Saint Germain
I would have you transgress all human limitation to perceive with new eyes the opportunity to become cosmic alchemists. Your God Presence is the source code for every alchemical experiment. The computer of God’s mind, the greatest intuitive thinker, can lay out an entire grid as the divine program that, when accepted and played within, leads you to the goal. We have been about our Father’s business, 96 which is the science of light. I turn up the heat and the flow through the Bunsen burner of your own Solar radiant source to move you into a new stream of cosmic connectivity with that Solar light within.
Are you happy with yourself in your current state of consciousness? If so, then I bid thee well. If not, then come with me through seventh-ray joy as I turn on the laser through which a new portal into the divine world is opened. You may enter only through heart-centeredness and love. As we fly, soaring on eagles’ wings to learn the science of precipitation through a heightened Venusian experience, the allness of God may be at hand for you in your work and your word, where you no longer waffle betwixt the synaptic flashes of your limited human understanding. In its place, the cosmic radiance of God’s mind shines through your being; and Solar beingness, ample in its cosmic wattage, supports that which you are about, which is the Father-Mother’s business.
Your God Presence has every ingredient you require in your work and alchemy. Do you require greater resources for your work? Then call them forth and believe that they are manifest in your hands today. You have received every teaching that you require to do this, though you forget to apply them in the Now with the full intensity of focus that will bring it about. Therefore, put aside distractions. Wrap yourself in the circle of fire whereby your goal is set before you and you fulfill it here, now.
Every distraction is a thought pattern that must be ignored. Awakening is the dissolution of ignorance. Enlightenment is the full flowering of light within you now. When will you be enlightened? The choice is yours. When will you be free? It is your decision to make. I leap to the center of cosmic beingness every moment of my life. I am a cosmic hurdler bounding over every obstacle and grabbing that tape as I dash through my extreme sport of Solar beingness.
Teach your youth the highest road. Be an example. Do it just now.
Saint Germain