We should like to thank all those who took part in Routledge’s survey of academics who teach early modern drama. The selection of plays in this anthology is based on their responses and we are in debt to them for taking the time to engage, often at length and in detail, with our questionnaire.
We are grateful to our publisher’s readers, who read drafts of the volume at various stages of its production. Their painstaking, rigorous and supportive comments have helped us to improve the final text enormously. Thanks, too, to Talia Rodgers and Liz Thompson at Routledge for taking the project on and seeing it through with such enthusiasm and good humour, and to Carole Drummond and David Williams at The Running Head for their meticulous production of the volume.
We should also like to thank the staff of the following libraries for their help: the Bodleian Library, the British Library, and the libraries of the Universities of Birmingham, Lancaster and Gloucestershire.
We should like to acknowledge Cambridge University Press’ permission to reproduce the map on p. 6 from Peter Thomson, Shakespeare’s Professional Career, Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Thanks go to the following people for their various and much appreciated contributions to this book: Peter Barker, Richard Dutton, Alison Findlay, Sonia Massai, Monika Smialkowska, Jackie Stacey, Peter Widdowson, and the Coille Bheag focus group. Any errors are, of course, our own.
Simon Barker and Hilary Hinds