
More than ever before, American women are living in a crisis. There is a perfect storm in their midst.

Job security is no longer guaranteed irrespective of a woman’s education and skills. In fact, a woman may have worked for the past thirty years, earning a respectable annual income, and suddenly find her company bringing in people who are willing to take her job for a fraction of her salary. She may find she is at a place in her life where she is being challenged to reconsider the quality of her relationships, such as with her family and friends. And she may be facing the challenges of dealing with aging parents who may be threatened with dementia, Alzheimer’s, or Parkinson’s disease. Perhaps there is no one else to care for them and the burden falls upon her shoulders.

Many women reach a point in their lives when they are at a loss after becoming aware that they never intentionally planned to become ill. Rather it was an accumulation of multiple bad choices—junk food, alcohol, stress, lack of exercise— that have taken their toll. Now she discovers she is suffering from heart disease, arthritis, cancer, or diabetes. At one time, she was able to lose weight easily. Now it requires more effort to drop pounds and very often her attempts are unsuccessful.

At one time, a woman never thought about menopause. Finally a time dawns when she experiences hot flashes, night sweats, thinning hair, and a gradual loss of libido. Even if she desires to have sex with her partner, it is more difficult to do so. She never had trouble going to sleep but now wakes up several times a night. She looks at her skin and observes sagging, wrinkles, and a loss of elasticity. All of this concerns her.

Needless to say, there are no shortages of health and emotional concerns as we age or as the effects from living a poor lifestyle reveal themselves. As troubling as these scenarios are, there is good news: I have spent the last five years collecting research on state-of-the-art nontoxic and natural therapies for preventing these health conditions, for treating disease, and for improving women’s quality of life. In the pages that follow, you will find a wealth of information, including interviews with dozens of the finest medical and alternative health minds in the country, who share their first-person wisdom, advice, and insights into how a woman can remain healthy and vibrant. An emphasis has been placed upon the more recent science of epigenetics, which essentially informs women that what they think and feel about diseases, illnesses, conditions, and healing processes in their bodies can either reduce or hurry their health conditions.

It is never too late. There is always something positive women can do.