
My Sacred Formula for World Transmutation: Love, the Alchemical Key, Conquers All

by Saint Germain

Dearest Hearts,

My sacred formula for world transmutation begins with love, it ends with love, and within its very center is the flame of eternal love. Therefore you must begin every experiment that you desire to be successful on your knees before God, in love with your Presence, whereby you submit all to that eternal science of the spirit through which there is the ennoblement of the soul through integrity, through that which you offer in service.

It is only when there is the supreme understanding of your Source that each and every avenue will be open for you and the success of your alchemy may manifest. Truly, the grace of God is in the eye of the beholder who sees clearly that which may manifest through a heart apprised of this formula and beating in unison with the Creator.

Would you be co-creators with me? I ask. If you so choose, it will mean that from this day forward your every thought, your every emotion, your every movement will be seen as one that is in unison with the holy purposes of God; and that which you emanate—if you would be gods 3 —will be clear and true and sure of its effects upon life, of its cause, and of all that flows through the model that you represent as the one through whom the science of being occurs.

Many have studied the ancient mysteries and they can recite formulae here and there as to what could occur if they were to engage as co-creators. Yet how many have actually set their hands, their minds, their hearts to the task of employing God within the sacred space of light upon the altar, where there is the alteration of substance with the science of higher alchemy? This is where light, as the alchemical key, is always garnered and suffused into that which transpires so that the very glory of God may be seen and felt and known within the holy ritual at hand.

Did you know that you perform alchemy each time you sit in meditation upon your Presence and utter the sacred formulas of your prayers and songs? This is a higher form of alchemy; when understood, you intuit it as causative of the transformation that you seek—to be gods upon Earth. Often your minds are wandering and there is not the concentrated focus of the stream of your attention whereby the higher adepts can add to the equation and balance the forces of light and darkness within your own being and whereby the effects that you seek can be fully manifest.

When you engage, when your heart is full of the fire of the Supreme One and you are in awe of that which God has offered to you as opportunity to live a life of meaning, of service, and of support to the divine purposes, then that which is exhibited upon your altar is highlighted by cosmic energies, solar frequencies; and no matter what anyone else says, you may be that master alchemist through whom miracles ensue. Through your belief, your faith, and the laser light of seventh-ray joy, your victory is assured.

What is love? Many have spoken of it; few have penetrated its core or sustained within their hearts its momentum to transmute and transform in order to become God. The transformative power of the violet light and ray is love. The very frequency that wraps itself around that which occurs when you invoke my sacred formula is the light of change by the power of love.

When you know your Self, you will know love. When you feel the Presence of God blazing within your aura, then you can sustain love. When the surety of your wisdom, growing by experiencing the Divine within the laboratory of your soul, is manifest, then love becomes active, animated, kinetic in its force and power to recreate a world as you would like it to be.

The true recreation, or re-creation, of this coming age may be known through the joy of the use of the rays of God, especially the seventh, in all sciences, in all religious experiences, in daily life as a whole rather than separated into “my time for work,” “my time for play,” “my time at home,” or “recreation.” All life may be experienced within the universal understanding of the seventh age of holy reason, whereby the only reason for all that you do is to express love, kindness, holy friendship, and grace.

Every word that flows from your lips has a motive to support, uphold, and nurture. Every feeling that flows through your heart encompasses the very nature of God’s essence through the movement of energy and light and sound. And everything that is studied from the book of the Law, both in the physical plane and in higher dimensions, may be grasped by the power of the Holy Spirit, who illumines that word and makes it vital, energetic, and real in your life experience personally.

Jesus said that all the law hangs on these two: to love God with all your heart, your mind, and your soul; and to love your neighbor as your Self. 4 This is true, and thus you can see how love, as the alchemical key, conquers all. There is simply no space for fear, no place for anxiety, no place for rebellion or ignominy in your life. The darkness flees from you because you emit the solar radiance of your Source; and there is no shadow and no night where you stand, because the supernal Christic light flows and glows from your being, one with mine.

I hear the questions of your mind before the frequencies of its emanations reach the higher octaves, and I answer each query with my ray of love, through which you may discern for yourselves the answer. The Socratic method, whereby the master elicits from you your own true inner wisdom, is the way of Aquarius. We will draw out of you your inner genius, for it must be forthcoming in this age. We will magnetize and, where necessary, sterilize that which flows through your aura for the highest purpose of your soul: to know and experience God.

I have been waiting for you to become who you are for a long time. Isn’t it time that you listen and obey the inner voice once and for all, and know your Self and awaken fully to your Buddha nature?

I am increasing the heat of transmutation within your heart now to a new pulsation of cosmic love if you will have it burning there for the duration of your time upon this Earth. Yes, I say, let it burn! Let it be enflamed! Let it be exemplified in the lives of the fiery ones who are called Keepers of the Lightning because they dare to touch the very sky and know the light of God. Let Prometheus be your middle name, for we would have fire-bearers in our midst.

Zarathustra, come and touch the fiery coals of love upon the lips, the hearts, the minds of these your sons and daughters. And let every alchemy be fulfilled within the landscape of love, the lighthouse of love, the lea, the glade, the holy glen of love through which we will walk together, hand in hand, in silence, knowing that the breath of God is present in the air and that the angels witness the sacred space of love that we create and recreate each moment.

I am your Knight Commander. I command you to love with a cosmic fiery heart, through which you may know your Self as gods and goddesses.

Saint Germain