Saint Germain
The equation of harmony is one that brings about the manifestation of balance within your life, for on either side of the equal sign, that which rests on the scales of justice and mercy must truly be in balance. Thus, if there is within you too much of the fire of cosmic judgment and a lack of the fire of cosmic mercy, then the inharmony within your aura will be felt by others as rigidity. Likewise, if you are too empathic without an equal quotient of cosmic reason, others may feel imbalance in your presence.
True masters of the spirit who yet abide in this world have learned the science of cosmic harmony through the balance scales of justice and mercy. Most of mankind dwell either to the left or to the right, not having fully accomplished and fulfilled this inner balance. Thus, Portia and I come to deliver the fire of freedom along with the responsibility through liberty to utilize the resources of the seventh ray for the Aquarian Age culture in perfect balance. This you may maintain through meditation upon your heart daily before you begin your day and deliver to the world the work of your heart and mind. In Spirit you abide when you dwell on the things of God. In the flesh you live when you dwell on the things only of the world. And yet the Lord Jesus did say to bring the kingdom of heaven upon Earth, and he called out to the Father to make it so through each of us. 83
Balance and harmony are the order of the day that all seek internally and yet few know externally. I bring the eternal into this context through your heart emanation and manifest beingness as the principle of the law of love for all.
In the holy name I AM THAT I AM, let solar beingness flow through you. Let solar awareness ever be yours.
Saint Germain