Being in God Here and Now

Saint Germain

  1. Interpreting the internal impulses for spiritual change and advancement toward your goal of oneness requires a time of silence and devotional contemplation.
  2. Everything about God points back to you, here and now.
  3. Fully accessing all the spiritual resources in your causal body requires discerning what they are through Solar identification, clear seeing, and prayerful service.
  4. Become a divine narcissist: Fall in love with God’s eternal image within.
  5. Your godly ideals may become a little more real each day by focused spiritual work and a practical labor of love.
  6. To fully embody any teaching, you must first become it by internalizing it, and then externalize it by teaching it from your point of personal experience.
  7. To know Solar beingness, live fully in the light, not in the shadows.
  8. Thinking that God or others don’t know what you do in private is the folly of egocentricity, for you and all those others are God.
  9. Nothing is impossible to a creative mind and willing heart tethered to God.
  10. Let your compelling reason to keep on loving be that it is enlightened self-interest that is compounded daily.
  11. You may capture every divine thought through the science of a receptive will and the alchemy of mindful attentiveness.
  12. Make living in presence a fun game.
  13. The joyful ones are those who have not only caught a glimpse of God, they have gotten hold of the full image in mind and set forth a course of action to make that image complete within and through their own being.

At any time and in any place where you enter into full presence, there the alchemy of Solar beingness may manifest. We would have that time and that place be now. For there is nothing but the Now through which you experience life, and there is no place but here, where you are, where God is in the fullest sense.

Being everywhere in the consciousness of God requires being in God here and now. For then every other point of reality of the hereness and nowness of God may manifest for you from this point of reference. Then you can never be outside of living in the Now and living here, for all living outside of this reality is a dream; and when fully awakened, you will no longer be dreaming.

The alchemy of love is the sacred journey that you take day by day whereby, wherever you go, you bring presence with you—presence of mind, presence of heart, presence of will won and lived through the eternal flame of beingness in Solar light. Those who have caught a glimpse of their Godness, the goodness of the suchness of Presence in light, can, through the portal of their vision, ascend into the full-blown manifestation of that vision in the 360-degree circumference of the All-Seeing-Eye of God whereby they live a life in the loving Presence of God.

In the circle of fire of your Solar awareness in this spherical context, evolution and involution become one. The whole is merged into the point, even as the point of reality that you are experiences the All. It is as if fusion and fission dissolve and all that is left is you as a point of Godness in Presence. From this point of cosmic reality, you may then emanate the pure suchness of light. There is no shadow created by that point, 87 there is simply being, complete existence in oneness.

Living in the One requires one-pointedness in God. There is the dissolution of all other frequencies and dimensions into one dimensional point. This is the mystery of the alchemy of Solar beingness. From this point of beingness, all exists: you are in all, and all is in you. You are All. All is you. You are You. I AM I. All learning becomes teaching, as teaching is learning. Living is complete, for the completeness of God is life. The all-composition of all elements dissolves into the one element.

I am Saint Germain. I am God-Love. I AM.

Saint Germain