The Science of Acceptance

Saint Germain

Heart Friends Learning to Accept More of the Infinite Within,

It is with great joy that I bring to you an understanding of the science of acceptance as a most salient and powerful means of divining the alchemical purposes of the Father within you. For when you fully employ and master this tool for your cosmic realization of holy purpose, your life will never be the same.

The parable of the prodigal son 21 is one that speaks to each one who has gone out of the way of full acceptance of the divine birthright. The Father fully desires each child of his heart to become a joint heir 22 of all the riches and gifts of the Spirit. The Father desires to extend the full manifestation of the kingdom of heaven to every son and daughter, for this is what a true God Parent does.

Many among mankind have accepted the lie that life is a struggle, that it takes a supreme level of sacrifice to win anything of a divine nature, and that God is a miserly sort of fellow who requires us to beg for all that we receive. Nothing could be further from the truth. God in all his greatness desires simply to extend the fullness of all riches of the Spirit to each one. And it is through engaging in the science of acceptance that you will finally realize this accelerated opportunity to partake of the divine offering.

Acceptance is a science, for it requires knowledge of certain cosmic laws, including the laws of correspondence, congruence, and harmony. Acceptance is a science because it is through a determined response to these laws that the fullest application may be manifest in the world of form.

When you accept the admonition to be a son or daughter of God, 23 you first must realize that you are capable of playing that role. You must sense with your whole being that you are worthy, that you have what it takes; and that through the cape of ability, which you may don, you may step upward fully into the functionality of a pure son or daughter of the Divine One, radiating spiritual fire and fulfilling your reason for being.

Unfortunately, many among mankind have been stung by the lie that all are sinners and must grovel before a wrathful potentate to ask forgiveness and mercy. I say that God long ago granted you the fullness of himself when he gave you his own Presence of perfect love, which still vibrates above you in the same immortal stream of radiant light-energy as when you were first ideated in God’s cosmic mind. It is only through the lie of separation that mankind has accepted his mortality and thereby has also realized in his own unreal world the bane of that limited life in that world of illusion.

Acceptance requires the courage to stick one’s head through the clouds and know that God-reality that has always been there, hovering just above you. It requires knowing that the glory that awaits is for each one and not for only one Son of God or the few who, through some freak of nature, have been granted a special grace. Yes, acceptance is the fate of each one who seeks to make it his own through a conscious act of will, knowledge, and love of the God-good that is ready to be received for the asking.

The science of acceptance requires a certain understanding of vibration, where you come to realize that if you desire what heaven has to offer, you must begin to come into harmony with those vibrations of perfection. Therefore, your life must be ordered and congruent with certain levels of cosmic joy wherein you no longer sink into states of morose thinking, densifying your mind and emotions into a depressive state and again thinking of yourself as less than a divine spirit.

The science of acceptance necessitates your congruence with holy purpose as you see the playing field of life as opportunity to win greater levels of grace, which may then be shared with all. Competition drops away as internal harmony is accentuated and all around you feel that you have come to the inner resolution of who you are. And through your refined aura of wholeness, you are now capable of being a more proactive contributor to the spiritual evolution of divine awareness on Earth.

Acceptance is merging with the spirit of who you are within the greater aura of God. Acceptance is knowing that because one elder son or daughter of God has shown you the way, you can and simply must walk that way home to God’s heart. Acceptance is believing in the worthiness of God to be thyself in action, for you cannot become immortal by thinking that it is humanly possible—it is only possible in the reality of God being you. You must be humble enough to realize it without claiming that you did it or that you were somehow more special than others of his children.

Beloved ones, it is time to accept who you are. There is no other choice that is acceptable now. This is not blasphemy, because in your holy acceptance of God where you are, you are by congruence also accepting all others as God where they are. When all see the joy of this process, the true party of divine glory may begin, and the Divine King will welcome all who have taken his invitation to heart and come to the table to receive what is rightfully and righteously theirs.

Yes, all have been the prodigal ones, and all must return to the Source. I am here to receive you, to bathe you in the violet flame, and to dress you in new garments of grace that you may wear in the presence of the Divine One because you have answered the call and come home. Having been received fully as heirs of all spiritual blessings, may your alchemical words and works expand as you now employ your newfound freedom to be a co-creator with God.

Ever yours in the great symphony of life as musicians for the Infinite, I am

Saint Germain, Director of Advanced Classes in Alchemical Love


David Christopher Lewis: Saint Germain’s teaching is key to your full acceptance of your divine birthright. Intellectual acceptance is only a precursor. The master desires to impress his words deep into our being. Part of the reason for this is so that we overcome the programming many of us received as Christians, where we were told we were sinners; or as Catholics, saying at every Mass, “Lord, I am not worthy to receive you. Only say the word and my soul shall be healed.” Can you imagine a more diabolical thing for us to do than to claim we are unworthy? Saint Germain desires us to humbly accept who we are in God and to believe in our worthiness to experience the God-essence of ourselves each day.

Those who take the reins of God-power as co-creators, who create things rather than waiting for someone to tell them to do it, are progenitors. When you move into integrity by acceptance of who you are in God, you create a sphere of energy that also allows everyone in your sphere of influence to accept all that they are in God.

The Laws of Correspondence, Congruence, and Harmony

Saint Germain noted three aspects of acceptance—the laws of correspondence, congruence, and harmony. The law of correspondence states that our outer world is a reflection of our inner world—as within, so without. It is a slight variation of the Hermetic axiom, As Above, so below.

The law of congruence states that things equal to the same thing are equal to each other. 24 This is an axiom of mathematics, specifically geometry, and it is also true in spiritual science. You put A over B, and if they are coequal and congruent, then they are one. From a mystical standpoint, if we are synthesizing God within ourselves, then by that process of synthesis we become God in manifestation. This is congruence.

Harmony is the law of the universe and is also one of the divine virtues. Harmony denotes the balance of the masculine and feminine aspects of Alpha and Omega. Within the law of harmony is a host of subtle aspects of beingness that facilitate the emanation of God’s quintessences throughout the universe, especially through the music of the spheres. Through meditation, you can translate to your spiritual life all that you have learned about harmonic scales, chromatic scales, and chord structures. Because of the cosmic law of harmony, which perfectly balances justice with mercy, we can be assured that there is no injustice in the universe. Karmic reciprocity, or the law of cause and effect, is the playing out, or outpicturing, of the higher law of harmony. 25