The Alchemy of Picture-Perfect Presence

Saint Germain

  1. Trust in the laws of alchemy leads you to experiment with divine abandon to reach the goal of oneness with the originator of all that is.
  2. Placate only the Solar Lords in your surrender to holy purpose.
  3. Keeping attentive to the many details of living an internally vibrant life dedicated to divine love moves you into the realms and refinements of Solar beingness.
  4. My joy is seeing you become adept at living as an adept.
  5. Divine processes are those that lead you inward, upward, and leeward.
  6. Pressing on to complete every step of divine alchemy with joyful expectancy brings an even greater activation of my spiritual catalysts to bear in your work.
  7. Let your income be the gold of everlasting and radiant Solar light and joy.
  8. Creative genius is the daily fare of the alchemist whose trainer is the Sun.
  9. I foment many spiritual revolutions within your heart.
  10. My purpose is to revitalize your life through the dance of alchemy.
  11. Walk with a Godly gait and gander, and sing with a healthy helping of heart.
  12. I am interested in everyone whose goal is union with the Eternal Now.

Picture perfect presence for yourself. What does this look like? What does it feel like? What is its manifestation? How do you sustain it? What is necessary for you to know it? These are the eternal questions of Solar beingness that you may daily ask yourself. Then enter into a process of fully accepting the answer within your heart as it is inspired upon you in your silent time of meditation and communion with your God Reality. Each day, perfect presence may look a little different, for your life within God is an ever-changing mosaic of light unfolding before your eyes and visage in radiant new ways whereby, through your experience, the newness of the Now-ness of God as an ever-present Reality is known in the context of love—love of all, love of self as the Higher Self, love of all others as a part of the whole.

The alchemy of picture-perfect presence is my offering to you today. For as you can see, so can you accept and then manifest. Seeing is believing. Believing is becoming. Becoming is the key. I say that you must now enter the state of being that is beyond becoming. Yes, you are becoming ones, beautiful to behold in the God Reality who you are, and yet, if you are always becoming, then where is presence? So I add my Solar beingness to the radiance of your Solar light. I add the alchemy of God-love to that which you have known of God’s love. I add the radiant joy of my picture-perfect presence to that which you have seen and now experience in the Now of beingness.

Truly, blessed ones, you have heard and read many teachings over your incarnations and the years of your embodiment in this life. You have studied with many masters and at times allowed the foibles of those who do not truly know who they are in the fullest sense to hold you in the grip of a limited awareness of self. Let go and let God be where you are as the eternal light of pure being now. Put all outdated rituals aside. All past self-declarative anti-statements of non-being now dissolve as you accept the I AM awareness of light, only light. Radiant joy may be yours in an instant, and that instant may be now.

Presence is more about acceptance than about struggling to attain something outside of yourself. It is within. It is at hand. It is in sight, even as it is insightful as the reality of beingness. Words, many words, cannot move you into its radiation. The Word who you are as the Christic, prismatic light-emanation of being has always been yours to know. Therefore accept the Christ and Buddhic reality of picture-perfect presence now. Sing and laugh, dance and revel in the joy of beingness as a little child, as one born anew, as the smiling, playful one who would know God as Father-Mother always within a burning heart of love.

I extend my heart, my love to augment the fire of picture-perfect-presence love for you today. I frame it ornately for you. And I hang a representation of your own picture-perfect presence of beingness upon the walls of my retreat. For in my Father’s house are many mansions, 97 even as there is within your own consciousness the portal to the divine world, where you too are building many mansions in the sky, many monuments to love, many holy representations of God-beingness in Solar joy.

I am Saint Germain, speaking through this vessel and emanating the alchemy, the elixir of light for you.

Saint Germain