Merge into the Cosmic Stream of God’s Solar Beingness


Blessed Hearts of Fire,

I come to deliver you unto God’s Presence of eternal light and love. I am Portia, and I have taken the sacred sword of justice and wielded it on behalf of each and every one of you for the clearing from your subconscious of ancient records of a sense of injustice and of all that has flowed through you that is not the pure stream of freedom, of light, of liberty, and of the reality who you truly are in God as a Solar being.

Our discourses to you, bringing the alchemical elixirs of living light for your Solar beingness, are for the raising of consciousness so that you may perceive yourself as who you truly are and manifest something of that beingness more each day until you are fully merged into the cosmic stream of God’s Solar beingness, which is the very life essence, the blood, of God’s living Presence.

What will it take for you to let go of all that has assailed you and entered your world that keeps you from fulfilling your divine destiny? That is what I have seen and that is what the sword has erased within you, if you would accept it by now saying:

I accept my clearance this day of all within me that is not of the light, all subconscious fear and doubt, anxiety, frustration and burden, all that has kept me from being who I am in God and from manifesting my Solar awareness now. So, help me O God, I accept it. I am it. In your holy name, I AM THAT I AM, Amen.

Angels of cosmic justice come to bring the oil of gladness now that you have released these ancient patterns once and for all, and they minister to your soul to impress the radiance of the light into those areas where previously you had held concepts, momentums, patterns, and burdens within you. The archeiai come and will continue this work now, as you meditate upon the light of your Solar Presence and accept the new frequencies of Aquarius, the love-wisdom-power radiance of your God Source flowing through your spiritual bloodstream from this day forward until you are fully merged into that Solar light of living Godness.

Know, O soul of light, how precious you are to God. It is time for you to realize this fully, so that you can be all that you have always been meant to be—God, God, God in the Earth.

I am Portia. I have taken a pound or two of flesh, 103 the substance of darkness, and balanced the scales within you. I offer to the Lord God that which you have released for the victory of many more upon Earth who are coming because you have determined just to be who you are.
