Accelerate into Cosmic Consciousness with the Crystal Rays

Saint Germain

Gracious Hearts That Live to Serve Alchemy’s Fare,

I am instructing you in the art of advanced alchemy, which is for those progressing on the path of divine love manifesting within you as increased compassion for all life. As your spiritual training ensues, the refinement of your sensitivity to the light-emanations of love-wisdom from your Divine Presence through the nexus of your heart should be increasing day by day. It is only through the acceptance and allowance of these higher energies to flow through your chakras that you may understand the higher laws of divine alchemy.

The action of the crystal rays is little understood by mankind. These rays are the conveyance of the senses of the Godhead to those who qualify themselves through deep reverence for the things of the Spirit. Hidden from the baseness and crassness of mortal consciousness, the qualities and action of the crystal rays allows the adherent to qualify light in an extraordinary manner for the raising of all life in the four quadrants of being. These quintessential energies, which are only discerned by the pure in heart, allow the acceleration of love-wisdom to occur through the five chakras of the hands, feet, and secret chamber of the heart so that one is literally catapulted into new dimensions of cosmic consciousness.

Often the spiritual alchemist may lose outer sense consciousness and swoon in a divine bliss born of the pressing through his being of the energies of the crystal rays, which are not native to the lower vehicles of selfhood. This can be somewhat disconcerting at first, until one has reached a level of adjustment whereby the divine energies activate higher nerve centers throughout the spiritual body, which then allows that one to live more as a light-being than an earthly being.

True mystics will understand whereof I speak, for they often dwell within two worlds, the human and the divine, seeing the pulsing of the energies of the aura of mankind and aware of the transmission of thought patterns and the interplay of both spiritual and astral (lower magnetic) energies within the worlds of all. Thus, as the crystal rays are activated, it is as if the dial of one’s sensitivity to all vibrations is turned up exponentially and one no longer lives in a fleshy body—one lives in a new body of light.This can be somewhat disconcerting to the devotee at first, for it requires a departure from normal human sense consciousness, and it becomes more painful in many ways to continue living in a limited body. The mystic desires to stretch the consciousness into other realms of light, leaving the outer form to travel on wings of light to other worlds and higher spiritual highways with beings attuned to those octaves.

Those in whom the crystal rays are activated live in an almost dreamlike state, detached from the cares of this Earth, communicating with elemental life and nature spirits and angelic witnesses with ease, and they may seem to be somewhat aloof to life in the flesh. If you study the lives of many saints and mystics, you will discover this very real conundrum for them, for when one sees God one may no longer live as human. This time is one where the mystic must remain both vigilant and tethered to the reality of godly service in the Earth, for to loose oneself prematurely from the daily responsibilities of completing the rounds of karma yoga may necessitate returning to an unpleasant round of life whereby one must be “grounded” in order to fulfill one’s obligations to all.

I urge all in whom the crystal rays flow to have concrete plans and an ordered schedule in your life to meet the demands of your calling and profession, whereby the true mastery of each phase of your spirituality is anchored in works of love manifest as tangible benefits to your fellowman. The Lord of All requires practical adepts who seek to leave footprints in the sands of time 38 —a documented path and a shining example to family, friends, and community of a life of love in action through compassionate works and deeds.

The crystal rays allow the soul to rise. They activate healing at a deeper level, at the root of problems, rather than dealing with the outer symptoms. They allow one to discern how karma, having been balanced to a degree where one is beginning to be loosed from the magnetic pull of the Earth, can be completely overcome to the point where the laws that one operated under previously no longer hold sway, for they have been superseded by higher laws of love-wisdom. This does not mean that the law of cause and effect no longer exists; it means that one is no longer bound by the activation of that law within, because there is nothing within to tether one to the Earth.

Some are fooled by sinister forces to believe that they have arrived at the gate of immortality when in fact they are host to all manner of discarnate entities that give glowing utterances of one’s supposed high attainment. These are not true devotees who have sublimated their human propensities toward flattery and psychic thralldom; they are hollowed-out ones who have become havens for a host of problems. Cast aside all thoughtforms of astral reasoning issuing from these harbingers of darkness lest you listen and become hoodwinked into believing their ill-conceived lies.

Listen instead to the voice of divine reason effused by your Real Self, whose pulsing heart is always available to ray forth cosmic heartstreams of living fire through your being, cleansing you of past patterns of limited thinking and of any temporary lapses you may have on your spiritual journey. Claim divine alchemy working through you at all times. Use the laws I have conveyed through living a disciplined and ordered life of service to your fellowman. Apply and self-correct and meditate with great expectations for divine love to act more fully each day and hour through your words and works wholly sanctified by the angels.

I am your advocate and coach in the mastery of the crystal rays. Call to me and to Mighty Cosmos 39 and we will deliver the goods of spiritual gnosis as you are able to receive them. Yours ever in the practice of advanced alchemy, I am

Saint Germain


David Christopher Lewis: We can qualify light in an extraordinary manner in our four lower bodies right now. An effusion of the light of the five crystal rays can be ours right now through Saint Germain’s mind-connection and heart-connection directly with us as we study this course in advanced alchemy. Each of us can commune directly with the master to receive the continuous heartstreaming of his consciousness, his love, his heart fires.

Inner Refinement Leads to Outer Refinement

As we change our diet—both our food and what we read and take in through other means—many of us have noticed that we can no longer live the way we lived in the past. We cannot take in certain substances or be engaged in certain activities without a detrimental effect, sometimes a huge one. We are becoming more refined beings, and because of that inner refinement, some of the denser things that we used to do or partake of no longer serve us.

This reminds me of the story about Ramakrishna going into Samadhi as he meditated upon the Divine Mother in numerous forms and seeming somewhat aloof as his body sat or stood still for hours on end when he was in this state. His disciples had to tend to him to keep him alive and fed so he wouldn’t wither away. This may not be practical for most of us in the West, yet it demonstrates that we are much more than our physical bodies.

Divine Service Is Practical and Down to Earth

As spiritual aspirants, we of course desire union with God. At the same time, we know that service and practical, compassionate and loving work is the key to our victory, our union with the Divine.

When I travel to certain places, such as Mount Shasta or Sedona, I notice how many psychic shops, mediums, and UFO-type activities and groups there are and how many people who do channeling attempt to reach the ascended-master levels. Unfortunately, the vast majority of them are hoodwinked by discarnate spirits who do not have the high attainment that the masters have. Because the channels talk around issues, they open themselves up to astral entities and they don’t have the grounding for their own higher attainment to unfold through a practical, balanced, disciplined path.

Lest anyone think that these psychic channels are speaking the words of the masters, here’s a key: If there is a lot of flattery involved, you can be assured that it is not a true teaching. The masters goad us and love us and call us beloved , yet they don’t flatter us to involve our egos. Individuals who are engaged in divine service for the ascended masters are always practical, grounded, and down to earth, not living in the skies. The proof is by their works. 40