Saint Germain
The alchemical love-fires of Solar beingness I emanate, for I have entered the Sun to receive cosmic distillations of the Spirit. I now deposit that which I have received from the Solar Lords within your own Divine Presence. For you see, each of you has that divine emanation as a particular representation of Solar beingness, as a fire enfolding itself continuously. We who have moved in the stream of cosmic consciousness may at times, by dispensation, share virtuous aspects of our own Solar Presence that we have garnered through our meditation upon the One. It is as if we would open the cap of your crown and lovingly pour in more golden liquid light of God-beingness.
And so I come to initiate each of you through the science of radical forgiveness and violet-laser joy-love so that you may move on past those blocks within your subconscious that have tripped you up lifetime after lifetime. Ignorance is no excuse for not maintaining, through the law of harmony, your centeredness and presence. For some of you, divine wisdom is the requirement of the hour to understand, from the context of seeing through your own Presence, that which is true, that which is real. And from this new perspective, you may move out of a current stream of despair and despondency from the human level and perceive as God-realized men and women in the love-wisdom-power fire of your own inner being.
Some of you have sought higher vision, greater God-power flowing through your chakras and aura. And yet, I say that unless and until you can forgive the elements of your own selfhood that are outside of God—and in the process forgive all others their own predispositions to see you in any way as less than the perfected one who you are in God’s eye—then you cannot fully move into this higher stream of connectivity and blessedness in Aquarius.
Therefore I release the sacred fire as radical forgiveness. All who have offended God in any way are released from the prison chains of self-identity and the human to come up higher and to walk the path of Solar beingness today. Yes, at times your emotions have gotten the best of you, especially during the waxing of the lunar cycles, when all hell has broken loose from the netherworld of your subconscious. And yet, through the violet-laser stream of cosmic joy, these propensities may be dissolved by your acceptance, wholly, of love.
Therefore, once more I say, forgive those who have offended you and move upward and onward in the fire-radiance of Solar joy. Embrace those whom you have seen as enemies and love the core of their being, who is God. Thus, one and all may come to this fount of healing love in the retreat of Mother Mary. All may kneel before the altar and confess that God is God within themselves and within each other, and determine that nothing will take them from their path, their vow to serve the Blessed Mother, to live to heal, to live to serve, to live to love.
This is my personal invitation to one and all. All have at times made mistakes. If you have perceived your own or another’s errors in your own awareness, highlighted them in your mind, and continued to revolve them in your memory, let them go. Put aside your rancor and bow to the light within your holy brothers and sisters. If one has offended you, then I say dissolve that offense by the love-fires of light within your heart. If you have offended another, then blaze forth that fire of radical forgiveness and bless that one from the point of your Presence, and seek and ask for forgiveness. Your health depends upon it. The maintenance of light within your aura requires it. And to those who in any way have difficulty in communicating personally with those with whom they have had issues, I say communicate with me in prayer and I will do your bidding and embrace those whom you have wronged.
I am Saint Germain, the master alchemist of loving forgiveness in this hour. For you see, blessed ones, the highest level of transmutation that you can attain to in this life is dependent upon how much you release, you forgive, you let go of permanently. Some state that they have forgiven, and yet in their heart they have not. Let this ritual be true and full from the very core of your being. For then and only then may your mission be fulfilled, may all alchemical abundance be yours, and may the light of joy fill your world with the cosmic radiance of angelic presences, who will sing and laugh and dance and revel in that new joy experience and light that they see billowing around you, manifesting through your heart, and shining through your eyes.
Take time now, in silence, to kneel and to send forth these rays of forgiveness to one and all, and to request the angels of mercy and forgiveness to also work with those whom you have wronged to forgive you. The Alpha thrust of this alchemy is complete. The Omega return requires that you go to those whom you have wronged or whom you thought had wronged you, and forgive and ask for forgiveness. This will complete the spiral, and then you may move into higher Solar beingness with Morya and me.
I am the one sent to deliver freedom to the Earth.
Saint Germain