Saint Germain
Ascending Ones Who Would Behold the Truth of Life,
I would give you now the next course in your diet of divine inspiration. This heavenly meal consists of a teaching and a quintessence on the principles of accelerating your visualization into the domain of full realization.
As you know, vision is required in order to see the end results of your alchemical work. Many of you are just beginning to gain footholds in the realm of pure vision whereby, through the path of the Middle Way, you see the goal before you and do not allow elements of duality to sway you to the left or to the right of your course. This is necessary for attaining the state of oneness whereby pure seeing becomes first the acceptance of and then the final precipitation of your goal.
I have previously given you the ritual of the Cloud, 26 whereby the energy of creation is coalesced around the seed idea of your creative purpose and accelerated in focused attention until all is light around you. The end result of this work is the bringing into your domain the light of Spirit in a tangible manifestation of God-good.
Now your work is to learn the art of commanding energies of cosmic proportions into manifestation through the blending of your aura directly with your divine Buddha nature so that you, as God, create in the Now, without any interference from without or any acceptance of lesser energies to distract you from the process.
After you have accepted the totality of your Real Self as the active principle in your life, then through the entropy of limitation in time and space there is the tendency to sink back into the domain of unknowing, where you lose this realization in moments of detachment from that pure state of being. The key now is to no longer struggle in this process. Instead, through meditation day and night, stay within the aura of the Divine as the creative one that you are.
Beloved ones, this is the final test of all true initiates in the process of becoming immortal—to maintain the humility of Godhood in the process of the final purification whereby all human consciousness is subsumed into the divine estate. Many have fallen during this cycle, thinking that through a superhuman effort they could sustain their perfected consciousness, whereas it is only through the art of cosmic identification through sweet surrender that one may be trued and aligned into the crystal of Self.
This is why we have given you the visualization of the liquid crystal-diamond of light, which, when fired by your heart flame, will eventually become the full diadem of cosmic perfection. If you could see higher beings who have dwelt in immortal perfection for eons, you would see them as starry crystals of light, for they have accelerated the science of being to such an extent that their alignment with the original design of perfection is complete in all ways.
The master Omraam has taught that in the Golden Age the science of Surya Yoga will include all other yogas as methods of union with God. 27 This is true, for when all is realized by the advanced student, the science of alchemy ultimately boils down to the art of becoming a Sun center of divine light. This is the great joy of cosmic realization.
Therefore I suggest that the serious student study the words of this master of wisdom, who was truly sent by Brahma as the Pure Son to convey to a world the initiatic science of becoming Suns of God. In his words you will discover the inner science of advanced alchemy that is written in nature and is only fully cognized by those who see, through meditation, the seed reality of the perfected design. Meditate on creation through the Solar fires of the Sun of being. Meditate on fire as the creative principle in all alchemy. Meditate on how, through identification, you may become a Sun and live and move and have your being in immortality forever.
Ever yours for the transcending of cycles into perfect love, I am alchemically changing the cosmos as we speak.
Saint Germain
David Christopher Lewis: Pure seeing has at least two components: first the acceptance, and then the final precipitation of the goal. When we place our attention on what we are seeing, we first accept the rays of that visual into our eyes, and then they go to our brain. Ultimately, if we are steadfast, there is the final precipitation of our goal through pure seeing, holding that vision immaculately and in constancy until it comes into being.
Mother Mary was tested before she was given the assignment of bearing Jesus as the Christ Child. She was first required to hold the immaculate concept 28 in her being in order to determine whether she would waver or remain constant. Diversions were sent her way to try to catch her off guard, and these were purposeful. She proved true to her course, and thereby she earned the right to bear the Christ, the Manchild, within Jesus the boy.
Mary demonstrated her mastery of the science of pure seeing, immaculate vision, first by accepting the goal and then by remaining steadfast until that goal precipitated into the physical. This is our work. It is intense, concentrated, focused work to learn the art of commanding energies of cosmic proportions into manifestation. Those of you who have prayed and decreed for many years know the dynamics of this science, because you feel the currents and the frequencies of God-power flowing through your chakras.
When you are able to sustain thoughtforms and the action of light by uninterrupted focus upon a particular visual, goal or engram, then it manifests. You feel a release through your chakras, a great flow as the light coalesces into those essences that are captured by your attention. You put a sphere, a circle of light, around what you are co-creating with God. And because you are a co-creator with God, God infuses it with energy and it precipitates. It is a very powerful co-creative action to engage in meditation at the level where you are affecting worlds of cosmic proportion.
The Mystery of Surrender
If you have trouble reconciling yourself in the highest way, if you feel any blockage, if you feel at all that your human ego is somehow getting in the way of your oneness with your Higher Self, you may recite the prayer Sacred Surrender: Ritual of the Divine Interchange 29 and feel God’s light and energy flowing through you. Allow the words of this beautiful ritual to pour through you in praise of the One. See how surrendering to God brings you back to your reality as a God being.
Another practice that can facilitate surrender to the Divine is the act of prostration. Prostration before the Divine is employed in various world religions in varying degrees—for example, in Islam during the five obligatory prayers performed daily, and in Catholicism during the rites of ordination to holy orders. The act of prostration, practiced once in a while, can get you into the mode of complete surrender to the Divine. If you can, practice it somewhere private, perhaps in a safe place in nature or on the grass in your own backyard.
If you do try it, see what connection you make with the Earth and with the cosmos by allowing all of your chakras to be connected with the earth, engaged with the earth and with the Earth Mother. You may be surprised at what occurs. You may feel a connection you have not felt before. As a child you may have lain on your back or on your stomach or rolled on the grass or done things in nature. In that carefree act, you were really in a state of simple surrender to the All within nature.
Fire: The Creative Principle in All Alchemy
Alchemists have long used fire as an important component within their experiments. Saint Germain provides us the wherefore and the how of harnessing the power of fire in our own alchemy: “Meditate on how, through identification, you may become a Sun and live and move and have your being in immortality forever.” Identification is a very important component of this process, for as we identify with God, we become a Sun.
We must first feel worthy and validated enough to be called a Sun (Son) of God and move out of the domain of the not-self and the feeling or thinking that we are sinners. We must be bold enough to become engaged in higher alchemy. We could not have received these higher alchemical teachings until we had moved past the Piscean Age and the old order of the dominance of the priestcraft and those who put themselves in positions of being the intercessor between God and us. For these intercessors, even when they meant well, were displacing our relationship with our own Christ Self and our Godhood.
We must take that power back by claiming our divinity from the perfected essence of our Godhood, not from the human ego. When we do take that power back, we can work the alchemical works. We can do those greater works that Jesus said we would do because he went to the Father. 30 Jesus ascended into his own Solar Presence and into the Presence of God the Father.
Saint Germain boldly stated that he was alchemically changing the cosmos as he spoke. He instructed us to “meditate on creation through the Solar fires of the Sun of being.” Ponder this: You are a co-creator with the Divine. The Solar fires of the Sun of your own being are constantly burning and emanating light just as the physical sun does. Will you be bold enough to change the cosmos, with Saint Germain, as you speak?