Saint Germain
In our retreat, alchemists of the spirit study with the end in mind, which is freedom. Freedom comes with a price, and that price must be paid day by day through living in Solar beingness. Some attempt a quick road of attainment by attempting to circumvent the initiations required and the attainment of each step through focused work.
At times we lay down parameters for the work at hand, including step-by-step processes, so that the divine experiment may be successful. For your enlightenment, liberation, and soul freedom, mix the proper chemicals, bring the right ingredients into play, and create the right conditions within yourself. To reach the pinnacle requires having your maps in hand, the proper equipment, the training, and the development of your stamina. We lay a foundation for centuries to come, and this is done with great intention, planning, and purpose in mind.
I come for one and for many to understand the necessities of the hour for deep reflection upon that which comes forth from out the subconscious in the way of spite and sting, which always is more detrimental to your own evolution than to another. Therefore be careful with your words, your communiqués, and, more importantly, with the energies that are behind them. For we see what is acting in your world, and though no human personality is perfect, it is better to understand the greater context of how the alchemy may come to its highest and most perfect expression, even if this at times requires you to go back and rework your work from the beginning.
What is an acceptable offering of alchemy? God knows. And if at times the refiner’s fire 91 is necessary to purge from your world something of the lesser self in the very process of the alchemy, then so be it. For all are tested, all are tried in the alchemical fires of ruby love. The very purpose of this fire is for the exaltation of light within you; for the ennoblement of your soul, one with your spirit; and for your victory over the beast of desire. Desirelessness is key as we frame around you a new aura of Solar beingness through the sacred process that you undergo as you receive your internal initiations, which at times come in the form of challenges or communiqués from others.
It is better, at times, to simply “be still, and know that I am God,” 92 and wait for the effects of the alchemical fires of love-wisdom to work their work upon and through you. And then, once you have felt the purging and the consuming of something that has been a block, perhaps even for lifetimes, then in joy you may move forward with the fulfillment of that alchemy and all will be well in the greater context of the work at hand.
There must be a means whereby karma is dissolved. In most cases, this requires a certain friction and fire to come forth, else how can that substance be consumed? Therefore we present opportunity for the resolving of ancient conflicts within and between heartfriends, brothers and sisters of light. When you get this victory over your own beast, blessed ones, then the greater victory can manifest.
Therefore we move each and every one of you toward greater awareness, humility, and Solar Presence. If you can maintain harmony, then harmony will flow through you to all life. Therefore, sustain the alchemy of love within. Through the internal barometer, you will always know what is playing out in your world and how at times you must get on your knees, confess, and move onward, seeing the temporary malaise that has gripped you dissolved through the alchemical fires of complete surrender and forgiveness of self and others.
Every lesson learned moves you on to the conclusion of your alchemy of love. Many of you are learning your lessons, even if at times there is a sense of pain in letting go as you embrace the lesson within the lesson and therefore the light-energy that comes forth in this learning process.
May blessedness be yours through your own Solar emanation of light from your God Presence, which I see now infusing your world with greater flow, greater glow, and greater God-abundance.
As you see the light manifest, so it shall be in your world,
O alchemists of the spirit!
Saint Germain