best beta readers a girl could ask for.


Thank you to my friend since the third grade, Amy Ehrnsperger, for all your insight into event planning (and for always making me laugh).


I am so thankful for the support and enthusiasm of so many bloggers, authors, and members of my small but loyal street team who connected so well with the characters of this series. Without your encouragement, the series would likely have stopped at one book. Special shout-outs to Melissa Amster, Ashley Williams, Kelly Perotti, Bethany Clarke, Amanda Lerryn, Isabella Anderson, Gina Reba, Kaley Stewart, Samantha Janning, Mary Smith, Susan Schleicher, Charlotte-Lynn, Linda Levack Zagon, Lindsay Lorimore, Rebecca Moore, Aimee Brown, and Stacey Wiedower.


Finally, I am grateful for being blessed with people in my life who inspire so much of the strong, loyal relationships found in this series: my family, the Beach Babes (Sam, Francine, Eileen, Jen, Julie, and Josie), Ronni, Jenny, Hilary, Elke, Deborah, Megan, Lily, Shanna, and my guardian angel, Alan.