Chapter 66

I came into a support group with long-term negative habits. I eliminated alcohol and cigarettes from my life years ago, but I did eat flesh foods. I indulged in negative emotions, and I dwelled on the worst of a given situation while ignoring any positives. My home was full of objects that I considered to be junk. My selfesteem and energy were low, and there were signs of aging on my skin. I have made progress through vegan living, support group lectures, and detoxification. I detoxed my body and mind; this improved my skin tone. I will not be in the company of negative, complaining people. I post affirmations on my mirror and in my car. They are very beneficial. The supplements have given me new health and vitality. I lost weight and now run 8 miles, not the 5 miles I used to. My sense of smell is improving. New hair grows in with fewer grays. I no longer feel a slump in energy at 3 p.m. each day. My self-esteem is blossoming, and I sing and perform again. My home is uncluttered, and my future priorities are on my agenda.


Before: I was slightly overweight and had acute heartburn, acid reflux, and stress and anger toward my teenage son. I am a massage therapist, and I wanted to change my life and learn proper nutrition, so I joined Gary’s support group. Now: I’ve lost 8 lbs and now have the body I’ve always wanted. I take organic, vegetarian juices. I no longer have acid reflux. My mind is clearer. I have a successful relationship with my son, and I handle coworkers without anger. I exercise by powerwalking and my body is alive and energetic. I’ve uncluttered my mind and my home. Now, I am more open and accepting, less critical, more optimistic and helpful to people.


No more heartburn

I was scheduled for gallbladder surgery to relieve chronic heartburn. My preoperation EKG was abnormal, and I had a quadruple bypass. I decided to change everything and started adopting Gary Null’s protocol. I lost weight, have no more heartburn, and enjoy a good sense of health. I am on a strictly vegan protocol.


Before the support group, I had physical disorders. My adrenal and thyroid functions were low, leaving me exhausted, stressed, cold, and tired. I did not have energy to exercise. The protocol reversed these problems. I have not had a sinus infection in ages. My hypoglycemia is practically gone. I wake up early without stress, feeling happy and alert. I no longer use prescription medications. My body will heal itself.


GLORIA, 78 years old

I came into a support group with several physical ailments. I was somewhat overweight. My hair was graying. I had macular degeneration, hypoglycemia, periodontal disease, varicose veins in my legs, and a spinal curvature that, I was told, could become degenerative. I joined a support group. I shed 10 lbs and am filled with renewed self-confidence. My sparse hair is fuller and growing back in a dark color. There is an improvement in the macular degeneration problem I feared would be permanent. I do not have hypoglycemia or periodontal disease. The leg varicosity decreased, and my spinal curvature feels less acute. My amalgam fillings were removed. I returned to school for a degree, and best of all, my family is proud of these reversals. They prepare my special protocol foods when I visit, and they respect my choices.

WILMA & MYRON, 75 years old each

We were not happy with the symptoms of getting old. We both had memory difficulties. I did not like to be a homebody, and I wanted this part of our lives to be active. There is so much to experience and learn. We joined a support group and feel we have reversed aging. We follow the protocol and noticed we have increased brain power. It is sad watching our friends fail physically. They are closed to detoxification and diet changes. We are the only couple in our group not taking medications. I study piano and am writing a book. This is a wonderful time of life.

FRAN, 67 years old

I joined a health support group and followed Gary Null’s protocol when obvious and unpleasant signs of aging became too uncomfortable. My skin was sagging and moles grew on it. There were dark age spots on my body. Energy decreased. My LDL and HSL elevated. My hair changed color and I felt my mental function was slowing. The group was a total lifestyle enhancement. The people were optimistic. I influenced them. They influenced me. Today my skin is tight and great; I am more youthful in looks and attitude. The moles fell off. Age spots are gone. My new hair growth is dark brown. LDL and HDL went to zero risk. I have energy galore and my mental function improved from the protocol. I feel absolutely wonderful.

GLORIA, 73 years old

I was hypoglycemic. I used dairy and wheat, and ate flesh foods. My concentration and mental clarity were poor. My energy was low and I suffered from many upper respiratory infections. I joined the year-and-a-half support group because I was a college senior and required extra energy to complete my degree. Today things are quite different. I lost eight pounds and am now size 4 or 6. I feel energetic and do not experience frequent upper respiratory infections. My physician confirmed I do not need stronger glasses. My skin has fewer wrinkles and appears to be brighter. My hair is thicker. I use juices throughout the day without a desire for meals. I learned to honor myself and develop solutions for daily problems by keeping a positive outlook. I am an active walker. I convinced my daughter to use an alternative physician for my granddaughter who was diagnosed psychotic. The child returned to school within two weeks.

RUTH, 75 years old

I have always been a busy person with an active career but I was plagued with frequent illnesses, especially upper respiratory infections. I participated in a health support group two years ago. Before that my diet was quite unhealthy. I ate flesh foods, dairy, sugar, desserts, confections, and breads without regard for health or weight gain. I did not exercise. It was time to correct this imbalance of career and family versus frequent illnesses. I wanted my energy back and decided to improve my life. The initial phase of the detox was interesting. Eliminating “comfort” foods was difficult but so were my options. I stayed with the program. It was uncomfortable at times in restaurants. My friends devoured their toxic food while commenting on my fish and vegetable plate. My hair and skin greatly improved. I have no more upper respiratory infections. Today I am a person holding the tools for healthy aging. My eating companions are rapidly getting old. I work several days a week. I use a stationary bike and lift weights. It’s wonderful to hear this positive feedback. My grandson is proud of his attractive, vital grandmother. I am proud of myself.

HELEN, 60 years old

I’ve been listening to Gary for 25 years. I use Gary’s website and read his books. I follow the protocol. I decided I could use a boost of health and joined the retreat group. The impact was tremendous. I was able to understand myself, the relationships in my life, and my fears better. I began power walking, doing yoga exercises, and establishing new social contacts. The eye health lecture was informative. This was a new space for me. The chiropractic treatments were healing. I never felt uncomfortable about my body size. I made new friends, all of them enlightened.

DOROTHEA M., 67 years old

A new beginning at 67 years of age. I am so grateful to you for showing me how to improve life for myself and others. You opened my life to the joy of exploration for myself and others. I now realize there is a world of joy to learn about as I follow my bliss. Thank you for leading me to a healthy body, mind, and spirit.


I wanted to live a healthy life but could not keep on track. I lacked motivation and discipline. I developed both of these skills when I entered a support group. I learned to exercise three times a week, and I began to enjoy and make this my personal routine. I lost weight and feel energetic. I follow the protocol with enjoyment. I foresee a healthier and more vital future.


The anti-aging program gave me a pathway toward life expansion. I am happy to be away from the typical American diet. The support group taught me strategies for coping when I am perceived to be different. My body is cleaner. I understand that there are other paths on the road of life.


I began to display the signs of aging. My weight went up with my fatigue, my hair was weaker, and my skin was wrinkling. I was pessimistic about losing my looks. I was in pain because of herniated disks in my neck. I noticed my muscle tone was not as it was just a few years ago. I was determined to turn these conditions around and joined a support group after I heard group members speak about their positive experiences. The group experience was exciting. The group participants were wonderful, optimistic, and helpful to me and each other. We were a family. I lost 20 lbs and have fewer wrinkles today. My hair is healthier. I have less pain in my neck, and with exercise, my muscle tone improved. I do not get colds or flu, and I feel stronger, calmer, and more positive. It’s a miracle, but not really. It’s cleaning out, building up, and keeping to the protocol.

MARCIA, 77 years old

I was sad about entering old age. I could not recognize myself, with my overweight problem and white, thin hair that was falling out. The hair under my arms and my pubic hair fell out after menopause. I lacked energy and had no sensual emotions. The Gary Null protocol has changed all that and changed my emotional attitude. Just seeing my hair growing back thick and in its original color returned my femininity. My body hair has grown back, too. My libido returned as it was in my early 40s. My energy is phenomenal, and I sleep only four to five hours a night. This is a clean, healthy, youth-preserving program, and it gave me back my life and womanhood.

ALSTON D., 90 years old and self-sufficient


I retired from the Merchant Marines at age 65. I have always been very active and considered myself to be healthy, but considered my future health. I heard Gary Null on the radio and began to read books on health and nutrition.


I follow a vegetarian diet, and I juice. I use a rebounder every morning. I get on the train and travel to Manhattan to buy supplements. I do not see many people my age these days. Most of them have caretakers and are dependent. I am totally self-sufficient; I care for my home and shop, wash my clothes, and even take my curtains down to wash and replace them alone. I do not need anyone to take care of me. I can accomplish my tasks alone. I believe my diet and nutritional supplements are responsible for maintaining my health.


I listened to support group members on the radio and decided I would change my life and my body. I had many symptoms of early aging: graying hair, eye-color change, nails growing slowly, scars not healing, hypertension, pock marks on my face, eczema, tension after years in the corporate world. My personal relationships were not going well. I followed the detox protocol, attending meetings, to cleanse my body physically and emotionally, and the results are wonderful. My blood pressure is normal, my skin condition is gone, my hair is growing in blond (my childhood color), and my hairline is reversing. My eyes are returning to their blue color. My nails grow quickly, and the wound scars have disappeared. I left the corporate world, and I find my relationships and attitudes are happier.


As a child my food sensitivities were treated with antibiotics and medications to no avail. I was weak in every aspect of my being, and pale with dark circles under my eyes. Within two weeks on Gary Null’s allergy protocol, I felt remarkably better. Nine months later, I find I can tolerate most all foods. My thinking is clear, and my moodiness, depression, lethargy, and poor complexion have reversed. I feel vital, healthy, and alive. I anticipate studying Oriental Medicine, and I continue research on internal energy.



I was fairly healthy. I had seasonal allergies and took Celdane and Claritin. I had digestive problems: food would often get trapped in my esophagus. I drank a lot of caffeine. Then I listened to Gary’s radio program. I decided to become vegetarian. I took supplements. I increased my exercising. I went into Gary’s oneand-a-half-year detox program (with the wellness support group).


I sleep less. My digestive problem went away. I do not get colds anymore. I have eliminated caffeine and alcohol.


If anyone was ready to rearrange his life, it was me. I was under heavy stress and felt totally fatigued by midday. I developed allergies. Life was about hurry hurryhurry and making money. I did not want to continue at this pace. I entered a support group and embarked on a life-enhancing program. The protocol addresses the physical, spiritual, and emotional self. It is life-enhancing. My body feels lighter and cleaner. I have energy all day. I handle stressful situations without internalizing. I discovered that I do not need as many “things” for happiness. Although I make less money, I gain a great deal more on another level. I am exploring life confident. If failures come, they are not major complications. I read Who Are You, Really? and discovered I am a dynamic assertive and should not work with others. I am now creating a business venture.

JOANNE, 64 years old

I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. I was always exhausted and had many allergies. I did not follow any food plan and was a coffee drinker. I listened to Gary Null on the radio and read Who Are You, Really? When an allergy support group opened up, I joined. At that time I took time away from work to recover. I have had excellent results following Gary’s protocol. I need less sleep, and am alert and aware of nutrition. I no longer drink coffee. My allergies are practically neither nonexistent nor are signs of chronic fatigue present. Writing forgiveness letters relieved the weight of anger I held and I detached from a painful past. I live in the present. Uncluttering was unpleasant but helped me think clearly. I am actualizing my sense of community responsibility. I now give “professionalism and quality of life” seminars. My husband is supportive of my new lifestyle.


I was overjoyed to come into a Reversing the Aging support group. My memory was getting worse; I left my car keys in the trunk lock, and my car was stolen. I was not organic, but had been juicing and using supplements for a year before beginning the protocol. Once I used organic produce and juice, I began to feel stronger. I did not get sore throats since I began taking vitamin C at night. I decided to work less. A short time later, I dated a man for the first time since my divorce eight years earlier. I felt happy and prayed for the return of my car. A short time later, I spotted it while taking a long walk on an alternative trail. This increased my spiritual belief. I am building a cohesive relationship between my boyfriend, son, and myself. I sleep better, exercise, and work on an eating plan to prevent overeating.


FRAN M., 65 years old


Moles on skin—skin beginning to sag. Dark age spots on body. Decreased energy. LDL. Hair color changing. Mental function slowing.


Skin tighter. More youthful in looks and attitude. Moles fell off. Age spots gone. New hair growth dark brown. LDL normalized. Energetic. Mental function improved.


I am no longer sluggish and feel stronger both mentally and physically. I sleep less. My face is more colorful, much less pale. I lost 10 pounds and have better tone in my muscles. People comment on how much my appearance has improved.



I developed psoriatic arthritis 30 years ago. I underwent surgery to fuse my right wrist. My knees and neck were deteriorating, so I used heavy medications and over-the-counter analgesics. My blood pressure became elevated and I was advised to change careers. My daughter motivated me to join a health support group. Today, I am vegan and eat no sugar or wheat. After I began the protocol and juicing, I became pain-free in four weeks. I take no more medications, and all swelling subsided. My doctor commented that the condition of my knee joints is the best he has observed, and my blood pressure is normal. I am able to take long walks. I have reclaimed my life. Neighbors who have observed my improvement now follow the protocol. One couple, a diabetic and his wife who has multiple sclerosis, report physical improvements. By following the protocol, my cousin lost 10 lbs in two weeks and no longer has heartburn.


My recall and memory is sharp. My skin is clear. I have less nasal mucus, an improved resting heart rate. My tonsil size decreased. No longer do I have dark circles under my eyes and pain from peripheral neuropathy in both legs has diminished as has arthritic pain. I have not been ill since I started the program.


I had fatigue and edema. I could not tolerate heat and had migraine headaches, arthritis, and an irregular heartbeat. I lost 15 pounds, and now my energy is very high and so is my optimism.


My arthritis and knee stiffness subsided. Inflammation and swelling subsided. My blood pressure is significantly lower. Cholesterol levels are reduced to 159. I lost six pounds, and all my pants fit me. I sleep better and enjoy abundant energy and a sense of well-being.


Since I began Gary’s protocol, I lost 10 pounds. My arthritis is greatly alleviated, particularly in my knees. I see a considerable improvement in my chronic fatigue condition. I have good energy and require less sleep. My blood pressure dropped, and I now have a positive outlook on life.


My cholesterol was high. I had dizzy spells. Arthritic fingers, skin and hair showed signs of early aging. My skin is firmer and young looking; the cholesterol level has dropped. My hair is growing back; my nails are firm and pink. The arthritis in my fingers diminished, and I do not have dizzy spells. I think clearly, and I am alert.



Overweight. Low energy. Beginning to get wrinkled skin. Arthritis. Would get involved in negative situations. Liked to eat until very full.


Lost 60 pounds. More stamina. Skin less wrinkled. Arthritis gone. Will not acknowledge negative people or situations. Positive outlook. Do not overreact anymore.


My arthritis often prevented me from walking. My hair was thinning, and I had a fungal infection on my right heel. I barely had enough energy to get through my daily tasks. I noticed ridges on my fingernails. When I compare myself now to what I was one-and-a-half-years ago, I see a woman without fear and doubt, with hope and optimism, constructing a new life. I have more inspiring dreams than I did in the past, even though my path, at the moment, is not truly constructive. My hair is growing in healthier, the nail ridges have lessened, and I do not have arthritic pain. The heel fungus disappeared. My energy level is high. The homework questions gave me the opportunity to deal with issues directly. Just thinking of an answer redirected my life. My future is a good place. No one can push my buttons anymore.


I listened to Natural Living before entering a support group. I had been to Paradise Gardens [where Gary Null hosts retreats in Naples, Florida] twice, but was not totally vegetarian. Being overweight most of my life caused painful arthritis. My turning point came attending Florida retreats and joining a support group. I quickly adapted to the new lifestyle but hardly exercised. It was when I began yoga lessons that power walking tempted me. It caused joint pain until arthritic symptoms subsided. My energy increased when wheat and dairy were eliminated, and juicing increased. At this point, I became a serious power walker. I lost 15 pounds the first month on the protocol and felt terrific.

Doing support group homework kept me committed to future goals. I moved to a new home, which is uncluttered, and was satisfied to disassociate with the people I felt were obnoxious. I lost 75 pounds. I now belong to a rowing team and race walk with the Gary Null Running and Walking Club.



Arthritis. Joint pain. Overweight. Anxious. Depressed. Stressed because son using drugs. Fatigue.


No longer have arthritis or joint pain. Increased energy. Sleep less. Look great. Lost 20 lbs. No longer anxious and depressed. Finding connection to self. Uncluttering. Detaching from son.


My arthritis has improved and my joints are less painful. Shingles and genital herpes are gone. My allergies have improved and my periods are more regular. I have very little lower back pain and I am not constipated.


I was quite ill before I learned how to detoxify. My skin condition was unsightly, my gums bled, and I had neuropathy in my hands and knees, pain from arthritis and kidney disease. Floaters and retinopathy caused slight problems. Tests showed abnormal thyroid levels, and my blood pressure and cholesterol were high. Today, after completing the support group, following Gary’s directions, and carefully going with it day by day, I no longer have bad skin. My teeth and gums are fine. I no longer have pain from neuropathy or arthritis. Tests determined that my kidney disease is reduced. My eye problems have disappeared, My thyroid tests read normal, as do my blood pressure and cholesterol blood tests. I have a normal life, and I am thankful for the experience, education and caring I received.



Low energy corrected


Although we considered ourselves nutritionally aware and healthy for seniors, my husband and I felt something was missing. We knew our lives and health could improve, but we found no satisfaction in traditional guidelines. We did not want our vitality to diminish as we aged. After listening to Gary Null on the radio, we decided to join one of the first Reversing the Aging Support Groups.


It was easy following the protocol cold turkey. We had vitamin drips. We eliminated all meat, dairy, and chicken from our diet. We are now organic and vegetarian, and we use air, water, and shower filters. We have magnetic appliances. Our amalgam fillings were removed, and we make our home healthier by removing our shoes at the door. When a neurologist confirmed I had Bell’s palsy, I had a consult with Gary. We meditate, practice yoga, and run. Our physician daughter now runs. I am a nurse teacher and busier than ever. We feel great juicing and using green, red, and protein powders. My Bell’s palsy symptoms subsided within 10 days on the protocol. Our energy is strong, and our bodies feel vital and healthy from the juices and healthy food. We use alternative physicians for diagnosis and treatment if problems occur. This program was very successful for us.



I entered a support group to rid my body of an acute bladder infection that had taken over my life. I sought a natural approach. I did not have good energy and required long hours of sleep each night. I was overly sensitive and easily hurt. I did not stand up for myself. My family was critical of me. This continued during my marriage. I do not have a bladder infection today and can go to museums, on automobile trips, anywhere I wish without running to a bathroom. I learned to appreciate myself and burst into song without realizing it. Finally, I told my family and my husband, “Enough.” I will not tolerate their nonsense. Not only did I reverse the emotional and physical conditions in my life, but my husband takes care not to hurt my feelings. I speak my mind and challenge people. Uncluttering opened valuable space in my home and life.



The night my son brought me to the emergency room, I was told I would not have awakened the next day. I had three bleeding ulcers, and I felt angry at my illness. The anemia caused me extreme fatigue, and the daily weight loss I experienced was somewhat of a joke to me. I just did not take it seriously. I was told I might lose 30 percent of my stomach if the condition persisted. I was sent home with medications. Being a vegetarian and researching medical conditions, I used only one medication for my thyroid. I was very stressed without an out. My children suggested I listen to Natural Living. The first day I tuned in, Gary mentioned aloe and cabbage juice for ulcers. I bought a juicer and aloe, and I drank the combination. All medication was discarded that day.

Eventually, I joined a support group. Aloe, cabbage juice, and sometimes sauerkraut soothed my problem, but it was the green juices and elimination of dairy, wheat, and other products that really built me up. I am totally organic, vegan, and healthy. My endoscopy revealed no ulcers. I think that is remarkable. I lost 15 lbs on the protocol, and my body began to reshape. At this point, never straying from the program, I have reversed the aging and am emotionally stronger. I made peace with myself and the past by journal writing and power walking, and I enjoy a happy family life with my children and animals. The many support group participants I meet are wonderful, happy, and free people. I am one of them.



I was diagnosed with high blood sugar several years ago. On medication my pressure was 140/80. After being here for two days, experiencing the yoga, the exercise class, the delicious food prepared by chefs, by Wednesday I checked my blood pressure and it was 128/80 without medication. So I’m really glad that I was able to come here and have this life-transforming experience. And I want to recommend this to anyone who wants to get healthy and live a good lifestyle.


I feel like I did 10 years ago. I have reduced blood pressure. I have a better ability to concentrate. I have increased physical strength. I have increased stamina, and I have an increased interest in sex.


My blood pressure was elevated. It was difficult getting out of bed in the morning. My energy was low, and I felt tired upon awakening. My tongue was coated, and I was slightly overweight. I followed the protocol without question. My blood pressure is lower, I feel great in the morning, my tongue is not coated, and I lost about 8 pounds without dieting. I see improvement in my hair and skin, and acknowledge the protocol to be life restoring.


My blood pressure stabilized. I was hospitalized for a diagnosis of appendicitis. I stopped medication and began drinking green juices and taking supplements. A CAT scan two weeks later ruled out appendicitis. I lost 15 pounds. I am less fearful of trying new things and more willing to work toward creating future projects.


I was slightly overweight. My blood pressure and cholesterol were elevated. I had large fibroids and was given a possible cancer warning by my physician. Excess stress caused chest pain diagnosed as possible angina. Business tension caused worry as I tackled difficult tasks to fulfill my mission helping people in Peru. My husband and I adopted two children but tension affected my family. Then I watched Gary on PBS. I joined a support group and lost 15 pounds. My cholesterol and blood pressure normalized. My family is now vegan. Medical examinations confirmed that I no longer have fibroids. I learned power walking at Paradise Gardens, and I am energetic and patient at home with my children, less of a perfectionist, and I handle stress with humor. I work out in a gym. Friends admire my lovely skin. Life is fulfilling and easier.


My blood pressure improved significantly. My triglycerides dropped to the normal range. I raised my good cholesterol and lowered the bad cholesterol. My homocysteine levels are better than before. I am less depressed and have a more positive outlook on life, with more energy. I also lost 15 lbs so far.


My blood pressure shot up. That was just one of the frightening aspects of aging that hit me. I was tired during the day and wanted my vitality back. The best way was to go into a Gary Null Health Support Group. The body is remarkable. In a short amount of time my blood pressure normalized. I feel much more energetic as well.

BOB, 80 years old

I seem to be one of those people who had to get sick before seeking a healthier lifestyle. Before I heard of Gary Null’s support groups I suffered headaches, allergies, and several colds and flus a year. Cholesterol and blood pressure were elevated. I ate junk food, pretending everything would work out. Personality-wise I was tense and often irritable. Something had to change; I wanted that thing to be me. I followed the protocol carefully. After a week my energy returned, I slept less, my headaches were gone, and blood pressure and cholesterol levels dropped. I am calmer and more patient, far less irritable. My wife of forty years was a great support. We both benefited with my new health and are thankful we participated in this life-changing process.


Cholesterol dropped from 300 to 215. I have experienced more loving feelings toward my husband, and less anger about taking care of him. I am more understanding and less fearful regarding the future.


1 increased my body fat to a healthier level and enjoy sex again. My cholesterol dropped 50 points and HDL went up. No longer crave sweets.


Chronic pains in my penis finally dissipated. I think this pain was related to the toxic state I was in prior to the program. My waistline has been greatly reduced, and my muscle mass has increased. I actually began having a thirtyish body instead of a 47-year old body. I have more energy, and my premature gray hair is more natural and brown. I had a fungus on my toes for years, which is beginning to clear up. My joints are moving more freely, my skin is smoother, and I have lessened my propensity for worry and reduced the fear level. I feel more self-assured and confident. This program has helped me become more centered, and enhanced my belief that this [form of natural] happiness is so important. This class is also beginning to restore my belief in spirituality.


My blood pressure was 140/90, and cholesterol read 268. I had large fibroids and was warned about cancer. Excess stress created chest pains and angina. I lost 15 pounds. My cholesterol is now 198 and blood pressure is 120/80. My last medical exam was excellent, no trace of fibroids.

I power walk and feel energetic. People compliment my healthy skin. I handle stress with humor and do not react to other people’s indifference. All and all, life is healthier.


I joined the Reversing Aging Group, because I was unfit. I had extremely high blood pressure, and I suffered from occasional swelling of the soles of the feet, which had been diagnosed as an unspecified allergic reaction. Every afternoon I became tired, and I had chest pain. Now, my skin tone has improved, I have stronger nails, my blood pressure is lower, my stamina and fitness level have improved, and I don’t have chest pain anymore. The allergic reaction has not occurred since I joined the support group. I am no longer tired in the afternoon. My behavior has also changed. Before I joined the group, I was very angry and stressed, tended to fight fire with fire, and was very confrontational. Now I am a much happier person. This has been noted by numerous colleagues. I no longer allow people to push my buttons. I have a more positive outlook, and I am proactive in attaining career objectives.


I wanted an improved future without illness. My cholesterol was high and I had great pain from herniated discs, which prevented exercise. I was a compulsive eater and chose an unhealthy diet. I snored and simply did not care for myself. When Gary Null talked about a support group on his radio show, I did not hold back and joined in 2000. I was a student again. The entire time was amazing to me. I learned why my body had problems and what I can do to reverse them. I understood the impact of mediation and forgiveness. I lost 18 pounds and am pain free. I exercise three times a week, practice martial arts, and do not snore. I recover quickly from illness, and feel happy and alert.

IRENE, 66 years old

I lived in a very large home surrounded by years and years of lovely but nonessential objects. It was difficult keeping up with chores. My husband and I lived alone because our children are adults. I was overweight. I had high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, high cholesterol, weak nails, and low energy. I felt this huge, cluttered space around me. I thought that it would be difficult changing my life. I grew accustomed to the way things were but I wanted to be free of physical disabilities and I wanted to feel healthy. I joined a support group and lost thirty pounds. Changes came week by week. My blood pressure normalized. My cholesterol lowered. Energy began to move me mentally and physically. Eventually my arrhythmia ceased. We sold our large home and gave our family the unessential, nostalgic items. We now live in a four-room home. We are much happier and I feel wonderful. I let go of objects and let our future in.

CHARLES, 69 years old

My journey toward improving my health began when I attended a Gary Null seminar. I worked in construction as an ironworker and had several accidents. During my younger years I held several jobs at a time and developed hypertension. It was time to rebuild my physical system. I considered my energy to be adequate for an aging man. I gradually investigated organic foods and vegetarian replacements for flesh foods. My health is maintained with supplements, lifting weights, gardening, and drinking power shakes with red and green powders. I still work in building and construction and just built a playhouse for my grandchildren. Listening to health programs on the radio gave me some information; however, following today’s healthier lifestyle and taking proper products supplies me with more energy than I have ever had. I bounce back easily from exhaustion. Except for a constant knee condition, I do not feel the consequences of falling off buildings. I do not have hypertension anymore. My family does not follow or cooperate with my food preparation. I prepare my meals separately and enjoy them. Hopefully, one day my grandchildren will open to this healthy concept. I feel younger than my sixty-nine years and look forward to a happy future.


I have had remarkable results since going on Gary Null’s detoxification protocol. My energy level is greatly increased. My blood pressure dropped to a stable, mea-surable reading. I am no longer constipated. I am totally motivated to heal myself, body and mind, and to bring joy into my life.


The results of my following Gary’s protocol are phenomenal. I lost 23 lbs and trimmed over 5 inches from my waist. I eliminated two blood pressure medications. I sleep at least an hour less, and I experience a strong feeling of well-being. My rate of hair loss decreased. I have strength and energy. My joint aches and back pains disappeared. I breathe easier, and my sinuses have cleared up.

JESSIE, 86 years old

I am an eighty-six-year-old woman. My blood pressure was high. My energy was very low. I felt old. My hands were full of age spots. I felt quite discouraged. I joined a Gary Null support group. Once I felt the impact of group interaction I began to feel optimistic about my future. I keep to Gary’s protocol. My emotional and physical changes are wonderful. I feel younger and free. I eat organically; I juice and exercise multiple times a week. My blood pressure has lowered and energy has increased. The age spots are lighter. My physical improvements created emotional improvements. I am grateful for this second chance.


To date, I can happily report wonderful changes on Gary’s protocol. I lost 18 lbs, and my blood pressure returned to normal. My energy level increased, and I am not sluggish after meals. Feeling and thinking in a positive mode has increased my self-esteem; I feel good about myself. I did not regain weight, because I am determined to continue the program.


I had many allergies and frequent upper-respiratory infections. My life was unmanageable, and my stress was overwhelming. My blood pressure and cholesterol were elevated. I heard about Gary Null’s support groups and detoxification. I needed to change and decided to enter a group as soon as one was formed. That was the beginning of the best part of my life. My energy built, my headaches stopped, and my cholesterol and blood pressure lowered. I have a new body from exercising, using weights, doing qi gong, and deep breathing. I feel calm, more patient, and less irritable. I love my food and progressive life.


I was concerned about my health. My blood pressure and cholesterol were elevated. I had a stressful life due to being mentally fatigued and could not control these feelings. I suffered an acid reflux condition that I assumed was caused by my job. My body was falling apart. I detoxed and carefully followed Gary’s protocol. I felt stronger each week and released stress each day. My blood pressure is now normal, my digestion is improved, and I lost fifteen pounds. I do aerobics at home in the morning, yoga during evening hours, bike, walk, and run. My uncluttered environment and journal writing give me a new constructive outlet.


My blood pressure shot up. That was just one of the frightening aspects of aging that hit me. I was tired during the day and wanted my vitality back. The best way was to go into a Gary Null group. He always used the term “reversing the aging.” They were golden words to a fatigued woman. I joined the study. The body is remarkable. Mine immediately responded to the green juices. I eliminated dairy, flesh foods, wheat, and everything Gary and Luanne suggested. In a short amount of time, my blood pressure normalized. I felt more energetic, and after a while, I realized I was younger than my contemporaries. I now exercise five times a week. I was held back by an automobile accident and had to eat hospital food for a while. I recovered quickly, thanks to my healthy immune system. I came home and immediately went back on the protocol.

There is no other choice, and I love it.


I wanted to feel healthy. Medications did not do the trick, they could not make me healthy, only relieve discomfort for a short period of time. I had high blood pressure and frequent muscle pulls. If a health support group worked for so many other people, I decided to give it a try. The dietary changes created physical improvements in three days. I follow the protocol and writing exercises. I listen to the lectures, and then one day I am told my blood pressure medication is cut in half. I no longer have muscle pulls. The spiritual aspect of our teachings had an impact, and I decided to slow my pace and unclutter my home. It made me feel free. I now consider myself as important as my clients, and I am beginning to understand myself.


My blood pressure was 140/90, and cholesterol read 268. I had large fibroids and was warned about cancer. Excess stress created chest pains and angina. I lost 15 pounds. My cholesterol is now 198 and blood pressure is 120/80. My last medical exam was excellent, no trace of fibroids. I power walk and feel energetic. People compliment my healthy skin. I handle stress with humor and do not react to other people’s indifference. All and all, life is healthier.


My cholesterol and blood pressure were elevated. I felt pain in my chest, knees, and ankles in addition to gastric distress. I weighed 238 pounds and was unhappy with brown age spots on my skin. Astigmatism caused discomfort. An Internet acquaintance suggested that I listen to Gary Null to motivate direction. I began psychotherapy. The protocol was successful. I lost 50 pounds in five months and was inspired to continue. My blood pressure and cholesterol lowered. I now exercise one to two hours daily and meditate. Juicing and using supplements improved my endurance. Life is positive without pains. Age spots faded, my astigmatism improved, and my skin texture, nails, and hair are healthy. I learned to let go, not get involved in details or hang on. Today I am involved in research, I live a vegan lifestyle, I am organic, and I put health first for my family and the planet.

JOSEPH I., 63 years old

I read Gary Null’s books and listened to Natural Living for many years with good results. I have hepatitis, high blood pressure, diabetes, and damaged nerves, and I recently had a bout of Bell’s palsy. I also have three bulging disks on my spine. With all of these problems, I sought relief and healing. I decided to follow the protocol. The people that stick to it had good results. Today, I juice, I no longer use eyeglasses during the day, and I am delighted that my blood pressure and diabetes are controlled and that the Bell’s palsy did not return for two years. I discontinued weight lifting when my back was injured 10 years ago. I recently resumed lifting weights. I have a lot of energy, and the skin on my face is strong and my nails are healthy and pink. As a senior on a fixed income, I cannot afford a nutritionist. However, I study nutrition with Gary’s shows and books. Thank you.


At the time I joined a support group, I weighed 155 pounds. My blood pressure was high, and so was my cholesterol. I was not sharp anymore. My memory was not as good as it once was. My hair was growing in thinner, and I felt tired. I listened to Gary Null on the radio and read his books, but when a new support group began, I joined immediately. I was enthusiastic and optimistic immediately. I stayed after class to pass my good feelings on to the group members. I knew I could improve my health and help them improve theirs. Today, I weigh 145 pounds. I am totally organic, juice, use pure water, and have great energy. My hair and eyebrows are thicker. My blood pressure and cholesterol tests are normal. My memory improved, my skin looks great, and I can read without glasses. I eat my last meal before 6 p.m. This experience gave me a new lease on life.



High weight. Low muscle mass. High blood pressure. Cholesterol not in normal range. Worked in law firm and was unhappy there. Cynical.


Lost 25 pounds. Gained 7 pounds of muscle. Blood pressure normal. Cholesterol normal. Left his job. No longer cynical. Feels complete and alive. Uncluttered. Sees others as equals. Positive attitude. Is now a personal trainer.

GLENROY A., 68 years old


I was diabetic, developed cellulitis while serving in the military, and had severe knee and lower back disk pain. I could not climb stairs, and I used crutches, a cane. For two months, I was paralyzed and in a wheelchair. My blood pressure and cholesterol were elevated. I ate the typical American diet: flesh foods, wheat, and dairy. Underneath it all, I wanted to be healthy.


My legs are no longer swollen from cellulitis. My backache has subsided. My circulation is normal. I can easily walk up the three flights of steps to my apartment. I buy organic food and follow the protocol: eat fish and use green and red powders and supplementation. My life is active. I am retired and work on a veteran’s council. It is wonderful to babysit my granddaughter, feeling lighter and energetic. All my past symptoms are gone. The homework we did in the support group caused me to focus on myself. I learned to be tolerant, less pushy, and more humble. This teaching enhanced my body and my life.



I was concerned about my health. My blood pressure and cholesterol were elevated. I had a stressful life and could not control these feelings. I disliked my varicose veins. I suffered with an acid reflux condition that I assumed was caused by my job. My body was falling apart.


I detoxed and carefully followed Gary’s protocol. I felt stronger each week and released stress each day. My blood pressure is normal today. My digestion improved, and I have no more acid reflux. I lost 15 lbs. My blood tests are good, and my figure is leaner. I am shapelier. I feel cleaner. I do aerobics at home in the morning, yoga during the evening hours, and bike, walk, and run. My uncluttered environment and journal writing give me a new constructive outlook. I use green juices and green and red powders with supplements. My water is pure. I am organic. I am goal-oriented.


I had four children and felt old and unhealthy. I wore size 20. My blood pressure was elevated. I lived a fast and stressful life on an organic farm the city wants to confiscate for open land. I wanted to join a support group for a while, but this time I followed my determination. The support group was a class in biology, nutrition, and human potential. I learned quickly. Today, I wear size 13. We are an organic family and use the green and red powders. Sugar and dairy are out. My daughter had one asthma attack that was not repeated after we eliminated sugar and dairy. I am focused and energetic, and I look forward to my exercises, which I do four to six times a week.


I am 65 years old and thought fatigue, arthritis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cataracts, osteoporosis, and overweight were part of aging. My hair and nails were weaker, and I was sensitive to the opinions of others. I decided to go with Gary’s research and knowledge. I wanted to be well and happy. I no longer am tired and sluggish. I have no more aches and pains. I lost 20 lbs and look younger. My hair and nails grow in strong, and most of all, I am indifferent to the opinions and criticisms of other people. Look what I did! Bravo for me.


I felt frustrated, and I could not muster up energy. I overslept, my hair was graying, my sinus infections drove me mad, and my cholesterol and blood pressure were elevated. This was not me; I had to find a method of true reversal. I went on Gary’s protocol carefully. It was easy. I enjoyed new foods. I learned to understand my body mechanisms. My elevated blood levels are normal now. My sinus problems are gone. I sleep less and awake with energy. My hair texture has improved, and I have less graying. I am determined to achieve and to have relationships with my family.


My life was unmanageable, and my stress was overwhelming. I had many allergies and frequent upper respiratory infections. My blood pressure and cholesterol were elevated. I heard about Gary Null’s support groups and detoxification. I needed to change, and I decided to enter a group as soon as one was formed. That was the beginning of the best part of my life. How could green juices clean toxins from one’s body? Well, that’s exactly what happened with good results. My energy built, my headaches stopped, and my cholesterol and blood pressure lowered. I have a new body since exercising, using weights, and doing qi gong and deep breathing. I feel calm, more patient, and less irritable. I love my food and progressive life.


I was overwhelmed by possessions. My home was very large and cluttered. It became too much for my husband and me. My weight, cholesterol, and blood pressure went up. I developed cardiac arrhythmia and lost energy. My nails became weak. We were lost in indecision. Joining a support group gave us the tools to create a new life and future. Detoxing returned my body to health. I lost 30 lbs, which normalized my cholesterol and blood pressure. I am no longer a cardiac patient. My nails are growing in strong. We are energetic, and most of all, we sold our large home, dividing the unessential items among our family, and now live in a four-room house and love it.



Since I started the program, my bowel movements have improved and become more regular. I am more focused, and my anxiety and depression have lessened. My eyesight has improved. I have more energy and sleep better. I lost some weight and feel much better.



Brain surgery left me with numb fingers and cold extremities. I had flu-like symptoms, a constant “frog” in my throat, fatigue the morning, tinnitus, dizziness, constipation, and a general lack of motivation that interfered with my work performance. I was angry and soon went on disability. The first time Gary Null spoke about support groups on his show, I listened but did nothing. At that stage I could not really help myself. Feeling totally locked in I pulled up some inner courage and went to the first meeting. Then, I began the protocol. In a short amount of time, it was evident the protocol was working. I began to feel better; the pains and other symptoms lessened. As I continued and listened to the lectures which were quite penetrating and motivating, I noticed all the symptoms I once had were gone. Today I am a functioning, healthy woman.


In February 1997, I had brain surgery due to a tuberculum sellae meningioma that was wrapped around my pituitary gland and destroyed my optic nerve. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. My craniotomy surgery lasted twenty hours. I was in intensive care three days. I was weak and could not walk or even brush my teeth. I joined a support group eight months after surgery and began the protocol. I came into the Gary Null Running and Walking Club two months later and soon discontinued steroids, seizure pills, Synthroid, laxatives, and antacids. I no longer discuss my illness, but speak of my health. I am naturally positive in thought, behavior, and speech. My physician does not understand my physical, emotional, and mental recovery in so short a time. I feel great and push forward without an attitude of handicap.


[In the past] seizures began with Alzheimer-like symptoms. Abnormally severe edema in my legs incapacitated me. I was in a coma for 60 days. Nursing home care was considered. My health took an upward turn on the Gary Null protocol. Today I no longer need a compressor for leg edema. My leg size decreased 30 percent. I sleep less and lost 23 pounds. I exercise with hand weights. My blood pressure is lower. My brain speed seems to be faster.


LOU, 76 years old

I had an unsuccessful quadruple bypass and five years later I was told that I had one month to live without another operation. Now, without the bypass, I underwent chelation therapy, vitamin C drips, and lifestyle changes that have all made a drastic improvement in my quality of life. I am very active now, walking five miles a day. I also dance two to three hours a day. And best of all I have no chest pains.



Cancer stopped. Basal cell and colon cancer reversed. Hepatitis halted. Normalized blood triglycerides, HDL, and LDL. Blood pressure 180/128 to 117/63.

Improvements: Stopped basal cell cancer, lost 15 lbs, reversed colon cancer, halted hepatitis C, normalized blood triglycerides (HDL and LDL), blood pressure significantly dropped.

Mental Changes: Memory has improved greatly.

Breast Cancer


I have just finished a two-week stay at Gary’s retreat. It has totally turned my life around. It’s been the most incredible experience of my life for a lot of reasons. I came down here as a stage four cancer patient ready to go into hospice and I’m walking out of here, literally walking, without a cane, without anything to help me and feeling better than I’ve felt in a year—three years. I’m so grateful, so incredibly grateful that I’ve had this time to re-evaluate a lot of things in my life.

I literally was unable to walk without some type of aid when I came here and within three days I put the cane down and I was walking—and sort of power walking—nothing like what they do down here but I was doing it the best way that I could. So I cannot say enough. I don’t even expect people to believe what I am saying because it seems so phenomenal that I would have a breast tumor that would go down almost two-thirds while I’m here because of the attention, because of the energy, because of everything here. I go home a different person. Literally, I go home a different person. I sort of came here against my better judgment, not believing that anything could really make that much of a difference. Knowing that if I had two months left to live that at least maybe Gary Null could help me make the best of those two months. And I go back, fully charged and ready to go to work and continue where I left off three years ago. I was a registered nurse for forty years. I was a certified chemotherapy nurse and worked a lot in heart, lung, liver, kidney transplants. But my belief in chemotherapy was that all my patients that had chemotherapy were dead and I was not going to take it so I wanted the natural route. I had three breast tumors initially three years ago that metastasized into bone cancer, liver cancer, and spinal cancer and at this point, I don’t feel like there is any pain there that I was having. I was having excruciating bone pain for which I was taking narcotics—and now that is gone. So I am blessed to have been given this opportunity and for every person that has made this happen. I only wish I could make this happen for other people so they can benefit from this also.


Cancer gone

Arthritis diminished


I am a lung cancer survivor. I had radiation, chemotherapy, and several body scans, which left me anemic. I also developed osteoarthritis, which incapacitated me. Walking was difficult, and I needed help to board a bus. I used pain medication. My blood pressure was slightly elevated. Although I considered myself to be nutritionally aware, I used dairy. My energy was quite low after cancer treatment. I joined a support group to rebuild my immune system. I wanted to be healthy.


The arthritis has diminished. I no longer require medication. I take walks and prac-tice yoga. I am totally vegan, drink juices, and follow Gary’s protocol totally. The group homework assignments expanded my self-awareness and created new insights. I am delighted with the results of each new blood test. I am cancer-free and optimistic. My work, in the wardrobe department of a theatrical company, is enjoyable, and I look forward to a good season with the crew again.

Stage 3–4 Cancer


I use the cancer protocol for a testicular tumor. I follow it carefully, and I find I have more energy and feel alive and relaxed. In addition, the skin around my eyes was dry but is now supple, with fewer wrinkles. I am more spiritual and express myself. I focus on weight by simply eating naturally. I do not interact with negative people. I enjoy my job.


I was a smoker. I worked hard, and I internalized negative issues and work problems. I developed cancer. I followed Gary Null’s protocol and used Dr. Revici’s methods. I do not smoke today, nor do I internalize negative thoughts. I meditate, exercise, use a rebounder, and feel happier and more peaceful. I work less and take quality time for myself.



She had a hysterectomy for uterine cancer, but the cancer returned. She went through chemotherapy and radiation. She had arthritis, psoriasis, and low energy, and she was overweight and unhappy at work.


Her cancer seems to be in full remission. She lost 26 lbs. Her psoriasis is gone. Her hair and skin are healthy, her arthritis is gone, and her immune system is strong. It was through class assignments and other workbook activities that she learned she was hard on herself and came to experience the positive relief of forgiveness of self and others. Etta left her toxic job. She meditates twice daily, exercises, practices yoga, and lifts weights.

Prostate Cancer


I was diagnosed with a small melanoma in my right eye. I am legally blind in my left eye. The cancer has not grown for eight months. Migraine headaches virtually disappeared. I lost 35 pounds and my back has improved. Other minor conditions have also improved.



I procrastinated myself into a severe cardiac condition. After my angioplasty, I took blood pressure medication and joined Gary’s walking club. I was amazed that the walkers and runners, some of whom overcame serious illnesses, were fit and healthy. They made major lifestyle changes. I looked at my life, working 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. without exercise. I was a coffee addict and felt stuck. A change was in order. I joined a group. If you’re going with the protocol, go with it all the way... and I did. Organic, juicing, powders, vegan, and life changes. We were a great team, the support group people and I. We are different people today. That’s what knowledge does. I am aware of labeling and chemicals. I no longer crave caffeine for energy. I ran in two marathons, and I confronted my procrastination. I believe in the power of actualization: “Speak the words, live by the words.”



Chronic fatigue and gastro-intestinal problems are less active, and I no longer require naps.



I was a sugar addict and ate two pounds of it per day, creating a sick, uncomfortable body. I overate using junk food. My energy was low, my skin was bad, and my blood pressure and cholesterol were high. This inability to control myself stressed me. As I listened to Gary, I thought about freeing myself from these habits. I joined a support group. It is wonderful to be free of compulsive eating. I lost 50 pounds. I do not crave sugar. My cholesterol and blood pressure are lower, and I have real, vital energy. Problem solving comes easily, my marriage is happier, and I meditate. The foods I eat are healthy and so is my outlook.



I had several problems and wanted a solution. The medical community did not have that solution. I was overweight, and that sapped my energy. After menopause, my hair and nails became weak, and I felt very depressed. I was given Prozac for post-menopause syndrome. I was still depressed. Wasn’t there any place to go for help for people like me? Finally, I heard about a health support group, and without knowing exactly what it was, I signed up. I joined the group, and it was so interesting, and it was an intelligent class that respected the people attending. I learned how diet affects mood and the body. I followed the protocol and lost weight. I kept it off. I have lots of energy, and my hair and nails are coming back to their premenopausal thickness. I stopped Prozac when I began the protocol, and I feel great. I sleep well, and I have no more depression.

ATHENA, 60 years old

I had premenstrual syndrome, which caused fatigue, pain, and depression. I also had cystic breasts and eye floaters. My hair was getting gray. I chose bad relationships and had an unpleasant job. I decided to join a health support group. [Previously] nothing seemed to improve my life and current group members spoke of improvements and regaining health. Today I have no signs of premenstrual syndrome. I do not feel cysts in my breasts. Although I do get tired, the fatigue has lessened, and feelings of depression were gone within six weeks on the protocol. My eye floaters seem to be diminishing and I notice fewer new gray hairs. I uncluttered all bad relationships, and I allow myself to be close to people and found a new job at a higher wage that I enjoy.


I feel more focused and less toxic. I have a healthier, positive attitude toward life in general, and dealing with “problems” has become much easier. I feel much less depressed than usual. I feel more empowered. I do not take life too seriously anymore, and make time for friends and social activities.


Depression has diminished and I have less pain in general. I have more control over my emotions.


I sleep better and am better able to cope with my nightmares. My depression decreased, and my energy levels have improved. My appetite has improved, and I have lost some weight. My memory and concentration are slowly improving.


I weighed 210 pounds, smoked three packs of cigarettes a day, drank alcohol, felt depressed, and had knee pains and upper-respiratory infections. One day I looked at the very aged man in the mirror and was shocked. Today I follow Gary Null’s protocol. I drink purified water, use supplements, and feel terrific. I haven’t had a cold in five years; no more upper-respiratory infections. I follow an organic, vegan diet and do not take vaccines. My neighbors tell me I look forty-five years old. They admire my changes. I appreciate my healthy lifestyle. I am confident and pleased with my life, and I am no longer depressed.


I was depressed and overweight, uncomfortable with the extra pounds. I held anger in and did not discuss, understand, or share my feelings with anyone. I was afraid to take risks, such as asking for a raise. Being timid and angry was not a good place to be. I knew and trusted Gary Null, so I joined a group to see if I could be happy and make changes. I am on the protocol and love it. My depression lifted as my health increased. I exercise without fear of injury. I lost 20 lbs, and my energy is high. I cope, do not hold anger in, and speak my mind. I spoke up at work and got a raise.


I lose one pound a week. My blood pressure dropped. My hair is shiny. I am not dehydrated nor do I get headaches.


Depression and anxiety are very difficult. You get up and do the things you feel you have to do. But you don’t feel like you are in the flow of life. My conditions were probably not that apparent to the rest of the world, but I experienced them as very uncomfortable, and they took away from my quality of life. I felt stressed much of the time. I had difficulty concentrating. At times I would forget things. Someone would ask me to do something, and I would forget to do it. I knew there wasn’t something wrong with my mind. I felt my lack of focus was due more to my being so hyped up and tense. I felt overwhelmed by ordinary, everyday demands, and I felt exhausted by the end of the day. Many times, after lunch, I would feel really tired, almost like I needed to have a nap. Anxiety and depression seemed to gobble up my energy very quickly. By the end of the day, I was not in the mood for recreational activities. Work wore me out. I would just go home and bug out in front of the boob tube. And I wanted more than that. Once in a while, I would have a drink and notice a difference; I would be able to focus much better. The reason was that the drink helped me relax. But I didn’t want to relax that way. I wanted to find an alternative that would really work for me and help me to feel more joy in my everyday experience. I went to several physicians, and they prescribed various medications for me. But I couldn’t take medicines. They had all kinds of strange side effects, which were just as bad as the anxiety or the depression. The drugs masked my conditions, but underneath they were still there. All they did was make me feel very sleepy much of the time. I would be sitting at a meeting, dozing off, and I couldn’t afford to do that. So I only took medications briefly. I was looking for help when I happened to hear a Gary Null lecture at the Learning Annex. I was very impressed with some of the things I heard about limiting belief systems and how difficult it is to see beyond them. I liked the talk on vegetarianism as well. As a result, I went to see Dolores Perri and was very impressed. Dolores went over my history and concerns. I really enjoyed talking to Dolores because, unlike most physicians I’ve encountered, she was very relaxed. I didn’t get a sense that we were limited by time; we were done when we were done. Basically, I asked my questions and expressed my concerns. It was a very good experience. After we talked, she recommended certain foods, herbs, and supplements. I have been following a nutritional routine for about two and a half months now, and I have definitely noticed a very dramatic shift. In particular, my hypoglycemia has disappeared. That’s mostly from getting rid of refined sugars and processed foods. I used to feel very restless and nervous if I didn’t eat. That’s been stabilized, and I feel much calmer now. My energy level is much, much better with a vegetarian regime, supplements, and herbs. The aloe I’ve been using is outstanding at picking me up at the beginning of the day. I feel clearer as well. There are subtle differences in my ability to concentrate. And when I go through the day, I feel much calmer. A couple of days ago, I was late for a meeting through no fault of my own. I had to be late for something I thought was very important. Normally, I would be a complete wreck about it. But because of my new regime, I was calm and centered, and I didn’t run up the stairs. I just walked in, explained what had happened, sat down, and joined in. In the past, I would have been practically shaking from anxiety. This is a real departure, which I attribute largely to my change in diet as well as to my holistic orientation. I think it’s important to know that it’s not only a shift in diet that has helped me. I became involved in meditation to clear my mind and help me reach that stillness. I do that in the morning before anything else. In addition, I take a greater interest in the holistic world and participate in seminars. All these different elements help enhance my well-being.


Mentally, I am more clear-thinking, making decisions regarding my life and business more quickly, as opposed to laboring over them. I have no depression, but a general feeling of grounding and balance. Affirmations work.


I feel a balance, peacefulness, quietness, and contentment. My depression is gone. This is new for me; I feel joyful. I am now walking two to three miles, four or five times per week. I feel lighter, see the world in a more positive way, and feel content and happier. People are telling me how great I look.



I had lupus for eight years and used prednisone and 13 other pills, which caused me to have an upset stomach. I felt horrible. I had a yeast infection, with liver problems and headaches. I also had low energy. I had five surgeries, and I underwent chemotherapy for my kidney condition. My physicians never suggested diet changes.


Following a specific protocol that uses glutamine, flaxseed oil, and DHEA, and after three hydrogen peroxide injections, I suspended all but one medication. I have higher energy, decreased joint pain, and an improved stomach condition, and my yeast infection has totally cleared up. I do tai chi and yoga, and my depression has gone. My relationships with my friends and family are stronger.


Depression is much less. Gary’s support group and protocol helped me battle depression. I gained 5 pounds, and I now wake up with more energy. I require less sleep, and there are noticeably fewer muscle-lethargy headaches. I feel wonderful.



I want to mention my type 1 diabetes. I had an experience throughout the week where my blood sugars have been perfectly normal with minimal amounts of insulin. My reduction in the amount of insulin I take is now at 75 percent or less so I’m only taking 25 percent of what I was taking prior to my arrival here. In one case you did some energy work, on me in particular. I came into the energy work with a 274, no insulin in my body. It was an experiment. And then the consequence of being out three hours later and having dessert: I tested my blood sugar and it was 84. So, I’m a type 1 diabetic? Pretty phenomenal stuff! It’s given me amazing reminders of who I am and who I can be.



I had severe diabetes. I was taking insulin and glucophage. I also had high blood pressure and asthma. I then went on the protocol/lifetime diet.


My life has changed tremendously. I have learned to balance my job and my personal life. I have increased my energy levels. I sleep a lot less. My high blood pressure went down. My asthma is gone. I no longer am on any medication for diabetes. And I lost weight: I went from 240 pounds to 205–210 pounds.


I always had irregular periods and had not menstruated in almost two years. I had been on the pill for years, but went off of it in 2000 due to a 35-pound weight gain. I went off the pill and gradually stopped getting a period. My libido was gone,

it was impossible to lose weight around my mid-section, and I got occasional hot flashes. I also experienced depression at the thought of being infertile and the long-term effects of lacking estrogen. All my diabetes was reversed.


I am a juvenile diabetic. I used coffee and ate junk food, sodas, etc. I had ongoing diabetic retinopathy; fatty deposits in my eye. I sought healing with a mind-bodyspirit approach. It [health support group] opened me to spiritual meditation and finding strength within. I am delighted to report the retinopathy stopped developing, no more fatty deposits. I consulted with my physician three months into the protocol. My exam revealed my eye vessels are stronger and a thicker membrane is growing. I feel vital and energetic since eliminating negative, toxic people in my life.


My skin color returned to normal. My nails are now growing properly. I have less mucus, and I require less diabetes medication. The sinus problems that caused such discomfort are gone. My hair and eyebrows grew back in their original color. My voice is strong and firm today.



My wife and I joined a support group together. We did not want to lose our stamina as we aged, and we respected Gary Null’s knowledge. We intend to raise our family in a healthy environment. I was overweight, which fatigued me. Gastric problems kept me awake at night. My work was stressful, with long hours. I felt annoyed with the friends and family members who interfered in our lives. We embarked on the detox with enthusiasm. Our children enjoyed exploring new foods. I lost 37 lbs, which gave me the energy to enter races. Today, I work fewer days at the hospital and I feel happier. My gastritis is gone. Life is simpler without negative, toxic people in my environment.


I was tired all of the time, my hair was gray, and I also suffered from irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, and weight gain. After following Gary’s protocol, I was able to lose weight, and I no longer have a pot belly. My digestive issues have greatly improved and I no longer feel bloated or have irritable bowel syndrome. I have much more energy, and my hair has stopped growing in gray.


I suffered from a lack of energy, insomnia, and flatulence caused by a spastic colon. My skin looks great, and the liver spots on my neck and chest are barely visible. Hair, nails, and toenails grow quickly and with strength. Constipation, bloating, and indigestion are greatly reduced.


I proudly list the following improvements in my health since I began Gary Null’s protocol. My poor digestion has improved. I do not feel bloated or suffer from flatulence. I lost 13 lbs. My energy levels have gone way up. I do not require as much sleep as I used to, and I am much happier.



My husband and I began to notice our bodies were not in good condition. He was a meat-and-potatoes man and a very picky eater. Over the years, he was exposed to lead, paint, and cadmium on his job and developed nocturnal seizures, low energy, digestive discomfort, and memory loss. I handled stress badly and was often intolerant. I had a bad accident: my breasts were caught between two doors and throbbed for two years. We followed Gary’s protocol in one of his books. We studied urine therapy and acupuncture, and used colonies and sprouts.


Today, my husband has fewer seizures, more energy, and enhanced memory, and he enjoys his new diet. He is enthusiastic and looking forward to his seventyfifth birthday. We are energetic and without intestinal problems. We handle stress well, because we are no longer toxic. My female organs function as well as they did in my younger years. Our naturopath told me I avoided fracturing a hip during a fall because my bones were well mineralized. We are vegan, eat raw vegetables, juice, and invent nutritious recipes using a dehydrator. I am involved in community affairs. Our outlook is cheerful. We love spreading the word.


I came to the program overweight, short of breath, and diabetic. I lost 29 pounds. I walk 2 miles a day without being short of breath, and my diabetes is under control.



As a nurse practicing at least three decades in conventional medicine I’ve been trained to watch people adapt to whatever illness that they are diagnosed with. And I’ve witnessed people who actually have lost their whole identity because someone told them that they have a disease. I have had the unique opportunity to watch people deconstruct the illusions in their lives, the identity loss to other people’s opinions and descriptions of them. And it is one of the most amazing experiences for me as a health care professional to watch people not adapt anymore to their illness but to transcend it. It’s an evolution or devolution, to see them go one step at a time, letting go of one belief that doesn’t serve them, then another belief, then another belief. Some of it has to do with their ability to exercise. We have people that have used their age to limit themselves and their ability to go out and do a really good workout. We’ve had some people use their illness and some people that use their past to justify not going out there and making fundamental changes. So, from where I’m sitting as a nurse I’m seeing people transcend their illnesses. They compensate for the damage that was done and I’m watching people’s immune systems getting stronger, their determination to be well getting stronger, their self-esteem is going up, their self-worth going up. And when you’re in an environment like this you’re surrounded by nature, you’re surrounded by a supportive staff and you’re surrounded with wisdom. It’s not just knowledge, it’s wisdom and we all have it but some of us have lost access to it. That’s what I’ve witnessed. And I’m seeing people that are reconnecting with that wisdom and beginning to live their lives consistent with what they’re supposed to be doing here, not what someone else told them to do. So it’s wonderful as a nurse to watch people take their health back, take their power back and re-access their true identity.


MICHAEL, 62 years old

I attended a Gary Null retreat. I learned the benefits of vegetarianism, juicing, supplements, and meditation. In 1994, I became disabled because of carbon monoxide poisoning. I am still in the process of recovery. I no longer work. I cannot see the computer screen. Surgery for two detached retinas affected my eyesight. My blood pressure was extremely high. My heartbeat accelerated to a dangerous level. I took several pharmaceutical drugs to control these conditions. A few years later, I began having seizures and Alzheimer’s-like symptoms. Abnormally severe edema in my legs incapacitated me. I was in a coma for 60 days. Nursing home care was considered. My health took an upward turn on the Gary Null protocol. Juicing, stress management, and homework opened me to my potential and purpose in life. I discovered the best of what works, and I realized I was not doing anything worthwhile. Today, I no longer need a compressor for leg edema. My leg size decreased by 30 percent. I sleep less, lost 23 pounds, and exercise with hand weights. I recently received a Bowflex to build my upper body. My blood pressure is lower. My brain speed seems to be faster.


I have been a holistic dentist and vegetarian for 32 years. I had mood swings and problems concentrating at times, most likely due to sugar and dairy. I was negative on occasion. My hair was graying. My wife and I joined a health support group. We follow the protocol: powders, juices, a lot of liquids, totally organic. My energy increased dramatically, and my mood swings are gone. I maintain a good, positive mental attitude for long periods of time. My concentration stabilized. I notice less gray hair in new growth. We use affirmations, uncluttering, exercise, power walking, and the Nordic Trac. Four of our six children are vegetarians. Gary Null put it all together by formatting a nutritional plan, condensing it, and making it clear. Going to the ranch in Florida caused a major positive change in our lives, and attending the classes, experiencing other energies in a support network, made our successes possible. I recommend the protocol to my patients.



The biggest change I have experienced since beginning this program has come through focus and eliminating toxic people from my life. I can say no without guilt. My body requires less sleep. My elimination is regular. I have also learned so much more about healing the human body through detoxification. I am truly grateful for this lesson in healing.


I joined Gary’s support group because I wanted to eliminate medications for anxiety and depression. My hair was graying and my complexion was dry and bumpy. I had nervous twitches. I am now vegan and organic, and I juice and exercise without a need for medications. I am aware of mind/body connections. My colitis dissipated as my behavior created changes in body chemistry. The psychological and emotional changes empowered me to study the negative impact of toxic foods and people. I stopped fighting life. Now life supports me. My twitching also stopped from ozone therapy treatments, and my hair is long and healthy. Today I enjoy the new career I have actualized: teaching others self-empowerment



My energy has really been restored in this bucolic setting. Exercise, power walking, yoga, nutritious food and beverages, lectures from Gary in the evening. So much information to take back with me and to share with others.


I take home with me energy, peacefulness, and calmness within myself. I also experienced a talent I didn’t know I had in the art class.


I came here lacking a lot of energy. My energy has really been restored in this bucolic setting.


I made changes 47 years ago with Dr. Max Warmbrand, [but more recently] I entered a Gary Null support group overweight, with low libido, and white hair. I rarely exercised. My nails were weak, and my energy was low. I was delighted with the protocol. My energy increased, my nails became stronger, and my oncewhite hair grew in thicker and in its original brown color. I lost weight in a slow, consistent manner. Today, I am a healthy, energetic woman. I am involved in several new careers: songwriter—one song was recorded—and I am the author of a book based on life-motivating therapy. I am in the process of submitting ideas for an impending radio show for seniors. Life is more fun than it ever was. Part of that is motivating people to jump right in.


I feel fantastic. I have more energy, I think more clearly, and my husband and I both quit smoking.


The reason I decided to join the study is a desire to reach my potential spiritually, physically, and emotionally. To achieve this, I must empower myself. The commitment to the program without compromise is a powerful statement. It says that I am making my own choices in my life, and that these choices are positive and affect every aspect. I am in control. In the past two years, I have been divorced, lost my job, and lost my apartment. The reason that this happened is that I allowed other people to make my decisions for me. Basically, I didn’t think enough of myself to express my wants, desires, needs, likes and dislikes, and all the other good stuff that comes along with being a person. I feel that I have come a long way in the past three months, primarily because of the program. Being in control of my decision of what I will and will not put in my body is empowering. I believe the body is sacred and should be treated as such. It is the temple in which we live. Physically I do feel more energetic than I did before. Lack of energy was a problem in the past due to my consumption of large amounts of sweets. Before I was married, I was very spiritual. While I was married, I was less so, due to the demands of being a father, husband, and provider. Now that I am single and possess the solitude necessary for reflection and spiritual growth I am following my path that leads to discovery and wholeness. What I have also discovered is that making positive changes in one aspect of your life leads to positive changes in other areas. Sometimes you don’t consciously make positive changes; they just happen, one built upon the other.


My energy levels are up since I started the program. I think more clearly and can better cope with depression. I have a smoother, more regular elimination. Communication with my family is open and positive.


I have improved in terms of energy, most significantly. I have also found I have much more patience and my relationships have improved. At work, I have become more efficient and I have more energy to do activities on the weekend. All in all, I find that when I keep close to the protocol, I feel and function much better.


One morning I woke up filled with energy. When I started the program, I had a real lack of energy. I was sleeping 10 to 12 hours a night and was always tired by 4 p.m. Now my sleep is down to six to eight hours each night. I still can’t believe it. I also lost 10 pounds just from the elimination of sugar, dairy, and wheat. I also maintain a regular exercise program.



I had a history of fibrocystic breasts for 20 years. I was underweight and had hair loss. I took Synthroid and was told I was facing possible thyroid cancer. After six months on the program, my fibrocystic breasts decreased by 50 percent. I gained 2 pounds and exercise five to six days a week. I built muscle. My hair loss lessened, and I no longer use Synthroid.


I had candida and a cystofibroid breast. Today I am free of these conditions and feel completely healthy and full of energy. My skin has improved. My hair is thicker. I am happier and have more focus and clarity.


I had cystic breast disease for the last 20 years. Four months after becoming a vegetarian and following the detox program, the fibroids are all gone. I lost 5 pounds, my eyes are not dry anymore, and I don’t get chest pain after eating certain foods. I have more energy and can get by with fewer hours of sleep per night. I am no longer “righteous.”



I learned that I am still in there somewhere under all the stuff that has accumulated over the years. I learned it is never too late to get to the things I want to do that I have put off. I remember how good it feels to feel good.


I wanted to write you and thank you for helping me find a new direction in life. I went to your ranch in Naples [Florida] as one person and came home another. I have made permanent changes in my life and I feel terrific. The changes I have gone through are too numerous to list. What I can say is now I feel as if there is nothing I can’t do. Thank you so much again. It is truly wonderful, the way you use your gifts.


Since beginning this anti-aging protocol, the cracking in my knuckles from arthritis is gone. My gums, which looked like raw meat for almost four years, are completely healed. My vision has improved somewhat. There definitely is a threshold. I have an improved relationship with my father, and have gotten rid of some very toxic people—which has made my life much easier. But I have more to go. I have much more energy. Before, I fell asleep at my desk almost every afternoon. At some point, a few months after I started the program, I started to feel like I did many years ago, when I was really young. I am much happier. I used to be hungry all the time, really all the time. Now I can go without eating for a long, long time. I’m hardly hungry, even when I sit down to eat. But I eat. I lost a lot of weight—close to thirty pounds—without effort, and I feel real good about that. I can move about with much more ease. I am very glad all that extra weight is gone. I am more conscious of my spiritual being. I realize that my spir-itual needs have to be taken seriously. I have started to read the Bible again. I pay closer attention to what I am doing and try to be in the present, whatever I am doing. I do the activities for the sake of doing and do not look for rewards or approval. I only look for a happier life. I truly believe that to take care of your spiritual needs first is most important, and everything else will fall into place. My spiritual and physical being are now at a better level. I am now closer to where I want to be. Thank you very much for your help!


I like loving myself a little. Before I began the program, I had a very low energy level. I needed a sugar boost through the day. My digestion was not great, and the sugar cycle confused my thinking. I have been on the program only three months and have lost 10 pounds. Overall, my energy level is greatly increased. My thinking is much clearer, and I am much more conscious of my interaction with people throughout the day. My body functions have become more regulated. I am much more aware of what and when I choose to eat. Generally, my attitude is much better. I like that I am able to listen better and hear what it is people are saying to me. I am more patient with people and have become more aware of my own needs. I am even able to express them sometimes. Before the program, I was upset with my work, feeling trapped by myself. I felt that my work controlled me and that I had no power. I felt as if I always had to get things done but was never able to feel joy in doing them. Now, after following the program, I am beginning to take more control of my work time. And I have started to take control of my non-work time. I am able now to step back and congratulate myself on small steps taken. I have a more positive view of the future. I like feeling better. I like loving myself a little.


I would often have swollen glands and frequent upper-respiratory infections. My energy was low, my hair began to gray, and I was overly tired before my period. My life was complicated with people I today call toxic. I joined a support group and decided to give it all I had. I juiced and became organic, very careful with my food plan. I did the homework and carefully listened to lectures and guest speakers. Today I am in excellent health without colds, premenstrual discomfort, or [being bothered by] the impact of annoying people. My energy is high, and I forgive past errors.


I just improved my body and that helped me feel better emotionally and spiritually. I have learned to give more care for my body in the future.


I lost 3 pounds. I require less sleep. My bronchial condition is corrected. My vision at 71 years of age has remained stable without the need of eyeglasses. Gum health has improved, and nails are stronger and growing more rapidly. My hair roots’ color has become speckled brown, black, and gray where it was previously white, and it also grows more rapidly. Skin wrinkles are lessened and skin texture is smoother and softer. Sexually my aging process has been reversed. I am premenopausal again. My breasts are fuller and firmer, and my reproductive organs are now self-lubricating.

PAT, 72 years old

I was hospitalized three times for congestive heart disease. I was on oxygen 24 hours a day for emphysema. I weighed 225 pounds. I had arthritis, diabetes, sciatica, and glaucoma, and I used steroids. I came to support group meetings in a wheelchair, with oxygen hookups. Today, I call myself a walking miracle. I follow the protocol, walk daily, no longer use steroids, and even traveled to New York City. It took a while to clean my system out, but vegan organic living was the answer. My neighbors are happy to see me as I leave for my daily stroll. Detoxification works.


My story is long, but I will try to be brief. In February 1996 I went to a holistic medical doctor. My symptoms were: I was tired and “drained” all the time, especially after eating. After days and days of intra-dermal skin tests, it was clear that I was allergic to almost every food and inhalant on the planet. The situation looked bleak. Then I read your book Who Are You, Really? in April 1997. It opened my eyes to recognize my true life energy. In your book you give such good examples, and I recognized myself as a dynamic, supportive energy in absolutely the wrong profession. I have been a lawyer for fourteen years. When I joined your study group in July 1997, I was asked to write an answer to the question, “How do I live and experience life?” Looking back on my answer then shows how much I have changed in my thinking. In the summer of 1997, my answer was: “I don’t. I’m a workaholic. Life sucks. I’m trapped on a treadmill, worn out, mentally and spiritually dead. “Wow! I cannot believe that was how I answered that question. I was criticizing myself and angry with myself and others. Then, in September 1997, I accepted a full-time teaching position at a graduate school. Then I struggled and questioned, why isn’t everything “all better now’’? I was carrying two full-time jobs—teaching and lawyering. Today, less than a year later, as I write to you, I am more peaceful and aware. I am in transition and I accept and honor that. Now I see that at first I was trying to make a quick change—to jump from full-time lawyering to full-time teaching. It was impossible to do. I had obligations to finish. I couldn’t leave everybody stranded. You taught me to begin to plan for the change. Now my plan is to let go of the old way and make peace with where I was and what I was. I accept and approve of myself. I recognize that I cannot make a radical jump. I was trying to change too fast. Now I’m finding a solution—giving myself time. I’m giving myself time for self-learning, yoga, and meditation. I am saying no to any new law obligations and I’m finishing up with the old obligations. I’m finding a balance here, because now I know that even greater change requires mastery. I’m going some place on a path better than where I was. I am focusing more on being present in the moment. I trust myself and my intuition. Instead of old voices and preconditioning controlling my life, I choose nurturing thoughts. Now, when I meditate each morning, I say to myself I forgive and I am forgiven. All is well. What is it that I need to know about my career? I am peaceful and kind and gentle to myself and I accept that I am in transition, and I don’t criticize myself. Thank you, Gary, for this protocol, the nutritional products, self-empowerment videos, and for being so wise that you chose Luanne Pennesi to lead our support group. She is an inspiration to all of us.


I can focus much better. My indigestion is gone. My joint pain is gone. My skin cleared up. I am much slimmer and tight now but not too much.


All of my adult life I have been preparing for tomorrow and the future. I have taken my life so seriously, I did not allow myself time to “play.” I have learned to live in the moment, to live for today and to make time for play. It, too, is important.


I was overweight and could not slim down. I had acute heartburn, acid reflux, and angry outbursts. Coping with my teenage son was unbelievably stressful. I wanted to change my life and clear my mind. Since following the protocol, my body is alive and energetic. I unclutter my mind and home daily. I handle coworkers and my son without anger. The incredible homework questions made me think as I never did. I am optimistic, more open and accepting, patient, and less critical. I have traded anger for self-love.


I gave up wheat, dairy, and sugar. I lost 5 pounds. My relationship to myself and others has transformed. I feel balanced and self-assured. I feel emotionally strong. I am no longer afraid. I feel less controlling of situations and people. I feel less victimized. My bouts with depression are gone. I feel kinder and more compassionate. I don’t think before this I was ever aware of how grateful I am. I am able to realize more dreams. They don’t seem so out of reach as they used to.


I required eight hours of sleep each night and still awoke with low energy. I used to overeat and craved sweets. I often had pains in my body. I did not handle stress well and often worked longer hours, which caused exhaustion. It was difficult saying no to people. The protocol changed these obstacles. My life is far happier and healthier. I require six hours of sleep and feel well rested in the morning. My mind is clear and focused. The exercises defined my leaner body. I am in tune with this healthier eating plan and feel the difference if I go off even slightly. Sugar is not my sweetener. I worked through that addiction using the allowed sweeteners on the protocol. Not overeating and keeping myself clean builds energy. My body pains are gone. My most apparent progress is that I believe in myself, consider my well-being, and say no. I can focus and remain unstressed and calm. I did that with work, and today I enjoy leisure time.


I feel sexy (at 59!), and I’m thinking about companionship. People who haven’t seen me blurt out, “My God what have you done to yourself? You look fabulous!” I lost 16 pounds, went down two sizes in clothing, and my abdomen went from 44 to 39 inches. I am much more relaxed, am more able to handle stress, and I

need less sleep. My vision is clearer, my hair has gone back to its original color, and I feel 20 years younger. My meditation is now much deeper and richer, and I have less anger and depression. Most days I do twenty-thirty stretching exercises, and I am now willing to challenge my values and beliefs.

RICK, 77 years old

I have been following Gary Null’s protocol for the past ten years now. My health has been severely challenged during that time and I have survived each assault. I had surgery many years ago for a hiatal hernia. My diet of vegetables and juices controls this condition. My father and two sisters died from aortal abdominal aneurisms. My brother had one repaired successfully. I was diagnosed with this condition. Surgery was indicated. I prepared myself for six months with a specific protocol. This included a good vitamin regimen, mental and altitudinal insights, and healthy food. During that time I obtained a copy of the surgical procedure from a medical library and realized it was an extensive operation. My internal organs would be removed from my ribs to my pubic bone. My aorta had a balloon type defect, which would be opened and patched. My organs would then be replaced. I meditated on every organ in my body several times before surgery. I was relaxed before and after the procedure. I demanded my body to heal itself. My immune system was at its peak. I survived the surgery well, in excellent condition. I left intensive care in two days and took a bus home a few days later. My physicians were amazed. I explained how I obtained my strong immune system with diet, supplements, and respect for my body. I am now in the process of creating the biggest project of my life: building the world’s largest wind farm. Following the Gary Null protocol gave me the strength and energy I must call upon to complete this mission. I encourage seniors to build your energies, both mental and physical, and create new goals, exercise, build your immune system, study, and be a part of your environment.


Before I improved by joining a support group, I suffered from rosacea [facial redness], hair loss, dandruff, skin dryness, muscle wasting, overstimulated adrenals, low energy, herpes simplex, elevated cholesterol, kidney weakness, lack of focus, stress, and tinnitus [ringing in the ears].


I lost 50 pounds. I have increased energy. I feel more awake and alert My arthritis has improved and my joints are less painful. Shingles and genital herpes are gone. My allergies have improved and my periods are more regular. I have very little lower back pain and I am not constipated.


My week here [at Paradise Gardens] was both the shortest and longest of my life. Short, because I hated to leave. Long because I have rarely, in my sixty-four and a half years, found so much tranquility. Thanks to your teachings I have determined to make a beginning in changing my life. I cannot do it at the pace you suggest, but for my life energy type, it’s a start.


I will be sixty-four years young soon and I was thinking about retirement before I started the program in February. I also lost my job because of downsizing (company moved). Now I feel energized and know that retirement is not what I am looking forward to. In July I will start a twelve-week training program and will join the work world again and life. Physically, I have lost fifteen pounds, converted to a vegetarian diet, and I powerwalk! I feel better now than I have felt for a long time. I did dilation four years ago because of severe angina. I have been free of the angina; I am taking all the recommended supplements and vitamins. I have high blood pressure and cholesterol, am overweight. Spiritually I am more attuned to my surroundings, try to learn more about other people, their customs. Also, I get in touch with my own beliefs and thoughts. Try to help others—if they want my help. When I started the program, I was mostly interested to learn to avoid old-age diseases and to avoid possibly having to go later into an old-age home. Now I know that I do not have to acquire the diseases that most older people succumb to. I want to live an active and healthy life—and now I know that it is possible if I continue the program that we started tonight, and I will continue! It taught me, live a clean and healthy lifestyle: avoid all the bad foods, negative emotions, negative people. I have no problems avoiding the meats, dairy, and my favorite—chocolate. There are some negative people around me, but their negativity has no influence on me, because I do not let it happen. I am now in control of diet, emotions, and my life! I have become more tolerant, see my life in a different light, do not make fast judgments. I am sure that I will overcome my high cholesterol, get off my blood pressure and thyroid medication, reduce to my normal weight. I will be healthy and enjoy my life with my children and friends—old and new—for a long, long time. I want to help other people who are willing to learn from my experience. I want to join others who have the same healthy goals in life. I want to enjoy an active lifestyle, nature walks, power walks. The only way I would not be able to achieve this is by defeating myself with selfdoubt and getting off the program and teachings. No doubt there will be setbacks-but I will not let it deter me from achieving my goal!


Fifty pounds of fat is gone. I lost 50 pounds, my body is stronger, my heart is stronger, and my blood pressure is down. I find that my head is clearer. I have not had chronic bronchitis or any colds, and there is a recognizable reduction of mucus in nasal passages. I no longer suffer from heartburn. I feel great! I am energetic and happy. The best part of all of this is that I feel in control of my life. I no longer drink champagne. I’ve continued the walking program, and I feel my body changing. I’ve achieved self-esteem, self-reliance, and the notion that I’m the hero in my life. I’m becoming clearer and clearer about how I live my life, and I see how the old ways don’t work. I now question why I have certain beliefs. I’ve reclaimed myself and my life, and I have hopeful and exciting feelings about my future.


For someone with a history of chronic fatigue, committing to a time allotment twice a week to commute to the city was a challenge to me at the start of this program. I also had to adjust to how my family reacted to my lifestyle changes, and I had to get accustomed to the changes in my diet. Physically, the exercise regimen took some getting used to. I have learned to have a more positive outlook on life, regardless of any negative events that have happened or that will happen. I have learned to control my temper and not make any decisions if I am in an angry state of mind. I will also admit if I make a mistake, even if I risk embarrassment. I spend more time with my children and am able to remain patient with them, even if they are whining or nagging. I find that I am more courteous on the road, which is important since I spend ten hours a day driving. I know that my positive attitude will lead to total well-being. Since I began the program, my skin condition [eczema] has improved and my energy seems to be longer-lasting. My senses of taste and smell are improved, so that now I desire less sweet and less salty foods. It seems that I have less gray or white hair than before, and I have fewer body aches, and my vision has improved slightly. Spiritually, I am more willing to help others, even if it inconveniences me. I am also eager to pass on any information that I have learned, if I feel it might benefit the person in need. I know that respecting others’ views and opinions without condemning them is an important part of life. Striving to live guilt-free will open up my mind to new learning experiences. At first, dealing with my wife’s extremely skeptical view of my participating in this study group was hard to overcome. Being that I had adjusted my diet two years prior to joining the study, it hasn’t been too hard to work in the few additional changes. Elimination of wheat and sugar was probably the hardest to overcome, but I have kept them out of my diet. My wife is learning how to cook according to my new diet. She is creating some great-tasting dishes. I feel my health is at about 60 percent now, and I see myself as being closer to 100 percent in a year or less, since I will continue to have a steady desire to do whatever it takes.


A big accomplishment for me was giving up my nicotine addiction (two packs daily) and an addiction of 10 to 15 cups of coffee a day. It was difficult in the beginning, but now I feel much better physically and mentally! My energy level has greatly improved, my blood work has improved, and my cholesterol has improved, going from 214 to 187. My triglycerides and PSA levels have also improved. I’ve incorporated new foods into my diet. I’ve eliminated dairy entirely, and have less congestion, bloating, and nasal drip. I am currently working on giving up wheat 100 percent. My siblings want to institutionalize my mother. However, I would not allow this to happen and have taken big steps legally and emotionally to avoid this.


My energy level has improved during this year-and-a-half-long Reversing the Aging Process study. I require less sleep. The ability to maintain a more intense mental alertness, over an extended period of time, has increased. Vision at seventyone and a half years of age has remained stable, without the need of eyeglasses. Gum health has improved, and my nails are strong and growing more rapidly. Skin wrinkles are lessened and skin texture is smoother and softer. Sexually, my aging process has been reversed. Use of Eternal brought about premenopausal conditions. I experienced sweats, fuller breasts, and vaginal lubrication. Intake of Passion affects my sexual responses. The intensity of those responses are greater. I also experience sexual stimulation from visual sources. These responses are at a level that they had been fifteen years ago. I started taking Greens and Grains recently. Since that time, I lose only a few hairs when I shampoo. My nails are stronger and are growing more rapidly than previously. I’m always searching to determine how I can function more purely in order to manifest my true being. Who Are You, Really? made me aware of why I function as a Dynamic Assertive and how to do that more proficiently. You stimulate self-recognition. Especially important is the toxic people I’ve removed from my environment. Those who are family I have to endure—at times—and have set new rules for dealing with them. May 12, 1998, marked twenty-four years since I became a Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist. The only purpose of chanting “Nan myoho renge kyo” is for personal enlightenment. One can only be to others what they are to themselves. For me, the chanting opens and cleanses energy patterns. Only then can rebuilding of positive energy occur. Thank you, Gary, for being such a devoted host of this fun and joyous voyage.


After one year on the program, I have lost 20 pounds and reduced my cholesterol level by over 30 points. Upon hearing Gary was having an orientation for weight management, I finally said to myself, “That’s it, no more excuses.” The major issue I was faced with was being “slightly overweight” most of my life. But “slightly overweight” turned into “very overweight” after the birth of my three children. I was very lazy, not exercising, and eating everything. Hips and backside became wider, arms were heavier, and my nickname was “thunder thighs.” I wondered if I could really follow Gary’s healthy protocol. Could I go through the detox and change to a completely different lifestyle? I needed the support of the group. But I also needed the support of my family. Our meals would be taking a whole different turn. I took a deep breath and decided to take it one day at a time. I made a six-month commitment. It is now one year later, and I am thrilled to say that I made it. After one year on the program, I no longer suffer with the excruciating pain from heel spurs. The protocol has helped me immeasurably. After losing 20 pounds, the spurs are almost completely cleared up. I have also reduced my cholesterol level by over 30 points. I started at 190, and at the six-month blood workup it read 157.


I joined a support group to lose weight and change my life for the better. Years ago, I was able to cause positive changes. I seemed to have lost this ability. The homework and group interaction returned this aspect to me. I am an avid skier and ski instructor. Being on the protocol gave me the most rewarding ski season of my life. My students brought an overwhelming amount of positive feedback. I taught the best lessons and received the best tips to date. I received an award for excellence in ski instruction. This year, I was relatively injury-free. During the last four seasons, I experienced injuries that lessened my abilities on the slopes for weeks at a time. I failed a high-level certification exam 14 years ago, but I will retake it this year. The exam will be a learning experience, and my athletic performance is at a high level. My surroundings will be detoxed soon. The group has given me the power to make wonderful changes.


I have learned to forgive myself if I make a mistake, and to keep trying.


At the age of 51, I am finally starting to live and understand my life. I lost 10 pounds; my mucus drainage has stopped completely; and allergic reactions completely diminished, especially since I changed my diet. I no longer eat meat or dairy. I feel that I am gearing myself to be more positive and see myself as a whole, complete, independent person. I now feel that I am in control of my own needs and destiny.


I have learned how to apply discipline, focus, patience, and common sense to all aspects of my life.


Growing up I was taught one way of being healthy: by eating the correct foods. However, on joining the program, I’ve learned so much about how the body works and is nourished by other nutrients and the process the body goes through. My belief was not quite correct. It was a challenge to change my lifestyle, but mentally I know it was the right change. As the weeks went by, I realized the changes, which were the results of sticking to my diet and knowing it worked for me, the way it was supposed to. I was always ready to help anyone who wanted to make this change in their life, and reaching out to others made me feel good with some satisfaction. I am focused in my thinking and usually set a goal in my mind and really go after it to allow it to happen. The effect of what was told to me in the program made a complete change in my life, and I am able to rationalize problems in the way of health, not any major one, and conquer the problem. Today I am a better person in shape as I feel much healthier than before. Many of the nutrients I took, the juices, and the habit of eating organic vegetables, grains, and fruits gave me phenomenal results. My hair is not as gray as before. Patches have come out with the original black renewed hair, my skin is subtle, firm, and younger-looking. My nails are soft and pink. The arthritis in my fingers diminished, and I don’t have those dizzy spells as before. It’s my belief that my cholesterol is much lower. I have lost seventeen pounds. I still have to do more in the line of exercises, but this is due to an ailment in the leg. My outlook of appearance is much more appealing to others, as they tell me I look younger. I feel great internally and externally. This physical change is of great importance to me as my health is my happiness. I can do much more at home, as I have more energy, sleep two hours less, and I do not feel fatigued as before. At times, I would feel sloppy on the job, but after attending the classes, I am more alert, think clearly, and am always energetic. I conquer negative emotions by having a passion for what I want, and carrying out my energy to the positive thought. Being here I am more connected with the Higher Being. My prayer life is meaningful to me and others. I share my time with others in their grief and pain, and I can always refer to an encyclopedia, my magnets, and communication with Him. He is always there for me when I need Him. I feel that innermost relationship spiritually. Behavioral patterns have changed, as I do not have any hatred in my heart for people anymore. It does not get me anywhere when I can change the negativity to something positive by assisting and giving myself in a situation. Really, I do find comfort, peace, and satisfaction when I can reflect myself in a manner that would be pleasing to others. They would see and imagine me the way I am. It is my belief that whenever you can do a good deed or say a good word to someone or of them, it is the correct way in mind and body. I am a more focused person in my thinking, and I am able to solve problems I may face on my own. Also, I help others who are in need of it. My body feels more youthful, healthier, and always moving on to a happier life. I am free of sickness and I feel great. I am more spiritually connected and my life is more meaningful of a happier, prayerful life. I have been worried about my high cholesterol due to many years ago and time and again this problem existed. After my body gave me the symptoms last year, as I could not breathe properly, I would take Q1O and smell peppermint oil, but it would persist. This is when I made a decision to solve the problem. After taking the green juices, red stuff, and nutrients, I do not have the breathing problem, so I believe my cholesterol has dropped somewhat. My sister got over her asthma after forty years of her life. She was always in the hospital emergency, and at one time the family thought we would lose her, but she feels great now. I feel much more healthy and I feel I’m living a much more meaningful life. This change was with results and I intend to keep on it all my life. I see there is a way of life taking good foods and with supplements and exercise, one has to be on the way to good health.


Since the beginning of my participation in this program, the following has occurred: increased mental clarity; a better sense of overall calm and relaxation; a much-improved outlook on life; an even broader sense of consciousness and self; less crankiness; less fatigue; improved recall and memory; a much-improved ability to cope with stress; faster and more graceful movement; an improved feeling of mental clarity; overall improvements in my level of energy; clearer skin; clearer nasal passages; less excess mucous; improved resting heart rate; decrease in the amount of sleep needed for rejuvenation; improved workout recovery times; a noticeable increase in lean muscle tissue; improved bowel movements, which are also more regular; less sluggishness; more patience; and a decrease in my tonsil size. No longer do I have dark shadows under my eyes. There is significant decrease in pain from peripheral neuropathy in both legs and an extremely remarkable decrease in arthritis pain, both resulting from multiple trauma suffered July 7, 1997. The surgeon who operated on my crushed right calcaneus stated that posttraumatic arthritis was inevitable and that I may have to consider fusion in the future. I haven’t gotten sick since I began the program—and that’s without a spleen. I can’t thank you enough for the knowledge you’ve bestowed upon me in any other way than to continue to actualize it. Forever I shall be grateful.


I am no longer constipated, and my overall body pains have subsided.


How have I changed since I began the program six months ago?


I feel like a new man. I lost 7 pounds. I can walk 10 miles. I sleep less. I help more people on the street and on the job, which feels great. I no longer eat at night.


I am more aware of myself. I no longer overreact to others. I feel more confident. No need to smooth things over with people anymore. I simply feel better.


For the first four months of the program, I resisted taking the supplements. All my life, I never took any vitamins and supplements other than what was in the natural foods. I had been eating only natural foods and nothing else. I bought all the required items on the protocol the first night after class. But they stayed on my table untouched for the first four to five months. Finally, I decided that I am in the program already, I might as well go with the flow. I also created more faith and trust in the program. The whole thing was a challenge to my belief system to take factory-made products as foods and as nutritious aids. I was open to change, and new ideas gradually sunk in me over the course of the program. I let it happen. Physically, I am more than ever in touch with my energies within and the energy of other people. Prior to the program the energy field was unknown to me. I took a couple of courses in Pranic healing and in chi gong. Awareness of this issue even helps me in my business. I evaluate the employees who work in my business. During the day, if I observe that they are not present or their energies are low, I send them home to take care of themselves. I didn’t do this before. I used to try to get a lot produced during the course of the day. Spiritually, I got in touch with my emotions, which I had piled up under a bunch of factual stuff I had been ignoring how things affect my feelings. I put myself in this program again because I wanted to be in a support group to detoxify and because I have benefitted from the program. I am not finished. I believe that some changes happen as a result of a process and some other changes can occur very fast. The change in eating habits, lifestyle, or spirituality can only happen as a result of a process. They require time and exposure. And the support group provides this for me. I do not have any “obstacles” in my life. I do not look at my life this way. I am looking at where I want to develop to from here and where I want to move on to. I have done everything I’ve ever wanted to do in my life and I do not have any wish lists to work on, or to be attached to. At this stage of my life, I am inquiring into what I can leave behind and what is my legacy. I want to contribute. I must decide in what way. My passion is in the environment and probably in alternative medicine. I have decided to get out of the business I am in and move on to something that I can directly impact and contribute. That is my challenge. I am in the group because I have benefitted from it. Repeating it will not be the same experience. Probably, more than anything else the group has helped me not to ignore myself emotionally and spiritually. I am also benefitting from detoxifying my body. I have learned a lot of small, detailed, but important information about foods and health.

LINO, 78 years old

My life was going nowhere. I held myself back with bad habits and attitudes. I overused alcohol. I was overweight. Eating fatty flesh foods gave me an almost constant heartburn and fatigue. I felt anxious and angry and not at all content with myself. Gary’s protocol was really a radical change. I never drank green juices. In fact, I never ate healthy food. I was not aware of nutrition or meditation. I did not care to look inward or deal with past angers and pain. My life is very different today. I am vegan and organic. I gave alcohol up quickly. The green juices filled an empty space with vitality instead of dulling emotions. I lost thirty pounds. For some reason I feel less or no anger and am relaxed, even content. My eating plan is satisfying and there is after heartburn. I feel and act younger. I look back into my past and wonder why. It was not a lack of self-esteem; it was a lack of body cleansing, natural foods. I found myself.


When I began working with Gary I was extremely toxic. I lived in a toxic environment. I worked in a bar. I had toxic people around me. I was a mess, both mentally and physically. Physically, because I didn’t exercise, smoked cigarettes, drank alcohol, and ate all of the bad foods you could possibly put into your body. I didn’t sleep well, felt lethargic all of the time, and had low energy. I was 29 years old and burned out. I had one of the worst cases of adult acne you’d ever want to see. It was all over my entire back, face, and neck. It was a condition I had had for 11 years. I attended a Gary Null lecture—actually, I went with my sister to see the lecture. She was the one more interested. After the lecture, Gary approached me and matter-of-factly asked about my skin condition. I told him I had tried everything I knew of, but nothing was working. This was 3 years ago. Today, I am 90 percent free of all of the cystic acne I had for all of those years. My energy level, well, I’ve never had so much energy. The quality of my friendships and relationships is extraordinary. I have wonderful friendships. I’ve changed a lot in that I had no self-discipline whatsoever. Now, I’m up early every morning, race-walking and going to the gym. In fact, I am now a state-champion athlete. I’m taking very good care of my body. I am also juicing. I eat all organic produce every day. I don’t take many supplements because I find that the juicing takes care of those needs. I am much more open to new ideas. I was a defensive person before. Now, I’ve learned to step back and put my attitudes and energies into a neutral space. In essence, I’ve learned how not to personalize when it comes to things that are said and done.

DOUG, 69 years old

I was overweight but considered myself healthy until an abnormal pre-op EKG for gallbladder surgery indicated cardiac problems. I had a quadruple bypass in March 2000. I saw Gary on television and purchased one of his videos and a book. After reading and watching the tape I joined a health support group. I investigated alternative methods to reclaim my health. I had twenty EDTA chelation treat-ments, became vegan, eliminated sugar, wheat, sodas, and gluten. I shop in a health food store to eliminate sprayed vegetables. I enjoy new information regarding healthier lifestyles. Today I need only six hours of sleep per night, wake up to exercise each morning, and have my large meal midday. I enjoy sharing new insights with others. I am healthy without symptoms of cardiac disease or sinus problems. I am in a new business. I use green and red powders, supplements, protein powders, and magnets. I eliminated carpeting from my home. I plan to study vegetarian cooking and create new recipes.


My hair was thinning. [Since joining a group, ] I lost 20 pounds and built great muscle tone. My hair loss stopped, the bursitis in my knee diminished. I no longer need naps in the afternoon. I sleep less and recover from colds quickly. I cured pharyngitis without antibiotics.


My skin tone improved. I lost weight and now run eight miles a day. My sense of smell is improving. My hair grows less gray. I no longer feel a slump of energy at 3 p.m. each day.


Physically, this program has given me a pathway onto how to extend my lifespan. How to get away from the American diet, how to cope in this society when you are perceived to be different. This program has given me energy, and an overall feeling that my body is much cleaner. It has helped me see that there is another way to live your life.

ALICE, 61 years old

I had my ovaries removed when I was in my forties. That caused extremely severe menopausal symptoms. I was told it would continue for the rest of my life. I felt extreme abdominal pain, which put me in a depression. Wrinkles and bags developed under my eyes. My energy was low and I had brain fog. The support group and protocol changed all of the above. Because I followed the protocol, used juices, became vegan and organic and looked within, this woman is brand-new. My depression lifted. No more abdominal pain. My skin is less wrinkled and the under-eye bags are gone. I have an enormous amount of energy; the brain fog and cloudy thinking are gone. I realize I am more intelligent than I thought I was. It’s as if vitamins and juices washed my brain. I can recommend the protocol with much love and enthusiasm.


I feel like a new man. I lost 7 pounds. I can walk 10 miles. I sleep less. I help more people on the street and on the job, which feels great. I no longer eat at night.


When starting the program, I was pretty well mentally readjusted. Three years ago, my own beliefs were validated as far as not conforming to what the society demands from you, just being a freer thinker with no restrictions. Physically, I work a lot of hours, so I didn’t find the time to take care of myself as I should have. On weekends I enjoy outdoor activities. After starting the program, I am more aware of the need for daily exercise for the physical, mental, and spiritual aspect in growing and becoming whole. I’ve had a hard time in the spiritual area. After having been pushed out of the Catholic Church at an early age, I have had bitter feelings toward the Church and no desire to return. After having children, my wife wanted to bring the children up Catholic, still respecting my feelings. I feel my own spirituality, even though it is not channeled through some bureaucratic system. I am at peace with myself and follow the values I believe are correct. I still feel something lacking in this area, like I need to do more. I am on a new plane of thinking. A higher level, clearer, sharper, more relaxed, able to control anger better. When I wake in the morning, I’m on, not having to wait for a cup of coffee to start to function. It was easy eliminating coffee. Also I feel less limited than before just from my own limitations I put on myself. That’s gone—the sky is the limit. I am able to solve problems better just being more focused and less frantic, just clearer thinking. Everything just seems less difficult, enabling me to enjoy life much more. After using protein supplements and weights I am back on track feeling lighter and stronger with more energy and endurance. From time to time I’ve been having problems with my energy levels. Also, my hair is thicker and faster growing, skin is clearer and healthier looking, nails are thicker. Although not channeling my beliefs through a fixed system, I do feel more at peace with myself. I feel on a higher plane after making these changes in my life. I don’t feel I need the rules and regulations from a given religion or the guilt or suffering that’s expected of you. Though I feel I would like to find another religion different from what I learned in my past just to expand my mind. The changes I have made were not as difficult for me because I truly want to better myself and make up for the past abuses of my body and the pollution that has accumulated for so long. After making these changes and feeling so much better, it is clear that this is the way I want to live the rest of my life, no doubt. The change was a little different for my wife, who had seen me transform into a new person. She had a hard time adjusting to this, but the change was all positive in my eyes anyway, and now she sees that I am a better, more honest person. I tell it like it is, I don’t hold back and accumulate negative emotions. As far as diet goes, I really did not have a hard time eliminating the bad stuff after learning how it affects the body. Though switching to the new diet has been a constant learning process, I still have a way to go. Sometimes I feel weak and tired, most likely from my diet, but it’s becoming easier. People look at me drinking my juices and look at me kind of funny, but I don’t care because I know I am better off than them just by drinking the juices. My hours at work make it difficult to get the physical part done, but I just make time the best that I can, always being aware of the need to incorporate the physical aspect of the program. It’s hard not to make these changes after learning what we have in the program. I find now it’s impossible to go back to my old ways. After feeling the positive changes and growing every day and looking forward to a longer, healthier life, it’s like I have been reborn. I would also like to run the marathon in 1999, because I don’t think I could be ready in 1998. Still I’m going to train now. I love life now. Where everything was pretty much a drag, now I’m on a higher plane looking to go higher and meet harder challenges and learn and better myself as I go and grow through life with my new life’s program. Thank you.

BRIAN, 60 years old

I was not certain vegetarianism and nutrients could help me. I was one of those tense corporate people having unpleasant personal relationships. There were pockmarks and eczema on my face. My hair was graying. My eye color changed to a darker shade. I was diagnosed with hypertension. My nails grew slowly. I also had a scar from an old wound that did not lighten. My wife and I joined a support group with amazing results. Hypertension is a thing of the past. My skin had amazing results; no more eczema or facial pockmarks. My gray hair is growing new hair the color of my childhood blond and the receding hairline is reversing. My eyes returned to their blue color. Nails grew in quickly and the scar disappeared. I left the corporate world for a happier life and improved relationships.


I started my change last year when I was undergoing a depressed, crisis state when I recognized that I wasn’t able to take care of myself and use the skills that I knew I had. This was because of the anxiety I had and the weakness in my mind and body. I knew that this was a turning point for me. Either I would go back to all of my old ways—medications, doctors, hospitals, for psychiatric conditions that I didn’t think I could overcome. It came to that point again and I realized that that wasn’t what I wanted. That it was time to find the courage. I had enough self-esteem to ask for help for the support that would really help me. What I did was I decided to go live with friends who had a very structured life, who were very successful. By doing this, I put myself in routines—daily habits that would help me strengthen both my body and my mind. Prior to that, I would have weeks where I wouldn’t even get out of bed because I was so depressed. I had clutter in my apartment that would go 8 feet to the ceiling. I just didn’t want to get rid of anything. I was on all sorts of different medications. I suffered from chronic pain issues, severe migraines, arthritis symptoms and inflammation in all of my joints, fibromyalgia. They gave me medications to relieve the pain, as well as the other conditions like my thyroid problem. But none of the medications were helping. In addition, I would have panic attacks and I suffered from anxiety that prevented me from answering the phone. This stopped my support system of friends and family who were in a position to help me. I essentially disconnected from them because I felt guilty about my wretched condition. I felt shame and embarrassed. It was not a positive state that I was in. Today, I am a much more disciplined person. I exercise quite a bit now. I eat whole foods, no processed foods. I take supplements every day. I juice daily. I now listen to my body, which frequently tells me which foods to eat. I also pay close attention to hygiene, which a depressed person doesn’t always do. I have removed all of the clutter from my life. I am no longer overweight. In fact, I’ve lost 30 pounds. One of the main reasons that I was able to do this is that Gary told me that I should face my fear of failure. I asked him how I could do this. He said it was simple: I should ride my bicycle from New York to Florida. If I could do that, then I could do anything. Well, I did it alone and in ten days. I am now a championship race walker, who has removed stress from my life. I have removed all of the toxic people from my life.


I am a recovered alcoholic. It’s been about 7 years that I’ve been off alcohol. At first, I ate a lot of sugar in cakes and things like that. One of the psychologicalemotional components of my behavior was that I always had a very difficult time getting started in the morning. The first thing I would think about when I got up was what I was going to eat, which usually included cereal with sugar, a pastry, and sugar-laden coffee. There has been a slow, progressive bettering of my diet, but there has still always been the sugar craving. Sometimes I would be able to get away from it for a week or 2 weeks, but it would always creep back in. Recently, I completed a seven-day fast and a colonic cleansing and I found that after that cleansing process the craving pretty much disappeared. Also, I wake up in the morning feeling rather alert, and I don’t have this compulsion to eat sweets. I think that because I am staying away from sugar, I generally am having better days psychologically.


My strength and endurance increased. My complexion is clearer.


I have more energy and overall get more done from day to day.


One of the issues I felt difficulty in overcoming was the guilt surrounding my mother’s death. I worked with her in her treatment to seek an alternative approach and although she complied initially, in the long run she didn’t want to maintain the dietary and lifestyle changes. I felt there were perhaps other ways or approaches I could have pursued in her care in retrospect, but that’s all in the past. I felt I could have even contributed to her demise, but I learned I have no control over other people’s actions. After four years of living with this guilt I finally let go. Today my father has mild coronary disease, which I feel is partly due to the loss of my mother. I am helping him but understand now that I can explain the options, make suggestions, but ultimately the decision is his own what course he chooses to take. Physical challenges were prematurely aging skin and hair loss, also fifteen or so years of acne. Today my skin is softer, smoother, and more youthful looking. My acne is gone. It is rare to see any hairs on my pillow, because the excessive hair loss has ceased. Finding my purpose in life is an issue I am working on still. But I’m following my instincts and intuition and this is providing insights along the way. Like doing the things I enjoy doing, rather than what I may have been conditioned to do. The forgiveness letters and the emotional work were very helpful in the letting go of the guilt of my mother’s death and the past as well. Again, the appearance of my skin, hair, and no longer having any acne is a big improvement. Regular exercise along with dietary changes have made for a better-toned body. Although at one time I trained with weights approximately two to two and a half hours a day, three to four times per week for almost ten years, eventually I slacked off, and today I don’t exercise as long so I don’t get burned out or bored. I do different things in addition to weight training, biking, mambo dancing, meditating, and have a more balanced approach so I could continue for the long term. The program provided me with options I wouldn’t normally consider. Because I’ve been able to let go of the past I look forward to a brighter future. As a result of the physical and emotional work and changes, I’ve made more time to focus on the spiritual. Although I’m still not sure what my purpose in life is overall, one aspect has been to serve. As a political activist in my spare time I do work around political prisoners. The people I’ve come to know, the knowledge I’ve gained, the personal growth I’ve experienced have exceeded my contributions, as well as the work I’ve done for the community advocacy organization. After visiting the stock exchange on Wall Street as a youth, eventually I took a job on Wall Street. I saw myself or created an image for myself that I should be in the business world. Working on Wall Street was an atmosphere that was oppressive and depressing. We worked long hours and then were demoted for our troubles. When I discovered how Wall Street carried its money I realized this was not my ticket out of my perceived poverty. I wanted a life better than my parents, who struggled in factories and odd jobs. I suppose I was overcompensating. I left Wall Street and studied the things I enjoyed—anthropology instead of business. Learned a new language. I am pursuing my interest and intuition, and although I felt a bit apprehensive at first and received many criticisms initially, the changes I’ve made feel great. I have adopted an organic vegetarian diet, I exercise approximately five days per week. During my fourth month of the program I was feeling somewhat fatigued and began to exercise less, but the extra antioxidants helped. I used to feel stagnant and that I wasn’t growing. Today, I am taking on challenges I probably wouldn’t have dreamed of in the past—particularly around my activism with regard to political prisoners and other issues. I do temp work for a community advocacy organization and prefer jobs that poten-tially serve the community. Today I see myself as having a future in which I am open to all sorts of possibilities and not confining myself to preconditioned notions. I find myself willing to explore different things and not just playing it safe as I did in the past. Initially taking risks felt scary and things usually didn’t turn out as planned; however I’ve learned to reflect, learn from the situation, and look for new ways to make improvements. I have learned from the chances I’ve taken, I feel less apprehensive and look forward more to the challenge. I’m not sure where my pursuits will take me, but at least I’m more open to the unknown and am willing to challenge boundaries, where in the past I probably would have barely even considered, let alone pursued, this. As a result of the changes I’ve made I feel more connected or engaged to people and things around me. Sort of like being part of a process in the larger scheme of things I’m still learning to comprehend.


I did not have a disease or major symptoms. I wanted to improve my life and use my physical self in a healthy way. I wanted to grow stronger with age. The protocol made me stronger physically. I feel my health in my energy. I run additional miles without fatigue. My hair and nails are stronger. Keeping a journal made me introspective. I observe life positively. I feel courageous to attempt new projects.


I was curious about this thing called a detox protocol. I did not feel unhealthy, but I decided to attend a group and see if it impacts me in any way. I wanted to lose some weight but did not like dieting. My blood pressure was a bit high, and I did get headaches. I came to each meeting, and listened and learned. I lost weight without dieting. My waistline is smaller. My blood pressure is normal. I need less sleep, and my headaches are gone. The protocol and science behind it are valid. It was a wonderful experience.


I have followed Gary’s protocol for the last two years. I entered the anti-aging program with fatigue, which impacted my exercise program. Eventually, my strength and endurance increased. My complexion is clearer. My hair loss has reversed. I have a great sense of well-being and personal satisfaction. My outlook has improved in work and in my personal life. Areas of importance have shifted, and I feel focused, alert, and aware.


Three months before joining the study, I was diagnosed with a small melanoma in my right eye. I am legally blind in my left eye. The cancer options were horrendous: removing the eye, treating it with radiation, or leaving it alone, with the chance the cancer would metastasize to my liver. I often had migraine headaches, chronic lower back pain, prostate problems, pain from a rotator cuff injury in my right shoulder and arthritis in a toe. I was overweight. It was time to change strategies and rid myself of these conditions. Gary’s words were powerful. I had to become my own authority. Since beginning the protocol, the cancer has not grown in eight months. My migraine headaches virtually disappeared about two months after changing my diet. I lost 35 lbs, and my back has improved. Saw palmetto and other herbs did not relieve my prostate problem in the past, but they are quite effective now. My body is receptive to healing. The other minor conditions have improved. Although my energy level varies, I feel more energetic and younger in a body that knows how to heal itself.


I have been detoxing for the past year. My life keeps getting better and better. In some ways, I feel like a child again. Gary’s uncompromising passion for his beliefs and work and his dedication to the mastery of each day set a powerful role model in my life. I plan to help others grow and improve their lives.


I am so glad that I joined Gary’s support group. Following his protocol, I lost 9 pounds; my muscle tone, cardiovascular capacity, and digestion have improved. I require less sleep, my allergies are much better and not clogged up. I meditate after work; it clears my head. Exercise has been the easiest part. After doing my cardio exercise, I feel great. I work out at the gym in the mornings and sometimes after work. I walk the golf course instead of riding. Now I trust myself to make decisions, and I go with my gut. My home is less cluttered. I have more of a sense of order. I no longer judge or at least am very aware of doing so if I must. I am now considering moving to a warmer climate. I no longer worry what people think of me. I will not let anyone stop my connection to “my joy.” I have dis-connected from a lot of negative friends. My faith is even stronger. The positive voice is beginning to overpower the bad.


I am at peace and harmony today. My spirit awakened for the first time since childhood. I have come full circle. Body, mind, and spirit are one. My family has made many life-affirming changes. My father-in-law is beginning to heal. Our children are healthy again. The effects are endless and go much deeper than mere words can express.


For 20 years I’ve had purple spots on my tongue. Now, my tongue has returned to its original color. The vision in my left eye has increased, and I no longer wear a contact lens in the left eye. All of my non-accomplishments in life I blamed on my father, because he mistreated me as a child. I blamed my mother for not going to college after high school. After writing the forgiveness letter, I no longer blame my father. I no longer blame my mother. My personal challenge was the exercise program. In the beginning, it, was the hardest thing for me to do. Now I exercise six days a week. I’ve also overcome my fear of public speaking. In January, I was the moderator for a fashion show. A year ago I could not have done that. I forever shall be grateful.


My illness was undiagnosed for a year and a half. It was debilitating. During my stay at Paradise Gardens, I looked at deeper issues. I was able to understand the issues preventing me from achieving health. Gary made me aware of my right to live joyfully and strong. His fierce and unflagging dedication was inspirational, and I am grateful. I look forward to a healthy, strong life.


My energy level has gone up. I can get through the day without feeling drowsy. The eczema and constipation improved. My tinnitus symptoms greatly diminished. I lost weight after two months on the program, and my percent of body fat went down almost 10 percent. I did not gain any weight back. My memory has significantly improved. I can now connect the names and faces of my friends. I am calmer and more relaxed.


I came into a support group to reach my potential and establish goals. I entered the group after a divorce. My job and apartment loss soon followed because I allowed other people to make decisions for me. I gave them power. I entered a study group with an objective of developing the spiritual, physical, and emotional potentials I could not muster alone. An uncompromising commitment to the program would, hopefully, give me the power to make my own choices. I want control, and I have it now by controlling what I will or will not put into my body. I feel my energy without using sugar. Now that I am single and possess the solitude necessary for reflection and spiritual growth, I follow a path toward discovery and wholeness. Positive changes in one aspect of life lead to positive changes in other areas. Good changes can build on each other.


I joined Gary’s support group because I wanted to have more energy. I had gray, thinning hair and osteopenia [low bone density]. I also had abdominal fat, fuzzy vision, and pain in my shoulders. After following his protocol, my hair has begun to grow in darker and thicker, and my bone mass has increased. I also lost weight, and the pain in my shoulders is gone. My vision has also greatly improved.


I work in a prison. This is very stressful work. The impact of this job set me up for tense evenings at home. I felt guilty about my work; it drained my energy. My hair was thinning. I felt this was part of aging. My energy was low. I did not know what to do to rebuild my stamina and change my life. When a support group was formed, I joined it. I follow the protocol and eliminated all allergic foods. I juice, which cleans out my system and gives me energy. I am aware of environmental toxins that can reshape my body and mind. I lost 20 pounds. New hair is growing on my head. My stamina increases daily. The job stress that pulled me down does not impact on my personal life as much as it did. I do not feel guilt about my work. Lately, I think about and question religious doctrine. Things are opening up.


I went to Paradise Gardens during the time I had been a support group member for six months. My weight was stable. It was my first step toward fulfillment.

Watching the videotapes and attending Gary’s talks led me to the pain I kept in my subconscious. This process made the difference between living an existence and living life to its fullest, at a high energy level. I enjoyed each challenge and learned the joy of walking. At first, I felt I could not do it. Then I stopped thinking and turned the walks into meditations. This unique approach helped me to continue my health journey. I expect I never did anything more important in my life.


I lost 8 pounds. Thyroid problems are gone. No more depression. I have lots of energy. I need no crutches.


Since starting Gary’s protocol, my candida has greatly improved without allergylike symptoms, my fibroid cysts disappeared, and my adult acne went away.


I lost 5 pounds. Eczema improved and flexibility improved. I have more energy and feel less self-centered.


I am ecstatically happy now. And so is my family! It is my wife who discovered the Gary Null detox program. She is the inspiration for the success we are both experiencing. I was ready for a major change, whatever it was. I’m glad it was this protocol. I had always believed that I was eating properly in the past. However, I was blind to reality. I was getting fatter and fatter, and my health was declining quickly. Since beginning the program five months ago, I have lost approximately 105 pounds. My blood pressure is 120/80, and my cholesterol level has dropped to 158. I feel superb. As I walk, I feel like I am on air, and that I could walk for as long as the day is long. I have much more flexibility. I can perform many of the physical tasks that I could not do before. Before, I could not cross my legs or even tie my shoelaces. Now I can bike, jog, or power walk for long periods of time. I have learned to laugh every chance I get. I still get the job done, but now I am able to enjoy myself at the same time. I will not tolerate any negativity at all. If I am wrong, I have learned to apologize.


The pain I once had in my left testicle has decreased significantly. My energy level has increased. I am energetic all day, into the night. I no longer have to wake up in the middle of the night to urinate. My gray hair is beginning to turn black in areas. I have a great deal of inner peace throughout the day. My memory is sharper. I can remember things that need to be done for myself and others. My focus and concentration are sharper.


I lost 30 pounds.


[Before the program] Stress, weight, hypertension, anemia, and a heavy menstrual period. [With the program] my hair, skin, and nails are strong and healthy. The anemia was life threatening. Today I no longer have this condition, and my periods are normal.


I joined the group to get healthy, regain energy, and develop self-motivation. I have gained far more. My energy returned as I exercised, followed the protocol, and made the appropriate dietary adjustments. My skin is younger looking, and I see the world differently. An old injury that turned into varicose veins is healing. The veins are smaller. I require fewer hours of sleep. Uncluttering really put everything in order. I cleaned my basement for the first time in 15 years and just threw everything out. My wife and I argue less; I bought her a copy of Who Are You, Really?, which helped. I intend to stay on the protocol and go to the next level. My family and I thank you. Our lives are happier.


Before I started the program, I had gallstones and dryness on my fingers. I no longer have any symptoms of gallstones. I lost 3 pounds and my skin is 50 percent less dry, including on my fingers. My immune system is stronger, and I have not had any colds this winter. I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I feel less guilty about saying no. I know what is correct, and I will not be bullied by others. I am also getting less depressed in regards to money.


I developed intestinal problems. My blood pressure was low, there was a tightness in my chest, and I suffered with a chronic, painful skin condition on my hands for 30 years. I am now on the protocol. My first improvement was a rush of energy after eliminating wheat and corn. My hand condition improved; the nails are not pulling away from my skin. My thinning hair is growing. I feel focused and aware of others around, and I aid street people. Writing letters [and thus opening routes of communication] eliminated the pressure in my chest.


I was overweight, which caused a knee joint to swell and become damaged. My blood pressure was high. I always caught colds and flu, and had difficulty recuperating from them. Environmental allergies made me feel sick. I ate dairy and meat. When I had my hair analysis, I was told there was uranium, arsenic, titanium, and commercial dyes in my system. My health diagnosis was so bad I knew I had to do something and that something was announced on Gary Null’s radio show. I joined a group. I learned how we damage our body with food and exposure. I was fascinated. Most of the people in the group grew their own illnesses. I followed Gary and Luanne’s instructions carefully, one day at a time. Today I am 40 pounds thinner. I can walk freely. I discovered new foods and grains, new breads. I have less sinus discomfort, fewer allergies, no more upper respiratory infections. A sense of well-being is in me. The forgiveness letters and homework gave me insight. I deal with past angers. The classes gave me freedom. I am grateful.


At the beginning of the program, I was very tired all of the time. It was difficult for me to get up in the morning. I was tired all day long. My skin had a dark sickly look to it. I had dark circles under my eyes, and my skin would always break out with pimples. My hair was falling out. My body was very thin, and I had no muscle tone. [Now] I have integrated exercise by getting a membership to the YMCA. I also go for walks and ride my bicycle. I have also begun to play the drums in a rock band and have found it to be a fun way to get a great workout. My skin is now much clearer and healthier looking. My body has more muscle tone now that I work out regularly. I also haven’t had a cold in the six months of this program. My nose used to be clogged all of the time, but now it is always clear.

I have also had my mercury fillings taken out, which has resulted in a dramatic increase in energy. I have a more positive outlook on life than I used to have. I still fall into negative slumps sometimes, but I am more aware of them so I can I had a job that I absolutely hated. It was a “go nowhere” job in an office in a field that I had no interest in. Luckily for me, I was laid off, which has given me a lot of time to focus on music. My band has been travelling and playing shows with such a great response every place we play. This has given me a sense of satisfaction in being able to do what I love to do. I am a much more happy person spiritually now than ever before. I only surround myself with warm, loving, nurturing people, and I don’t tolerate any negative thoughts of my own or from other people. I used to feel that my best days were behind me, but now I feel that they’re way ahead of me.


I was 35 pounds overweight. My blood pressure was 180/110, my cholesterol

I lost 18 pounds, and now I run the NY marathon.


I was a dancer and became an interior designer. I was organic and vegan. I used sugar occasionally and had hypoglycemia. Although I felt disgusted with the waste, toxicity of materials, and disregard in the design field, I was a workaholic and developed septicemia from overwork, travel, and a bad diet. When I left that field, I set out to find myself, and I entered a Gary Null Woman’s Issue workshop and studied energy types. Today, I am an acupressure therapist and garden designer. I follow the protocol with more detail, and my hypoglycemia improved. I am energetic, and I have no more bitterness. I am proud and happy in my new professions, and I am in touch with myself. Not honoring oneself allows others to intimidate you.


I used to feel no one understood my problem and fear of isolation. I was reticent about meeting with a group of people to improve my life, but I did and felt that the group enhanced my progress. I stayed on the protocol and lost ten pounds. I now feel joy and happiness; I feel really good about myself. I can now easily help other people. Praying and listening to my inner voice brought good results. The protocol cleaned my body and mind.


I lost 20 pounds. My skin is smooth, nails strong, and my hair is shiny.


I was diagnosed with myelogenous leukemia during my separation from my abusive husband of 28 years. I was in remission with chemotherapy and attended a Gary Null lecture on “Who you really are.” Today I power walk and run three miles five times a week. I do 200 crunches daily. I could not believe I would find the energy to make myself well but I did.


Although I was health-conscious, I knew there was room for improvement. I overslept but was low on vitality. I am a busy businesswoman. In the eight months since I began the anti-aging program, I sleep one and a half to two hours less each night and awake with great energy. I lost 20 lbs. My skin is smooth, my nails are strong, and my hair is shiny. I built muscle tone by power walking, yoga, cycling, and Nautilus. I feel more appreciative, with a better perspective. I manage two hectic businesses and four employees calmly, and I enjoy it. I research and pursue new ventures, including a book that may help people. I make timeout and laughter a priority. I am a spur-of-the-moment person, ready for action. Focusing on nontoxic people, I detach with love from the others. Family and friends are curious about my younger look and lifestyle, and I share the protocol with them.


Since working with Gary, I generally feel better about me. I really have a better attitude. I lost 5 pounds, my energy level is higher, and I feel more alert and rested in the mornings. My cravings for sweets diminished, my ingrown toenails healed, and my scalp dryness eased. I’ve become more open and confident.


She joined the retreat week as a work-study participant. After a consult with Luanne, she had a desire to learn more as she created an organic home. Hypertension and a low thyroid caused her to be cautious about exercise, but she wanted to learn more about physical fitness. She learned how to juice in the kitchen, be totally organic, and prepare vegan meals. Luanne taught her to focus on home hygiene. Andre’s exercise class was exceptional, and the eye health lecture improved her eyesight. She found peace and calm that week. With new skills (how to listen to her inner self and create calm), she meditates and creates introspection. Inappropriate issues do not cause her upset when looking beyond and planning a future. Today, she is thinner, healthier, vegan, organic, and working to eliminate occasional “cheating.”


I had a 10-year-old son but was diagnosed as infertile. I miscarried and could not become pregnant. My periods were heavy. I had Lyme disease, with headaches and joint pain. I was exhausted from all these conditions plus allergies. We ate the typical American nonorganic diet. Good changes came with a Gary Null support group in 2000. I see a 95 percent improvement in all the areas of my health and my life. My periods are normal, my vision is improved, and my allergies are lessened. We eat an organic diet and follow the protocol using Gary’s green and red powders. Our family relationships are better, because we are healthy and optimistic.


I ate flesh foods, but I did not use dairy. I believed this was a sensible diet. I had colitis and cardiac valve prolapse, which required antibiotics before dental work. Although I did get frequent upper-respiratory infections, I considered myself healthy. Something was missing, however, so I decided to join a support group in 1999. I certainly changed my life patterns. Since I became vegan, my energy improved and my perspectives on life issues are healthier. The homework made me aware of my mortality. I get fewer and milder upper-respiratory infections. My colitis is less severe. I work out six days a week, and I use green and red powders. I retired and use my free time to give back to society. I am active in local community affairs.


I was an overweight semi-vegetarian. I used dairy and had digestive discomfort. I felt healthy, but I angered easily. I am a trained psychologist and studied Chinese medicine, herbology, and German electro-acupuncture. I lived in Italy for many years. I joined Gary’s ·support group to learn the protocol for myself and my patients. I recognized my defensive anger. Today, living vegan, juicing, and enjoying changed eating patterns, I find life to be quite different. I meditate, am self-empowered, set boundaries, and will not expose myself to abuse. My career is beginning to be successful. I make contacts easily. Recalling my former behavior and anger, I realize the support group and detox protocol remolded my life.


I could not prioritize my life. I worked 12 hours a day and did not honor my belief system. I used vitamins, exercise, and reaching out to others as my spiritual focus. I will continue to use my supplements and follow the program. I do honor my health and have found comfort in a spiritual power. I will face my problems without fear, because I am more of a complete person. Gary and the group gave me inspiration, insight, and their generosity. I will pass this on to the people in my life. Thank you.


My stay at Gary’s Florida ranch helped me find a new direction in life. I arrived with my past and present, and came home an enlightened woman. I made permanent changes in my life and feel terrific. My changes are numerous. I feel I can do anything I wish.


I lost some weight and feel healthier. My skin is softer and more youthful looking. My energy level is way up. My mentality is improving every day. I am now able to cope with events in my life.


I would like to thank you, Gary, for your constructive criticism of my power walking, as well as for encouraging me to compete eventually in this sport. As for my foot problems, I will follow your advice, because I trust you. I know I will be cured. I would like to let you know, based on my perception, that you are a perfect example of “mens sana in corpore sano.” You have given me inspiration to strive for the same, although I wonder how far I will get or when I will feel complete.


I was interested in avoiding the illnesses my mother suffered in her old age. I had

PMS symptoms for 14 years. My sagging skin aged prematurely with pimples, cysts, and scars. My digestive problems caused bloating. My personal relationships were unpleasant. I read Get Healthy Now!, which motivated me to explore sensible methods to relieve my symptoms. I joined the next support group that opened up. I followed the detox protocol, and in time, the results I longed for manifested. I no longer have PMS problems. My skin is tight and less lined. The pimples and discoloration from cysts are fading. I believe the detox cleared these problems, too. My energy increased. The journals and letter writing self-empowered me. I take risks with confidence, not fear. I bicycle, use a rebounder, and belly dance. The new man in my life is far superior to those of the past.


Since I joined the program, I have experienced wonderful changes. I understand the members of my group and I are all from the same source. We receive the same benefits, breathe the same air, receive the same sunshine and rain, and desire the same inner peace. By attending this group, I developed a spiritual awareness I never felt before. I am able to control my emotions, because I am aware that I can return to the spiritual source for guidance. I discovered my mental attitude relaxes my physical body. When interacting with other people, I am less anxious and impatient. I developed an understanding of people. I am most grateful for these improvements in my life within this short amount of time.


I am truly a survivor. I had breast cancer 11 years ago and refused chemotherapy and radiation but used Tamoxifen, which impaired my vision and emotions. I developed polyps, an inflammatory digestive problem, and an ulcer. I was taking too much medication, and it was making me sick. I sought a natural approach to healing-immune enhancement. I gained weight without cause, and my abdomen bloated. It was all wrong, so then I tuned in to Natural Living and joined a health support group. After three months on the protocol, my immune system shot up. My digestion improved, without bloating, as I eliminated many foods. The weight is slowly coming off. I feel radiant and wake up 5 a.m. each morning with phenomenal energy to do breathing and meditations with a naturopath. I realize that suppressed emotions of the past and holding on to nonexistent obstacles made me ill. All aspects of my life have fused. I am where I should be.


I studied radiography for two years and worked with nuclear isotopes. My radiation badge determined I was exposed. I worried about my health. Information was withheld at work. Prevention training was improper. I ate some vegetables, flesh foods, rice, and beans, but deep within, I knew I had to change my life. I was unable to attend support group meetings, but I followed Gary’s information and began the protocol. I used green and red powders, and purchased the weekly specials. I read Gary’s books, juice and research supplements and new teas. I became aware of my allergies as I eliminated toxic substances in my diet. My energy is high, my hair is thicker, and my receding hairline is filling in. I teach my family about nutrition and proper diet. Today, I work as a limo driver and tape Natural Living to play in my car during the day.


I was introduced to Natural Living in 1980 by my wife. I became vegan at Gary’s Texas ranch. I wanted to educate myself and reach my full potential in order to run the 1995 New York City Marathon. I was evolving one step at a time and joined a support group in 1999. I lost 20 lbs. My mental outlook improved, I am decisive, and I focus on realistic goals. I eliminate toxic situations and people. Forgiveness letters cleared the past, and I can enter a free future. Group support was essential. I am now involved in social and political issues, most recently the passage of a school referendum.


I was under major stress and developed twitching muscles. I refused medication. Nocturnal cold sweats and anxiety were difficult. My walking was affected by an Achilles tendon injury. I did not understand true nutrition and needed guidance. There was no better source than Gary Null, and I joined in. The group was a class for me. It was optimism and discovery. As my body cleaned out with the protocol, I improved, as did my behavior. Each meeting taught me the mechanics of our life systems. My muscle twitching stopped. I no longer have cold sweats or feel anxious. The Achilles injury is healing quickly. I enjoy stamina. My family is benefiting from my experience and uses the protocol, too.


I was reticent about meeting with a group of people to improve my life, but I

did, and my progress was enhanced by these people. The group kept me on the protocol and prevented my usual fear of isolation. I used to feel that no one understands my problem. I lost 10 lbs and feel joy, happiness, really good about myself. I can now easily help other people. Praying and listening to my inner voice brought good results. The protocol cleaned my body and mind.


I wanted to get my life on track. I overextended myself to others, without reciprocation. I ate junk food and had a broken vein in my leg. I joined a health support group to learn about health through nutrition. I learned not only how to eat and what to eat but why we choose this new diet. I began to understand the relationship between the physical and the metaphysical. My family and I are vegan and organic. The vein in my leg healed. I eliminated toxic friends and family from our lives, which allowed me to focus on myself. I use visualization. The relationship with my husband and children is closer, warmer, and more affectionate. We do affirmations and uncluttered our home. With new insights and peace with the past, we are a cohesive family.


After my husband died, I tried to adjust to a new lifestyle. I smoked and ate flesh foods, dairy, and sugar. My energy was low, my hair was thinning, and I had scars from earlier acne. I was exposed to asbestos and other chemicals, and developed emphysema, Epstein-Barr disease, and bronchiocytosis. I was a sculptor and inhaled clay dust. Being overweight added to my burden. I felt my energy declining. Listening to Natural Living for 10 years opened the world of alternative medicine. I began to take supplements, changed my diet, and had chelation therapy. My response to the food on the protocol was immediate and positive. I am now organic and vegan. Everything tastes so good. I create wonderful desserts: fresh fruit with honey and nuts. I no longer need a leg brace. My hair is thicker, and my skin is lovely. My pulmonary problems have lessened. I lost 8 lbs and will continue to lose weight. I exercise by swimming and walking. Without this protocol, I would have been on an antibiotic one week a month for the rest of my life.


My energy levels have improved. My skin is clearing up. My toenails and skin feel softer. I lost several pounds with no effort.


I always felt tired. I was sick each day, and I had a chronic walking problem because of hip displacement, which fatigued me. I suffered from various allergies. My cholesterol was high. I was depressed. When a health support group started, I felt this was one chance I would not pass up. I had to learn to eat and choose foods according to their compatibility with my body and their nutritional value. I learned how to cleanse my system of toxins and of the abuse of a bad diet. I found peace doing the homework, which forced me to confront painful but important issues that held me back in life. I was motivated and even went on a watermelon fast three times without hunger or fatigue. I use the green powders and juice. Exercising several times a week gives me energy and enthusiasm about life. I can do headstands, and my body is flexible. I go dancing. Also, I am 16 lbs lighter and do not have discomfort walking. My allergies improved. My physician is amazed by my younger, youthful body.


I follow an organic, vegan diet and do not take vaccines. My neighbors tell me I look 45 years old. They admire my changes. I appreciate my healthy lifestyle. It makes me quite aware of the tremendous amount of obesity today. I am confident and pleased with my life.


Cystic Breasts; Depression; Eye Floaters; PMS; Fatigue; Gray Hair

I heard Gary Null’s support group members speak on the radio about experiences in the group and on the protocol. I had several conditions to improve and decided to join a group. I suffered with PMS, cystic breasts, depression, eye floaters, fatigue, and graying hair, and I usually was involved in bad relationships. I entered a group with many other people also seeking true health naturally. I detoxified and rebuilt my immune system. The results are no more PMS, cystic breasts, fatigue, and depression, all within six weeks on the program. Uncluttering was crucial. It enabled me to rid my life of negative people and to get closer to those I desired to be with. The eye floaters diminished. I detect no new gray hairs. I changed jobs and have a better salary and work in a happier environment.


The detoxification protocol worked very well for me. My blood pressure dropped to 120/90. I no longer have warts on my hands, and my energy increased tremendously. I walk and climb stairs without getting out of breath. New black hair is growing in without any falling out. My memory has improved and is becoming sharper.


I no longer have problems sleeping. I have more energy. My eating habits improved. I worry less and have hope for the future. I lost weight without effort and kept it off.


I felt I lost control of myself. I was getting heavier each year, and my muscle decreasing. I did not have the vital energy I once experienced, and I was worried and fearful about my financial situation. I needed guidance to get me back on track. I was not happy with the claims I saw on television or with the many books I read. I did respect Gary Null and entered his support group. The detoxing affected not only my body but also my mind. I shed over 35 lbs and built muscle. I sleep less and have more energy. The lectures and homework opened the true me to myself. I found the strength to forgive, which improved my family relationships. I can do whatever it takes without fear today. This experience is the most effective method of understanding human potential and of gaining respect for our planet. I thank everyone.


I lost 12 pounds. I no longer have menstrual cramps. My facial skin has never been better. I have a regular exercise routine.



He listened to Natural Living for two years. He had 13 percent body fat. He felt the effects of middle age: he was cynical, had low energy, was dissatisfied with his physical self, felt he looked old, and ate the typical American diet. He was worried about cholesterol but ate meat and restaurant food, and had a poor diet. He was very stressed and had many problems. The shows on Natural Living began to influence him to change his life. He abstained from fast food, drank less alcohol, and began to juice organic greens.


He went to Paradise Gardens. He is less self-critical, gave up bad foods and alcohol, and easily accepts himself with a positive attitude. He increased his exercising: he power walks, runs 4-5 miles, is training for a marathon with Gary Null, participates in a running and walking club on Sundays and did 14 miles. He read Who Are You, Really? and realizes it was his attitude that once made him feel old. He was asked for proof of age recently to enter a bar to hear a band he enjoys.


I was an unhealthy vegetarian. I ate sugar foods and dairy. I assumed my health was good. I never got sick. I listened to Natural Living since 1985. One day, I decided to change my health and my life, but I needed parameters. I could not do it alone. I heard testimonials from support group members. They did what I intended to do. They understood the reasoning behind detoxification and rebuilding the body. I wanted to understand it, too. I joined a group. Today, I am not just vegan and organic, but I am an organic cook aware of my reaction to toxic foods. I designed an efficient meal program, and I juice two to three times a day. My body fat is 3 percent, I sleep six hours, and I awake with good energy. I seem to be thinner. We learned to unclutter our lives by uncluttering our environment, and I did that with great benefit. I exercise five times a week and may begin feng shui. Luanne, Gary, and guest speakers gave me an education and stable future. I thank them.



Overweight. Hair thin. Nails fragile. Knee would swell due to several accidents. Skin eruptions. Did not sleep soundly.


Lost substantial amount of weight. Hair healthy. Nails growing. Knee condition improving. Skin clear. Sleeps well. Is actualizing a new career

ADELE M., 77 years old


Low energy. Allergies. Hair graying. Housewife who wanted to get out.


More energy. Original hair color returning. Allergies not as severe. Has job.

Leads her group, keeps a daily journal, and actualizes change. Developed self-confidence. Enjoys time alone. Engages in self-exploration.



Double heartbeat. Ganglian cyst on wrist, with surgery advised. Nocturnal teeth grinder. Cystic acne. Unhappy with relationships.


Double heartbeat rarely occurs. Ganglian wrist cyst gone. Does not grind teeth at night. Cystic acne gone. Takes stronger role in relationships, no longer following the other person’s expectations. Cleaning out life and environment.

CHARLES L., 64 years old


I ate the typical American diet: meat, dairy, sugars. I thought my primary health concern was not being able to gain weight. I began to listen to Natural Living. Gary presented valid research. People spoke about their experiences in health support groups. They sounded energetic and happy, as if they created new, free lives. Many of these speakers were my age or older. Their testimonials influenced me to change my life.


I follow a protocol on my own from a book. I use green, red, and protein powders. I no longer put poison in my system from meat. Mine is a natural way of eating. I walk 6 to 8 miles a day and use supplements. Gary Null is my classroom on the air. I gather information daily and put it to use. My health is better today than it was in my younger years.


Cysts diminishing. Weight loss. Gray hair returns to color. My breast cysts are decreasing.


I was timid and giving in to other people’s opinions and not speaking up for myself. I was happy letting my husband make decisions—at least the small ones. Now I speak for myself and am involved in every aspect. I went to a massage course and will set up my own place in October when I come back from vacation.I am no longer depressed! I lost fifteen pounds and feel great. The energy is up. No more migraines. The age spots are fading. The edema is much less and I can tolerate the heat better. My arthritis has improved. So has the irregular heartbeat. My skin looks much younger; also my hair looks better. The compliments of other people are proof nobody believes that I am sixty-five. I am exercising aerobics and rebounded and starting weight training. I am reading books about Chinese philosophy and way of life. Nutrition and yoga. I feel connected to the people I care for (older people who need help). This program made me aware that I am great and make good decisions. We consolidated our debt to a low interest rate. I took care of an older sick person against my husband’s will and she rewarded me with her life insurance. I feel I can do what I want to achieve. When I began the program I had to stand up to my husband, who does not believe in this program. He fought me tooth and nail and gave me every argument in the world. I convinced him that it was the right thing for me because of my body and my health and that I was going to do it no matter what. He still wants his meat and potatoes, but slowly he tries vegetarian meals. He drinks a juice in the morning and tries tofu. I still have a hard time to get the juicing and exercise in every day. I still have to get more variety in my cooking. I have still a way to go.


Reflecting on my life choices, I have discovered a pattern in the types of women I’ve had relations with. It spoke volumes about my motivations. I believe my energy level has increased, and I have fewer stomach pains. My dry skin has subsided. I have had only one outbreak of herpes. I find that I am sleeping more regularly. I’ve decided to take charge of my fate. To do this, I’ve enrolled in a graduate program at Columbia University where I’ve met several entrepreneurial students with whom I am in the process of beginning a technology venture.


I have better clarity of my thoughts. My cholesterol dropped, so did my weight, and my muscle tone has improved.


I dove right into the protocol. I have lost about 25 pounds. Being overweight only became a problem for me in my adult life. In my thirties I went through a difficult divorce. I was emotionally devastated. I had been smoking and drinking to numb the pain. I decided that I would stop smoking and cut back on the wine. But this became more of a hurdle than I had envisioned. I guess I turned to food to fill the void I felt in my gut. I gained weight steadily and kept it on for over ten years. I was unhappy with the way I looked, but I didn’t have the will to do anything about it. I tried a couple of techniques to lose the weight. I tried food combining and met with some success. Shortly after that, I joined the health support group. My general health was not bad, but I was terribly uncomfortable with the extra weight. I dove right into the protocol. I juice every morning. I have eliminated meat, dairy, and wheat. I take all of the supplements and meditate every morning. I also have read books and listened to several tapes recommended by Gary. The one aspect of the protocol that I have been less than consistent with is exercise. Focusing on being positive, setting boundaries, and detaching from toxic relationships has been very liberating. I have been in the program for nine months and I have lost about 25 pounds. I am a new energized person. I have taken control of a situation where I felt dissatisfied and helpless. The protocol has become a way of life.


When I first joined the support group, I was aware and was struggling to change the way I was conditioned to think. Not just health, but the way I view the world. A lot of the things that were raised in class about guilt and making excuses was taught to me several years ago. Being in this group, in a way, made me see that I have gone a long way. I remember when I had excuses after excuses and never wanted to make any changes. The pain it caused me was great. I wasn’t progressing. So when people in the group raise things to me about something I might be doing wrong, I am not so fast to attack them but, always and I mean always, remember that they are coming from the position that they want to make me better. I know that and I know how hard it was for me to get to that stage. It’s an everlasting struggle. It is my opinion that the first step is helping yourself and one that I’m willing to take. Over a year ago, I was working out and one day I just stopped. Looking back at it now, I realize I was not motivated. Since joining this group, I realized that my reasons for working out were wrong. I used to work out to look good, and I found myself working out hard. But when I didn’t see the results that I wanted, I quit. Working out should not be for looks, but used as a way to stay healthy. It was only when I started to think in those ways that I began to love working out. See, because there was no pressure for time. Every day I

went to the gym and benefitted. It made me relaxed, vibrant, and, yes, it made me look good. This group made me see that my mental and physical state is one and the same. I struggle to change my lifelong views and must change my view on staying healthy. P.S. Since joining this group, I feel great, better than I felt in many years.


I started with feelings of guilt. I was apprehensive, spending time in the past. I was influenced by my environment, having trouble actualizing. I felt disorganized, struggling with relationships, commitment, finances, and self-image. Physically, I was gaining weight and feeling achy. My skin was blotchy, hair graying. I was losing my good exercise habits. I was a recovering smoker. I did not think spirit was essential. My spirituality was awakening; I knew it existed, and believed in it. However, it was not an integral part of my life. I have become more aware of my mental process. This has enabled me to see why I was behaving in some negative ways. I lost fifteen pounds; my skin is clearer. My hair seems darker. My digestion is better. I used to have polyps in my lower intestine and they are gone. My life is more affirmed, being able to help others. I feel more worthy. I came to the program to change my diet and attitude in order to detox. I had done some work in these areas previously. However, I seemed to be sliding back to my old ways. The detox program seemed like a good way to get started again. I was a little apprehensive about the completeness of the program. After about two weeks, I changed my diet, leaving behind meat, dairy, and sugar. This was relatively easy in that everybody was supportive. I have to give myself credit for making my family and friends supportive. Listening to Gary, I had been exercising regularly for three years. However, I have stopped exercising. I am still struggling with it even though I am active on the job. I have gained many insights into the meaning of life and actualizing. I see myself integrating more in the future. Right now I feel like I’m letting myself and the group down. I can do a lot better. I see myself joining the running club. Mentally, I think I am getting it. I think I might be able to do more with myself and find more meaning in my life.


Mentally, I was chronically depressed. I felt hopeless and lost. When I looked in the mirror I kept thinking and knowing that I was just getting older and uglier and sicker. I was only twenty-one! Each day I would wake up feeling as if I was in an external jail, expecting nothing good to happen, only people who I resented and who didn’t love me to meet. I had nowhere to go. I felt that if I didn’t have anyone to go somewhere with, it would be pointless to do it by myself. So I stayed home a lot and did nothing. I was so bored with myself, I just slept most of the day. I had to think whether something I would do was productive or not. Trying to only do productive things, like reading about business law all day and having no fun at all made me even more depressed. I wasn’t aware at the time that I ended up doing nothing all day because I was so bored. I had nothing to look forward to, nowhere to go, couldn’t conceive of what to do, and was always saying to myself that I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t go to the bookstore in Manhattan because I didn’t want to spend the $3 for the train ride. I couldn’t get a date because I was too ugly and unlovable. I couldn’t be healthy because I didn’t have enough money. I couldn’t be happy because I was so hopelessly sensitive to criticism and always being made fun of for unknown reasons. I felt sorry for myself a lot. I sang all of my favorite depressing songs over and over to myself. Often I cried before I slept. I hardly ever laughed; I isolated myself from meeting people and didn’t smile very much. Another big issue was that I had very low self-esteem. Being a Creative Assertive, I am always somewhat insecure, but I really thought of myself as unworthy of any success. I couldn’t even look a person in the eyes when I talked to him. I let people talk to me in condescending ways. I let them tell me how stupid and no good I was, and I believed it. That came from my family. I had no friends. Physically, I was underweight, had acne all over my face, dark circles under my eyes, weak feeling. I had bad indigestion. I couldn’t eat grains or starchy foods without having an itchy reaction on my face, with more pimple eruptions afterward. I felt bloated after meals. I ate a lot of fat, which made me feel sluggish, and added to my feelings of depression. I had been weight training at home for about two years, but I could not get any muscle mass. It took all of my strength to squat one hundred pounds ten times. I slept about twelve to fourteen hours a day. I had many outbreaks of herpes cold sores, especially when under emotional stress. Felt tired a lot, wouldn’t wake up early in the morning. Spiritually, I was very selfish. Didn’t care about anyone but myself. Now I feel good for no reason many times. I look forward to each day, wondering who I will meet. I do my best not to hold grudges. Don’t feel sorry for myself, don’t tell myself I can’t get a date. I say to myself, “Come on, baby, you can do it” instead during difficult times. Don’t sing sad songs anymore, only uplifting ones. Can squat 170, deadlift 170 for twenty reps without much trouble. I gained twenty pounds. I am more muscular now, have more endurance. No herpes itch. I think more about helping others. I bought gifts for my sisters for the first time in their entire lives for their birthdays. I don’t talk about myself to death to other people, and I have forgiven all the people who hurt me. Not angry and bitter about anything.


It has been very easy for me to do and follow each step of the program. I have been listening for over eight years and had followed Gary’s advice, books, and protocols ever since. This has been an opportunity to do it more in depth. I had been very physically active; this is just a step forward to move my life where I want to be. The program has helped me to focus more on my emotions and feelings and have control over my adventure, instead of focusing on someone else’s opinions. It has brought a center to my life as a whole. I am a happier person, I relate to others more easily, and have more flexibility. Mentally, I have a lot more focus and clarity. Everything is a thought away, and I am able to accomplish almost anything that I want to. Physically, I have a lot more energy and feel like I am worth a million! When I started the program on January 16, 1998, I had candida and a cystofibroid breast. Today I am free of it. I feel completely healthy and full of energy. My skin has improved in clarity, it’s softer; my hair is fuller and thicker. I feel a sense of wellness, well-being, am happier and more centered. My body looks healthier; I lost some unwanted fat. I am leaner and in great shape. I am pleased to have joined this program. I would recommend it to anyone who would like to improve their health. I am thankful to Gary Null for sharing his time and knowledge with us. Thank you very much and keep up the good work!


Although I had no label-able (or at least labeled) major issues at the start of the program, I noticed, in general, a better mood. Changes got made—I started being firmer about my boundaries, making sure my work got done before taking my daughter out to the playground. Thus, a calmer existence. I had been going away every weekend to avoid my husband (divorce situation). I saw this was draining me and decided to stand my ground. I started giving myself more space from the other “playground moms” who let their kids do things they didn’t like and then bemoaned it—and stopped wondering if there was something wrong with me. The fun things—I played a softball game, because I wanted to. I stopped relationships with four people who had lied to me/shown contempt, etc. I seized an opportu-nity to do something new I wanted to—plastering a house—by offering to help a friend. I had been too busy worrying and thinking I needed to “solve the problem” before doing anything. I noticed that I didn’t even consider looking at what was working, positive goal orientation—that in me caution was so strong: “what I want” never even saw daylight above a very pessimistic assumption of “what I can have.” I realized this (me) was the biggest influence in making my life bleak. Even though there were some people putting pressure on me that I was blaming—that getting rid of their stuff would only leave me more effectively running from my fear, pain—more comfortably addicted but not joyful. I see people’s “stuff” more clearly, helping me let them be more easily, if that seems appropriate, or challenge them if that seems appropriate. Today I told a woman (who I knew post facto had abused her child physically and emotionally) who was going to have the child (who I know) evaluated for attention deficit disorder that she needed to face the fact that the child had emotional patterns produced from her experiences and not to be drugging the child to avoid (under the hypothesis “it’s genetic”) responsibility. I am not unconsciously running around wasting my emotional energy looking for people’s approval/attention. I never was a conformist in my behavior, but there was a stress in wanting to be liked.


Spiritually, I felt very alone with no place to turn. I was always looking for something, but failed to touch anything. Very mad for no reason. I am no longer depressed. I don’t need to talk about how bad life is because now it is great. I have very little trouble making decisions. I was seeing a person to help me. This I started in October. She said many times that in all her years no one had made the progress I had in such a short period of time. I no longer see her. Physically, my shape has changed dramatically. I went from 195 when we started, with no energy, to 160 now. My weight has been stable for about six weeks. I used to wake up every few hours at night. Now I sleep straight through. I guess this is more mental than physical, or maybe a combination of both. I sleep about five hours a night and have more energy than ever. I take the exercise pretty seriously (actually, it’s a lot of fun). Before I had all I could do to get off the couch. I would be winded for nothing. Now I ride a bike about forty minutes every day. I have no more back pain and I can button all of my pants. I was listening to the AM station before Christmas and heard Gary mention new programs forming. This is something I felt I needed but was afraid to do. So what I did was just call before

I had too much time to talk my way out of it. I tell you, from that first meeting on, every day is better than the day before. I have a cabinet shop and my work is no longer painful. I almost look forward to going. I have recently opened a new business also, and it’s been a lifelong dream. I no longer see it as impossible. It is a fireworks company and I know now I will have no problem seeing this through. At first my family was afraid I was joining a cult. Now I am asked questions on a daily basis. I receive a lot of support. I had no idea life could be this good. I like to help people around me and look forward to doing as much as I can.


I was struggling in January—not feeling in sync, needing to move in a direction, not sure about the direction. I knew I was moving in a positive direction but thinking that I needed to make some decisions about my life. I felt more confused, disoriented—why am I doing a lot of things and not happy with the results? Physically, I felt fat and ugly, with a double chin. My complexion was darkening, my back was hurting, my tongue was coated. My clothes didn’t lie correctly on my body. I had a smile, but my singing had stopped (sort of—I sing for myself). My digestion was off. I was spiritually connected to higher powers and yet I was still searching. I did not really know how I would spend my next seventy-five years. (I’m forty-eight now). This is my year. I am making more strides in my life than I have perhaps in any other year. I am feeling more clear on a daily basis. I am feeling and thinking and remembering more. I am more in touch with myself. These things have occurred because I want them to and because I am constantly working to have them manifest. I am providing space for mental clarity. I am working on it and it is happening. My body is changing. I am working hard to make it happen. The program, I think, is a major factor. I continue to exercise more and more and I feel good about myself. So far I’ve probably lost twenty pounds, but muscle takes the place of some of the fat. My complexion is returning to its natural state. My back has fewer blemishes and hurts less often. My breathing is deeper. My memory is improving (somewhat). I can perform more strenuous exercises. I look into the mirror and now I think there is hope. I’m getting pretty again: I’m liking my physical body more. As the fifth child in a family of nine, I have always been the person who tried to bring sanity to insane family situations. Always the one who tried to negotiate, work things out. Striving for balance maybe. The giver. I remember as a teenager I was feeding hungry children (who didn’t belong to me) in our community, working with youth. Concerned about making a difference, this spirit led me into counseling, and now for over twenty years I have been counseling and assisting people to change their lives. While very gratifying, I always wanted more. Now I understand as I change myself more, I will be more effective in what I do. As I change me more and I open myself up to what is most gratifying for me, I become more in tune to my needs, and their resolution. I am able to affect more people in a positive manner. I will be communicating to masses of people—motivating, uplifting, and nudging, pushing toward behavior modification.


In April I was offered a chance to teach piano to a group of adults in an adult education program at a city high school. I accepted and am now teaching a group of thirteen people on Monday nights. A year ago, I probably would have refused to do it, but now that I am doing it, I can see a future—teaching or performing music; getting back into music, doubts and all. I’ve begun studying with my old music teacher and spending a lot of time at the piano, and deciding how to teach my class. It is something that just happened, but I felt good enough to try it (even though the negative tape was playing in my mind). Another thought occurred to me—if I fail or the job is not renewed, so what? I can keep studying and try to teach elsewhere. This is a big step for me. Physically I have gone from doing little or no exercise to five days a week. I use a NordicTrack, hand weights, and recently began jogging. This is a major step for me because I have always hated exercise, hated gym classes in school, couldn’t do most of what was expected, and I had a father who was bigger, stronger, and much more athletic than me. I’ve always been repelled by gyms and the whole jock mentality. I now am starting to believe that just doing it is important, not how good or how athletic I should be. Spiritually, I am trying to find some connection with life—rather than a just “go with the flow” attitude. I don’t accept major religious dogma but am very excited by music, art, theater, etc. Music (composing, performing) is, in one sense, a form of meditation. You need that quiet space. 1 have had to overcome a negative attitude, fostered by a negative or non-supportive family environment—not abusive, but close. I am small, my father was big. I was weak, he was strong. He played sports, I played music. My relatives are generally bigger than me, and this really developed into an inferiority complex. I guess I suffer from what you call the “small man syndrome.” All through high school and college I was smallest of my friends. This, combined with a negative attitude, has been very hard to over-come. I am still working on it, a work in progress. I have made some progress and am supported by my wife. I feel this has held me back in life, music relationships, and having a positive outlook. This is definitely a work in progress.


At the start of the program, I was almost mentally paralyzed. I thought that my career was over. It was a major challenge to change the outlook of my life. I have many health problems; among the most important were high blood pressure, high cholesterol, enlarged prostate, and hemorrhoids. I was under medical care, and it seemed that treatment was taking me nowhere. I had the belief that for me there was nothing left in life. I was waiting for my Maker to take me away. I reexamined my life. I felt the rush of energy. I restarted my engine. I discovered that there was a life ahead of me. I discovered new interests and I started living again. One of the first things I did with my new burst of energy was start an exercise program. My healthy habits made me lose weight. As I saw my progress, I became more committed to the program. Needless to say, I recuperated my health in every way. I am so amazed that at my age, I am accomplishing things that I thought I never would. I thank God for putting me on the right track of good health. I feel that now I am more in touch with myself. I found new purpose in my life and my energy and optimism is spread to others. Friends and relatives see the changes in me and request my advice. One of the biggest obstacles was inside of me. I have procrastinated for so long that it took a monumental effort to get organized and committed. The second obstacle was clutter in every way. I have examined my life and little by little I started uncluttering my mind of preconceived ideas, or unhealthy habits, and of physical clutter. I became less angry and fearful, and when anger and fear struck me, I’ve examined my feelings and tried to find out why I was feeling that way. I have forgiven everybody that has hurt me in the past. I understood that the only thing that was hurt was my ego. I have realized that by taming my ego I can free more energy and use it in positive ways. I see myself now and in the future healthy and active, helping other people to reach their goals. I have embarked on new tasks that I never dreamed of. Now I am into biking, camping, and hiking.


When I called to join the program back at the end of October, I was at the end of my rope. I had been struggling with thoughts of suicide for the past four months and was hoping that being in the program would give me the lifeline I so desperately wanted and needed. I’d been out of work for a year and was feeling hopeless about my situation. I had no unemployment benefits left—my boyfriend was supporting me—and felt useless and worthless. I was seriously considering signing myself into a psychiatric hospital. That is something that I’d never considered in my forty-three years of living, since I know all too well how mental illness is treated and am against using drugs as a first line of treatment (if at all). My first meeting was a bit overwhelming, since I didn’t start at the beginning of the group, but I caught up and began the program. It was difficult to afford the supplements, but my boyfriend was supportive and able to help out a bit every week. He was willing to help in any way since it was painful for him to see me in such a state and it made him feel so helpless. The biggest change occurred after a month of being off sugar and dairy. After that point and to this day (eight months later) I have not had the deep depression return. The questions I was asked to answer and reading the life energies book helped me make some major life changes. I applied to, was accepted, and graduated from the Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners Program. Most people who go through this program are retired because it’s held on Wednesdays out on Long Island from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Basically, you can’t hold a regular nine-to-five job (as I’ve done for most of my working life) and be in this program. I decided I should just do it now and not wait. I got a job taking care of two children for a friend and was able to have a small income (better than none). I also moved in with my boyfriend of nine years. I also eventually began doing a work/study with the Tri-State Healing Center, working with Diane and Ray, that I enjoyed and appreciated very much. It felt so much better, not having to take more money from my boyfriend. Also, I started a community-supported agriculture organic produce project in my hometown and now have eighty members. I gave lectures, started a CSA newsletter, and helped get an article about CSAs published in Newsday. I now need to find a larger location and hope to get another 120 members. These are things I might have dreamed about doing but would never have thought possible. I always thought my place in the universe was to help people with their dreams and that (1) I didn’t have any dreams or (2) if I did, there was no way they would come true. This brings me to the present and what I can now say is, I wish I could start the program all over again! The reason is because (like Gary said) I did great with the questions, making life changes, and the spiritual parts, but I didn’t deal with the diet and exercise parts of the program as I could/should have. I would like to be a buddy for a new person on the program because I’m a good example of what can happen (great and not so great). I now realize that I want and need to get up to speed with the diet and exercise parts of the program so I am able to keep up with the life changes I’ve made so far. If I don’t, I can see illness around the corner. I won’t have the strength to keep up with myself! I realize that I have to get out of my mind (so to speak) and into my body. I had been sexually and physically abused periodically throughout my life, starting as early as age seven (and possibly younger) and stopping approximately twenty years later, and because of that have always had a desire to be bodyless. This program has helped me get my self-esteem to a place where I’m ready to go to the next level of healing. It’s all a matter of me getting out of my own way since I am my biggest obstacle. As far as the future goes, I am not sure what it will bring, but I know it’s going to be a lot more positive and fun than the first forty-three years. I thank Gary and Luanne, and everyone else connected to this work, many, many, many times.

MIRIAM R., 66 years old

I was an unhappy widow living in a cluttered environment without future goals. I discovered Natural Living and began to evolve into the vibrant woman I am today. I sold my large home, which uncluttered my life and opened the door to new experiences. Today I live a happy life. I exercise my body, I am vegan, I ran a five-mile marathon, and I attend track meets with high energy. I am no longer depressed. Life has changed into a positive experience without depression or anger.

WILMA, 69 years old

I had a radical hysterectomy at age 38 and was later diagnosed with chronic fatigue for many years. I refused to take pharmaceutical female hormones and used vitamins for fatigue. My body began to ache with arthritis. I didn’t realize I was in a state of acute depression, and I continued to follow the typical American diet. It was difficult to listen to Natural Living while I was working, but I had heard the show over the years, and nine years ago I joined a support group. I used biofeedback to prevent blackouts, and medical examinations diagnosed acute angina attacks. Because I was aware of alternative solutions, I decided to have vitamin C drips. The blackouts ceased after chelation. Today I follow the protocol using green and red powders. I attended a Florida retreat. My cardiac, chronic fatigue, and cancer are in total remission. I reject immunizations. I am a lifeloving woman who is healthy and in complete control of my life!


When I was young, I suffered from severe chemical and food sensitivities. The orthodox methods (antibiotics for my strep throat) offered no help. Staying off most foods prevented the occurrence of extreme allergic reactions. I still was not feeling good. This was weakening every aspect of my being (cognition, physical strength, moods, state of mind). I had a pale complexion and dark circles under my eyes. When I got involved with Gary Null’s allergy program, within two weeks of green juices I was feeling remarkably better. Now it’s been nine months and I can eat almost any food. The clarity of my thinking is better. My “light years”—I have no more moodiness, depression, lethargy, or poor complexion. Instead, I feel vital, healthy, and alive. In the future l see myself helping other people through my experience. I will continue to learn about internal energy. Perhaps I will get a PhD in Oriental medicine. I will take my own hardships and the lessons that I learned from them and use them to help others.


The obstacle that I had to overcome was that I always followed Null’s wellness program, but l was a comfort addict and did things in moderation. Now, I am more disciplined and able to handle the challenge of discomfort. I’ve been following my health detox program continuously and find it enjoyable and pleasant to do. On the physical level, my dentist told me my gums looked the healthiest he had seen in me when I went for my half-year visit. I told him about your health detox program and the protocols that I took; he wasn’t interested. My friends tell me that I look so good, they are inspired to get healthy themselves. I now have a youthful appearance and rejuvenation of glowing skin and hair. I lost about twenty-five pounds and five inches from my waist. I’ve been cross training almost every day in my rotation routine. I went from walking three miles to jogging five miles. I do about one hour and ten minutes walking and running stairs in a stadium. I bike about sixteen miles on weekends. I’m also weight training and have been taking judo and jujitsu for twenty-five years. I have more energy, strength, vitality, and alertness due to this program. My health is excellent, am never sick or fatigued, and I no longer have sinus problems. Many people and friends have been complimenting me about my well-being and positive attitude. Many come to me seeking health and nutritional advice, but when I tell them what they have to give up (coffee, sugar, smoking, wheat, dairy, alcohol, negative attitude), most change their minds. Some end up making gradual changes, and I help encourage them to do their best. On the emotional level, I use meditation, hypnosis, affirmations, and creative visualization to de-stress. I no longer let toxic people run my life and/or seek their validation. I’ve been letting go of many things and getting clutter out of my life. I’ve become more detached from my possessions, am laughing more, and slowing down my lifestyle to the speed of nature, which has increased my awareness. I have become more spiritual, kinder, gentler, humbler since the program began. My intuition and psychic abilities are much sharper from eating, drinking, and juicing organic foods. I’m no longer afraid of challenges and uncertainty in my life: I am better at self-actualizing rather than just talking. I judge people for what they do rather than what they say.


I started this program at a point where I had become totally obsessed with my weight and body image. This obsession led me to exercise extensively and have such a rigid control over what I ate. There was no joy in any of this for me. My obsession left no room for my family or friends. Everything I did had to fit in around my rigid schedule. This obsession was just replacing a lot of pain I had inside me. If I kept myself busy with exercise and a rigid schedule, I didn’t have to deal with any emotions, not sad ones or good ones. I heard Gary Null on the radio for the first time last October, he was talking about detoxification. I know my body wasn’t that toxic, but mentally I was struggling. The thing that interested me about what Gary was saying was that his detoxification program was mental as well as physical and spiritual. I joined the next available support group with my husband, because I felt if we could do it together, it would really be helpful. Once starting the group, and following the protocols, my self-esteem started to improve; I started seeing my thought patterns in a new light. If I could replace my negative thoughts with positive ones—what a change might occur! Now I find myself continuously reinforcing positive affirmations to myself and to others, and I believe more and more opportunities are being opened for me. I’m more flexible and relaxed, I’m enjoying myself more, and I’m constantly making changes and looking for ways to improve my life. I have increased my body fat to a much healthier level. My sex drive has increased as well. I have also started to cut back on so much strenuous exercise and add more yoga and learn qi gong, which I needed to help balance me physically. My cholesterol dropped fifty points and my HDL went up to a very healthy ratio. I believe this was due to the elimination of dairy products as I was not eating any other animal products before. I am sleeping about one hour less a day. I used to be a chronic gum chewer and candy eater. I would crave sugar through the day. Now these cravings are gone and I can’t imagine ever desiring those things anymore. In the future I see myself becoming more of who I am. I plan to study feng shui, I’ve started studying qi gong. I plan to continue looking inside myself and questioning things that prevent me from honoring my true self. I’m looking forward to this journey.


I first met Gary Null in January 1997. I am amazed at the changes that have occurred since then. I should start by describing the life I led prior to that meeting. I drank ten cups of coffee a day or more. Lunch would be a hero or pizza. Dinner, I could think of nothing better than a burger and french fries washed down with a cold beer—more than one. If not for Chinese takeout, I never would have eaten vegetables. In short, I consumed all the vital chemicals not found in nature. I was a toxic mess, a blob sitting in front of a TV set with one hand on a beer and the other in a bag of chips. I was 380 pounds and killing myself; worse, I was very unhappy. I knew something had to be done, but what? On January 12, 1997, I arrived at Gary’s Paradise Gardens, fully committed to do whatever “this nut” wanted for two weeks. That first day, I had no appreciation of the changes I would undergo. For fourteen days, I was happy. I lost sixty pounds. For the first time in my life I was detoxified. In February, I was back in the real world, enjoying a new lifestyle. All my food came from the health food store. I realized a healthy body and a healthy mind went hand in hand. If I put toxic food in my body, I would have a toxic mind.

I now identify myself as a vegetarian. Quite simply, I do not eat meat or dairy. Those few times I cheated, I felt awful. In the past year I have had meat six or seven times, all at social occasions—Christmas or Thanksgiving or when invited to dinner. While I looked forward to these parties and thought I would enjoy the food, I found that I have changed. I no longer like the taste of meat. The next day, it always made me feel sluggish. The next step in my health evolution was to buy a juicer. My days now begin with green tea and vegetable juice. They give me a shot of “energy” I never got from coffee and a Danish. I can and use powdered juice and find them to be very good. I find juicing helps to keep me connected. Gandhi did not have to spin his own cloth. The most important part of my day is exercise. Every day without fail, I work out. I run or walk forty minutes to an hour every morning. In the evening I lift weights or do qi gong. This for me is the most essential part of each day—if I have a hard workout, everything falls into place.

I now set goals for myself; doing this I must be careful—frustration and negative thoughts creep in when I do not achieve these goals in the time limit I set. My life is better than it was and getting better each day. I know that I still have a long way to go, but I will be in good shape soon.


When I began the protocol at issue was my general attitude of skepticism regarding whether I would indeed be helped by this program. And whether I was capable of following the protocol laid down was another issue I thought very hard about. How could I manage without eating meat? I was also a worrier, and the general direction of my health was of concern to me. Worrying about my health did not, of course, help the situation—lack of energy and insomnia, also flatulence caused by a spastic colon. There was also stiffness in the legs, which to me indicated a sign of arthritis. Indigestion, dizziness, and leg cramps were virtually a way of life for me, and despite numerous lab tests and doctor’s visits, relief at best lasted only for a short time. All of the above contributed to my desire to seek help for my physical condition.

After almost a year in the program, I have become more confident about my health in general and I can see marked improvement in mind, spirit, and body. Having followed the program almost religiously, including the meditation techniques, I find that my mind is more focused and my memory has definitely improved. The most obvious result I have noticed is the increase in my energy level. With only six hours of sleep I can complete a full day without feeling tired or lethargic. My skin is also much smoother than it used to be, and the liver spots that once covered my neck and chest are barely visible. My fingernails, toenails, and hair grow very fast and have to be trimmed more often than before. The constipation, indigestion, and bloating have been greatly reduced.


I was glad when I heard of the opportunity to start in a support group with Gary Null. Over the last ten years, I started gaining weight and became a couch potato.Three years ago, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and started using Synthroid pills. I used to get spells of tiredness almost every month that sent me to bed to sleep in order to feel better. I knew that I needed to do something different but did not have enough motivation to do it on my own. That’s why getting into the support group was a big difference for me. I can say that the challenges that I was facing when I started the program were dealing with low self-esteem, low motivation to move forward, eating the wrong foods, and being unable to lose weight. I also felt the passion that I used to have when I was younger had diminished. I needed a different perspective in my life. After I started the program and continued the protocol, I felt less tiredness. I am exercising now and I feel great. People tell me that I look thirty-five years old. I am now forty-six, with a grandson. My skin is smooth and I feel young. I don’t get headaches and I am in good health. I have some cysts in my breast that I believe will disappear with the change of eating habits. In the past, I used to wear my glasses for reading; now I remove them. My blood test came out much better than the first test. The program has helped me be more relaxed and assertive. When I am facing a problem, I look at it with a different perspective and know that it will be solved, even if it isn’t at that particular moment. I get less angry with people and don’t feel that I need to compete. My thoughts are more clearly to the point without getting into too much rationalization. Since I started the program, I felt depressed only once and I faced it and it was nothing. My self-esteem has been raised and I am able to look at myself without self-blaming. I feel now more motivated to get involved in different things; to be adventurous and allow the child within me to come up. For example, I heard of a workshop for the preparation of the Latin American Feminist Women Conference, to take place in 1999 in Santo Domingo. Since I am Dominican, I decided to go and find out what it is all about. It was a nice trip and I came away with more knowledge of what is going on concerning women, children, and family issues in Santo Domingo.


As an artist, 1 felt that my focus was not up to my ability (with the years that I’ve put into training, more than twenty-five years). Prolific thoughts should have been in prolific works. After listening to Gary Null for three years on the radio, I decided that this could only help me focus and get to the work I needed to do. Since I’ve been in the program five months, there have been many changes. I have lost ten pounds. My energy, which was low, has increased. I’m not as tired as I was previously. I talk less and finally I find myself listening more to what people are saying (particularly in my family). I did not realize how angry I was until we had to write ten letters to people who caused us some kind of pain. After that exercise I was truly able to let go of the anger and able to speak to my exhaustion without feeling anything, pain or otherwise. While I’ve always been a mediator, trying to understand why people do the things they do, I no longer care to understand them. I don’t need them in my life—now I please myself first. When I began this program I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do—become less toxic, enabling me to focus on what I needed to do for me. What’s important is that all my life had been the need to create with word or with paint. Two years ago I changed my schedule as a full-time teacher to part-time and replaced my painting full-time. Since then I painted, but not full time. Hence my entrance in the program. I realized I needed to focus my energy and thoughts to create and decided this might be exactly what I needed. It was more than what I envisioned. The questions we had to ask ourselves and answer honestly helped to create an environment for change. I used to be a sweet junkie and now I can walk by cakes, pies, and cookies without feeling deprived. I find I eat many more raw vegetables—something I had not done before. I am rarely tired. I walk now more than I have done in the months before beginning the program. My energy level is higher and I feel great.


I did not have any physical constraints that I was aware of. The introduction of the detox program made me aware of my mental restrictions more so than physical. To learn how to focus and not be sidetracked by obstacles was my starting point. I did not know or understand how my energy or relationships would or could affect my perspective of life. This stage of unwillingness allowed me to be happy in my ignorance. I learned how to get toxic people out of my life. I leaned how to strengthen my attitude, be patient, and not respond with negativeness. I look at myself in a new light of happiness and motivation. I have learned how to be happy with myself. Physically, I am stronger from exercising daily. I am a martial artist and I am able to do things other people I work out with are unable to do (handstand pushups, dips, and pushes into having my body parallel with the floor).


At the beginning of the program, I was challenged with learning how to think clearly, to learn to focus and how to plan. Staying away from toxic people and not letting myself get carried away with their problems. It is a slow process, but I’m under control. The challenges that I have at home, in my marriage, I look at with courage, not indifference. The learning process is an everyday affair. My letting go of meat has improved my digestive problems, which I’ve had since childhood. I found out also that I have an allergy to corn that we consumed daily. Learning to eat organic food has not been easy. My conscience reminds me every time I go against the rules. Letting go of sugar has been great. Detoxifying my system is still an ongoing process—my brain fog is slowly going away.


I am an artist. I am very excited. Tomorrow my husband and I are leaving on a two-week Baltic cruise with friends. We were married forty-five years ago. We never did anything fun like this. Our friends do it often. We are both workaholics, and love what we do. Having fun has been work for us. Also, my diet is limited because of food allergies. I once got amoebic dysentery on a trip. I worried about getting colitis away from home. Gary, I am the woman who told you that twenty years ago the head of gastroenterolgy of a New York City hospital said, “Barbara, get rid of your colon, and get on with your life.” I started listening to you. By 1980, I had changed a lot. After my last colonoscopy, I saw a computer printout of the inside of my large intestine. It was “pink and purty.” Now, being in the program, my colon is perfect. I question whether there really is such a thing as colitis, or is it just sensitivities to different things? Back to our trip, my husband and I never have been together for two solid weeks without work projects. We will have fun!


Following your protocols for the reversing the aging process study has significantly improved my health in many ways. My weight is maintained at 110 pounds effortlessly. It used to fluctuate a lot. It was as high as 130 pounds at one point several years ago. This 110 pounds is the weight I maintained when I was nineteen–twenty-two years old. It’s wonderful! I require one hour or more less sleep per night than I did before the study. Now I sleep more soundly and feel more alert and energized during the day. I have gotten no colds or flus since I have been in the program. This is a welcome change! I had been going to a dermatologist before the study for acne and rosacea. The topical medication he pre-scribed for rosacea did not help it. Also, he prescribed tetracycline to be taken on an ongoing basis for acne. I refused to take this. I believe that the protocol for the study was a much safer and more effective treatment for acne. Acne is no longer a problem for me and the rosacea has significantly improved. I find that I look and feel younger now than I did before starting the program. People often assume I am ten or more years younger. I’m so grateful for this. My skin is more clear and healthy. My hair is silkier and seems thicker. Also the number of gray hairs growing in is becoming fewer and fewer. This is great. Menstrual pain has lessened very significantly. I used to take Tylenol about every four to six hours for the first forty-eight hours of my menses. I take no medication now whatsoever, and experience at the most only mild discomfort. Also I no longer have the premenstrual puffiness and headaches I used to have. Emotionally, I’m better able to deal with day-to-day stress and traumatic events. In general, I feel more calm and positive than I did before the study. I am fully committed to using what I have learned to maintain my health and perhaps improve it further. I have been sharing what I have learned with others and I’m grateful for the joy of watching them benefit too.


The improvements in my overall health have been amazing. It is difficult to really believe in something until you actually put it into practice and notice the results for yourself. I used to suffer from severe seasonal allergies. During the night, I would not be able to breathe easily since my sinuses would swell and make it difficult to breathe. One nostril would get so clogged that it wouldn’t work properly. In a few days I would develop headaches and a bad case of halitosis. This caused me to withdraw from speaking with people at the office, since I did not want them to notice my breath. I had tried going to ENT doctors, but they always told me these were ragweed, pollen, or dust allergies that I had to live with. Then they would give me a prescription for some nasal spray and send me on my way. Needless to say these were only temporary and artificial remedies. Since being on your strict protocol, I have not had these allergic attacks during spring or fall. I have also noticed that my mental sharpness is better now than it was when I was twenty-eight years old (I’m presently forty-one years old). I’ve noticed this because when I was twenty-eight, I tried going for my master’s degree in electrical engineering while working full time. I was not able to focus to the level required for maintaining a B average or better. I’ve been in graduate school now for three semesters and I have a GPA of 3.25. In this past spring semester, I registered for two courses while working on a project in the office with a very tight schedule and lots of pressure. One of the courses required commuting to the campus thirty minutes away. On both courses I received grades of B. My friends admire my effort, but what they don’t know is that I have an edge they don’t have; I have more energy, have an optimal diet, and I’m putting all these health benefits to good use. I’ve also expanded my physical activities to include bicycling and playing tennis. I recently played someone eleven years my junior in a tennis match. I did not get winded and we had to play a tiebreaker. This also I remember not being able to do at age twenty-eight! My emotional well-being was terribly challenged a few months ago, but I think I was able to get through it because of what I’ve learned from you. I want to thank you very much for all you’ve done for me and others.


Being involved with my study group has established a new dimension in my life, which is that I’m a new person. Over the years I do recall you stating that in the order of priority, one’s belief system was first and foremost; second, stress management; third, exercise; and diet last. On September 25, 1996, at our first session, you specified that diet represents 15 percent; exercise 10 percent; stress management 25 percent; and behavior 50 percent. This time it was loud and clear—maybe because it was quantified, especially with behavior and stress representing 75 percent of the package. The tools and techniques that were shared in our biweekly meeting were invaluable because it allowed those of us who went through the exercises to get to know more about ourselves and examine our conditioned minds. Also to see where we have been the source of our own suffering and limitations in our lives. I’ve never been at such peace with myself as I am now, having a “can do” attitude with what matters to me and what is important to me. Reexamining my beliefs, values, and perceptions has provided tremendous benefits with regard to my interactions with others; where they might attempt to manipulate, control, or induce feelings of guilt it has not worked, and not being a victim to these mind games is very empowering. The greatest challenges that I encountered during the entire process was to integrate the suggested dietary intake and consistent exercise with my schedule, so the most number of juices I had gotten to was approximately six. My present occupation requires me to be on the road driving to be in and out on various appointments in various areas, so preparing and taking enough of the juices with me during the day was not as consistent as I would have preferred it to be. In spite of it all, the number of sleep hours that I am able to get by on has reduced to approximately five hours per night. My energy level has never been better and focus with clarity is greater. I am certainly looking forward to going into the advanced stage of the Reversing Aging Process if you decide to continue, because I know there are greater strides I’ll be making with the continuous growth and process in my life.


I have distanced myself from members of my family who are hostile and negative. I have made many changes on the physical level due to the Reversing Aging Study. I have much less muscle soreness, less lower back pain, which has bothered me for years, and an increase of energy throughout the day. I have better digestion, my skin looks better, and my eyes are clearer. I didn’t consider myself overweight, but I went from 192 to 186 pounds, and I am physically stronger. If I get a rare cold, it is of short duration. I have a marked diminishment of allergic reactions. On the emotional and mental level, an improvement in mental alertness. My mind feels stronger, and I have fewer periods of brain fog, and an improved outlook on life because I am proactive. I have more belief in my abilities. I must not only know, I must actualize.


Since starting this program in January, I have had positive changes both physical and mental. Starting with the physical changes, the constant rash I had on my face from lupus has completely cleared up. I have had the rash for the last two and a half years, and I was told the only way to clear it up was with antibiotics. I also suffered from extreme fatigue. I have cut out 1.5 hours of sleeping. Also migraine headaches that I got often have almost been 100 percent eliminated. My concentration level at work has greatly improved, along with a general feeling of overall calmness. As far as the mental part, this has been my most accomplished detoxing. I have been able to totally eliminate an abusive father and brother from my life. This is the most liberating feeling! I put up with so much from them for years; now that part of my life is gone forever! Having dealt with that situation has also opened my eyes to the kinds of relationships I have been in. All my relationships with men have been abusive. I have never been treated with kindness or respect. I will never let anyone treat me that way again. I have learned that I am good and that I am deserving of kindness and love. This is the greatest feeling. I have also reevaluated my friendships. I have eliminated the ones who were users and takers. I have also uncluttered my household. I have gotten rid of bags and bags of clothing. I have given many knickknack types of junk to an animal group for a garage sale. So many happy and positive things have happened over the last few months, that have changed my life for the better. My life is better now than it has ever been. I am very grateful for this program.


I no longer feel bloated, and my energy level has increased. I lost 20 pounds. I have packed on 5 to 7 pounds of muscle. I run three to four miles a day three to four times a week.


I am a hepatitis B carrier and I would like to not be infected with this virus anymore, and have more energy. I feel my energy level is more even. I do not have those high and low yo-yo-like energy levels. I also started having mercury fillings removed, which eliminated this frequent hazy feeling I feel in my brain. I am a person who has problems being consistent and focused. I do get some major goals in my life accomplished but a lot of others I start, then I stop it. I wanted to learn to be fluent in Spanish and I would start studying, but after a few weeks I would stop, and eight years have passed and I still can’t speak Spanish. The reason for this behavior I believe is because I am interested in so many things that when I start something, I would be working at it for a while when another activity would appear and distract me. I would stop whatever I was doing and be off on a different path. Then when I look back at my life, I realize that I have accomplished very little. Had I concentrated on one thing at a time I would have accomplished more in the same amount of time. I know my first goal is to heal myself from hepatitis. That means doing what needs to be done listed in the program and obtaining the job that is what I want to do because only then will I feel that I am honoring my life and time. This I feel is an important part of my healing, because the anxiety and guilt that I feel now for not doing what I want affects my healing process. I see myself a year from now filled with energy and health to live every day able to fulfill my goals. I want to feel that every minute of my life is lived with purpose and direction.


At the start of this program, I was feeling very depressed, because I had been [both holistic and conventional] and felt that they were not really dealing with my whole being—just a few body parts such as my thyroid, liver, etc. I would look around me and just feel so lonely and overwhelmed because it seemed like everyone else was enjoying their lives much more than I was. I really felt stuck and rather hopeless. Physically my body was very depleted. One doctor several years ago told me he didn’t know how I made it through the day because I had zero energy in my meridians. I had to force myself to get through each day because I have a husband and two sons. I gave my family all I had and often there was nothing left for me. (I know now that my focus was misdirected.) My hormones were out of balance. My thyroid was not functioning well and my adrenals, lymphatic system, liver, and gastrointestinal systems were all out of balance. I had very bad PMS every month; for almost two weeks out of four I would be achy and bloated. I would go to bed exhausted and wake up just as tired. Spiritually I didn’t feel very connected to the world. I guess I felt that life was passing me by and all I had was this struggle called chronic fatigue. I still volunteered and gave my time to causes but always wished I could do more. Mentally I am feeling much more hopeful about my future. I am now convinced that I am a good person and say to myself over and over how proud I am of myself. Even though I feel that I have always been a kind person, I feel that I am even kinder and more giving because I really like, no, love myself. I feel that by saying the affirmations that we were taught I have a much more positive attitude about my abilities. I realize that a big part of my problem has been self-esteem or lack thereof, and now I feel my self-esteem is really blossoming. I feel more confident asking for what I want from other people and am much less shy about talking in public. Another aspect that has improved is that I no longer feel tearful as much as I used to. I know that by feeling stronger mentally I am also helping my immune system to heal. I have been working hard to detoxify my body and have been faithful about doing the program because I knew it would work. Finally I found someone who understood that I am much greater than the sum of my parts. My gastrointestinal system has improved considerably, e.g., I am no longer bleeding rectally and have much fewer episodes of diarrhea. My PMS is down to a day or two as opposed to two weeks of agony. I can get through more days now without the overwhelming need to take a nap in the middle of the day. I have been exercising for about twenty minutes, five to six days a week, and feel a definite improvement in my stamina. My body feels more toned and my muscles feel much stronger. I recently learned that I have the beginnings of osteoporosis and I am also working with a holistic gynecologist to build up my bones. I have taken a deeper interest in my religion and have felt very comforted by being a part of a group. I have been seeking out people to help who are suffering and have given them information about natural forms of healing. Recently I gave four friends information about how to prepare for and recover from the various surgeries they were undergoing using nutritional protocols. They all seemed grateful for my help, and it made me feel very satisfied. I find that I really enjoy helping people. The greatest obstacle that I had to overcome was not believing that I was worth the time to invest in changing my life and healing my problem. At first it was hard to physically get myself to the bimonthly meetings, but once I got there it was always worth the effort. It seemed like an expensive proposition in buying all the supplements, but I changed my priorities and decided that it would be worth all the expense, and I realize it has been. My family, especially my children, did not like all the changes I was making in the food I was buying, but I did it anyway. Now my boys are beginning to respect what I am trying to do because they see that I’m feeling better. I see myself as becoming a happy person totally. I feel very focused as to my goal in improving every part of my life. One of my biggest goals for the future is finding my passion in life, and hopefully finding employment in that field. I feel now that I have the tools necessary to achieve this. Another goal of mine is to totally overcome CFIDS, and actually be healthier than people around me who have no so-called illnesses. I thank the program so much for putting all the necessary components into this study group.


Where do I begin to convey to you how listening to you and being part of the study group has changed my life? It hasn’t been easy, and I haven’t done it perfectly, but I’m not going to be hard on myself. I’ve actually done really well, even if I’ve had my slip-ups. I’ve lost about twelve pounds and gone down about two or three clothing sizes. I’ve never felt better. When I really stick to it, I feel the best. The juicing has probably been the best thing that I’ve incorporated into my daily life. What a difference that has made. I feel more energetic and can get by on less sleep, so I have more of my day to be productive. Just that alone is a major coup! The first thing I noticed, and probably most important to me, was not having any menstrual cramps. My body barely goes through any noticeable changes, and it doesn’t disrupt my life the way it used to. I haven’t taken any kind of drug—not so much as an aspirin—since beginning the program eight months ago. My facial skin has never been better. I don’t even get the one or so monthly breakouts that were just commonplace. I have a pretty regular exercise routine, which is great. I’ve been able to get rid of a lot of “stuff,” including clothes that I had no need for that were just taking up my living space. That’s an ongoing process. What I love the most is that people are asking me what changes I’ve made in my life, and I’m able to share with them what I’ve been doing. People want to hear this information. Even if they are not ready to make the changes for themselves, they are listening to it and noting what is possible. I’m living proof! I’ve been talking to people I never thought I would and saying smart things like never before because my confidence level is high. It just makes sense not to eat any animal products, or even use any kind of animal products. It just makes sense to eat a live diet. Processed foods were—and still are—only being produced to make money. There is nothing good about them. Being healthy is so simple, I can’t believe the road I had to travel to figure it out. But I’m grateful I’ve discovered the answers now; it could have been another thirty-seven years. I look forward to sharing information with as many people as I can. That is what is most important—not to hoard this valuable knowledge, but to get it out there among the masses. It can’t be said enough. The world will have to change when people start making changes themselves. For this I thank you and look forward to continuing to listen to you and your ideas.


In the beginning of the program, I felt that I was in a bad state of mind. I felt limited by the hepatitis that I have. Now I don’t care about the disease I have in my body. I don’t seem to care about my morality as much. I understand that the most important thing is my attitude. If I keep a positive attitude, I know things will be all right. To be aware of myself and the things around me is the only thing that counts. To understand that to have compassion for myself is to have compassion for others and vice versa. Hepatitis was my physical challenge at the beginning of this program. Now the challenge is me and how I can change to be a better person. I guess this is what my challenge has been all along.


I have gained awareness that I used to be fearful with other people in interactions with them. In the same context, I had a strong need to be approved of, loved and admired. Now, I no longer fear others and I realize that I do not need love from others. I realize I can, through my own personal positive achievements, manufacture my love for myself, and I have been doing these things and I feel so very, very comfortable in the presence of all others, and I just am. A number of different people say that I look very well. I feel very well generally. I believe my stamina has increased, and I am starting to do some strength exercises for my upper body.


Since beginning this program, for the first time in my life I am able to see myself as a loving, beautiful, complete, whole person, and I see all of these things in myself. I accept myself and I’m making choices because I want to make them. I’m enjoying myself, and exploring all the things I’ve always wanted to do without fear. I have decided to have closure in all my unfinished business. I’ve registered to go back to school, and I’m excited about doing that. It’s taken me so long. All of a sudden, I have a list of things I want to do, and I’m taking one step at a time. I see myself starting projects—helping children, counseling, and sharing all I know about the changes I have made in my life. I see myself challenging me to run the marathon. I see myself making a transition from living in New York to another space. I have uncluttered my life and I continue to do so. I need less and less accumulation of stuff. Physically, I feel lighter; emotionally, I love myself more and more. I see myself being self-sufficient about the work I want to do— starting an organic cleaning business, learning massage therapy, and doing holistic counseling are the goals I’m focused on for the next five years. I look younger, more energetic. When I started the study, I didn’t exercise enough. I was about ten pounds overweight and had no energy by the middle of the day. I had acne on my cheeks and forehead and my skin wasn’t healthy at all. By the end of the study, I did the Avon 5K Run and felt wonderful. This propelled me to join the New York Road Runners Club and run in competitions. My skin looks wonderful, and friends and family have commented on how great I look. I never had a problem changing my diet. My issue was the mental/emotional challenge and realizing at this time in my life I’m actualizing my goals and living without stress and negativity, and that co-creating my life is something that is so easy to do. I feel blessed that I’m doing it, negotiating with myself and accomplishing the daily goals I’m setting for myself. I have turned my life around from one of mediocrity to one of purpose and fun.


I had chronic cysts on my ovaries. Within three months all symptoms of ovarian cyst disease disappeared. My eye bulging is reduced. I no longer have soreness in my throat area and I breathe with comfort.


Being on the protocol has helped me physically and mentally. My year-long bouts with allergies have ended. I no longer suffer from seasonal attacks of hay fever brought on by pollen, ragweed, and other allergens. The flu and colds I got with every change of season have also disappeared. Numerous aches and pains experienced when bending down, reaching, or lifting are gone. I sleep better, wake on time, and take these functions for granted, where previously they were unpredictable and problematic. My body has changed considerably, so much so that the list of improvements seems endless to me. But more dramatic has been my change of mind. I no longer suffer from mind fog. My concentration does not lag when listening to someone speak or while reading, and my writing has improved. Since all three are inextricably linked, the change has been hard to believe. I now feel I’m more tolerant and understanding of those I choose to be with. I am able to stand outside myself, seeming to witness changes in behavior and attitude I was not aware of previously. My social skills are such that I no longer see unexplained behavior as threatening or strange. This did not happen overnight, nor did it happen solely because of the diet, the juices, or even the exercises. It happened because both phases of diet and exercise complemented the classes taken and meetings held to clear up questions and problems that occurred during different phases of the program. It was during these meetings that I began to change former concepts of self. Questions were handed out to take home and think about. A lot of thought had to occur before they made sense, and any attempt to answer or even understand them was futile if you—I—did not think hard. These questions dealt with the existence of who you were, or who you thought you were, challenging not only conscious beliefs but ones held without being aware of them. Initially, thought brought on resistance, but the more I grappled with the questions, the more meaningful my responses. They forced in me openness of mind that could no longer cling to the shaky precipice of the easy reply. What has followed has been a profound sense of why and how I dealt with the world around me and where I could obtain some of the answers.


Eight months after a 20-hour-long brain surgery that left me in intensive care for three days, I joined Gary’s health support group and running club. I soon after discontinued steroids, seizure pills, synthroid, laxatives, and antacids. My physician does not understand my physical, emotional, and mental recovery in so short a time.


It is a privilege to be part of your research program. Since the first week of applying your protocol, I began to experience a series of changes in my life. My vision has improved; I gained energy, and my memory has improved. Now I have better control of my life. In general, this protocol has helped me to grow physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I hope for more to come!


When I came into the study, I was not self-assertive. I would keep my opinions, my emotions, my needs inside to avoid conflict and uncomfortable situations. This was because I always felt “less than” or incapable of doing things. In other words, I had no self-confidence. I failed in college, and my previous image of a gifted, smart student was replaced for many years by a belief that I was no longer special or smart. I decided I couldn’t learn anything difficult, so I made this belief come true by not making a 100 percent effort at college. I was afraid to fail; I believed I would fail, and so I failed. This was carried over into all aspects of my life. I adjusted by lowering my expectations—keeping my challenges easily manageable so that I would not fail. Every day I replayed past mistakes, situations when I could have acted better, situations that caused me pain or embarrassment, and I would feel bad all over again. Physically, I had begun to see my metabolism slowing down. Previously, I had no problem maintaining my weight. Now I was gaining weight and looking out of shape. I was beginning to look older than my years. About five years ago, I noticed my hair thinning. While it is not important to have hair, I believed it to be a sign of ill health. I wanted to be so healthy that I could grow a full head of hair. Now that I look back, I had smoked for more than half of my life. I could feel the effects of smoking on my body—reduced endurance, clouded thinking, low self-esteem. I had no ambition or high-energy drive. Since joining the study, I have come to believe that I am both hero and architect of my life. There is no waiting for some magic to happen. I am the magic. With regard to physical conditions, I have lost twenty pounds and have the best muscle tone in my entire life. I have stopped my hair loss. Bursitis in my right knee is greatly diminished. I can exercise more and exert my knee more than before, I don’t have the swelling or discomfort I had before. I would have afternoon drowsiness and mental fog between 2 and 4 p.m. I do not have that anymore. I am also able to increase my energy levels through simple breathing techniques—and also because I now believe it is possible for me. I sleep an hour or two less per night. My recovery from infections, colds, or flu is amazing. I was able to rid myself of pharyngitis without any antibiotics in less than a week. Flu would have lasted a week. Now, if I do feel sick I am able to knock it out in two and a half days. All of the symptoms are not as great as before. I am able to exercise longer and with greater ease. Recovery from exercise and exertion is greatly improved, i.e., when I have a heavy workout day, I am not as sore or fatigued the next day. I am able to do several activities in one day and not be exhausted afterward.


Thank you for creating this protocol. The changes I was able to make during this protocol were more marked than any changes I have been able to make in several years. When I followed the protocol closely, September through February:

It is clear that my stated goals continue to be missed, despite all of the “preparing” I had done. The act of succeeding in your protocol was the biggest step I have taken in years. I had taken your suggestion to join the weight-loss group, conscious of my desire to lose weight but not really aware of how the extra ten or twelve pounds bothered me. When I succeeded in losing twelve pounds, the psychic burden that was lifted seemed more like a hundred. That, in combination with the pointed exercises that we did in the group, raised my self-esteem, to use that trampled word. I felt better and stronger than ever. I had learned to cope with and compensate for the way I look, except for those few extra pounds, so I would always hide myself. My new mode is, “I feel energetic, attractive, and strong.” This was such a palpable improvement for me that I felt like a different person and the people around me really noticed. They saw the physical change immediately, which I thought was funny because as much as the weight bothered me, it was within the norm enough that I didn’t think anyone else would notice. But people especially noticed how I seemed stronger and happier. When I lost my job, it was perfect timing, and I was unfazed. As is my tendency, the moment I had more energy, I took on more efforts. In the course of this process, I have come to see myself more clearly. I have always been very energetic and enthusiastic, as well as ultrasensitive. As you can see, that combination can make someone vulnerable. I am a person who lives so much in the moment that I have had trouble with gaining perspective or disciplined long-term thinking, although the level of self-discipline I have shown during long periods of my life for artwork and physical training might seem to belie this. I am a typical creative assertive as described by various traits, but mainly dynamic supportive. The main challenges for me have always seemed to be the practical concerns of taking care of myself, food, clothing, shelter, finances. All of this has led me to a new place in this moment, in reference to the protocol and my life. I am able and strong enough to see “doing my artwork” as the organizing principle, and everything can follow from there.

The protocol requires that I commit to a workout routine, which I can usually do for a limited period of time. The protocol is practical and easy, and I had great satisfaction and success with its routine, i.e., I had a job. Now, I must rise to the challenge of making my own routine and making it long-term—a day at a time. There are other important challenges that face me now that do require courage, as you spoke of the other night, because, as you quoted Henry Emerson Fosdick, “He who chooses the beginning of the road, chooses the place it leads to.” There is one other point that I want to address and that is that I went through the weekly questions in the context of other questions that I have been working on and found they are extremely focusing and practical. They really cut to the heart of the matter and are critical to the age-reversing process. When I missed doing them, I really felt the drag in terms of slow grasping of the entire process of the protocol. The questions are pointed, relevant, essential, and practical. For me, the biggest challenge will be to acknowledge the limitation that I cannot do everything and have the courage and consciousness to choose. I really appreciate your giving your time to this process. Thank you.


Since I began to follow this protocol, I have lost twenty pounds—178 pounds, down from 198—without eating any less food. In fact, I eat more healthy food and burn it off more quickly. My sleep is now more restful. I sleep more soundly and wake up more alert than before beginning the program. My hair is growing in a lot faster than before—almost twice as fast, in fact. I am growing new hair in the front of my head, which was bald before, and I had a bald spot on the back of my head but now it is gone. I suffered with lower back pain into my left buttocks, sciatica with pain so bad I could not walk for two days. This is gone now. I think more clearly now, and I think good, positive thoughts. Sexually, I am more alive than ever. My erections last sometimes two hours and I feel more passionate when I make love. It is like I am seventeen all over again. I share more in a physical way with my mate than ever before. Sex is great again, not a chore. I have more physical energy than I ever had before. My muscular strength has almost doubled. I can lift more weight and work out longer with more strength than ever. I can play and work longer without tiring. I was an alcoholic for twenty-two years and every cell in my body was toxic. I have overcome my addiction to sugar and food. I am free of that chain now and eating fresh, organic fruits and vegetables and green juices daily. This has taken away my craving for sugar and has replenished my body. I look forward to each new day with joy and happiness instead of anger, pain, and fear.


I have learned that I should really watch the things I eat because why would I want to put something harmful into my body? Everything around us has an effect, and it is up to us whether we choose to accept it. I have also learned to take one day at a time and live it to its fullest, and that everyone gives off an energy—some good, some bad, depending on who we are around. We can change this energy, so you don’t want to be around people who put themselves down, and you don’t want people who feel sorry for themselves around because they can have an affect on us.


From this program I learned to use my energy more efficiently in a positive way— toward God, my family, and all people—to honor life, spirit, mind, and body. I’ve also learned that power, money, and greed are things that keep you a prisoner in your life. Nourish your body and mind with foods that provide health, not disease.


One Sunday morning about a year ago, I woke up, ate breakfast, got dressed, and started to go out. I looked for my car keys but could not find them. I went downstairs to look for my car, and it was missing too. I realized that I had left the keys in the trunk lock and my car had been stolen. Later I was listing to Gary Null and he mentioned the Reversing the Aging Process group. I knew this was what I had to do. I called up, and luckily there was room for me. I had been juicing for almost a year—not organic. I also was taking supplements. I was ready to begin the protocol. Once I began the program, I started to feel better. I didn’t get sore throats in the morning after taking 5, 000 milligrams of vitamin C at night. I decided that I was going to start living like a human being instead of working all the time like I had been doing. I had taken the month of August off and told my toxic babysitter I couldn’t pay him so much. Shortly after I stopped working, I fell in love, and started going out with a man, for the first time since my divorce eight years earlier. I was very happy. I was praying to get my car back and looking for it. One day, I went for a walk and was pulled to go by Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. I walked a different way than I would have walked ordinarily and miraculously spotted my car. I was so grateful to get it back, and the experience increased my faith in God. Of course the exercise walk was part of the program. Now, I am facing the challenge of building a relationship with my boyfriend and creating harmony between us and my wonderful, exuberant son, Sam. I am working less and spending more time with Sam. I still need to work on my weight and overeating especially when writing for my job. I am sleeping better now, especially if I exercise a lot. Anemia, which had been a problem, has not gotten worse. Also, I still need to work on having more respect for myself and deal even better with toxic people in a calm, confident way and give my knowledge effectively to others. I am a work in progress and I still have a long way to go. At twenty you have the face that God has given you, At forty you have the face that life has given you, and at sixty, you get the face you deserve. Last year, this time on WBAI Radio, Gary mentioned an orientation and I felt I had to go:

So I showed up with my sidekick and I knew in a flash
He’s talking to me—to the Big Apple bimonthly I’d dash.
Just sign on the dotted line so we know you commit,
Show up in your sneakers and shorts and don’t try to quit.
If you want to be a fox...
You’re gonna have to detox.
Oy vays uh meer!
No more bagels with a schmear!
As a species we’re full of feces.
No dairy, pesticides, caffeine, or wheat,
Your homework will be checked, so don’t try to cheat.
I was introduced to aloe Vera, Phil, Sam, Ian and Jill,
All colors, shapes, and sizes—no one’s “over the hill.”


Since my teen’s already a vegetarian so I thought I was cool (huh)
Harboring anger and resentment, parasites, and stubborn as a mule.
Whether in lead be Luanne Pennesi, George, or Gary
Seek in yourself, both the solution and cause
And don’t react too quickly, but take time to pause.
When we no longer say and do what we feel and know
We limit our options and counter the natural flow.
Identify and cut loose toxic people in your life
Be it boss, father, mother, neighbor, sister, brother, husband, or wife.
Banish Imbalance and Disharmony and let your love light shine.
Control engaging in meaningless responsibility and “no pearls to swine.”
I wanna dance in my magnetic pants.
Where would I be without pycogenol, quercetin and Suprema C?
Having more fun in the buff
Thanks to Red and Green Stuff,
But gotta stay on guard,
Thanks to potent rock hard.
I surrendered my fears,
Shed some tears and took off five years.
It’s about dignity of choice
and honoring my inner voice.
Thank you, it’s been an honor and privilege to share with this group.
Now it’s time to actualize, spread my wings, and fly this coop.
With joy, entitlement, self-esteem, and pride,
Peace, love and Null Trim, it’s been one helluva ride!


It comes to me as a complete surprise that I am writing this letter to you. It never occurred to me that I would meet you, or even be a client at your healing center, but life is full of surprises. I am grateful for this program because I feel it has put me on the right path and I feel fantastic! I have more energy, think clearer, and, best of all, thanks to hypnosis I have stopped smoking—my husband, too. I have also stopped eating meat and feel very good about this accomplishment. Within this year, I have done a lot of work on myself, of which this program is a very positive part. I continue to work and make many positive changes. Thank you for your insight, courage, and unselfish sharing of your knowledge. God bless you!


Where to begin? This program has been a life-changing experience, even though I had begun some of the components of the protocol—detoxing and using nutrition—to control my lifelong asthma symptoms for about a year and a half before joining this group. For most of my life, I had relied on pharmaceutical drugs that appeased my symptoms, made the initial problem worse, and severely damaged my immune system. At the age of twenty-six, I decided to try a more natural approach. My research served me well, and I managed to get off the drugs, but I still had some episodes of breathing difficulty. I was able to control this with herbs and homeopathic remedies, but was disturbed that after all I was doing, this was still happening. Since I started this protocol, I can’t even remember the last time I had serious asthma symptoms. I believe the green drinks, not consuming sugar, caffeine (I was truly an addict, convinced that for some people it helped their asthma), or meat, has had a great effect. However, an even bigger difference is in my mental attitude. Having given up wheat, dairy, and processed foods at the beginning of my search for good health, I felt very deprived. When I was upset, stressed, or otherwise not happy with life, I would eat and eat all those things I knew were bad for me and I would feel good, satisfied. Now my attitude has changed completely. I only want to put into my body things that will really nourish me at a cellular level. I listen to what my body is saying when it tells me it wants something sweet and I know now that it needs a little nutrient boost, not a huge slice of chocolate cake. I also take into consideration what is going on emotionally, the power of association, and environment, all of which drive me to eat things that are going to hurt, not heal, my body. Just this past week, I made another breakthrough out of my old thinking pattern. Having had asthma, exercising has already been difficult. My husband had just found a study on exerciseinduced asthma and encouraged me to push through the symptoms until the right hormones were released into my body to counteract the wheezing. Well, in our living room, in a very safe way, we tried it, and, lo and behold, it worked! Unbelievable. I have been working out on a lifecycle every day now for a week and I feel great afterward. I just had to pass through that “wall of discomfort”. My husband and I are doing this program together. This has given us an opportunity to really look at what is important to us, where we are going, how we plan to get there, while we are still newlyweds. It has brought us closer together as a family, as we make rather unconventional decisions about the food we eat, how we spend our time and our money on health and ourselves, and just how we journey through the rest of our lives together.


Participating in Gary Null’s anti-aging program has improved my health physically and emotionally. After eliminating dairy foods, sugar, and fried foods from my diet—I was already a vegetarian—my allergies improved and I had fewer colds and better elimination. I also have had more energy and some weight loss. The behavior modification aspect of the program has taught me to be more assertive and confident. I am closer to achieving my goals.


I had been in a support group for six months. My weight had stabilized and I was getting discouraged. Rather than taking my old path of sabotaging the progress I had made by returning to old ways, I decided to visit Paradise Gardens for a week. I thought my goal was to lose more weight; however, attending the seminars, watching tapes, and attending your talks made me realize that was a limited goal. If I truly committed to the process unfolding before me, I would have the opportunity to start on the road of being a whole person. The pain of the fragmented, unconscious life I had led was overwhelming, and I now know that the process started in this short week will make the difference between a life lived on the side of mere existence and one which will be lived to its fullest at a high-energy level. I liked being challenged. Walking six miles to start and increasing the amount every day was something I didn’t think I could do, so I stopped thinking and turned the walks into a meditation. I had not thought of this approach before and it has helped me to go farther. I expect I’ve never done anything more important in my life.


Before I began this program, I was stuck in a job I disliked. I was unable to produce anything creative. I am now in the process of getting out of this job—I’ve already handed in my resignation—and I have made plans to reactivate my creative side. Before I began the program, I had arthritis that made it impossible for me to walk from time to time. I have no more arthritic pains. The fungus on my right heel disappeared. My hair, which was thinning, is showing accelerated growth. I have practically no ridges on my fingernails and my energy level is up considerably. Spiritually, I view the future as a good place. My buttons can’t be pushed anymore. I can’t give you a straightforward account of the obstacles I have overcome, because I do almost everything in an almost somnambulistic, intuitive way. I do have more inspiring dreams than I used to have, and therefore follow a path that is leading me somewhere, but not in that concrete way. When I compare myself now to the way I was a year and a half ago, it is that I moved away from fears and doubt toward hope and optimism, and in some respects, my life has taken on a more constructive form. All your questions gave me an opportunity to deal with issues directly, not my inclination, and therefore just by thinking of an answer, my life has become redirected and rechanneled.


I am choosing relationships that are positive. In the six months since beginning the program, I have changed physically, losing 20 pounds and working out four to five days a week. I have incredible energy and am not tired. I sleep less, but the sleep I get is restful. Mentally, I am more clear-thinking, making decisions regarding my life and business quicker, as opposed to laboring over them. I have no depression, but a general feeling of grounding and balance. Affirmations work. I love work! I own my own business, an organic vegan, home-delivery service. Since being a member of the group, I am more organized. No procrastination. Our company has tripled its business. The company has become an extension of my being. I have much more quality play in my life, and I choose very carefully who I’d like to play with. My time is important. Most important, because work is demanding, I truly enjoy my “playtime.” As far as relationships go, once again, time is valuable, [and knowing that] made it easy to shed relationships that were toxic and draining. I moved out of a six-and-a-half year relationship to a studio apartment that belongs to me, [and is] serene, peaceful, and beautiful. I am choosing relationships that are positive. Although not every day moves gracefully through my life, each day is growing more enjoyable and fun. This support group has helped change my life to a positive peaceful state of being. A definite catalyst.




I had problems with gum swelling and infection (almost always following stress). My dentist told me nothing except that I had a chocolate allergy. I took antibiotics, which caused intestinal problems (candida). Then I had eight fillings removed over the course of 2 years.


I have no more mouth eruptions. My stress levels are still high (I lost my parents), but mouth remains healthy. I just recently found a solution to my intestinal problems at the Metropolitan Wellness Center.



I sought healing for my allergies and loss of hair. I did not turn to medications. I felt there had to be another way to stop these conditions. I came into a support group for these problems but learned much more. My experiences in a health support group opened me to my potential and unexplored strengths and joy. I follow the protocol and use juices. I can feel my body react to the detox. My allergies are greatly relieved. I feel energetic, and I require less sleep. My hair loss stopped. Today, I eat more than ever, and I experience real taste and health. I read my body.



I was labeled disabled for four years. Migraine headaches caused me to be bedridden, and I used pain medication for a spinal disc injury. I was swollen after eating my usual meat, wheat, sugar, coffee, and dairy. My cholesterol was high. Candida plagued my body. I threw up after meals and was stressed by anxiety attacks. One day, after reading one of Gary’s books, I saw him on PBS. I joined a support group in 1994. I attended classes open to change, and after two weeks on the protocol being vegan, organic, and never returning to toxic foods, the change began. I exercise in a rehab center for my back problem. Probiotics and sensible eating eliminated throwing up. I am a vegetarian cook and intend to study vegetarian meal preparation. My back pain is sporadic and not as acute. I am still in recovery but use no medication. I never looked at life as I do now.


I am migraine-free. My circulation has improved in my fingers and toes, and I have lots of energy. My sleep has improved, and I wake up energized.


I no longer have tension headaches and the severity of cold sores has diminished.


The changes I made since the onset of the protocol exceed any I made in several years. For a month or two, I had a difficult time sticking to the program. In that short time, I gained a few pounds and experienced exhaustion. My headaches returned. Now that I am fully committed to the protocol, I lose 1 lb a week and inches from my hips and waist. My blood pressure dropped to 102/60. My selfconfidence, energy, and sense of security increased. My hair is shiny. I am not dehydrated, nor do I get headaches. I feel competent, confident, positive, and clear-headed, with an ability to focus on life goals.


ART G., 67 years old

Blood pressure normalized. No more hemorrhoids. My cholesterol went from 260 to 180. My hemorrhoids have gone. My vision has improved. I have no more constipation. I have lost 18 lbs and run three marathons.



My hepatitis C viral load reduced from 7 million to 4 million since following Gary Null’s protocol. I think clearer; my brain fog and mental and physical fatigue are reduced. The aches and pains in my knees and ankles are gone. My weight reduced by 40 lbs. I find my mental and physical clarity enhanced, and I have more energy and strength. I seem to need at least two hours less sleep.



I considered my eating plan to be healthy. I thought meat and dairy gave me good protein and calcium. I enjoyed wheat breads. As time went on, I developed cysts in my breasts and was diagnosed as hypoglycemic. I did not feel well, and I wondered if my diet impacted my physical system. Motivated by a fear of future illnesses, I joined a support group. The teachings and protocol gave me the answers I needed. I quickly lost 8 lbs. The lumps in my breast are gone, and I have no more pain. I am vegan and organic. My dog and I enjoy green and red juices and powders. I do not test as hypoglycemic. I can skip meals. With daily yoga and exercise, I have wonderful energy. My skin is moist; people compliment my glow and happier attitude. My hair and nails are healthy. I sleep well, and I am aware of potential toxic people and situations. My goals are financial independence and business success. My family is beginning to follow the protocol.



My memory has significantly improved. I can now connect the names and faces of my friends. I am calmer and more relaxed. My energy level has gone up. I can get through the day without feeling drowsy.


I had heard about Gary Null from a friend who had been listening to his daily radio program in New York. I decided to go to his office, where he had mentioned there would be a support group. I was showing signs of Alzheimer’s that were getting worse and worse. I was overweight, and I had blotches of skin discoloration all over my body. I thought Gary’s protocol was too harsh to try, so I decided not to go on it. After a few months, however, when my condition got worse, I went back to his office and immediately began the program. I had not exercised for quite some time. Now, every day, I would set aside time to walk. My bowel habits became more regular, and suddenly I was remembering things that I used to forget. I could easily recall the names of friends I would run into on the street, whereas before I would have difficulty doing so. I feel that Gary’s protocol has given me my life back, for it doesn’t matter how good of shape your body is in if your mind is forgetful.


I feel better now than I did in my 20s. I am 42 now. I lost 20 pounds. My skin is clearer, my energy increased. I feel greater mental stability. Dry skin on my feet cleared up, thinning hair improved, allergies are gone. I have not had a cold or flu since I started the protocol. I need less sleep yet wake up refreshed.


I am a construction worker. I felt I was losing stamina and did not know if I could handle my work. I felt my body age. I ate the typical American diet, without labeled illnesses. One day, I listened to Natural Living and discussed the show with a friend. I decided to join a group. Today, I can keep up with younger coworkers, my physical endurance has increased. Injuries and pulled muscles heal quickly. I juice, and I keep to the protocol more and more as time goes by. I exercise and find myself seeking new directions. My forgiveness letters allowed me true introspection, and I focus on myself, avoiding all toxic situations.



I had an eating disorder. My body fat level was low. I was an athlete: a runner and a hockey player. I could not ovulate and was diagnosed as infertile. I tried the orthodox treatment and found it ineffective, with unpleasant side effects. My husband and I joined a health support group in 2000. After four months on the protocol, I ovulated and conceived. I feel my hormonal system is now stronger. I had a natural birth, but I experienced postpartum depression. My doctor labeled me clinically depressed. I was advised to discontinue nursing and to use medication. I rejected this and continued nursing. My health returned six months postpartum with exercise and meditation. My family and I are vegan. We juice and use only organic food. We stick to the protocol. I research postpartum depression and reach out to women suffering with this condition.



Before joining Gary’s support group, I was overweight, which caused pain in my knees and joints. I felt anxious all of the time, angry and overworked. I would also grind my teeth at night and wake up with jaw pain. After being in Gary’s support group, I lost weight. My knees and joints no longer ache. I no longer grind my teeth, and I have a more positive outlook on life without the anxiety and anger that were plaguing me.


I had no energy. My skin was dry and thinning, and I was gaining weight and losing muscle. My body felt stiff, and I had floaters blocking my vision. Gary’s protocol helped me build muscle and lose weight. My joints no longer feel stiff, and my vision has improved greatly now that the floaters have disappeared: I have much more energy now and I feel great.



My health began to improve six years ago when I was introduced to Gary Null’s nutritional protocol. I had symptoms of Lyme disease. Being physically ill and exhausted, I had a rotten attitude. I did want to improve my life. I gradually experimented with Gary’s concepts and became healthier. I took responsibility for myself and did not depend on others for care. I will not hand myself over to professionals anymore—auto mechanics or medical. I research and listen to their advice before taking action. I feel better since beginning this journey, and I continue to improve.


I suffered with bothersome tension-type headaches, which sometimes became debilitating migraines. I also had recurrent cold sores; one episode involved one of my eyes, resulting in a cornea-scraping procedure. Since joining the group, I have been eating a primarily vegetarian diet, including fish. I eliminated caffeine and sugar. I can state that I no longer have tension headaches, and the severity of my cold sores has diminished. I will continue working on eliminating them. I feel very fortunate. I am an optimistic person, and I feel loved and respected in all of my relationships. I am an intelligent, supportive woman with a natural desire to learn new things. I have learned many new concepts in the group and by reading Who Are You, Really? I see changes in my physical health and awareness of my surroundings. Understanding my life energies further empowered me, with insight and understanding.



He was in a support group years ago but did not follow the protocol. He decided to go to the retreat because he was mentally fatigued and could not give up marijuana. He learned to exercise in a workshop and began drinking juices to rebuild his body. He needed this push to establish self-confidence and gain the willpower to stop using marijuana. The people, environment, and lectures made a positive impact. He has not smoked marijuana since he left the retreat. He is following the protocol, and he is juicing. In order to stick to the program, he eliminated toxic and negative people from his life. His positive attitude and determination to renew his life intelligently, without emotions, reveals the building of self respect.



I was bedridden for two weeks with Epstein-Barr disease and could not walk more than three minutes at a time. I lost some of my memory. I returned to work but only put in five hours a day, and went to bed as soon as I returned home.Stair climbing was difficult. My physician could do no more and suggested I do independent research. A homeopathic examination revealed food sensitivities. The day I watched Gary on PBS changed my life. I donated to the station and soon joined a support group. Today I carefully follow the protocol. I gave up chocolate without difficulty. At first the new food choices were difficult to accept, but today I am vegan and feel 100 percent better. I work seven hours a day and exercise after work. I walk one and a half hours and am training to race walk in the New York Marathon. I still need eight hours of sleep, possibly because of EpsteinBarr, but my waking hours are productive. With a clear mind, good memory, energy, and concentration, I plan future occupations in art and volunteer work.


I had a “fuzzy” toxic head. I also had a lack of focus. The intensive focus on body, mind, spirit became clear in manifestation. I feel I have more focus and motivation and a new sense of who I am. My awareness is heightened. I believe I am moving toward divine health.


My recall and memory is sharp. My skin is clear. I have less nasal mucous, an improved resting heart rate. My tonsil size decreased. No longer do I have dark circles under my eyes and pain from peripheral neuropathy in both legs has diminished as has arthritic pain. I have not been ill since I started the program.


I learned that my mental limitations take my life away. I convinced myself that I have physical limitations. I learned I have the brain power to bust through these barriers and live to my fullest potential.



I was prescribed Prozac for post-menopause syndrome by my gynecologist. I gained weight and lost energy. My hair and nails were weak. I had difficulty sleeping, and I felt depressed. I thought I followed a sensible eating plan. I did not connect food and aging. I began the detox protocol carefully and followed it diligently. I wanted to reverse my aging and clean my system out. I lost weight and am keeping it off. I have good energy. My hair and nails are growing to premenopausal thickness and strength. I discontinued the Prozac when I began the protocol and am not depressed. I sleep well, look well, and get healthier each day



She attended one retreat in the past. She was ready for a new beginning. Her dog was 10 years in remission from cancer, thanks to an alternative veterinarian. There was much to learn about health and nutrition. Gary’s lectures expanded her mind. She learned that life does not have to be routine and boring. The issues were exactly what she needed to explore: energy dynamics and alternative dimensions. She wanted to apply these issues practically and went on a media fast for one week, listening to music but not television. She had choices and was not alone. During this time, she was diagnosed with hepatitis C. Today, she works as a buyer and is an environmental activist. She and her husband decluttered their home, rescued five cats, and adopted two dogs. She admits to following the protocol 98 percent, tempted by the free-range chicken she prepares for her animals. The family, human and nonhuman, uses green and red powders, juices, and many supplements. She sees an alternative physician for her hepatitis, and the mercury level in her blood is half the level of two years ago. Her last eye examination revealed 20/20 vision for the first time.



I used drugs and was melancholy, with tendencies to cling to and control people. I reacted to others with anger and felt unpleasant toward them. My decisions were based on that which was best for others. I could not understand why I behaved this way. I wanted a happy life. I discovered my body was reacting to the drugs and toxic foods I consumed. The protocol provided me with a method of starting all over again, cleaning my body and my mind out. Little by little, I lost my need to control people and to strike out in anger. Uncluttering my environment made me aware of the rational possibilities ahead, beginning with a clean slate. I now think before reacting to people. I feel positive. My relationships improved.


I have a psychiatric history that spans more than 30 years. I have a goiter and an inflamed thyroid from lithium and mild tardive dyskinesia [involuntary movements] from Stelazine. Today I am off all psychiatric drugs. I am off lithium and Wellbutrin and Stelazine. I feel balanced, happy, and excited by life. I am less confused and clearer in my thinking, with improved recall.


I was underweight, and I had behavior problems. I had a lot of unresolved past issues that caused anger and brooding. I often engaged in negative thinking. It was time to change. Since following the protocol, my emotional and physical health improved. My skin is smooth, and I have more energy. I gained 10 lbs and lift weights. Recovery from heavy exercise is faster today. I wake up mornings with clarity. The homework questions helped me eliminate unpleasant memories and resentments. I let go of people who do not accept me, and I find myself seeking and obtaining new relationships, having fun, laughing. The guidance of Gary, Luanne and my fellow group members is appreciated. I am very thankful.



There is a woman here with end stage MS. She was written off by the medical community—my colleagues. She comes from a family, many of whom are physicians in traditional medicine. She was given no options other than to make the best out of the rest of her life. When she first got here, she couldn’t walk. She was in a wheelchair. She couldn’t move her legs. Each day she started progressing and by the end of the retreat not only was she not in a wheelchair, she was walking with a walker and then at the very end of the retreat she was able to walk without a walker. It’s nothing short of a miracle. And I would love if the rest of the medical community could at least witness some of this and start to use it in their practice. I’m so happy to see these patients get better.


I’ve been diagnosed with probable MS, and joined the health support group for people with neurological disorders. It has been a life-changing experience. For me to be a part of this health support group, I needed to first ask myself one ques-tion, “Do I want to get well?” I would retreat to this question whenever anything I had to do to get me well took me out of my comfort zone. Being able to answer “YES” made it easier to make changes. Because I’ve answered yes to everything, I am much better today. The heavy metals that plagued my body are almost completely eradicated compared to six months ago. My cognitive functions have also improved greatly. I no longer have any symptoms. This is not about symptom suppression for me anymore. I will follow through with the protocol to the point of elimination. Reverse the lesions in the brain, and remove the worry about the protein in the spine that triggers MS symptoms. My original neurologist will wonder what happened, and what I did. The protocol is a series of therapies and lifestyle changes working in chorus to get you better than well.


THOMAS G., 70 years old
Parkinson’s symptoms improved

I suffered from Parkinson’s disease, hypertension, skin problems, herpes simplex outbreaks, and arthritis. I became aware of the importance of nutrition and studied various theories, but my physical problems continued. My Parkinson’s symptoms caused me shame in public. I could not write. I typed with two fingers. My hands trembled when I put food in my mouth. I was advised to take medications. My past experiences with drugs were unpleasant. I refused them. I went on Gary’s protocol and learned the specifics of diet and organics, the biochemical necessity of green juices and grasses, and the importance of attitude and beliefs.


It was when I combined supplements with my diet that things began to look up. I honor myself, unclutter my life of people and objects, and share this important knowledge with others. I am alert, without past negative influences. Green and red powders keep me going. These are my happiest and proudest times. I intend to live another 70 years.


My doctors had given up on me. They didn’t tell me that, but I could see it in their eyes and hear it in their voices. They told me that I had Parkinson’s and that there was no cure for it. They told me that Janet Reno and Muhammad Ali had forms of it, and they were leading productive lives. This may sound strange, but the thing I feared the most about my condition was being unable to stop my shaking. This may sound selfish, but it is true. I visited Gary in his office on Seventy-second Street and Broadway, where he had me go get my blood work done. Then he designed a program for me that changed my life. At first, I did not think I could go through with it. Now, I know I can. Although my shaking has not completely gone away, it has lessened a great deal. My wife is amazed at my progress, and I look forward to living the rest of my life knowing that one day, I will not be shaking at all.


I came here because my husband developed mild Parkinson’s. It is absolutely spectacular here. I was thrilled when I saw everything. We have absolutely fantastic food. The preparation of and the staff that make the food, are so loving so kind. Everybody here showed us so much love and kindness. That’s exactly what we needed when we were here. My husband is getting stronger and stronger all the time. He is now on the road to recovery. He starting to walk a little and take steps a bit bigger. He’s also starting to hold himself a little better. We’re going to keep up the good eating and we’re going to keep up our calmness. So now I’m completely relaxed and it’s the first time in many, many years that I can say I’m relaxed.


Was perimenopausal but now gets hot flashes and her period

A college teacher, I was a longtime listener of Natural Living. I was never totally committed to change. I had low energy, I saw aging in my future, and I wanted group support. Though I was a vegetarian, I ate dairy, sugar, and wheat. I had insomnia and indigestion, and I was constipated.


I joined a health support group in August 1999 and gave up dairy, sugar, and wheat. At first, I felt weird. I lost 15 lbs slowly. My hair is 3 inches longer, shinier and thicker. I was peri-menopausal but began to get hot flashes and my period. My period continues to come and go. I lost my sugar craving. I have charges of energy. I eat my big meal at midday. I use green powders. My skin texture has improved, and I get no more age spots. My eye floaters are gone. I feel the writing and homework are as important as the dietary aspect and are responsible for my life changes. I create an area for introspection, and I love being in a group of positive people.



I feel for the first time that I was able to realign my energy with my authentic self. And I feel confident leaving here that I’m going home with clarity, inspiration, and amazing energy.


This is the third experience that I’ve had with Gary with regards to retreats and I must say that they just get better and better. I strongly advise anyone who wants to make a major change in life to seek the retreats out. I’m grateful to Gary especially for his spiritual input. It has made a significant difference in my life. Very positive.


I wish I could stay another week. I have learned a lot about nature, its balance and keeping things in harmony. I have a lot of tools that I will take home with me as far as gardening, cooking, and exercise.


I’ve learned about the powers of positive energy, learned a lot about myself through reflection being by myself and take the time to think about the important things in my life, setting goals for myself. The food was great. I had the pleasure of being in the kitchen a lot, learned many different techniques and lots of recipes.


I’ve been searching for answers for the last three years as to where I want to end up in my older days. I came to the retreat and I finally got the answer. It’s been a very beautiful experience, the scenery has been immaculate, it is something I always dreamed of and I thank Gary for giving me that insight. Now I am ready to move on to the next level. I could not have asked for a better experience than this.


I cannot put into words the amazing and wonderful experience here at Gary Null’s retreat. I came here physically debilitated. Today I feel 90 percent better. I’m able to do what I couldn’t do before. I have participated in a race that I have never imagined I would ever be able to take part in. I would have never had the courage had I not come. I’ve learned so much and now I want to be a viable part of my community as a result of the information that I’ve had here. This is better than any vacation I could ever have taken in the world. And I’ve traveled the world. Now I know that life is about living and I’ve learned how to do so here at this retreat.


The beauty of the place is hard to describe beyond: exquisite. But it’s not just the beauty of the place, it’s the energy of the place. The food is organic and it’s cooked with so much love and you feel it, it’s delicious. The environment. As far as the people working here everyone is supportive and following in the same direction that you’re going and helping to carry through what your beliefs are. I just wish for anyone who is on this journey that they would take the opportunity to do this.


This has to be one of the most bucolic, one of the most healing environments that I’ve ever been in and here is the place where I am probably for the first time in my life connecting with nature like I never have before. And there’s a sense of relaxation and a sense of bliss that I didn’t know that I could even experience. And I’m watching other people go through this in their own way and while all this is going on, I’m enjoying whole live organic foods. There’s no meat, no dairy, no sugar, no processed foods but instead we’re getting whole live foods prepared in a way that I never had before. We are getting some of the most delicious gourmet vegan meals that have been prepared by the specialty chefs. And mouthwatering delicious meals that are satisfying. We’re outdoors and exercising every morning, all of us walking in one big group. Power walking outside as the sun is coming up and then we’re doing yoga right on the most beautiful lake with swans. It’s just quite frankly nothing like I have ever experienced before. It is just one of the most amazing experiences of my life and I’m so grateful and so thankful to have been here.


I’ve just completed a week at Gary’s retreat. Right now I feel extremely peaceful. It’s been a week of many experiences. I’ve enjoyed it extremely and I would advise anyone who wants to have a rewarding experience and have a soulful search to go here.


The week that I’ve just spent here, had so much fun in the pool, just walking around and seeing this beautiful villa that Gary has created, with hummingbirds, butterflies everywhere with guinea hens running around making noise but they are just so joyful to watch. The energy here is really high and the food is off the chart. Meals each day are prepared by these gourmet chefs, it’s vegan. If you are not a vegan and not eating this way I feel sorry for you. It’s really delicious food. And the lectures at night, they force you to open your mind and think. I can’t think of a better place where I would rather be than here, just taking in all this beauty. I hope you get a chance to do this; you ought to do this at least once.


It’s nice to speak with people who are open-minded, relaxed, comfortable, and positive. Excellent food and the atmosphere throughout the whole landscape.


I came down to Gary’s villa to train some people as far as physical training and water training as well but like all the other retreats of Gary’s you just get overwhelmed with the surroundings, the lake, the trees, the animals. I’ve been here for two weeks now and I think Gary’s going to have to get security to kick me out of here! This is always a great experience, the weather’s been great, the people have been incredible. The energy is very, very, very high. I’m looking forward to my next visit down here to Gary’s villa.


It’s hard to put into words the experience because everything has been so overwhelmingly phenomenal. Everything about this place is magical. The food is absolutely amazing. I love to cook and cook a lot of dishes. This week I’ve been inspired to study vegan cooking and take my cooking to another level. I’ve been energized more than I’ve ever been. The running has been great. I’m not used to running four miles, and today it felt like it was almost effortless. I’ve lost some weight and I feel much lighter and much happier. Gary’s lectures are phenomenal. His insights and wisdom are nourishing. It’s very, very powerful, the things he has to say. I’m just enjoying my experience here very much and I think is going to be life-changing for anybody that decides to come.


This has been the most authentic thing that I’ve ever done in my life. I’m a chef by trade, but the whole world of veganism, which I’ve dabbled in before, has been pretty bland to me and this has opened up my eyes. I have not been hungry. I have not lacked anything or had cravings for any of the regular foods that I would normally eat. The amount of reflective time as well as interactive time with other people and the programs has been just outstanding. I want to say that the animals have been awesome here as well as looking up and seeing vast amounts of sky in varying shapes and colors.


The food was tremendous, all vegan. I am a vegan but had a pretty poor diet. I feel like I am going to leave here and not make the foolish compromises that I do in my diet and my regimen of life, with exercise and meditation and some dreams or goals that I have, things that are visions of empowerment or contribution that I have not addressed as strongly as I should have done. I feel now empowered to begin with a resolution and efficiency hereafter.


I had a fantastic time in a beautiful environment. The food was fantastic. The vegetarian food was prepared excellently and there were a lot of ideas that I could take with me to make simple vegetarian meals. I picked up a lot of ideas and practices on living a vital, full vibrant life. I look forward to incorporating a lot of the approaches and ideas in my life.


I have been a natural practitioner for over thirty years. I came here because this is a time in my life for a new beginning for me. This was the very best decision that I could ever make. Everyone on the staff was supportive and loving and very constructive. The environment is loving and nurturing. Through Gary’s guidance I learned to go in and allow nature to heal me. I’m just very grateful for this opportunity. Everything is so lovely and pristine and balanced. I’m taking much with me. I know that I’m capable of a new beginning in my life.


I’ve just spent a week at Gary’s retreat and it was a unique and extraordinary experience in a beautiful environment. I’m going to be taking home a lot of new information on how to incorporate vibrant eating habits and exercise that is fulfilling in so many ways. It was a full experience and I will be coming away with a lot of new information.


This was a very rich learning experience with daily lectures and power walks and exercise which made us feel good. The energy and the love we all received from this beautiful environment were incredible.


I would like to thank Gary for allowing us to see that the sky is the limit. We can go beyond our potentials in so many areas. I’ll take all that I’ve learned back to grow for myself and my family. And, as I heard Gary mention, “as you grow you help someone with you” so along with my family I will make sure that I have other people who can grow along the way and help someone along the way, and make sure to pass it along to someone who is worth the while.


I’m coming away with a bigger smile, a larger heart, a lot of information to chew on, aim to go out into the world with a better attitude and try to make myself and hopefully humanity a little bit better.


I’ve wanted to come to the retreats for some years now. I went through a lot of things in my personal life. I lost some people and had a bad breakup. This experience has been so unique. I’ve never been one to run, I’ve never been one to get up at five in the morning. Not only am I getting up at five and running, I was actually falling behind all week and this morning I actually was the leader of the pack. In fact, I was probably about two blocks in front of everybody. I didn’t break a sweat so that really impressed me. Also, Gary did some energy work on me. It makes sense now but all these emotions came rushing out. A lot of mixed emotions but after the fact I just felt cleansed. It was a cleaning of the mind, body, and soul. I must have lost about maybe 8 lbs by now between the yoga, the pool, exercising. It just brings you back to life. You’re brand-new again, you’re reborn. If I had to do it again—it’s not even a matter of having to—I would love to do this again! I recommend this to everyone. The food, I’m lost for words. The food is absolutely amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever gone two days without meat. It’s been seven days and I don’t miss it. There’s nothing about chicken, beef, ribs—just don’t miss it. I’ve basically wiped the slate clean in my life. This is a brand-new beginning. And I thank everybody for co-creating this experience with me.


I am on a journey. And it was a pleasure to come to Gary’s retreat. One of the outstanding segments was to be authentic and stand in your truth. That was awesome. The food was outstanding. I was hesitant and afraid to eat vegan because I did not know it could taste so good. It is AWESOME. I’ve had a dessert that’s the best I’ve ever had in my life because not only was it wonderful to taste, but it was healthy for my body. The information here I am going to use going forward and this was a positive step in my life.


I am so pleased with myself that I made this decision to invest my time in coming to the Gary Null retreat. It’s very easy for me to take care of others and meet the needs of others. So this was a very big change for me and a very life-affirming and0life changing experience for me.


The setting here is really amazing. The staff is friendly and open. There were a lot of people that were healed. It was interesting seeing the changes in people. The food was phenomenal; it really again made me more determined to fully commit to being vegan.


The energy here is really fantastic. If you need to heal this is the place to come. It’s very serene and yet it’s a lot of fun. I laughed a lot this week and cried a little bit and it was very healing for me. It’s what you put into it you get out of it and I really enjoyed it.


I made a New Year’s resolution to make healthier choices. The retreat was a tipping point for me not to make unhealthy choices.


The spiritual aspects were tremendously moving and yet so personal and the lectures that Gary gave every night were eye-opening. I’m coming away challenged to do more and start a new chapter in my life, with my family and with work. It’s really lifted my spirits a lot.


I’m a veteran and I was tinkering on the edge of suicide. I was putting my fears in order while putting a smile on my face for everybody. But I thank Gary for giving me this time to breeze and to breathe, and really let loose and just—breathe—and it has really changed my life. He’s given me the tools to go back and once again try to live a full life.


Period regulated

I was a vegetarian for years but ate dairy, sugar, and wheat. I was an insomniac, had indigestion, was constipated, and had floaters in my eyes. I had age spots on my skin, and my hair and skin were unhealthy. I was a college teacher and a longtime listener of Gary’s show, but I never totally committed. I needed a group support. With low energy and aging in my future, my career as a professional singer was out the door.


I have lost 15 lbs and no longer have a sugar craving. My hair is longer and thicker, and my age spots are gone. My skin improved, I am more energetic, and my eye floaters have disappeared. I joined a support group and love being with positive people. I follow the protocol and have eliminated toxic foods. At first I felt weird. I eat a large meal at midday. The green powder gives me a large charge of energy. Although I have been perimenopausal for many years, my hot flashes have resumed and my period has returned. I feel my hormones are active. I ended a toxic marriage and healed my relationship with my son. I uncluttered, cleaned, up my finances, and feel responsible for my life.



I was nearsighted and experienced severe premenopausal symptoms the week before my period, including night sweats, insomnia, and mood swings. Gary’s support group helped relieve these symptoms and improve my vision.

Cervical dysplasia improving

I was diagnosed with cervical dysplasia (CIN 2—moderate). After following Gary’s protocol, the cervical dysplasia went to CIN 1, which is classified as mild. On the last colposcopy, the gynecologist saw nothing to biopsy. I am confident that the cervical dysplasia will be reversed. I now have radiant skin and hair, more energy, a general sense of well-being, and no more colds and flu.


I was plagued with a long-term yeast infection. My personal relationship did not satisfy me, but I held onto it. Life was not empowering. I felt I was not going anywhere. I joined a support group and was amazed to see other people like me searching for a happier and healthier life. None of us understood where we went wrong. I juiced and detoxed with optimism. My yeast infection and the accompanying lethargy is over. I feel happy and energetic. I ended my toxic relationship without guilt. I am mentally and spiritually awakened. I fell in love with running and power walking, and I am training other people to use them. This is a wonderful time.


My PMS symptoms drastically declined. I no longer feel sad, and I have little fatigue and almost no bloating, cravings, or feelings of nausea. Overall, I feel good energy and sleep fewer hours at night. I lost about 10 lbs after cutting out junk food and improving my diet.


I no longer need medication for my menstrual cramps.



I did not like the way I felt or looked. My skin broke out with infectious cysts. I needed long nighttime rests. My weight gain coincided with frequent outbreaks of colds and flu, and my hair developed a dry unpleasant texture. In a short amount of time, I lost 12 pounds and the skin cysts cleared up. My hair is soft and healthier. I do not have respiratory infections anymore. I sleep less and enjoy waking hours more. The protocol really worked for me.


My concern for several medical conditions brought me into a detoxification group. We met weekly. The group dynamic was powerful. I wanted to participate in rebuilding and regaining health. I had mitral valve prolapse, and I had several upper respiratory infections and gum problems each year. Cleaning my body and rebuilding my immune system turned my health around. I follow the protocol carefully. It is all in my hands. I do not have mitral valve prolapse or colds and flu. I have no more gum problems. My energy returned. I participate in new activities, such as studying botany and leading bird-watching groups. I can control old, negative habits, and carefully choose people who will enhance my life.

ALICE, 73 years old

When I came into a Gary Null health support group, I had an acute allergy from cortisone injections into my scalp for alopecia. I had many upper-respiratory infections during the year. I needed to sleep long hours to feel rested. My eyes were dry, a condition which was annoying and uncomfortable. It took a while to adjust to my new eating plan. I never realized true taste before. My body felt cleaner after a month. Best of all, I no longer have alopecia. Symptoms of the cortisone allergy are subsiding. My eyes are healthier. I wake up refreshed, full of energy, with less sleep. I am uncluttering my home environment, drinking green drinks, and re-reading the group class assignments. When I think of where I was before, I am ecstatic about where I am now.


I tried to be vegetarian. I did not eat flesh foods, but I did eat fried foods, breads, pizza, and muffins. I had asthma and refused to use an inhaler. My hair was thinning. My intake of water was low, and my job stressed me. I joined a support group in 2000. I lost 7 lbs detoxing, and I became organic. My energy increased. I am calmer and sleep less. My hair grows in thicker, and I seem to be less stressed between jobs. I discovered my spiritual side, and I use quality time well. By uncluttering, I set boundaries. Now, I handle people well, without getting involved in toxic situations. I make thought-out meals for family dinners and do not react to adverse remarks. I find I am attracted to people on a cellular level. Exercising and sports are on my agenda. My asthma attacks come faster and leave easier. I identify their cause. Respiratory infections heal quickly. I returned to school, and I made a list of future accomplishments.


I made many positive changes as a result of attending Gary Null’s support group. I always used nutritional supplements. Today, I understand the relationship between the emotional, spiritual, and physical. I used to have upper-respiratory infections and needed naps during the day. I endured stress in my professional life, and I wasted time on petty things. I increased my knowledge of the interdependence of food, biochemistry, and emotional and environmental factors in the support group. Upper-respiratory infections ceased when I gave up dairy. My energy is maintained all day without naps or long sleeps. I changed my professional life. I own my own business—professional training. It is very satisfying. I often demonstrate techniques in the new support groups. I no longer waste time.


I noticed that I got a lot of upper-respiratory infections when I gained weight. Also, my energy dropped, and I needed more sleep. My skin was dry and often was problematic. I was not happy, and I had a negative outlook. I heard about Gary Null and listened to his show. The results of the people who completed the support groups were too good to be true, but I gave it a shot and joined.I learned many things, but most of all, I learned it is not difficult to become healthy. It is simple and enjoyable. Physical and emotional health developed for the first time in my life. I lost 20 lbs, and I have good energy because of it. I do not need to sleep as long as I used to. I no longer cough up phlegm. My skin is smooth and moist. I threw out unnecessary objects and people. These are positive actions that I handled successfully without stress. I am proud of that.


My immune system was weak. I caught many upper-respiratory infections. I required long hours of sleep each night. Many years ago a physician injected cortisone into my scalp. We soon discovered I was allergic to the drug and I developed alopecia [bald spots]. My eyes were dry, and I was generally uncomfortable with myself. I began support group sessions and stuck to the protocol and affirmations. I soon noticed I no longer had colds and flus. I slept less and awoke refreshed. My eye condition is improving and I am aware of the relationship between uncluttering and getting my life in order. I am happy to report my life is indeed satisfying. The protocol and teachings brought success.


I ate junk food and was a heavy coffee drinker. I was hypoglycemic and fainted frequently. My skin had ugly eruptions. I cried easily and had low energy. I had several allergies. I heard Gary speak about Paradise Gardens and the experiences people had there, improving their insights and health. It sounded beautiful. I signed up for the trip. That was the beginning of a new, wonderful life. I learned how to power walk and exercise, how to juice and prepare healthy foods and fruits, and how to plan meals. I lost 15 lbs. Eventually, all my upper-respiratory infections and skin problems disappeared. I still follow the diet, juice during the day, eat fruits in the evening and make one well-planned meal a day. I am now a marathon runner. My energy is without limit. I am healthy.


I developed severe allergies and upper-respiratory infections. I was consumed with family issues, which made me angry and anxious. Negative people annoyed me. My past caused anger. I could not express my feelings or deal with them. The support group and protocol allowed me to see myself and my life on many levels. I developed a healthier life, without colds and other respiratory illnesses. I am now vegetarian, juice, meditate, and see my loved ones with compassion. I understand my anger and anxieties. They are gone. The past no longer plays over and over again in my mind. I actualized a new, successful career as a freelance editor, which means no toxic office environment. I am active in political causes, especially violence against women, using hotlines and shelters.



I was constantly sick with colds and the flu, my hair was thinning, I lost my energy, and I was getting fat. I overreacted to people who were critical of me and never dealt with situations correctly. I changed my eating habits and followed Gary’s protocol. I no longer get the cold and flus anymore, my hair is thicker, and I have the energy of my youth. I did not diet, I just followed the protocol and lost weight. I feel clarity and handle people effectively. That’s maybe because I found my self-esteem. It was a major improvement for me.


Retinopathy in remission

I was a vegetarian and had juvenile diabetes. I consumed coffee, junk food, sodas and such. I had diabetic retinopathy and fatty deposits in my eye. I consulted a “health coach” for alternatives and to control my diabetes, but saw this as a bandage rather than healing. I wanted a mind-body-spirit approach. I began Gary’s protocol, and this opened me up to spiritual meditation and personal strength.


My retinopathy is in remission. I no longer have fatty deposits after three months on supplements. I use acupuncture and drink green juices that are organic. Medical examinations revealed that my eye vessels are stronger and that a thicker membrane is growing.


Sinusitis, hypertension, and asthma gone

I was a New York City paramedic diagnosed with occupational asthma. I inhaled a mixture of bleach and ammonia during a medical pickup and developed a condition called osteopenia from prednisone. My vision diminished, my hair began to turn gray, and my skin peeled as if it were ash. I was stressed, had insomnia and sinusitis, and slept three hours a night. I retired from the fire department because of the accident, and I joined a support group. Today, I am a vegetarian, I am organic, and I juice. I am no longer suffering with sinusitis, hypertension, or asthma. My black hair is returning, my skin is lovely, and my vision has improved. I sleep six hours a night, and I am calm and happy. My family joined a food co-op. My vitality and energy have zoomed up. I work out in an adult ballet class, study flamenco, and will perform in a recital. I also rollerblade, do spin cycles, and am studying toward a rabbinical career.


I no longer have sinus infections or colds, my skin looks great, and my menstrual periods are normal.


I lost 8 pounds. I lost 2 inches off my waist line. Two percent body fat is gone. My hair and skin look better, and my eyes are clearer, and less fatigued. My hair is shinier. The redness on my face has faded.


I used to get serious sinus infections three times a year, and now I rarely do. My skin was very dry and has become very smooth. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and I hardly have any symptoms anymore. My sense of hearing has increased dramatically.


I eliminated food allergies when I eliminated wheat, dairy, and processed foods. I learned about, and now feel the benefits of, eating a healthy diet. I no longer have sinus infections or colds, my skin looks great, and my menstrual periods are normal. One major change is listening to my body. If I feel a major change, it is because I consumed something I am allergic to. The program and protocol put me on the right track.



I was able to eliminate several problems with Gary Null’s protocol in a healthy, normal way. My acne and cysts cleared up. I used to produce a lot of phlegm, and I do not now. My hands and feet are not cold. The spider veins in my legs are less apparent. The dark circles and broken blood vessels around my eyes are reduced. The intestinal bloating of the past is gone. How’s that for success?


I was slightly overweight. My symptoms were uncomfortable: skin outbreaks, cysts and eruptions on my arms, and premenstrual syndrome. These conditions did not fit into my projection of a happy future. That is why I joined a support group and learned a totally new way of life. Today, my facial skin is clear, the eruptions on my arms are gone, and the annoying sinusitis is over. It is a pleasure to be healthy. I intend to remain so.


I have so much more energy. The cysts I used to get on my back and chest are gone. I feel like I am standing taller. I feel slender. I feel great. I lost 10 pounds!


I was quite negative. This drained my energy. My skin was not clear, I had backaches, and I could not confront heavy emotional issues. I did not help myself or others. I was not certain if detoxification could help these problems, but I joined a support group. I really enjoyed and benefited from the group meetings. I became organic and vegan, and I love the lifestyle. I feel healthy, and my skin looks wonderful. The lectures and writing assignments were educational and psychologically healing. Exercise improved my back problems and energized me. I now look at life with a positive eye and can undertake world issues that will help others. I let my negativity go.


When I had the opportunity to get into Dr. Null’s program, I made the decision to do it. By the fourth month, I lost 12 pounds. I drink five glasses of organic vegetable juices a day. My family and I eat organically now. I feel things are starting to go in the right direction. My big lesson is learning to take time for myself. Now I’m learning to get out in the sun and exercise. I am learning to have patience with myself. I do attribute the weight loss to the diet, the love I have for myself, and the pride I have in what I’m doing.


Shyness, guilt, and low self-esteem were replaced with self-respect and personal control. An acne condition and weak nails have cleared. The arthritis that hampered me is 70 percent improved. I no longer need drops for dry eyes. I used to take injections two or three times a week without improvement for several allergies. I had difficulty walking in the toxic city air. These problems either diminished or are completely gone. I look 10 years younger. My facial skin is clear and healthy.


My body changed with each birthday. My skin tone was sallow, almost yellow. I had a general, daylong fatigue and would get hay fever, which drained my energy. My body could not defend itself, and I was ready to commit to change. I signed up for a support group. The protocol and meetings expanded my reasoning, thinking, and sensitivities. I am energetic; I have no more fatigue. My skin is healthy. My hay fever bouts lessened and are manageable. Uncluttering changed me emotionally. I dream less, feel well-grounded, and have released past angers with forgiveness letters, meditation, and prayer.


When I started with Gary’s support group, I was constantly tired, my hands and feet were itchy, and my skin was extremely dry. I was a smoker and experienced frequent bronchitis, a chronic cough, and I could not breathe deeply. I also had high blood pressure and sciatica in my right leg, experienced constipation, and lost my night vision. After following Gary’s protocol, I feel so much better. I have lost weight and learned to eat well and exercise, and now have much more energy. My skin has become much suppler and no longer itches. My blood pressure has decreased, and my sciatica has improved. A lot of my issues related to my smoking have eased. I am able to breathe better; I no longer get bronchitis; and my cough is gone. My eyesight and digestive issues have also improved greatly.

FRAN, 65 years old

My skin condition embarrassed me. The sagging moles and dark age spots on my body saddened me. The energy I used to enjoy decreased with age. Tests indicated high LDL and HDL levels. I watched my hair change color and noticed my mental functions decrease. The reasons for these unpleasant changes were explained to us in meetings of the support group. The foods we eat, water we drink, and thoughts we think all contribute to body malfunctions. I learned reasons for detoxification: why we need it and what we will experience as we begin. I realized I suffered from years of bad eating. Today I follow the protocol and always will. The result is a new healthy and optimistic me. Facial moles are gone, my skin is tighter and age spots faded. My attitude and body are more youthful. New hair grows in dark brown. Also my blood tests went from high risk to normal. I am full of energy and open to change without fear. The support group gave my life back to me.


I had major skin eruptions and cysts on my arms. I would get unpleasant PMS symptoms each month. Sinusitis was persistent. I wanted to lose weight and sought a sensible approach to end these symptoms without medications. I felt optimistic about Gary Null’s approach. He certainly expanded my knowledge through his radio show. I jumped at the chance to enroll in a support group. I found the detoxification aspect pleasant to follow. The spiritual lessons changed my attitude. My skin is clear and eruption-free, and the arm cysts are gone. I have no more sinusitis and my PMS symptoms are less severe. I lost 10 lbs, and I am focused and more positive. I meditate with tai chi.


My skin cleared up. It is smooth and soft now. I have more energy. My varicose veins are lightening up. I lost 10 pounds. I am down a size and a half. I feel so good exercising.



I’ve truly been blessed being here. It has truly been an experience for me. It’s not just about living the healthy lifestyle; it is understanding that the energy you portray good or bad affects not only us but the people around us. It is so clean. You can tell the difference in the way you breathe versus when I’m in New York City. You learn to connect more with who you are. You have quiet time; something you don’t always experience when you’re in the city. But this is what you experience when you come on a retreat such as this. I would encourage anyone who is looking for a different type of vacation. This is one you will truly and enjoy and come away learning more that you can even imagine.


Thyroid normalized. Carpal tunnel syndrome and cataracts gone.

I listened to Gary’s show for many years before I actualized the information. My cholesterol and blood pressure were elevated, but my primary concern was obesity: my weight was 209. I wore a size 22, and I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid, low energy, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, cataracts, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Gary explained that detoxification must precede dieting in order for the dieting to be effective. That made a lot of sense to me, so I went with the protocol.


I weigh 150 lbs and maintain it. Recent physical examinations ruled out an abnormal thyroid, carpal tunnel syndrome, and cataracts. I take lutein and blueberry capsules, and I threaded a fine needle today without difficulty. My cholesterol and blood pressure are slightly elevated but not abnormal. I have no symptoms of osteoarthritis or osteoporosis. I exercise three times a week with a senior class in a Buddhist temple. I buy organic food, and I stopped eating meat and eat fish instead. Ingredient labels shocked me. I am more aware of the unnecessary amount of salt in products. I share my new knowledge with people interested in regaining their health. I was determined to enjoy life in good health, and I do now, with great, positive energy.



I came down to Gary’s retreat feeling stressed and trying to get back on track. All I can say is what a wonderful atmosphere to de-stress. I feel like I have been helped immensely. It’s made a good impact on me, validated some things I wasn’t sure about. Coincidentally, I have a mass or tumor on my back and I didn’t really come down here for that. I had some energy work done and I can’t believe it, it seems like it has gone down at least one half. I know that sounds unbelievable but it’s unbelievable to me also. All very positive, very informative. I feel invigorated. I’m just so glad I came. I had no idea it was going to be like this and I was going to feel like this.


I went down there expecting to learn about vegan food and just to lie around like what you would expect at a resort but I gained much, much more. I had the most wonderful time. It was a life-changing experience. I was around good people, good energy, beautiful surroundings, clean water, and good food. What I gained was a lifestyle change. We had exercise, yoga, meditation in the most beautiful surroundings. I gained so much insight into how to correct things in my life. The environment was also very spiritual. We had spaces for meditation, we had yoga and art and all of those things and wonderful staff. I learned about exercise. We had a personal trainer to teach us how to do power walking. The most important thing I gained was, I went down to the retreat with a breast tumor about the size of half an orange. I didn’t tell anyone I was coming with that. And there was wonderful energy there. I noticed overnight that the tumor was at least half. I didn’t tell anyone that I had cancer when I went down there and no one there was diagnosed or treated for any disease but this is what happened when the energy work was done, I mean; just the concept of energy working like that was just phenomenal. I know a lot of people will not believe it but I’m glad I was able to witness it for myself. In addition to myself there were at least three other people who came on the retreat with similar experiences as mine and they also had the experiences of having the tumors reduced by at least half or more, overnight. That is unprecedented. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have gone to the retreat because I was given new lifestyle changes that I will incorporate into some of the things I was already doing and it’s just a wonderful thing, it’s a blessing. I would encourage anyone, even if you are healthy, to have the experience. It was wonderful.


Gary was not aware of my illness or my sickness. When I went there—the energy, the walking, communicating with other people. It just helped so much. The exercise, the yoga classes, everything was just perfect for me and for other people. It was amazing for me how people were so enthralled with what was happening. As for me, my last day there I had a hard lump under my arm, about the size of a quarter. I never expressed it to anyone, not a physician, no one. It had been there for maybe a couple of months and I’m taking a shower and I’m feeling under my arm and I’m not feeling anything. I say maybe this is not right. So I went and put more soap and I’m washing again—and when I finished I just lay down across the bed and started thanking God for what had happened. Only God knows what happened. No one else knows. I never expressed it to anyone, my condition. Not even my husband. No one. It has stayed gone. But I was so grateful to have had the opportunity to go there and see what was happening. So much energy, birds, the air, the water. It was just amazing.


Prior to seeing Gary on PBS, I never heard of him. A dark spot on my mammogram was suspicious. The specialist wanted to biopsy my breast. I objected and bought one of Gary’s books. This began a tremendous education in all areas of my life. My diet, life, and relationship with animals changed. I followed the detox in one of Gary’s books. My breast specialist was quite distressed. I soon entered a support group and followed the protocol carefully. After one year, I returned for another mammogram. The spot was gone. My blood pressure medication was lowered, and I will soon discontinue it altogether. I meditate, use yoga, power walk, exercise, and attend cardio exercise. Spirituality and self-empowerment are very effective motivators for change and self improvement. My family had an attitude shift, and we reclaimed power by home schooling our child and not returning her to the atmosphere created by 9/11. My mother went through cardiac surgery and is on the protocol. Her cardiologist is amazed with the improvement in her walking stress test, cholesterol level, and blood pressure. My husband’s hair no longer falls out and appears thicker than it was originally.

Fatty tumors gone

I had fatty tumors under my arm and on my thighs. I was overweight, with low energy and joint pain. I took pain relievers, and I was tense. I held onto past angers.


I am pain-free, and the fatty tumors are gone. I have lost 30 lbs.


Three of the tumors I once had are no more; another one has decreased in size. My skin is softer and smoother. My stomach is smaller. I feel more energetic. I exercise regularly.


Ulcerative colitis healed

Following your protocol, I had my ulcerative colitis healed. Prior to going to your retreat, I was unaware that there were people out there who could actually heal other people. My life has changed immeasurably.



I was plagued with a urinary tract infection that would not clear up. I had infections in my mouth and was tired most of the day. My skin began to look older, and my hair, weaker. I held a fast-paced job, which exhausted me, and I held on to anger from the past. I became part of an active health support group. The group energy and lectures were of great benefit. I keep to the protocol and drink juices, take supplements, and eat organic and vegan. All my infections cleared up. I am less tired, my skin improved, and my hair grows in healthier and thicker. Doing less, slowing my pace, simplifies my day. I have a positive outlook and put the past where it belongs—in the past, not in my mind.



During the program, I lost 50 lbs and many inches. My bra and shoe sizes are reduced, and I am five dress sizes smaller. My skin tone and elasticity improved, and my energy level increased. I had several haircuts in the past month. I handle stress and negativity; this increased my self-esteem. Meditation time is important, as is reading and reflection, not only at the end of the day but whenever I require it. I set future goals, focusing on solutions and personal needs. I use affirmations in the present tense during the day, accepting myself without denial. I am confident of positive solutions, without negative factors. My strengths are far greater than I once thought. I am a work in progress, and forgive, learn my lessons, and leave the garbage.


I lost 20 pounds. I have incredible energy and no exhaustion. I sleep fewer hours, but have restful sleep. I am not depressed.


I am a teacher and would get angry at my students. On the program I lost 25 pounds and have more strength and less pain. My skin is good. I can tolerate my students without anger. My new viewpoint and positive energy seems to be rubbing off on them.


I weighed 238 pounds. My cholesterol and blood pressure were elevated. I had pain in my chest, pain in my knees and ankles, and frequent heartburn. I was embarrassed by brown age spots on my skin and my eyesight was off. My weight went from 238 pounds to 188 pounds within 5 months. Blood pressure and cholesterol values were lower. I exercise one to two hours daily, meditate, and use juices and supplements with great enthusiasm. No longer do I have chest pains or heartburn. I feel energetic, less astigmatic, and my hair and nails are healthier. The support group ended but my life just began.


I have definitely enjoyed the [anti-aging] protocol. I have lost almost thirty-five pounds. I am not hungry and I feel really strong. I am much happier and more content with myself and my life in general. I have a positive attitude toward things in general. I have also been gaining more respect from my peers.


My life was sluggish. I was overweight and always tired, which caused me to sleep too long. My eyesight was impaired with floaters and there were spots on my facial skin. I became an exhausted, negative woman. I joined Gary Null’s support group and through the detoxing cleaned up my life. I lost weight and am two dress sizes smaller. I enjoy renewed energy and require less sleep. After being post-menopausal for five years, I began menstruating again. This makes me feel normal and happy. Facial spots are fading, hair is growing in healthy, eye floaters have diminished, and I have a positive attitude.


I lost 25 pounds. My hair and skin have rejuvenated. I use meditation, hypnosis, affirmations, and creative visualization to de-stress.


I lost 10 pounds.


My attitude and body transformed. I lost 83 pounds.


I lost 16 pounds and gained much more energy. My feelings of deep anger that would eventually depress me have subsided. My friends and family have all commented on the change. I am more muscular. I never thought I would love exercise but now I do!


I lost 60 pounds in 14 days. Exercise is primary on my agenda.


I carried around too much weight on my body. I was uncomfortable, with pain in my shoulder from an injury. My asthma often held me back. These problems made me angry and pessimistic. I often had temper tantrums sometimes with violence. My confidence and esteem were low. The juicing, homework, vegetarian diet, lectures, and confidence in me the people in the group showed got me through the first few weeks. I am vegan and enjoy my lifestyle now. I learned a lot about myself by answering the questions. I thought about my relationships. I lost over 35 lbs. My nose no longer runs all day, my asthma seems to be controlled, and I do not try to keep up with others. My life is uncluttered, and so is my head.


I have lost 25 pounds and have less pain from fibromyalgia and arthritis. I am mentally clearer and much more focused. I have more energy yet I sleep a lot less.


I was quite unhappy with my life. I had to lose weight and thought that was the problem. I did not feel I could accomplish much. Where was I going, not doing anything constructive? I was not sure lectures and a change of diet would help. Things were that bad, so what did I have to lose? I joined a support group. Many group participants entered that door wondering if this would work. We knew the information and teaching would be correct, but could we do it? I did it, and so did everyone else. What a change from day one to graduation. I lost 10 lbs and maintain it. I don’t feel alone, and I look forward to planning a better future. I actually feel happy and have learned to listen to my inner voice. The experience has reshaped me. I know I have self-determination, and I am wild about the protocol.


I lost weight and feel more energetic. I follow the protocol with enjoyment.


Carrying around a heavy body caused me exhaustion and fatigue. I never exercised, and I ate the typical American diet. I often had heartburn, probably from the sugar in sodas and the bad food. It took me some time to get used to drinking juices, but the explanations and respect shown to the people in the group made me enthusiastic. I began to feel the energy growing. I went with it totally: I am organic, vegan, and exercise. I run and power walk. My hair is growing in darker.I lost 20 lbs, and my digestion improved. I still follow the protocol, using the powders and supplements, and I love my new body and lifestyle. Thank you, Luanne and Gary, for helping us understand that our lives are in our hands.


I came to the program overweight, short of breath, and diabetic. I lost 29 pounds. I walk 2 miles a day without being short of breath, and my diabetes is under control.

Lost 75lbs

She weighed 300 lbs. and wore size 24–26. Although she had no diagnosed illnesses, she was exhausted, had painful varicose veins and back problems, was nauseated after meals, had bad digestion, and was lactose intolerant. She ate flesh foods and dairy. She listened to Natural Living and joined a support group.


She lost weight, going down to 225 pounds and size 18. She developed a sense of values in the group and can say no. She feels centered and empowered within her truth. She juices, uses powders, and takes supplements. She discovered a new world of health food stores. She chooses products carefully, reads labels, and does not use canned products. As a creative cook, she enjoys translating old recipes into vegan meals, using grains. She discusses the availability of this lifestyle with others. Her family acknowledges her progress. Her mother now uses supplements.


I lost 15 pounds, my skin and hair color improved.


I felt well-balanced and healthy even though I functioned in a hyperactive mode. I slept eight hours a night but awoke feeling tired. I was slightly overweight and needed good dietary and behavioral changes. What better way toward health than a Gary Null support group? I jumped right in. Detoxing brought miracles to my life. I lost weight and am now 6.2-percent body fat. I feel clean, healthy, and energetic when I awake and throughout the day. I sold my company and entered a PhD program. I created a method of teaching the trumpet. I believe these changes were manifested by uncluttering my home and life.


I was unhappy about my weight and double chin and darkening complexion. After following the protocol, my memory improved. The most wonderful difference this program gave me is seeing my body change. I lost 25 pounds and gained muscle.

Lost 100 lbs

He was 300 lbs and had high cholesterol and blood pressure. He had high hemoconiosis (abnormal hemoconia count in blood), hepatitis B, and discoloration around his eyes. He used an inhaler and had eczema, bleeding knuckles and elbows, and hemorrhoids. He felt sluggish and fatigued, and had pain with simple movements. He listened to Natural Living and joined a support group with his wife in 1999.


All the above-mentioned ailments are gone. He lost 100 lbs. He has constant energy and runs, race walks, power walks, skates, does aerobics, and trains in a gym. He lost one shoe width size. His skin and hair improved, and he needs more frequent haircuts. He has had no additional graying of his hair. He follows the protocol, juicing and using green and red powders. He creates organic vegetarian menus with his wife. He finds he easily completes tasks, and he is on a wild uncluttering spree. He does image consulting today. His children are slowly adapting to his lifestyle.



I was dissatisfied with my body. My energy was low, and I was very overweight. My acquaintances and friends were depressing me to the point of irritability. I had a fear of public speaking and did not know where to turn for guidance. I joined a health support group. Gary Null was informative on the radio, but I could not apply this information in a constructive way.


I lost 16 lbs without dieting. My increased energy made me feel young again. I need less sleep, and I find I am not distracted by other people’s petty, unimportant issues. My house was uncluttered; having fewer objects gave me space and a feeling of freedom. My toxic relationships were dismissed; my self-esteem replaced them. I learned to be the real me, healthy and vital.



I was overweight and had weak hair. My skin was wrinkling, and I had herniated disks in my neck that caused severe pain. My muscle tone was low, and I suffered from upper respiratory infections. I was always fatigued and pessimistic.


Following Gary’s protocol, I have lost 20 lbs, my hair is healthier, and I have fewer wrinkles. I have less pain from the herniated disks in my neck. My muscle tone has improved, and I no longer have head colds or sinus infections. I feel I am stronger, calmer and more positive.


I lost 35 pounds. I am no longer depressed and bloated. Pain has subsided. My back never hurts anymore.


I lost 20 pounds, my skin is smoother, my hair is shinier, and my nails are stronger. I am much stronger with much more muscle tone.


I no longer feel bloated, and my energy level has increased. I lost 20 pounds. I have packed on 5 to 7 pounds of muscle. I run three to four miles a day three to four times a week.


I have lost 25 pounds and have less pain from fibromyalgia and arthritis. I am mentally clearer and much more focused. I have more energy yet I sleep a lot less.


I have clearer thinking. I lost 11 pounds. I have more energy. My skin tone glows. My breathing is much better. My attitude towards life has improved greatly.


I decided to get my life together, lose weight and enjoy life. I just did not know how to do it. One day, Gary announced the opening of a health support group. Several people spoke about their positive changes in the group and their ongoing accomplishments. I registered, and my life is not the same. I had fibroids, painful periods and bloating. I wore a size 20 dress and could not stick to a “diet.” I was not happy spending long hours on a job I did not like. Detoxification and eliminating dairy and other allergens seemed more difficult than it actually was. I found many choices to replace the old foods. My new diet is varied and delicious. No longer do I get painful periods and bloating. I do not have fibroids, and I wear a size 10 dress. I still lose weight just eating naturally. I will not interact with negative people, and I have a job I enjoy.



I was dissatisfied with my body. My energy was low, and I was very overweight. My acquaintances and friends were depressing me to the point of irritability. I had a fear of public speaking and did not know where to turn for guidance. I joined a health support group. Gary Null was informative on the radio, but I could not apply this information in a constructive way.


I lost 16 lbs without dieting. My increased energy made me feel young again. I need less sleep, and I find I am not distracted by other people’s petty, unimportant issues. My house was uncluttered; having fewer objects gave me space and a feeling of freedom. My toxic relationships were dismissed; my self-esteem replaced them. I learned to be the real me, healthy and vital.


I was too heavy and wanted to lose weight in a healthy way. I worried about things more than they required, and I would get involved in bad relationships, without the proper tools to handle them. I joined a support group and immediately began the protocol. I lost 15lbs, and I retained this loss when the group ended. I work out three times a week and have built new muscle. I developed confidence and self esteem. Doctors do not intimidate me anymore. I no longer listen to commercial radio. I hardly watch television, but fill my time with soccer, dance lessons and I lost 15 pounds and retained this loss. I work out three times a week. 1 hardly watch television. I love running and walking.


I was afraid and confused. I was overweight and stuck in an home situation. The hours stuck in self-doubt left me with a fear being crazy. There was no one to talk to and nowhere to turn. At first [when I joined a Null self-help group and heard about the dietary changes that were being advocated] I felt “How can I give up all the food I ate my whole life?” Then I remembered how stuck I was, so I vowed to go on Gary Null’s program totally. I lost weight and became a vegetarian. My children and I thrive on the program. I will not ever again tolerate verbal abuse. I set firm boundaries. My children and I recently moved to another state and now we have a peaceful home. Uncluttering the past brought new friends into our lives.


I lost more than 60 pounds. I sleep less. My skin cleared up, and I have bladder control. I practice yoga and meditation.