Grasp the Import of Your Personal Ascent

Saint Germain

  1. The valiant ones resolve to be initiated into the sacred processes whereby all save God within them is consumed in the alchemical fires of Solar beingness.
  2. The intensity of your devotional offering is felt by every sentient being in its core.
  3. Love is the one component required in every successful alchemical experiment.
  4. Your humility in being ready and available to be taught and even chastised by your own God Presence or by any divine master is a key to a swifter and surer ascent.
  5. Solar beingness is perfect rest in motion and perfect motion in rest.
  6. As you value the highest aspects of godliness within, you enter a state of presence where your own Solar light is felt, seen, heard, smelled, and finally cognized.
  7. The Five Dhyani Buddhas help you to translate the experience of the lower senses through mindful indices into an awareness of Solar beingness.
  8. The Solar Lords preempt the intervention of galactic darkness in your world by those who have inverted divine evolution into demonic devolution. Solar-gazing meditation is a key to the inculcation of the Solar Lords’ frequencies into the Earth.
  9. Vajrasattva concentrates the frequencies of all Five Dhyani Buddhas into a laser-like thunderbolt current of Solar light, which explodes the bedrock of ego muck.
  10. Take my cosmic violet forceps and remove from your soul now the ancient particles of anti-freedom that you have accepted as a part of your own being.
  11. Perfect alchemy comes when you have surrendered the desire for a separate experiment or experience outside of God.
  12. Divine joy is light’s alchemical boon as well as my secret cosmic catalyst.

I call you all, as scientists of the spirit, to wield the God-power of alchemical love-wisdom through your heart-mind connection now. Those who employ the scientific method without the Spirit will get limited results, for these can only rise to the mental level of beingness. For those who would penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere to reach the highest frequencies of Solar beingness, I provide the formula of divine light, of radiant joy, of holy love as the means whereby every scientific application of your soul’s work may be successful.

As you muse on God and the light of your Solar Presence, the altar upon which your experiments occur is highlighted. Your higher awareness is accelerated within your own being as a reference point whereby the divine chemistry may come forth as you translate that which is of the base into the gold of Christic light. You see, blessed ones, alchemy is all about process. And when love is within that process, no matter whether or not you temporarily fail in accomplishing the desired results, the love of your efforts will last; and eventually, so long as you press on and provide something of yourself within your alchemy, the end result will be cosmic transmutation into a living awareness of God’s Presence where you are.

Some have attempted numerous times to reach the heights of God-consciousness, and their efforts are duly noted. Yet once you have climbed the mountain peaks and nearly reached the summit of being, it requires complete surrender as you follow the path set forth by us. For upon the highest peaks you will see the marks of where we have knelt in holy prayer, upon reaching our goal, in thankfulness and gratitude to the Source—the light that led our way, the divine impetus that carried us through every storm and cold night and the wintry blasts of the dark ones who sought to dislodge us from our homeward ascent and grasp upon the ropes provided by our mentors of the spirit.

I have used this analogy because it is imperative that many more among you grasp with great expectancy the import of your personal ascent in the context of how this will be meaningful to many more souls and will give them the impetus to also rise. You have heard in Scripture that the ancient ones built an altar here and there in the wilderness. This altar was the place of their alchemical experiment in light whereby they offered the lesser aspects of selfhood through sacrifice—even, as a metaphor, the slaying of the animal creations in order to release the sacred energies of spirit within, characterized by blood, which they then offered to the Almighty One in their sacred work.

Something of yourself must be laid upon the altar daily if your alchemy would be true and pure. First provide the platform, the altar, as a place within your heart where God may work his work through you. Then abide and maintain, through holy prayer and meditation, a field of presence there, whereby the all-light may flow and you may understand the answer to every problem as God provides it within your heart and mind in a moment of illumination, in a cosmic interval of the eureka experience of pure knowing of God’s very beingness within.

As the heavens are opened, the keys are given to you to understand the higher sciences of the spirit; these may only come to those who have surrendered the lesser self and who would now enter into the Holy of Holies of the sanctuary of inner beingness through Solar joy in that ecstatic state of divine love, which may be yours when all that you desire is God, when all that you see is his light, when all that you know is the purity of his Solar radiation. I raise you now in Solar light to a new emanation through my heart fires of freedom this day. Now, scientists of the spirit, go forth and be victorious in your work.

Try, try, try 89 until you succeed and win!

Saint Germain