Identify with Your Solar Source: The Universe Is God’s Divine Alchemy

Saint Germain

  1. The universe is God’s divine alchemy of Solar beingness.
  2. Manifesting your divine essence through difficult times and circumstances brings you greater mastery in the science of total identification with light.
  3. Every moment that you spend in conscious connection with your Source is time well spent, leading to the day of your full acceptance of Solar awareness.
  4. Blessedness is a divine quality that all should study as a part of beingness.
  5. Divine alchemy is an experiential rather than a theoretical science.
  6. Proving every divine theorem in the personal laboratory of your life is what Solar evolution through beingness is all about.
  7. To reach Christic attainment you must master the seven major initiations on seven levels of being that lead to a crystalline awareness of all life.
  8. Your soul’s eternal flight comes when you have surrendered all attachments to the Earth and embraced Solar living.
  9. Divine alchemy always leads to a truly abundant life in God’s great heartstream.
  10. Radiant health and serene joy are secondary benefits of meditating upon your Solar Source each day.
  11. Finding true peace within is all about identifying with the point of God’s beingness at your central core.
  12. Divine fragrances begin to emanate around and through those who surrender all desire except perfect devotion to and praise of the great I AM.

As advanced alchemists of the spirit, you are receiving through these discourses a new awareness of divine love. This love may be yours to know and to express daily as you receive and accept the worded cadences from our hearts that may move you into higher consciousness, presence, holy awareness of God’s light, and the ever-expanding waves of pure joy that may lap upon the shores of your own heartstreams, washing clean the very molecules of selfhood and bringing you the radiance of God’s heart.

The purpose of our instruction is to move you into the core of beingness through complete identification with your Solar Source, who is your God Presence, the great I AM THAT I AM individualized for you. As you experiment with the sacred fire each day in some way through the science of alchemy, you may understand God’s very beingness within you and the sacred processes of how Solar light may solve all problems, may bring all to full resolution, and may infuse itself into every life form, moving them into the formless stream of perfection.

Radiant living may always be yours as you employ this science of Solar beingness. This comes as greater attunement, which I would define as complete attention upon your God Presence so that you have access to God’s heart and mind emanations. When you fully Self-identify with God, then you understand what life is and what life is not. You see God within all life. You revere that light within all, and then every experience becomes a divine one because you live and move and have your being within the essence of God’s beingness everywhere and always. There is no time for anything other than God. There is no space where God is not. And thus you move into a new time-space continuum in a higher level of living, which is God’s reality of who you are as a conscious Solar being.

When did I attain cosmic consciousness? It was when I fully identified, accepted, and became the Sun of who I am as God in manifestation. The day of your natal appearing as a Solar being is nigh if you would make it so by your devotion, attention, and acceptance of perfect presence where you are, and the accelerant of the violet transmuting flame may bring it forth consciously for you daily.

Portia and I have a plan for the great Golden-Crystal Age of Aquarius, and that is to energize each and every one of you as seventh-ray Solar beings, utilizing divine alchemy in many ways in your life to experience the blessedness and the graces of the Spirit, and then bonding with many others to create a new architecture of the Spirit, a new crystal grid of light through which the Lord may breathe and move and have greater Solar beingness within all. This is our new love tryst with you, each one, to enter into the spirit of brotherhood, of community. Therefore, we bless each and every one who participates in the divine alchemy of light and love.

Take time to prepare for the initiations that may be yours and to understand your purpose and the new world that may appear within your life day by day, blessed hearts.

We are with you always in the alchemy of joy and love, in the science of ministration and service through seventh-ray forgiveness, mercy, and freedom to be God.

Saint Germain