The Internet as a Metaphor for Understanding Our Connectivity with Source and the Web of Life

Saint Germain

  1. Every sun has learned the lesson of pure beingness while also hurtling through space and surrendering completely to the cosmic laws governing Solar evolution.
  2. Your sense of time and space are governed by your relationship with the Divine One, who lives beyond the ken of human experience.
  3. Spiritual alchemy is the science of nurturing love-wisdom within life through conscious awareness of the laws of Solar beingness within all divine substance.
  4. Cosmic intelligence is born of awareness of the All within all. Acknowledge and improve upon the Creator’s work through your apportionment of Mind.
  5. Reality is the Spirit in manifest presence everywhere and always through the eyes of the Creator’s beloved—you.
  6. Financial freedom is about beingness above lack and presence outside of desire.
  7. Enter your breath to experience God’s Solar beingness where you are.
  8. Reflecting the full radiance of the Source is your highest work each day.
  9. Profound stillness, as centeredness in God, leads to new levels of Solar beingness even for the highest of celestial and cosmic beings.
  10. Your Source provides all you require if you can slow down the human mind while speeding up your connectivity with the Divine Mind with its abundant radiance.
  11. Give complete attentiveness to the light who you are within each cell to understand the microcosmic components of beingness, for then, through the science of synthesis, this will lead to cosmic understanding and Solar life.
  12. You may experience every vestige of God’s divine beingness as you develop acumen in the art of Solar meditation.

Saint Germain


David Christopher Lewis: Saint Germain has said that the Internet is a great metaphor for understanding your connectedness with the Source. Whether you have a wireless or a wired connection to the Internet, the greater the power and the stream of the connection, allowing a higher level of bytes of information to come in over that connection, the greater is your ability to download information quickly.

Similarly, with your connection to your God Source, the stronger your attention and focus are on the reality of who you are, the easier it is for you to download divine inspiration, understanding, and the spiritual information you require to maintain life, balance, harmony, and peace in your world. As with the Internet, this spiritual connection is a two-way street, because you also have the ability to upload, or send, a certain aspect of your consciousness to others within the antahkarana , the network of light of all conscious beings who participate in this connection.

As technology advances, we experience faster connections to the Internet with fewer interruptions. Likewise, as we progress on our spiritual path, we connect to the Source faster and find it easier to stay connected. Just as power surges, inclement weather, high winds, and solar radiation can interfere with our connection to the Internet, certain states of consciousness can interfere with the divine connection through which we access the broadcast from our Presence. To maintain interconnectivity with our Source and with each other, we must calm the storms and winds of our own emotional body and live in Solar beingness.

We have to lay a firm foundation of trust by keeping the “wires” and radiating centers through our chakras correctly aligned; following the laws and “ley lines” of life are a part of this maintenance. We must also engage at times in retuning ourselves, adjusting the flow of light through ourselves by using self-corrective measures that bring us back into alignment and greater connectivity. If something has been temporarily disrupted or damaged within our own spiritual circuitry, we must work to restore and improve the connection.

Every day you have an opportunity to enter the Divine Mind and allow the great God-stream of conscious awareness and presence to flow into you, through you, and out to the world. You have the ability to contribute something of your experience, your knowledge, your wisdom to the greater whole of the Mind of the One. It is as if you have the choice to upload something into the all-encompassing content of the Mind of God by offering the knowledge of who you are, your Self-knowledge, to your brothers and sisters and to others anywhere in the world.

As you experience God and maintain firm connectivity, the entire grid of light, in a sense, is fired, maintained, and sustained. If at times you choose to rest and “turn off your connection” so as not to experience direct engagement in the interconnectivity as an active participant, you can know and trust, as long as you maintain your harmony during the experience, that the wires will remain in place, that you will retain the opportunity for inner connectivity when you choose to resume, and that God’s light will always be there when you decide to connect again. God’s love and radiance, comfort, and joy can sustain you even as they are experienced through the joy of your brothers and sisters of light everywhere.

The master uses this metaphor of the Internet to express for us something of our experience in this dimension, in time and space on Earth here and now. As we see improvements in the Internet and the growing of the body of information that is available to us to understand what is occurring on Earth—the news, the updates, et cetera—we should selectively utilize this information to sustain and maintain a greater level of Solar beingness, of connectivity with the All. We don’t simply download more and more information; we utilize what we receive to grow beingness within. We must also upload devotion to our God Presence in order to complete the circuitry and maintain the firing of that grid of light.

As you share, as you teach, as you give to others, you are participating in this figure-eight flow of light. If you only receive, if you only download and don’t share or connect back to the Source through devotion, then you are not a complete participant in the greatest sense. Those who have received the teachings of the ascended masters and of higher truths must at some point teach and share who you have become through your divine experience in order to sustain the firing of that grid of light. It is as if each connection is its own power station and reinforces the whole. This is how all local area networks (LANs) work to interconnect the Web of the Internet. Each dot upon the matrix and grid is important, and if you take out one, then the Web is not quite as complete as if you have all of these connections functioning.

In your spiritual life, as you move into higher streams of beingness that involve greater creativity, greater sharing of your creative fires and of what you have downloaded from Spirit, assimilated, and made real within yourself, you can then, in a certain sense, return to God and to your brothers and sisters that which you have become. The spiral of divine alchemy for Solar beingness is completed through the antahkarana , the web of life. By our devotions and our attentiveness to the stream of God-awareness, by entering into it, becoming it, maintaining, sustaining, and sharing the glow of the firings of our connection, we expand our personal Solar evolution and beingness.

David Christopher Lewis