A New Matrix for Quicker Precipitation

Saint Germain

Friends of Freedom across the Earth,

The flight of your soul is magnificent to behold when on wings of light you ascend, witnessing the rarefied heights of freedom’s light truly as one ennobled within God’s kingdom here below. I am Saint Germain, and I come to give you a lesson this day on the alchemical fires of the soul and how, when you employ the sacred science of alchemy within your own life, the Lord God does witness all and his Spirit merges with yours to accommodate your experimentation with that which can move you toward the perfect union you seek with the Beloved.

Alchemy, as the all-chemistry of the Lord, allows you access to every element within the cosmic periodic table—truly that which is offered upon the banquet table of light by angels and masters who understand the science of the creation of form and formlessness and of the precipitation within any realm of that which is ensconced around the seed of light of your imaging forth of perfection.

When you are composed in God, fully within his being, then all power, wisdom, and love are yours to command, and you can be confident that your creation will be that which the Lord God will work through you as a servitor of fire, a servant son or daughter of love. Therefore, experiment and try that which I have given you in the way of a new matrix for quicker precipitation of that which you seek.

I have always advocated that first you seek God in all things—his virtues, his qualities, the resonance of his fire within your heart. Once you have established the flowfield of cosmic love where you are, then command the elements of the universe into action, into the vibrancy of perfection within the creative realm in which you abide. For it is mete that you should have all you require to survive and also to thrive, to excel, and to rise to greet the opulent ones of heaven, whose radiance of fire is always surrounding them and which should always be within your domain.

You have access to every created element. When you understand the periodic table—the metals, the gases, and those radioactive elements for which you would have to accelerate in Spirit far beyond your consciousness to maintain harmony and balance within your aura, and all those substances which, in perfect balance, form a world upon which you abide and through which you breathe the breath of God’s Spirit—you may attest to that which is true, that which is real within each element, within each atom of that element as the perfected sun center, the radiant beingness of God within that substance. The interplay of magnetic resonance between substances you must understand. Yet, first know that which is within you as pattern, as design, as the Most Holy One’s seed ideation of who you are as a God-created being.

When you understand the Self, then you may understand the suchness of all substance and how it may be employed in combinations through your spiritual experimentation for the victory of the alchemy of your life. Mankind has been given much by the Lord, truly endowed with all that is necessary for both physical and spiritual opulence within this domain. And yet few understand the words of the master, “I come that all might have life, and that more abundantly.”48

This day I call you to prove the abundant consciousness within your life that many of you have put off in some manner. Prove that it works through attesting to the light within yourself that you invoke and also emanate, that you know is real, that you know is God. It is time that many more servitors prove that which I was witness to as the Wonderman of Europe and sustain the radiance of the Presence of God where you are. This is the requirement for all true alchemy to manifest. When you hold a circle of fire, of presence, of love within your flowfield, then naturally you will be able to perform and to precipitate that which it is mete for you to do.

Some relegate the perfectionment of this craft, this science and art, to a future time of their immortality. Is this my way or your way? I say this day that there must be many more alchemists upon Earth for a golden age to appear, those whose consciousness is rarefied and purified both by the violet-flame action of prayer and mantra and by the crystallization within form of the alchemical fires from your Presence in manifest works, in active principles made plain and real for others to see, to behold, to witness as what you have mastered in the way of the spiritual path.

The proof of your life is in how you live, where you live, your surroundings, and the tangible reality of that which you have brought forth through study and through the application of the teachings of the holy masters of wisdom. For those of you who want for this or that, I ask, “Have you truly applied the law at all levels of your being?” If not, join me and the alchemists with the God of Gold, with Fortuna and many ascended masters whose great desire is to see you bring forth that abundance of the Spirit and of form in the here and now.

You are happier when abundance flows through your consciousness in all ways as the joy of the spiritual path that can be shared with many. When your resources are greater, then you can share more with many heartfriends across the Earth. Therefore, ramp up that which can be the substance of things hoped for, 49 of things seen and felt, of those smelled and tasted. For others will, through your proof of the teachings, come your way when you have made them real before their very eyes, I say. Cosmic alchemy awaits those who prove the law at each level of the science of precipitation.

If you would be cosmic alchemists with me, then begin at the beginning. Precipitate the amethyst, the Maltese Cross, the pyramid, and the sphere of fire. Once you have learned more of this art, then I will return to give you more, blessed hearts of fire.

By the power of Omri Tas’ love, I seal you in cosmic amethyst dust and the fragrance of violets from my heart.

Saint Germain