Saint Germain
Heartfriends Whose Love for God Is Expanding Daily,
Treasure the love of the Infinite One for you. Treasure the radiance that continues to flow day by day and hour by hour from the Source of all life into the chalice of your heart. Treasure the ongoingness of life and the cosmic resonance of God’s heart into which you may tap to receive all the blessings that you require to fulfill your mission to life.
Higher alchemy is all about tuning into the purity of God’s cosmic stream of love and, through attunement with that energy, learning how to manifest more of that flow through your chakras, your spiritual centers. The radiance of God’s heart may only be expressed in purity, for it is inviolate and is only available to those who have learned to resonate with the great pulsations of that heartbeat in rhythmic and cadenced order, riding the waves of the cosmic stream unto the shores of perfect calm and peace.
I would give you this day another key in discerning the higher way of the all-chemistry of God, the Source of all life. It is this: that the higher dimensions of vibration may only be entered into by the pure in heart whose every breath speaks of light, whose every thought speaks of wholeness, and whose every desire is to do the will of God through heart, head, and hand.
When you can discern the dove of the Holy Spirit as the active presenter of that purity of heart and motive, then you may also be one who can present to the world the light of cosmic joy and wholeness through the divine musings of your Higher Mind attuned to the All-Mind.
Alchemy involves understanding the inner sciences that are replete with the spiritual relationships between all life and how, through entering into the heart of the crystal symmetry of the diamond and becoming that core of white light, you may then draw forth diamond substance into your world. Likewise, when you know the pure Sunlight of cosmic love-wisdom as the core of the substance you call gold, you may then become a conduit through which gold may be precipitated in time and space.
The great mystics and sages of all ages have had the ability, through meditation, to enter into the heart of every matter, every outpicturing of matter in all of its variegated manifestations. Once one has become one with the Sun, then one may be that Sun to all within the manifest world of one’s life for others to then also experience that Sun Presence in their midst. Once one has become one with the Sun, one may become the essence of love at its core.
The reason we implore you to be in attunement with your God Presence at all times is that through your entering into a deep relationship with the heart of God through your own individualized God Reality, you then become one with that point of reality everywhere. Then you can attune to the vibration of the seas and merge with them to walk on water. 43 Then you may command water to become wine, 44 because you know the vibration and composition of that wine through having tasted and become its essence. Then you may command the winds and the elements, 45 because within them you live and move and have your being attuned to the God-energy at their core, one with their spirit.
Discerning the future is not so difficult for those who have entered into the heart of humanity through attuning the strings of their hearts to the great harp of mankind’s evolutionary journey through time and space, which is simply a slice of the eternal Now. Hop from one string to the next on this great harp and you will see the full outpicturing of the cosmic chords that God plays through the consciousness of all living beings with the interplay of their karma and dharma, their desires and hopes, their dreams and visions. The future renderings of choices made by each soul are foreshadowed as cloudy patterns that may be discerned by the astute one who learns to read the signs, symbols, and writings of akasha even as the etheric blueprint of each soul’s mission vibrates at very subtle levels around that one and may be seen by those whose inner sight is opened.
Cosmic wisdom must become the daily fare of mankind if a golden age is to manifest in your world. This requires raising your consciousness past the trifling distractions of earthly living and beholding the inclusiveness of all life forms, lifewaves, and life-energies within the cosmic scheme that are outplaying their roles and acts upon the stage of life. When you get the whole picture, then you can see beyond a two- or three-dimensional view and begin to enter into the center of every view at once, merging your mind with the minds of Elohim, who know all in the eternal Now.
Cosmic alchemy first requires the mastery of terra alchemy. When in balance you understand all the principles of the outworking of God’s desiring within matter, then you may enter spirit to discern how the Father principle may be creative from the higher realms. Yet, even in our world, the divine seed must be impregnated within cosmic substance in order to sprout forth into manifest reality. Without the Alpha-Omega action of giving and receiving, there is no co-creation and therefore no alchemy.
Do my words seem too ethereal, my friends? If so, meditate upon the seed concepts behind them until you can discern their inner meaning. For then, in that aha or eureka moment, you will have the key to performing the advanced alchemical feats that will allow you to bring more of heaven to earth through the richness of your new understanding of holy grace and total surrender to the allness of God-being.
I am Saint Germain, wooing you to my heart to know the inner law of your being, which, when fully cognized, will win for you new rounds of cosmic happiness and joy such as you have not experienced since you descended from angelic realms long ago. I give you my joy this day, for in the violet heart of cosmic joy you will know the smile of the Divine One, who awaits with expectancy your smile, your laughter, and your love.
Saint Germain